Safer Seas has not gone far enough

  • The newest improvements to safer seas don't really achieve what Rare is going for with this mode. It's not going to lure in longtime players because it's still far too restrictive, and it doesn't properly teach players the basic ropes of the game. There is no pvp voyage on safer seas that teachers' players how to pvp effectively. Chances are if you're a new player you're not going to have any better chances at pvp then if u did play safer seas or if you didn't. This is because fundamentally the game doesn't actually teach you the important tips and tricks to actually do well in pvp or sail effectively for that matter. It also doesn't let you practice or experience certain world events that will definitely affect your sessions. If you're a new player doing camps in sea of thieves, you will most definitely encounter the burning blade at some point and chances are you're not going to know how to deal with it and you will be sunk. This leaves the player feeling defeated and deflated as their ship scuttles back to a nearby island or outpost. I get that the burning blade is meant to be a pvp world event but so are all of the other world events in the game. They put up a big cloud or beacon in the sky and lure everyone in the server over to where they are. Why is the Fort of the Damned locked away from safer seas? Because the loot is different? well change the loot pool to match the purpose of safer seas. The same thing can be said for the Burning Blade world event and Legend of the Veil. The loot can be changed to match more appropriate loot for safer seas. The Burning Blade emissary can be removed since there not allowed on safer seas and the restriction to sell to reapers can be lifted. Alot of Reapers do pve voyages and stuff and sell it to reapers without any pvp contact at all. The restriction to Athena's fortune is also pointless because it is basically the reward for grinding to level 50 in 3 factions. If your worried about taking people away from high seas don't. Players who love high seas will still continue to play it but remove all world event restrictions from safer seas. Change them for safer seas to match the loot pool that's available. This would allow new players to experience and practice for world events they will encounter and not know how to do. If you want safer seas to be the perfect onboarding experience, then you must make these changes. This isn't me demanding anything from Rare it's me speaking the truth and what the community has been wanting for years. I'll actually throw out a much better replacement and alternative to safer seas and its one that's been worked on for years. That alternative is custom servers. Custom servers have no progression or gold, but you're not limited in the events you can partake in. You can even invite other crews to battle and play with you. This means that you can have fun and take full advantage of that sandbox and practice pvp with friends. These have been only made available to certain individuals but rare did have a plan at one point to put them in the pirate emporium. This was years ago, and no progress has been made on this since. This in my opinion is a huge mistake and we as a community should be clamoring for these custom servers to make their way into the main game. Take it further Rare and modify these custom servers to function like Halo custom games. You have complete access to modifying the server. Imagine spawning loot items, world events, bosses, modifying your health, your jump height, size of your player, combining existing content to make your own world events. The content of SoT is even a lot richer now and these custom servers with these modifications would have the game see a boom it hasn't seen before. New players can learn the game with friends and jump in still, but you also have players from high seas that might want to relax for a bit and mess around with the sandbox without restrictions. Remove gold and progression and have this be a game mode that truly allows players to go crazy with the content you have created. Imagine the excitement the community would have with each new update allowing for even more craziness to happen inside of these party like wild west custom servers. Content creators would also have an easier time making content and pitching voyage ideas to the team at rare. You would see Sea of Thieves achieve heights it hasn't before and a game mode like that would truly keep players like me and the rest of the community busy all season long. Replace safer seas, label it the tutorial over the maiden voyage, etc. it's up to you Rare but no doubt there is a lot of value in implementing the custom servers I mentioned and it's an addition that would truly allow us to experience the sandbox in ways that would just make the high seas experience unstable. You could even label the mode as experimental and let people know you will experience bugs and glitches in this experience because after all it would be giving players the keys to the kingdom. Cheaters are already doing some of this stuff so maybe this game mode would sway them to this experience over the high seas experience. You can even put these custom servers in the emporium or part of a subscription service. I would gladly pay 20$ for custom server access if they allowed us the freedom that I have discussed.

  • 33
  • High seas is all mindset/outlook/personality.

    That's why safer seas (or any other mode) will always be pretty irrelevant as far as high seas goes.

    Happiest people I know in this game lose most of their fights.

    High seas requires very little but it will spoil expectations, expectations are not compatible with thousands of random experiences with random people in random scenarios.

    Make the best out of the good and minimize the damage done from the bad and people are happy.

    Keep a good vibe on the boat and crew and people are happy.

    Avoid expectations of outcome and encounters and people are happy.

    In the end, it's as chill or as complicated as people decide to make it.

    P.S. stay the heck away from the fomo in this game, it'll sting ya and make it less enjoyable.

  • It's not going to lure in longtime players because it's still far too restrictive

    Not really suppose to for the "Vets" or longtime players.
    It strictly more for the Newbie, Family or hard at learning players who need longer time.

    and it doesn't properly teach players the basic ropes of the game.

    It more self learning at ones own pace.
    You Learn: About the different world events, Factions, Gold Rep, Sail the ship and simply Tall Tales.
    Again, it more about self exploring.

    There is no pvp voyage on safer seas that teachers' players how to pvp effectively

    Closest thing is skeleton Ships & Skeleton npc. There is no fine way to prepare you for Player vs player. Everyone plays different.

    If you're a new player doing camps in sea of thieves, you will most definitely encounter the burning blade at some point and chances are you're not going to know how to deal with it and you will be sunk.

    Rough waters, everyone was in the same boat. The best experience is being sunk and learn from failure. (Which a lot of people now days can't accept)

    Why is the Fort of the Damned locked away from safer seas? meant as a PvP self starting World event.

    The same thing can be said for the Burning Blade world event and Legend of the Veil.

    Same as above.

    Alot of Reapers do pve voyages and stuff and sell it to reapers without any pvp contact at all

    and that is a shame...

    Change them for safer seas to match the loot pool that's available. This would allow new players to experience and practice for world events they will encounter

    If that is the case, Have random Skeleton ships spawn up on players and attack them. they gonna experience a REAL World Event with players suddenly attacking.

    This isn't me demanding anything from Rare it's me speaking the truth and what the community has been wanting for years

    shrugs Sounds like both. And only a small percent of the playerbase have said this. Players want a PvE server...from a PvPvE game.

    alternative is custom servers.

    Which they have stated is a work in progress. Last I heard or seen any hint of was they added "wheels" to islands to control certain things. Full control over the server, BUT it would become a paid for service or something.

  • @burnbacon I feel like largely you just proved a lot of my points. Just because the burning blade moves on water doesn't mean it's any different than any other world event. Theirs been quite a few times where it does remain uncontested so pvp is not inherently guaranteed in the event and is not necessary for the event to work. The event should be available in safer seas for the reasons I said with the improvements that I said as well. The original sea of thieves event the skeleton fort is available in safer seas and that is a pvp world event. Ships will show up and you will engage in pvp just like the burning blade, yet one is only available in safer seas. The same thing with the fort of the damned. It's a reskinned skeleton fort where all they have to do to make it work on safer seas is change the chest of legends to something else and modify the loot pool to match safer seas. They have put themselves in this weird situation with the wording and meaning behind safer seas meanwhile for 6 years myself and a lot of people in the community have been waiting for the better replacement aka custom servers. People should be allowed to have fun with the sandbox in their spare time and I don't get why people like to defend restricting people from certain world events. It alienates new players and angers long time players like myself. I have 1400 hours in the game, and I test on insiders. I only want what is best for the game and having custom servers that function like Halo custom games would only serve to enrich the game and drive it to new heights it just won't see without them. This isn't about pve servers thats why I said turn off progression and gold. Besides why would pve servers be bad if progression and gold were turned off but again thats not what im advocating for. Clearly safer seas is not achieving the goal they have set out and members of the community have voiced their concerns and critiques of the mode. Safer seas is just fine right now but it could be replaced with a mode that does so much more. Custom servers would never replace high seas because progression and gold are turned off so it wouldn't harm the game at all. Besides like the idea of safer seas means their position on pve has pivoted a little bit. They realize that it's better to offer alternatives to players instead of forcing all of us into pvp. I also enjoy pvp as well I have quite a bit of time in hourglass but sometimes you just want to experience the sandbox without other players and experiment with the game beyond what would be allowed in custom servers. Halo has this in spades, and it has only enriched the experience.

  • @wolfmanbush I've played the game for 6 years got currently 1400 hours in it so trust me I definitely stay away from fomo. Regardless of High seas I still feel like the sandbox experience I mentioned with custom servers still should be something that is offered because at the end of the day we all want to have a good time in sea of thieves. What better way to do that than create your own world event, spawn bosses, alter player health, fly around the map, spawn loot items, etc. With no progression enabled and no gold earned this modes core focus would be sandbox fun which would be a far more meaningful addition to the game than safer seas. If we're going to have separate game modes in the game, they should still be somewhat prevalent additions. Nothing will ever replace that core high seas experience and thats not the goal of this. The goal of this is whacky, unpredictable, sandbox fun with your friends without the focus on gold and rep.

  • @jpskywalker9332 said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @wolfmanbush I've played the game for 6 years got currently 1400 hours in it so trust me I definitely stay away from fomo. Regardless of High seas I still feel like the sandbox experience I mentioned with custom servers still should be something that is offered because at the end of the day we all want to have a good time in sea of thieves. What better way to do that than create your own world event, spawn bosses, alter player health, fly around the map, spawn loot items, etc. With no progression enabled and no gold earned this modes core focus would be sandbox fun which would be a far more meaningful addition to the game than safer seas. If we're going to have separate game modes in the game, they should still be somewhat prevalent additions. Nothing will ever replace that core high seas experience and thats not the goal of this. The goal of this is whacky, unpredictable, sandbox fun with your friends without the focus on gold and rep.

    I don't think it's a bad idea I just don't think it'll ever be anything realistic in SoT. I don't think the performance is there or will ever be there for SoT.

    I look at things as "What exists? and what is a productive way to navigate through what exists" when the topic is something that might be years out, or will never even become a thing.

    There is one SoT message that has remained true all along the way. This high seas experience is what people make it. People can do well on that for quite some time, and when it's no longer something that works, it's time to call it quits.

    People often wait for help that is never really gonna show up, or it'll show up long after they've burnt out. Whether that custom servers or SoT 2 or something about cheating or server performance etc.

    Best way to high seas is to seize the day and make the best outta it, then quit when fun is no longer a realistic goal.

  • @wolfmanbush I can see where you're coming from. I mean in 2020 the idea of safer seas even seemed so far out. The community however gave the appropriate feedback and Rare being the great dev team they are adjusted accordingly and gave us that mode. A year later after people had voiced concerns and feedback the mode was then changed again to be a bit more worthwhile. I feel like the sky is the limit for Sea of Thieves and I have stuck around since launch because I've always seen the potential this game has. The art style combined with that rich world had created one of the best games I had ever played along with the limitless potential you could have in any given session. That would only remain true later and the journalists and outlets that labeled sot a barren wasteland were proven wrong and it's become one of the best success stories in gaming that not enough people talk about. There is no alternative for Sea of Thieves for me. I also don't want there to be. I will play the game until they shut the servers off and even then, I hope the experience is at least preserved in a fun way for us to experience it. This season hasn't been the best but judging by what the devs have teased for season 15 I feel like we're in for one of the best seasons the game has ever seen. The fun for the game is what we make of it both in the game and out of it. We have to speak up and rally as a community to get must needed features that need to be added to the game. It might take some time but fortunately that's something we all have in spades. Enjoy the waves and I hope your next session is surprised by an appearance from the elusive shrouded ghost.

  • I got a hot take that'll get people looking at me cross-eyed. Safer Seas should be an exact 1 : 1 copy of High Seas. Plain and Simple. When this game first came out, it was plagued with endless cheaters that made the experience horrendous. That first year and a half was utter trash, sure it had a lot of great memories and first time experiences, but cheaters and hackers ruined it so very quickly, that I quit playing, returning only for some major updates because of interest, curiosity, and fomo. That was 2018/19.

    We're in 2024, and the cheating is still going on. Sure, it appears "slightly" less than it did in the earlier years, but the game is also 6 years older, with a fraction of it's original playerbase. I want to attain pirate lord, but not at the cost of my peace or sanity. I want to experience the games world events since the last time I think I partook was the Thrones event, but I can't stand putting in time, effort, and work just to get blasted by some cheater ship hidden behind a island, with their shots or cannons that have more pin point accuracy than our U.S Artillery cannons, it's b0nkers.

    Yes, it's a PvEvP game, but when you open the door to PvP, you invite people who have no shame or care to play the game fairly. I shouldn't be penalized by choosing a mode with no players when the risk vs reward gamble is skewed. So make it 1 : 1, You can leave out the reaper faction if that makes em happy, but for those that want to hunt other players can continue to play High Seas, and those that want to play the game without social interaction or the risk of encountering cheating can still be rewarded for their efforts.

  • Rare have defined what safer seas is by now, and want it to be where you learn the basics and get a grasp of the voyage system, tall tales, and learning the world map.

    PvE combat is a stepping stone before upping the skill level to fight against other players. More importantly, failure is the greatest teacher; players have to learn to sink and be killed to get better. If they give up immediately, then they’ll never know their potential.

  • @dyzfunktunal said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    I got a hot take that'll get people looking at me cross-eyed. Safer Seas should be an exact 1 : 1 copy of High Seas. Plain and Simple.

    So you think that if a game offers multiple difficulty layers, they should give the same exact reward with 0 incentive or reason to take more risks?

    those that want to play the game without social interaction or the risk of encountering cheating can still be rewarded for their efforts.

    And they are still being rewarded, now more than ever with the 1:1 gold ratio.
    Those who choose to take more risks and to encounter other players are being rewarded more, simple as that. People has got to stop envying other people's reward if they refuse to take the same risk and face the same challenges. Plain and simple, if you will.

  • @tesiccl

    I mean they have and then they have been kind of wishy washy with their wording with it. If it was just meant to be a learning tool, then why go back on the gold situation and now make that 100%. I feel like that's a clear sign of them pivoting from the position they once had on safer seas. Besides that, was only one part of my argument but I think your response is fair. It's just imo it's not really a great learning tool and a proper onboarding experience. If you're going to have game modes on your menu screen, I feel like those additions need to be substantial. Which is why I feel like revamped custom servers with no gold and progression would be much better for the community overall. It would allow content creators to make content they could only dream of in high seas. It would allow us to spawn items, loot, world events, npc's, alter health and player parameters, etc. Functioning like custom games in halo where the purpose is relaxing and having fun with all of the voyages and events that sea of thieves has to offer. Even making new experiences that wouldn't be possible on high seas because of balancing, server issues, etc. It would basically solve a lot of issues all at once if done properly. Not to mention what it could do for Rare if it's placed in the emporium as part of some subscription or just available in there in general.
  • @bloodybil said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    So you think that if a game offers multiple difficulty layers, they should give the same exact reward with 0 incentive or reason to take more risks?

    Maybe my point wasn't clear, or maybe you are only looking at a part of my point, and choosing to ignore the rest. The cheaters have their fingers on the scales, it's not a "risk" at that point, it's a blatant hindrance. The risk vs reward balance is skewed because of cheaters. So unless a 'scorched earth' policy is going to be enforced actively and aggressively against them, your statement of "you need to take risks to get somewhere" becomes invalid.

    And they are still being rewarded, now more than ever with the 1:1 gold ratio.
    Those who choose to take more risks and to encounter other players are being rewarded more, simple as that. People has got to stop envying other people's reward if they refuse to take the same risk and face the same challenges. Plain and simple, if you will.

    Gold gets you nowhere when you can't progress to the high enough levels to spend it. Gold gets you nowhere when you can't take your own captaincy ship into SS. So no, it is not being rewarded with a 1:1, it's being a rewarded 1:1/2. Again with the "take risk, be rewarded more", the risk should only be, other players, not other "cheating" players. That's my argumentative point, cheatings still prevalent, and it skews the reward column. Encountering cheating should never be just a "risk" you take when playing a game.

    There's no "envy" here, you got your lord because you suffered cheaters and hackers, but why should everyone else be forced to suffer the same interactions of terrible players just to have the same title? People have got to stop thinking that simply because they suffered during a portion of the game when cheaters or content were crummy, that everyone who follows must endure the same crummy experience.

  • @dyzfunktunal said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @bloodybil said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    So you think that if a game offers multiple difficulty layers, they should give the same exact reward with 0 incentive or reason to take more risks?

    Maybe my point wasn't clear, or maybe you are only looking at a part of my point, and choosing to ignore the rest. The cheaters have their fingers on the scales, it's not a "risk" at that point, it's a blatant hindrance. The risk vs reward balance is skewed because of cheaters. So unless a 'scorched earth' policy is going to be enforced actively and aggressively against them, your statement of "you need to take risks to get somewhere" becomes invalid.

    Risk is risk. Taking a chance to encounter other players, cheaters or not makes the game harder and reward more.

    And they are still being rewarded, now more than ever with the 1:1 gold ratio.
    Those who choose to take more risks and to encounter other players are being rewarded more, simple as that. People has got to stop envying other people's reward if they refuse to take the same risk and face the same challenges. Plain and simple, if you will.

    Gold gets you nowhere when you can't progress to the high enough levels to spend it. Gold gets you nowhere when you can't take your own captaincy ship into SS. So no, it is not being rewarded with a 1:1, it's being a rewarded 1:1/2. Again with the "take risk, be rewarded more", the risk should only be, other players, not other "cheating" players. That's my argumentative point, cheatings still prevalent, and it skews the reward column. Encountering cheating should never be just a "risk" you take when playing a game.

    False, there is plenty of cosmetics of all kind you can get access in the game via achievements and commendation that you can buy at any rep level, captaincy doesn't prevent you from playing the game none. Not an excuse.

    There isn't a cheater under every rock of every island, and your phobia doesn't change that.

    There's no "envy" here, you got your lord because you suffered cheaters and hackers, but why should everyone else be forced to suffer the same interactions of terrible players just to have the same title? People have got to stop thinking that simply because they suffered during a portion of the game when cheaters or content were crummy, that everyone who follows must endure the same crummy experience.

    There is absolutely envy, people don't want to add extra challenge but feel they deserve the extra reward. Earn your rewards the same way everybody else, simple as that. And that's coming from someone who plays both seas and can understand and accept the pros and cons of each.

  • @dyzfunktunal "Cheaters and hackers" as you say, should not dictate the way we play the game. If you encounter anyone that you think has violated the Code of Conduct report them, that is the only way that we players do our bit.

    Don't let a few rotten apples spoil it for the whole bunch!

  • @jpskywalker9332 they clearly defined things in their latest changes video about how they perceive Safer Seas. They may change some other things in the future but I think it’s obvious they want player interaction and that being via high seas so shenanigans and mischief can get caused, and everyone has a fun time doing so.

  • I think I might know the solution to this one.

    Safe Seas -> High Seas

    Time to make the move!

  • I think 'safer seas' is like driving around in Gran Turismo with no other cars on the track. Sure you can put in a good lap time without distractions, but you will not do good in real race against real players....and the whole point of Gran Turismo is racing against other cars. You are missing out on the excitement of overtaking other cars and win.
    Then 'safer seas' drivers go to an online race and spin out and immediately leave the race. You only get better by keep playing PvP.
    Sure you can run around on empty tracks or go against AI but enjoyment is severely capped. The only reason safer seas does exist is because probably many players spend real money on cosmetics in
    SOT has a huge map...if you pay attention you can play hours without any PvP interaction. If i am on an island doing stuff and i see another ship, i get excited. Either to have a little PvP or because of the fear of loosing loot and i need to put together an escape plan. Either way PvP is the reason this game is good.

  • First of all, there are cheaters in EVERY game. Sea of Thieves is no different. With that said, it's been a while since my friends and I have encountered one (knock on wood), but we will eventually, and we'll handle it like we have always done before: record and report.

    When I was new to the game, if you had me try and find an Athena chest on Thieves Haven, Old Faithful, or out in the roar, I'd be 100% lost. I used to sink to skeleton sloops when I was new to the game, so handling the last fight of LotV would've been impossible for me. Also, it used to take me 10min or so to just to find the island I was looking for, comparing each one to the one I needed to sail to. Sometimes while I was looking for this island, I'd end up getting sunk. Safer Seas would've been a blessing for me when I was new so I could learn the basic fundamentals of the game before engaging with other players. LotV and FotD wouldn't be helpful teachers for me, as I wouldn't know where to sail to, get confused by some of the quests, and I'd learn that you don't need to be vigilant doing FotD. I wasn't prepared for a lot of things in the game, and got sunk everyday. And you know what? That's okay, because I was new at the time, didn't have Safer Seas to help me learn this stuff before making the jump. Sure I felt defeated and deflated, it happens in every game when you're new, yet you don't see me screaming at WoW to change their game so I can mythic raid solo and get the best gear/weapons/mounts in the game.

    "Imagine the excitement the community would have with each new update allowing for even more craziness to happen inside of these party like wild west custom servers.", what would be the point of Adventure mode then? Content creators would also get inundated with accusations of "paid actors" and the like, something I don't think they want.

    Not sure what "freedom" you're willing to pay $20/month for to be honest. If I was on one of these private servers, it would make the game pointless. There'd be no thrill or excitement doing FotD since no one can come along to challenge you. There's also been times when I've met friends on the same server I'm on, and TDMing against them won't make me better at pvp overall. It'll only make me better against them/their style. Having a mix of random player's styles on Adventure, is how you get better at pvp.

    Having custom servers will make the game pointless, wouldn't help players get better at organic pvp (only against their friends), and would take the thrill out of a lot of events.

  • @dyzfunktunal This mindset is why the game will never get better. This game is good only because its PVPVE. Having the option to take that completely away kills the entire point of the game and what makes seas of thieves unique.

    You have players that quest and players that hunt other ships. That's what makes the game good.

    [mod edit]

    Also I wonder if it is actually "cheaters" or if you're just not practicing PVP as much as you should. Ive been on this game for 5 years. Never once ran into a cheater.

  • @gc-toxics-br Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @wolfmanbush Higb sea is becoming one sided unless you avoid them the people who know how to make the game lag in thier favor will control the server... people who make themselves teleport around the decks of ships and up the sides of ladders are the ones who basically control high seas..

    At this point there is no fair or legitimate pvp in sea of thieves anymore... I would like there to be but cheaters and lag exploiters own the game so for new people coming in or returning players they will find themselves overwhelmed by these players and will just eventually leave the game

  • @gc-toxics-br can't have good pvp if pvp is never fair though... the person who uses lags the best wins right now.... the game is basically GTA online public lobbies it belongs to the cheaters...

    Rare either has to make the public lobbies fair again... or start rolling out full pve servers... but something with the game needs massive change because pvp is no longer about skill

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @wolfmanbush Higb sea is becoming one sided unless you avoid them the people who know how to make the game lag in thier favor will control the server... people who make themselves teleport around the decks of ships and up the sides of ladders are the ones who basically control high seas..

    At this point there is no fair or legitimate pvp in sea of thieves anymore... I would like there to be but cheaters and lag exploiters own the game so for new people coming in or returning players they will find themselves overwhelmed by these players and will just eventually leave the game

    I just focus on the long game.

    I lost a chunk of my gilded today. Duo sloop chopped me at mid range with the first 2 shots, deck shot with the 3rd and had bonecallers on my sloop before they even landed, lol.

    Later on got camped by a galleon for quite some time before I scuttled.

    Just how it goes. I keep it civil and just move forward, like I've done the entire time I've played.

    High seas is just about moving forward when it isn't fun anymore and enjoying the times when it is fun and/or rewarding.

    In my view it's on me to make decisions that keep out the discouraging vibes, keep out the conflict and the drama, keep out self made obstacles. Nobody is gonna do that for me, I gotta do it consistently.

    It all gets pretty easy when the the priority becomes getting away from the stuff that feels like poison and gravitating towards stuff that feels like something healthier and more productive.

    High seas isn't about performance or outcome in a fight, it's just about getting through it in a way where the fight ends when the outcome occurs. Then new stuff has a better chance of being a good time.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @gc-toxics-br can't have good pvp if pvp is never fair though... the person who uses lags the best wins right now.... the game is basically GTA online public lobbies it belongs to the cheaters...

    Rare either has to make the public lobbies fair again... or start rolling out full pve servers... but something with the game needs massive change because pvp is no longer about skill

    Cheaters affect everyone. The solution to mitigating cheating isn’t to open servers that not everyone will play on. How does opening PvE servers help me? I will never log into them, so your solution does nothing for me or others who have zero interest in a PvE server.

    Also, I find your assessment to be a bit exaggerated. I did 6 hourglass matches yesterday and there was no apparent cheating. I’m thinking maybe a wave of bans might have gone out recently because a month ago cheaters were abundant.

    Cheating needs to be stopped for everyone, not just players who don’t like PvP.

  • Your argument is because you choose not to use something it's not a valid solution... other pvpve games have invite only lobbies and Rockstar has moved thier content to private servers that use to not be there so players can avoid cheaters... and like Sea of thieves thier games are sandbox pvpve games.

    If you choose never to use private ervers to avoid cheaters then that's a personal choice on your end to stay in cheater filled servers. Then join a private server that allows pvp or start one...there you go you have normal pvp servers and your problem is solved

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    Your argument is because you choose not to use something it's not a valid solution... other pvpve games have invite only lobbies and Rockstar has moved thier content to private servers that use to not be there so players can avoid cheaters... and like Sea of thieves thier games are sandbox pvpve games.

    If you choose never to use private ervers to avoid cheaters then that's a personal choice on your end to stay in cheater filled servers. Then join a private server that allows pvp or start one...there you go you have normal pvp servers and your problem is solved

    So again your plan to mitigate cheating isn’t for everyone, but rather those who choose to play on hypothetical private servers. How about we work on fixing the cheating problem for everyone?

    You also keep associating cheating with PvP. Cheating isn’t limited to PvP.

    And let me point out again that your assessment of cheating is exaggerated. According to you, every fight is determined by “lag hacks” or whatever. How is it that I’m not experiencing lag hacks during my sessions?

    You want PvE servers, we get it.

  • @capt-greldik name one cheat...not exploit...but actual cheat that's used for pve... there isn't one

    Also Rare hasn't been able to fix cheating for this game and people out there still have powers on par with the devs...

    The support team ignores cheating reports with automated responses that yield no results

    The solution you suggest has been tried over and over and has yielded no results rare isn't capable of solving the cheater issue so the solution left is to provide servers to seperate them from us

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @capt-greldik name one cheat...not exploit...but actual cheat that's used for pve... there isn't one

    Also Rare hasn't been able to fix cheating for this game and people out there still have powers on par with the devs...

    The support team ignores cheating reports with automated responses that yield no results

    The solution you suggest has been tried over and over and has yielded no results rare isn't capable of solving the cheater issue so the solution left is to provide servers to seperate them from us

    That’s easy. Show all names, flying across the map (season 9), loot items from extreme distance, auto aim, show all holes on ship, show water level, all perfectly viable in PvE.

    Ive gotten several confirmation emails of players getting banned after I reported them with video evidence. Does that mean that the cheater problem is solved? No. In fact the reason I came to these forums to begin with was to see how cheating is being addressed.

    All I’m saying is that I hope cheating is addressed for everyone, not just those who want pve servers, which id never touch. Not to mention that cheaters would be on pve severs as well, and nobody could ever touch them.

  • @capt-greldik those are only ever used in pvp...pve players don't use those because they have no need for them

  • Having gone from never happening to existing:

    I think saving a cosmetic (including trinkets and trophies) set should be allowed. Nameplates/captaincy references should be restricted along with sovereigns.

    I like the gold at 100% and the rep/content restrictions. You haven't been able to get certain things playing on easy mode or private sessions in games for a long time.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Safer Seas has not gone far enough:

    @capt-greldik those are only ever used in pvp...pve players don't use those because they have no need for them

    Says you… so during season 9 when people were looting islands remotely from outpost, they were doing it for PvP? Yea, I don’t think so :)

    People tend to ignore the cheats that they aren’t immediately impacted by, that doesn’t mean they aren’t in use.

    Rare is working on the cheating problem for all of us, they aren’t going to create custom servers that only some of us would use for the sake of mitigating cheating.

    You want PvE servers, we get it.

  • @capt-greldik loot trackers were used to hunt down pve players

    Water level tracking was used in pvp to secure sinks and avoid sinking

    Holes on ship was strictly used by pvp players to use boarding cheats

    The cheats you mentioned are pvp cheats not some made up scenario you conjured out of your head.. I get you have to lie but come up with a good one guy

    Your solutions you came up with by the way have been attempted and failed on to many occasions by the development team

    Especially when players still have developer toolkit and server side scripts

    The only solution left is Private servers

  • The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared world adventure, and it always will be. Those who wish to play in the confines of Safer Seas will always have the option but we will not bring the rewards and activities in line with those of High Seas when many of the restrictions are in place due to the risk vs reward factor that is inherent in Sea of Thieves - removing any risk means rewards must be balanced accordingly.

    Safer Seas will act not only as a safe space for our Tall Tale players but also for families with children who just want to pirate, for people who want to play the game but learn the ropes and it will organically feed into Adventure mode, keeping the player pool there healthy and upskilled as they've learned the mechanics.

    This is not only useful for new players but also families and players with accessibility needs - the whole game suddenly becomes available in a way it hasn't before, letting them naturally progress to High Seas and become a Pirate Legend. SoT has grown a huge amount in 5 years and it can be fairly overwhelming.

    The borders put in Safer Seas mean that to experience the full depth and breadth of the game you will have to hit the high seas BUT if you're playing with your family you don't have to, you can just enjoy the game and have fun as a family.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

11 out of 33