hangin on the skelly bone commendation ???

  • could someone tell me how to do this commendation everytime i hang for the ship im getting one blundered off by the skellies ive tried sneaking as a chest and barrel to the ledge but with in seconds im blasted off???

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  • Hello! Burning Blade. Run to the very front. Have all skeletons follow. Eliminate most and jump down to the canon area where the hang spot is before they see you.

  • It's probably broken if they're still attacking you while hanging if you were hidden or didn't aggro. Best bet might be to fire a few lure darts and get them distracted, then try to hang for as long as possible.

  • ah never thought abt the burning blade will give that a try thanks

  • i tried the lure dart but once it runs out they just shoot me off

  • Firebombs and bone callers?

  • @promotordj that doesn’t work. They just respawn in that area

  • @xn1ghtxk1ngx It does work. I killed all the skeletons near the bowsprit and jumped down quickly to the canon hang spot. And there I sat, hanging. Skeletons respawned, but they didn’t react to me at all. I got to Grade V with no issue. Skeletons never blundered me off or interacted with me.

  • @promotordj burning blade did not count for me.

  • @mistress-ani-99 Was it unclaimed or claimed? I jumped on an unclaimed Burning Blade and it counted for me

  • Lure Dart and hang. Idk they never attacked even afterwards.
    THOUGH...the darn ship decided to 'despawn' dive away.....

  • I was hanging off a skeleton world event ship for a long time and when I fell it gave me 0 credit. My brother who just did it got credit but I didn’t which didn’t make any sense. The tracker seems to be broken if someone else from the same crew does it on the same ship before you do.

  • @mrmetmrzep2087 said in hangin on the skelly bone commendation ???:

    I was hanging off a skeleton world event ship for a long time and when I fell it gave me 0 credit. My brother who just did it got credit but I didn’t which didn’t make any sense. The tracker seems to be broken if someone else from the same crew does it on the same ship before you do.

    The tracker seems to be a bit inconsistent alright. I did two roaming skelly ships. First one got me to 100, the second one was a lot longer and it only gave me another 13.

  • @mrmetmrzep2087 said in hangin on the skelly bone commendation ???:

    I was hanging off a skeleton world event ship for a long time and when I fell it gave me 0 credit. My brother who just did it got credit but I didn’t which didn’t make any sense. The tracker seems to be broken if someone else from the same crew does it on the same ship before you do.

    Pretty sure getting kicked off won't count. Gotta jump back on the boat for credit (which can be tough to do because the skellies keep targeting a lot)

    The first few I wasn't getting any or much credit because I kept getting shot off.

    Then I parked my sloop next to the big rock that the fleets circle and rode a skelly galleon around while they focused on my ship and got all 5 grades in one lap. Even got back in time to repair my ship, it went that fast.

    I would board once in a while on player ships too, to lock in distance.

  • Killing all the skeletons wielding a blunderbuss before hanging off and when one spawns hop back on, kill it then go back to hanging from the ledge.

  • Yes the counter is off, but this is the easiest one if you do it the right way. Just collect bone callers, dive for a skelly fleet voyage, and use lure darts and bone callers. It took me just 10 mins to complete it.

  • For me it's not the normal skellies its the mf in the crows nest with the sniper that tags me 3 seconds after I start the hang. Can't even remove him cause he just respawns instantly.

    On top of that the commendation seems to be broken, cause all the different times I've done it haven't progressed it at all.

  • I dove to 5 different fleets, jumped on, lure darted, hid and i'm at 13??? just to be blundered off or sniped from the crows nest. This is infuriating

  • Hi, I have s different problem. I get on the skelly ship I shoot 2 lure darts on the mast and start hanging right away. I was hanging from the ship for 5 minutes but it is not counting. I tried multiple times on multiple days. And it keeps saying 3/100 for the grade1. Not tracking the progress. Thanks for help if anyone knows what to do.

  • Seems bugged, if you hang then climb back up it seems to go up an entire level. Lather rinse repeat

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