Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me

  • Ahoy scallywags!

    Did you miss out on the Founder tag as well? Well then, as soon as the Founder content is announced, join me in my quest to murder every Founder on the seas! Whether it's just a Founder peg-leg or an awesome Founder sail that they get, we newer players be burning their ships until every Founder player ship on the horizon is a burning Founder ship on the horizon!

    Yarr! Ye Founders are gonna cop it next Tuesday!

    Yes, seriously, I am going to be destroying their ships whether it is with cannonballs or gunpowder barrels. Ye all going to suffer for what ye done to us newer players who hadn't heard of the game until recently.

  • 272
  • Ok, I'll give you a hand.

  • We've all had plenty of practice.

    We'll be sure to give you a run for your money and make it fun ;)

  • Lol. Nice post, But if you are actually serious then I would just say this: You plan to go head on against pirates who have earned their sea legs? A silly greenhorn mistake. Enjoy your watery grave.

  • Look at this bitter Insider.

  • Says he has been here 21 hours...'nuff said.

  • Ill see you on the seas where you'll be having a chat with the ferry captain about getting your ship back :P

  • @o0-dagnome-0o said in Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me:

    Lol. Nice post, But if you are actually serious then I would just say this: You plan to go head on against pirates who have earned their sea legs? A silly greenhorn mistake. Enjoy your watery grave.

    I know I'm new, but I reached rank 16 for the Gold Hoarders in one day on the beta (about 5 hours), which I did by repeatedly destroying the Skeleton Captains at each of the Skeleton Forts, so you will have a rough time beating me and my crew, ye scallywag.

  • @aprovoked-mango you have made more enemies then friends you land lubbing lass. See you soon.

  • @jedimasterfraze Umm.. you could have killed the entire skeleton population during the beta but they do not compare to a experienced crew. Me and my 2 man sloop could sink any galleon you think of sending our way. Enjoy the view of our sails as you visit davey jones locker.

  • @cftc-kratos I only need my crew mates ;)

    Although I just had visions of an all out founder vs launch player war....carnage.

  • Or how about I just don't equip my founder status items, infiltrate your ship and blow it up after you collect your bounty?

  • Your post doesn't seem very jedi ....then again ive always viewed the jedi as the evil jealous force users so perhaps you do to lol.

  • @aprovoked-mango said in Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me:

    @cftc-kratos I only need my crew mates ;)

    Although I just had visions of an all out founder vs launch player war....carnage.

    Battle of the (Literally) Red Sea. The great civil war on the Sea of Thieves. A battle so big and brutal, the waters have stained red.

    None survived. New game.

  • @aprovoked-mango I would love the carnage that war would bring. Let's be honest though, one fully manned founder ship could wipe at least 5 ships controlled by launch players before leaving to restock.

  • I'm down!

  • @o0-dagnome-0o said in Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me:

    Or how about I just don't equip my founder status items, infiltrate your ship and blow it up after you collect your bounty?

    I'll see yer username and know to destroy ye. And I'll make sure I don't give your parrot a c*****r, either.

    Also, I have found that Skeletons have a better aim than players, and after training in Forts for the beta, I will ensure I destroy ye all, scallywags.

  • XD HAHAHAHAHA this cracks me up. My Dad pre-ordered this game as a bday present for me when it was 1st available to pre-order. I missed founder....lol lets do it lol

  • @misterdoomed said in Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me:

    Your post doesn't seem very jedi ....then again ive always viewed the jedi as the evil jealous force users so perhaps you do to lol.

    "I have brought peace, freedom and security to my new empire of noobs!"

  • @jedimasterfraze

  • @jedimasterfraze Bring it. I've sunk several galleons with a solo ship.

  • Oh you will be down ;) better go watch black sails seasons 1-4 all pirate's of Caribbean movies even the bad one and join Navy. That is
    only way to catch up... that I know of

  • @jedimasterfraze I can easily use an alternate account my friend or hire a third party to do my founders bidding for me. I could easily find a greenhorn that is eager to earn his skull and bones to sabotage your voyages.

  • @jedimasterfraze you have seperated your noob followers from true experience and PP(pirate power). They need a true leader. So once I wipe your boat I will offer my hand to your fallen crew.

  • Oh this thread will be getting locked aha!

    But to the banter at hand! ;)

    You missed out on being a founder, try and sink me and ya will defo get the badge for spending most of your session on the ferry of the damned! ;)

    (Its just a friendly joke/banter no harsh words or insults intended)

  • @cmm-solo said in Missed Out on Founder? Blow up Founder Ships with Me:

    XD HAHAHAHAHA this cracks me up. My Dad pre-ordered this game as a bday present for me when it was 1st available to pre-order. I missed founder....lol lets do it lol

    The best strategy to defeating a founder ship is by getting 3 players to surprise attack them, and having the fourth player in your crew sneaking on with gunpowder barrels. If they take them downstairs, they can then set them off (probably dying in the process), but at least they'll sink the ship.

  • @cftc-kratos oh for sure, itll hardly be fair for the most part, I just hope people dont abuse that aspect and ruin new players first few hours but I know for a fact whilst OP is likely joking but with an aire of seriousness, theres people on reddit who actively will be hunting pioneers and founders because of whatever item it is we'll get. Thatll be quite amusing haha

    @Tre-Oni the red sea has spread from the edges and swallowed us all...no survivors...damn! Some of the greatest experiences in the open tests have been battles with multiple ships involved, sounds and looks great if you take a moment to sit back and watch it

  • @racmop Yepp queue the "Sick of trolls and greifing on this game" threads! XD

  • Me: What number was he?

    Fellow founder: (Looks at chalkboard full of marks and draws a line across four.) Number 55

    Me: You would think they would learn, oh look number 56.

  • @aprovoked-mango Then i will be wearing any pioneer and alpha item i get with pride and honor! Let them come!

  • @knifelife Most definitely, the item will be swaying (assuming its a sail) the gurdy's will be playing, the crew will be dancing and no quarter will be shown to all those that want our badges haha

  • I approve.

    Challenge accepted.

    Prepare to be Platypus'd.

  • Missed out on Pioneer? Spawn kill Pioneers with me and blow up Founder ships simultaneously if you're completely new as well!

  • @jedimasterfraze I'm not a noob lol but I'll still do it

  • I down, killing anyone with exclusives. :)

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