Can't find the kraken

  • Been playing for a while and have not found the kraken, anyone got tips on best way to come across it?

  • 19
  • @rarebabysteaks Unfortunately it is totally random, if you are playing in a sloop you will probably never see it ever. It only attacks galleons, so if you are playing on a galleon you are probably gonna get it one day.

  • You don't find him...he finds you

  • @rarebabysteaks You can't find the kraken. The Kraken will find you

  • I see krak-daddy at least once a day. :P

  • @rarebabysteaks like @D42STRIKER said I am pretty sure it only attacks galleons. My advice would be to clear a skull fort start sailing around with the loot on board until someone needs to use the bathroom or walk their dog, and he'll show.

    90% of the time I have seen him crew members have been absent.

  • @ecljpse It's just because 90% of the time at least one crew member is absent in general !

  • @crimsonraziel

    That is quite a fair statement lol!

  • Like anything it will appear just after you get your 20th chest on board (a wailing chest) and have a spinning afker in your hold..

    It will appear when you don't want it to, and wont when you do.

  • Though I've been told, and rather disbelieve, that since the audio is 7:1 able and directionally capable that when night shifts to day and you hear the 'voice of the Kraken' if you have directional headphones/audio you can gauge the quadrant of the map where the beast will linger.

    From there, it's just a matter of grid combing.

    What I DON'T know is if there is a % chance that sailing over the appropriate grid will still result in no attack.

  • @blooddoll22
    I have heard some wild stories, but this takes the cake.

    The sounds during early hours of the morning have nothing to do with the Kraken itself.

    But yeah, Kraken will find you. You have no way of summoning it. Just drive around in a galleon and it will come at some point. As stated before me, mainly when you find it most inconvenient.

  • @lucky-monkee said in Can't find the kraken:

    I have heard some wild stories, but this takes the cake.

    The sounds during early hours of the morning have nothing to do with the Kraken itself.

    But yeah, Kraken will find you. You have no way of summoning it. Just drive around in a galleon and it will come at some point. As stated before me, mainly when you find it most inconvenient.

    Define that very audible groan then? Doesn't sound much like whales to me? Even without it being indicative of anything, the sound itself very well always seemed to be the kraken moaning. Even if simply for ambiance or rather a feral reminder if the beasts existence.

    I do note I disbelieve the statement that the direction of the sound will help.

    But travelling along grid squares is literally nothing more than a logical progression of what you've just said yourself :P

    And naturally I'm sure there's a chance you can sail "right over it" so to speak and still not get it to spawn.

    They said it themselves in several videos, which you seem to rather quote: (sic)"It's been designed not to be specifically found"

  • The other day was the first time sailing a galleon because my son was playing with us. We left the outpost and maybe 5 minutes into our voyage the kraken showed up. It was pretty easy to fend off.

  • @blooddoll22
    The sound has been around from alphas - there was no Kraken then.
    Although most of us believed it to be the Kraken, we wanted it to be. In one of their videos, they kind of made fun of ppl(in a good way) who thought it was the Kraken.

    they did say its present on the map at all times, but all the black areas I have seen so far have turned out to be glitched cloud shadows(except the ones with tentacles coming out of it)

  • @rarebabysteaks said in Can't find the kraken:

    Been playing for a while and have not found the kraken, anyone got tips on best way to come across it?

    As some already stated here:

    • Seems to only show up for galleons
    • Always seems to show up when you're sailing around with loot on board

    I've actually seen it three times and two of those were when I was sailing around with skull fort loot. The third time a crewmember was telling us about a kraken attack the day before and we said don't talk about it as we don't want a kraken attack now and within a few minutes we got attacked by it.

    I guess it's not much use trying to find it, it'll just show up randomly or not.

  • @rarebabysteaks Oh really? I played the game for two damn days. Two! First one on a sloop with a friend. Second with two friends on a galleon. The moment we got on the galeon and sailed for maybe, MAYBE 5 minutes, a kraken ate us.

    • One friend: Well, that's one way of exploring game content.
    • Other friend: No, that's game content exploring you, mate.
  • I just keep talking about it on a Galleon and every time I have, it has attacked us in our session at some point.

  • @rarebabysteaks said in Can't find the kraken:

    Been playing for a while and have not found the kraken, anyone got tips on best way to come across it?

    Get on a Galleon and chase me. Seen it happen 3 times now to a Galleon on my tail.
    Never had one attack my Sloop.

  • @edemardil
    I too have some suspicions that the game detects you talking about the kraken and sends him after you..

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