Bans should stop being permanent

  • I have noticed that in this game you are permanently banned from different sections for any nonsense and without prior notice, not even a warning to warn you that you are doing things wrong. In addition to the fact that they will never justify the ban and simply the support will always be closed before an appeal.
    Unfortunately, these abusive policies only generate an overwhelming generation of multi-accounts to bypass the ban (which is prohibited (but who cares if you are banned)).
    That is why I come to propose a change and that the bans (using as an example those for bad behavior), are only temporary, since we have to take into account that behind those accounts there is a person who will not always be the same over time, and who in the future will be someone civilized.
    In my case, they banned me from not being able to have personalized ship names because they were allegedly offensive.

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  • a gamepass live service game with low retention probably just doesn't justify the support resources to them.

    Do I think people should face the consequences (if they indeed did some wrong) and then have a clear and consistent path back to full access? absolutely, unless it was so severe that it's best to just cut all ties.

    but it ain't my show.

  • As your post goes against the Forum Rules, it will be locked.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions

    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    If the person involved wants more information or to appeal then they would need to contact Support as it is not something that can be discussed on the Forums.

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