the cheating

  • Hello, I have a problem, which is that half of the game are cheaters, and even more than 70%100, and unfortunately I do not wish this for the game Sea of ​​Thieves. I have spent 5 years playing this beautiful game, and now the cheaters have started to really annoy me, because whenever I reach 2 or 3 streaks, a hack comes to me, or from the beginning of the game, a cheater comes to me. I hope that this big problem will be solved, and I do not want to retire from a game that I love very much. I have tried to play the story mode, I have tried to change from pvp a little, and now I have finished all the stories, and I cannot play pvp.I entered twice and twice they came in as cheaters in a row I hope you solve this problem and I don't want you to feel sorry. I just want you to try to solve the problem. I know it's difficult, but at least reduce the percentage of cheaters.

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  • Seems a bit high, what region are you in and can you clarify what you deem to be cheating? Some people get hackusated for just being good at game. This will no doubt be closed with instructions on how to report players

  • If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

  • @hellomatherf951 I don't think half the players cheat, but the game certainly has cheaters. I see streamers run across cheaters often enough and I just ran into 1 tonight in HG. Rare can't really do much about it

  • @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

  • @gunnner1 said

    @hellomatherf951 I don't think half the players cheat, but the game certainly has cheaters. I see streamers run across cheaters often enough and I just ran into 1 tonight in HG. Rare can't really do much about it

    I genuinely think SoT has one of the biggest cheater population out of any game out there on the market.
    It's just so easy to look up, download and play with cheats and not get caught if you don't self-snitch.
    Ease of access and weak EAC security is the reason to do so. Also the fact that players don't respect RARE so they have higher chances of indulging into the cheating landscape for this game.
    I know kids who have downloaded and tried every cheat for this game. Yet won't dare to even cheat in a game like Fortnite, because risks are too high.

  • Seems to be just hourglass. Which is just instant pvp.
    Stay out of hourglass and just attack random players on the sea and you be fine.

    It funny.

  • @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

  • @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

    So why not simply cut to the chase and simply advise players to record and report? Otherwise, they encounter a cheater, go to report, only to discover they had to record the encounter first which they wouldn't have known until needing to make a report in the first place.

  • @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

    So why not simply cut to the chase and simply advise players to record and report? Otherwise, they encounter a cheater, go to report, only to discover they had to record the encounter first which they wouldn't have known until needing to make a report in the first place.

    For the same reason I included the link in my post, there are steps to be taken and procedures to be followed.

  • @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

    So why not simply cut to the chase and simply advise players to record and report? Otherwise, they encounter a cheater, go to report, only to discover they had to record the encounter first which they wouldn't have known until needing to make a report in the first place.

    For the same reason I included the link in my post, there are steps to be taken and procedures to be followed.

    So, record and report any/all players you suspect of cheating, as simply making a report will lead you nowhere :)

  • @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

    So why not simply cut to the chase and simply advise players to record and report? Otherwise, they encounter a cheater, go to report, only to discover they had to record the encounter first which they wouldn't have known until needing to make a report in the first place.

    For the same reason I included the link in my post, there are steps to be taken and procedures to be followed.

    So, record and report any/all players you suspect of cheating, as simply making a report will lead you nowhere :)

    Incorrect, there are different procedures to follow when the report is filed through the website, steam, xbox live or ps plus. If you followed the steps in the link provided you'd been aware of this.

  • @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    @europa4033 said in the cheating:

    @metal-ravage said in the cheating:

    If you think that someone has violated the Code of Conduct just report that person. Just make sure to read the rules before:

    You shouldn't make it sound as if it's simply, "report that person," as video evidence is required in MANY instances. "Record and report", is better.

    That is specified in the section "How to report a player" under the provided link.

    So why not simply cut to the chase and simply advise players to record and report? Otherwise, they encounter a cheater, go to report, only to discover they had to record the encounter first which they wouldn't have known until needing to make a report in the first place.

    For the same reason I included the link in my post, there are steps to be taken and procedures to be followed.

    So, record and report any/all players you suspect of cheating, as simply making a report will lead you nowhere :)

    Incorrect, there are different procedures to follow when the report is filed through the website, steam, xbox live or ps plus. If you followed the steps in the link provided you'd been aware of this.

    Unfortunately without video proof, your reports go nowhere. Otherwise anyone can report anyone else for anything, and 1 of 2 things happen: 1- it's your word against mine and nothing happens, or 2- they totally believe you and ban the cheater based on your word. I highly doubt #2 happens. I've made quite a number of reports on cheaters thru the website. Been there, done that thanks. I even used the in-game report for language, and kept getting notices that video proof was required. If it wasn't, I can make any claim about anyone.

  • @metal-ravage

    Also, the link you actually posted is in reference to the code of conduct. Here is Rare's requirements when reporting a player. Please note the 3rd bullet--

    P.S. Record and report any player(s) you suspect of cheating. Happy New Year!


  • There was talk of Rare working on combating ban evasions recently in their developer news Update. Hopefully this can help them get on top of the cheating problem a little - I know its a drop in the ocean but I am certain they are doing what they can.

    Fingers crossed this helps us enjoy our play sessions with less cheaters to ruin the experience!

  • Reporting will do next to nothing. I say next to nothing because at least reporting shows Rare that a problem exists. The real problem is that nothing is ever done, and the tools they use do not work, and has increased the amount of cheaters on the seas. Fortnite has two different Anti-Cheats and I rarely if ever can spot a cheater, especially a blatant one. If they are profiting by selling the cheats that is when an issue occurs.

    I met someone in solo hourglass who developed his own cheats, as strong as AW on the seas. Had a nice chat with this pirate about his reasoning for using it, what he can accomplish with his cheats, how easily it is to bypass the current Anti-Cheat measures, how easy it would be to use cheats in SoT compared to other games, how quickly he can make a new account, etc. It's alarming to hear the responses and I'm happy to hear first hand from this source.

    I hope things get better but I'm not expecting it after hearing "Easy Anti-Cheat has been superb" in the Developer Podcast

  • @cainbong

    Reporting will do next to nothing.

    It alerts Rare and lets them look into it & update their anticheat.

    I say next to nothing because at least reporting shows Rare that a problem exists.

    And lets them update their anticheat.

    The real problem is that nothing is ever done

    Citation needed.

    and the tools they use do not work

    Citation needed.

    and has increased the amount of cheaters on the seas

    Again: Citation needed.

  • @guildar9194

    It's fairly evident from sailing that it is not working correctly. I've encountered a lot more cheaters and pakfile users than before Easy Anti-Cheat. What citation would you be looking for? I play daily on various servers and I speak with numerous people about their experiences daily on different regions and different platforms. I mentioned I spoke with a developer of cheats. You want me to give a citation and his information on here, and the various cheats and pakfiles available and in use and list them on the forums? Not sure what proof you need other than actually being active playing the game and knowing people and where to look for things.

  • @cainbong

    It's fairly evident from sailing that it is not working correctly.

    So...Subjective experiences instead of facts.

    I've encountered a lot more cheaters and pakfile users than before Easy Anti-Cheat

    Or you just assume they are cheating.

    What citation would you be looking for?

    You know, actual facts instead of subjective experiences that may or may not be correct and may or may not be exaggerated.

    I speak with numerous people about their experiences daily on different regions and different platforms.

    And again; What they tell you may be exaggerated or incorrect. Most 'cheating' accusations are just people angry they lost.

    I mentioned I spoke with a developer of cheats.

    And he could have been lying. You had no way to verify what he said.

    You want me to give a citation and his information on here, and the various cheats and pakfiles available and in use and list them on the forums?

    Cheats existing does not mean cheating has gotten worse.
    You've given nothing but anecdotal evidence and act like it's hard fact that cheating is horrible and the devs aren't doing anything.

  • Reporting in game is a waste of time for cheaters. Might as well do it through the website and include a recording of the incident.

    We really need better tools in our hands also. Like a kill cam recording that can be downloaded from the game menu x amount of hours after your game session, maybe 30 seconds before and after your death.

  • @Guildar9194

    I'm not mentioning good players, or even closet cheaters I'm talking about people showing me the pakfiles in use, and showing me the developed cheats. One in particular can spinbot after death and throw blunderbombs. Can T pose while spinbotting and plays instruments with 10 ft long arms. Has cannons on variable aimbot to disguise it, can teleport to ships, tell you who's on the server and how many metres away they are.

    People are constantly instaladdering and going into crownest, I could go on but there's really no point since I can't in detail show you my experiences in full here even though it's recorded.

    I have 270 days played and 2200+ allegiance which might not be a lot in comparison to others but enough sample size to know when someone is quite blatantly cheating. I can't present this on the forums but if you would like to have example I have many recordings for your citations and can send them to you.

    From my perspective it's gotten worse after Easy Anti-Cheat and I've heard the same (have a sample size with video proof) from cheaters and programmers who make cheats. I'm happy to give you these outside the forums.

  • @captdirtyoar

    Kill cam would be great. Reporting cheaters even with 1 hour played blatantly cheating with a name like 'i luv cheats' and absolutely cheating will "require more evidence" and nothing will happen. A kill cam will make it much easier as the process to report is difficult on console or using a handheld device and a lot SoT players use a console

  • If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

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