• I'm very proud to announce our Sea Of Thieves map website is finally ready for public usage. Thanks to all those involved in the beta testing stage and also thanks to Rare for such an awesome game!

    • Get help with riddle quests, find animals, see landmarks
    • Create your own personal map and share it with anybody
    • Plot routes and place markers. Your visitors can contribute too!
    • Plan your voyages together and see all the additions in real time
    • Check the ingame time & date. Submit locations for the community
    • Many more awesome features planned!

    Any feedback and suggestions are very welcome!

    We have now added a new tool!

    • Calculates the fastest possible route for picking up merchant mission resources
    • Shows the route on a map with gps style step by step instructions below

    Merchant Loot Tracker

  • 26
  • Awesome tool, great work there! Thanks!

  • Seems cluttered compared to this

  • @p0gue-mah0n Thanks for the feedback. May I ask the device type you viewed with? Mobile etc? We do have 14 UI buttons to fit in compared to the other sites 3. Perhaps its that. We may try to use expanding sections to solve it.

  • @thejolirouge Thankyou!

  • Only problem I have. The ingame map should be 10 times bigger at least!

  • @mrg0m3r The actual map in the game? Agreed! Its why we started on this

  • @sot-map Wow this is wonderful! Great work, and thanks!

  • to check, but for me, the animals locations are completely random.

  • @sidious8888 I think each island has 2 animals out of 3 that it can have. And each day there is a chance of them spawning.

  • I'll be using this. Thanks!

  • Nice Job

  • I suppose both have the good and bad points. Just at first glance from my iPhone 8 it seems cluttered. But the probe is in the pudding I will use both on a computer and compare.

    I really appreciate the efforts put into providing such a service and thank
    You for it.

    Keep up the good work 😀

  • We have now added a new tool!

    • Calculates the fastest possible route for picking up merchant mission resources
    • Shows the route on a map with gps style step by step instructions below

    Merchant Loot Tracker

    Any feedback and suggestions for how to improve this would be appreciated!

  • @sot-map How awesome! Thank you all for your hard work and for sharing!

  • Do you plan on adding where loot spawn naturally on islands? Like theres some cliffs on a bunch of islands normally have chests spawn on, are those locations planned to be added?

  • @onyx-wartooth Didn't realize that. Will see about adding it today, thanks!

  • @sot-map No problem, I thought that would help not only me but many others for spots with naturally spawning treasures, kegs, or crates...mostly treasure.

  • Hey - I like the concept but all I get is a blue screen with side banners? Services down?

  • @coolerbravo I can't find any problems. Can you try again? If the problem persists can you post or PM me device/browser details? Thanks for the report

  • @sot-map PM sent with picture and details. I suspect its a browser version thing.

  • @sot-map looks good!

  • Thanks all! And special thanks to @CoolerBravo

    • The map is now a lot more optimized with huge performance gains
    • The map now also works on older browsers such as Internet Explorer 11

    Planning many more updates soon! Next up is our island identifier and clock tools

  • Awesome! Any plans for an Android app?

  • Nice tool! Will put this to good use!

  • @extantthylacine @Rob-Deaderick

    Thanks! We will consider an app version shortly after we finish all the planned tools and other features.

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