Cannon shooting

  • Ive picked this game back up because a coworker got it for Playstation and I don't know how people do this with cannons, is there some setting im missing where it's easier to shoot and reload? Because I've tried just holding down the button and it won't auto reload after shooting once. Or is it just a rhythm thing?

  • 3
  • rhythm
    "reduce hold to interact" in the settings (for some people)

    and just a lot of experience

    some of us have literally fired a couple million cannonballs in the game over the years so even through lag/input lag etc it's still such a second nature thing that people are pretty effective at it

    You'll get there with practice, don't let it get you down.

  • Yeah like Wolf said turning on “reduce hold to interact” makes it so you don’t have to hold the button to reload cannons anymore just press it once instead.

    I’ve played with this setting on for years and I literally can not play with it turned off. It’s painful.

    As far as learning how to aim cannons, I can’t overstate how important it is to watch the smoke trails of your cannonballs and any cannonballs shot from other players or skeleton ships to know how high you should be aiming.

    On the sloop for example, the helmsman is higher up over the waves compared to the cannoneer so they should be calling out if your shots are high or low.

    Also in calm waves like around islands if you’re hitting your cannonball shots don’t lower the cannon between every shot just leave it where it is vertically and only move it horizontally.

    In rough waves the ship listing left and right can alter your cannonball trajectory a ton so it’s better to lower the cannon between every shot, study the smoke trails and make very minor adjustments because you could be right on but the waves made you shoot higher or lower so if you don’t readjust your next shot or two will likely hit.

    Cannons are really about feel especially out in the open ocean where the waves are ridiculous all the time. I wish we had dynamic seas that fluctuated from calm to rough and everything in between.

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