It Won’t Stop Searching the Seas...

  • I was playing in the game with 4 friends when one left and got kicked for inactivity, this makes sense however when they tried to join there game sat on the loading screen(the one when it seaches for a crew)saying searching the sea! They could get into a solo game but no one could join his and he couldn’t join us! He restarted the game and his xbox with no success! I understand it is a scale test and i am not complaining. I am just making the devs aware of the issue!

  • 4
  • @reallegened27

  • Hello

    how to fix searching the seas problem ?

  • I laughed my butt off when I noticed yesterday that this game is going to be $60. It doesn't even work. At least not on PC, for a large population of players. My brother's crashes every time we try to start the final beta. Tried everything we could find in the forums and nothing fixed it. We played almost 30 minutes during a scale test and his finally crashed when we were bringing treasure back. This game is very disappointing if it won't even play. I didn't even see much to do while we were playing. $60 seems ridiculous for what looks like an indie game.

2 out of 4