I'm so tired of the Ashen Lost Shipment voyage not spawning the shipwreck or the key

  • This bug has plagued this voyage probably since its inception and completely wastes your time when it happens. I haven't even seen Rare acknowledge the issue. There is nothing more frustrating than spending 20+ minutes doing a voyage only for it to not work at the end. I just had two in a row where the shipwreck didn't spawn and basically wasted an hour of my time. I know the bug has been reported multiple times, but nobody cares. It's so aggravating.

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  • This bug has plagued this voyage probably since its inception and completely wastes your time when it happens.

    How often does it happen? I love this voyage and never once found/not found the shipwreck or Key.
    Sometimes the "Bug" is a simple as...You just over looked it.

    I haven't even seen Rare acknowledge the issue.

    Maybe because..it isn't? Possible?
    Have you sent a Support Ticket?

    I know the bug has been reported multiple times, but nobody cares.


  • @burnbacon I know your comment isn't in good faith since you're a troll who constantly plays devil's advocate, but I'll answer anyways.

    I don't have a percentage, but it's quite common. This is the only voyage I do to level up merchants, so I'm well familiar with it and know it's a bug. I can almost always find the key, but the shipwreck not spawning is the main issue.

    Yes I've submitted a support ticket.

    Look it up online. There are plenty of other people complaining about the bug and have made tickets themselves.

  • @bkb

    I know your comment isn't in good faith since you're a troll who constantly plays devil's advocate, but I'll answer anyways.

    I dont see how my reply is not good faith, I asked questions to better understand. And if you believe Im being a troll, feel free to report me. I better to be sure.

    I don't have a percentage, but it's quite common.

    How common? Every other, Every 5?

    This is the only voyage I do to level up merchants, so I'm well familiar with it and know it's a bug

    So do many others, and myself. Yet I have yet to encounter this very Bug you speak of. So more info is required to fully understand, what your doing differently.

    I can almost always find the key, but the shipwreck not spawning is the main issue.

    Its one of those things that is always over looked.

    Look it up online. There are plenty of other people complaining about the bug and have made tickets themselves.

    People complain about little things and expect just because you see 5 posts of it, makes it "Major"
    As said, I do them myself, my crew and others I've spoken. Never had an issue.

    So again, I have to ask. What are you doing differently. (Heck just right now to finish Community weekend. Done 25 of them just to finish commendations and found all Keys and Shipwrecks. Even finished from two server merges.

    So more information is required. More likely, players just can't find the seagulls or give up to soon and instantly claim Bug.
    But hey...what do I know, Im a troll it seems. Trying to help.

  • @burnbacon Just go through your comments, and you disagree with almost everyone. You even defended people who go to Fetcher's Rest or wtvr island that is where it's impossible to get sunk if they harpoon their boat in a specific spot and wait to be invaded in hourglass. Some of your comments are wild. I'm not the only one who's said this about you either. Perhaps I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard to.

    Yes, actually. I would say it happens every 5. I can't even recall a session of leveling merchant's emissary where I didn't run into that issue.

    No idea what I'm doing differently. Usually I go to the end location as soon as I find the key. But it even happens if I finish every portion of the quest. I've traveled in circles around the final outposts many times trying to find the birds. The first time it happened I legitimately sailed around for 40 minutes and even tried looking up the locations on RareThief before I learned they weren't regular shipwrecks. It's not like I just gave up as soon as I couldn't find them once and called it a bug. It's something that's been a reoccurring thing. Are you sure you're doing ashen lost shipments and not just the normal ones? Perhaps playing solo can affect it?

  • Disagreements aren’t personal attacks.

  • Also some islands have problems spawning the wrecks, so the wreck will be there, but not in the most logical place. Widen your search perimeter and you will find it. Also the birds are very difficult to spot in the ash region (Devils Roar) (and in The Wilds) mainly because of the darker environment.

    And the keys... i have so many times missed them because of the waves and the sun glitter. Usually i have to go back to the fist place of interest and there it is still floating. Keys found on islands can sometimes be partly in the sand, but they are there at the same place as the loot.

  • The Ashen ones have always worked for me. The only one that will consistently break seems to be the shipwreck near Galleons Grave, coming either from the south or west.

    I don't think the bug is related to the actual routes, something else is causing the spawn to break but without knowing how they determine placement or what influences it, it's hard to speculate.

  • Sometimes it gets bugged for me too. Key is probably stuck in geometry/environment. In rocks, trees or buried just below the surface.
    The shipwreck not spawning, only giving a floating manifest at the final destination is annoying.
    But sometimes the ship log clue is mentioning a maelstrom tearing the ship apart. Which means it would make sense that there is no shipwreck left for you to loot, on that specific voyage that mentions a maelstrom.

    But I have had the shipwrecks be completely gone without the voyage mentioning a maelstrom plenty of times too. Maybe the voyage got bugged initially, being conflicted by the fact that there is a maelstrom option to the voyage not spawning a shipwreck.

    I wish they would just remove the maelstrom option all together, especially if that is what's interfering, causing the non-maelstrom voyages to be bugged.
    No other voyages have a chance of being trolled and left empty handed after completing it. So why does the Merchants have it?
    Sure, it is realistic, but Sea of Thieves is not about realism.

    It's like making World events have a percentage chance of giving zero loot after completing them, or gold hoarders x-marks the spot quests have megakegs in the dig spots, or the Trophy Forsaken Devilfish wiggling out of your hands after a 2-hour fishing session.

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