What about a "Legendary" map?

  • There's currently no less than three threads, at the top of the recent list, that are asking for something new just for pirate legends (at time of this post).

    The status of "pirate legend" was supposed to be "only the beginning of the game" as told by Joe Neate. But now, three months since launch and there still isn't anything on offer for those who have reached this level.... the so called start of the game.

    We all need that carrot dangling in front of us for incentive otherwise reaching 50/50/50 is not the beginning but rather the end of the game for many of us.

    So how do they fix this unrewarding goal of the same ol' quests that we spend hundreds of hours on to reach?

    By adding new content exclusive to pirate legends.
    Besides the obvious needs of exclusive cosmetics, complete matching sets of pirate legend items and weapons, different types of adventures and new variations of legendary treasures.
    Well it seems obvious to anyone other than the decision makers at Rare.

    What about a whole new map to explore?
    Servers could easily be divided between a new legendary world and the default world that was once enjoyable but has sadly lost it's flavour over time.

    Any pirate legend loading the game will be sent to the Legendary world map (specific servers) where he / she may choose to invite others to join. Pretty much like dropping an Athena voyage on the table for those not quite at that level. Or they could simply play with their familiar pirate legend crew mates.
    At the same token, a legend would need to be invited by someone not of that status to join the current default world that they are all too familiar with, but over time may miss.

    All of the hard yards have already been done for Rare. All they need do is replace existing islands with new ones which will give them a blank canvas to add new threats such as camouflaged pits and other boobytraps. Various vines both hanging and ground cover that wrap around your limbs.
    Large cave systems and new creatures inhabiting these islands instead of skeletons, skeletons and even more skeletons.

    Other types of quests may coexist with Athena voyages. They don't always need to be fetch quests.
    Things like, defeat some hideous creature or a family of them (on land or at sea) to gain legendary commendations and points toward unlocking more exclusive legendary cosmetics.
    That alone has so many possibilities with an abundance of existing creatures world wide plus mythical monsters and whatever the mind can create.
    Variants could be added progressively without needing to re-invent the wheel.
    They've already had pigs and skeletons of wild boars since launch so for the love of brain cells why haven't they already put wild boards into the game?
    Islands could literally be over-run by large spiders, crabs, scorpions or crocodiles with multiples of the same basic 3D models scaled at different sizes.
    It's not hard, make one and you've made a million of them.

    The Rare "roadmap" has left them with tunneled vision.
    Crack the whip, place a bomb under the current 200 butts to make them accountable for their supposed hours worked and pay checks received.
    Hire more if need be, do whatever it takes to keep us all coming back for more because up until now, we have been hanging onto any glimmer of hope that may help keep this beautiful game alive.

    What do you guys think?

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  • "The status of "pirate legend" was supposed to be "only the beginning of the game" as told by Joe Neate"

    I would like to remind people that that statement actually implied that in the future, after many content updates, the legend status would look like a first step aka only the beggining. I have always been aware of that fact, ever since the beta.

    With that said lets address three aspects of pirate legend that could be worked on:

    • Quests

    This is a must. I was very disspaointed to learn way back in early march that the legendary quests were a glorified "New Game Plus", where you repeat the gameplay loop you've been previously doing for the past hundreds of hours... for dozens more hours, but now all at once. My suggestion isn't to remove that quest, but to give players variety in what they want to do and make the title "Legendary Voyage" actually mean it.

    Some ideas:

    1. Consider a quest to raid a skelleton fort. The legends vote for the voyage and they trigger a fort to become active. The skull glows with bluish energy to signify that it is indeed a legendary fort. The voyage cannot be cancelled once activated, the legends don't get a map on their voyage wheel, they can vote for another voyage if they want, but it can't be another skelleton fort raid quest. The waves are more varied, having hybrid of different skelleton types mixed in each wave (golds + shadows, regulars + plants, etc...). Perhaps introduce legendary fort exclusive mobs, caster skelletons or even evil spirits. The fort would yeild great rewards, including athena rep objects, so legends can choose to team up with people allowing them the give the faction treasure away while keeping the athena rep objects for them.

    2. Hunt for the Kraken. The legends are given the instruction to explore one of the three areas of the world in search of the Kraken, their objective is to eliminate the kraken (or make it run away, if rare prefers to make it uncool). The defeated Kraken would drop an eyeball that you return for your athena rep.

    3. King of the island. Once activated the quest can't be cancelled, the legends don't get a quest map and they can vote for another voyage in the meantime that isn't King of the Island. This one is about holding a skull beacon in an island. This beacon beckons players with the promise of a captain spawn that has a Maleficent Skull. Players must hold the position on the islands and stand their ground. The beacon could be a painting that has a glow that progressively rises from the bottom of the painting to the top signifying the progress. Once fully lit, the captain wave spawns.

    • The Cosmetics

    Currently legends have three things to buy: ghost set and purple pirate legend ship. Not nearly enough. The lack of variety and even the lack of legendary weapons/tools is very dumbfounding. They need to be added into the game asap.

    1. Legendary Ghost Ship Set
    2. Legendary guns and sword
    3. Legendary tools and instruments
    4. Legendary scars
    5. Legendary acessories

    list goes on

    • More goals for legends to strive for

    Athena's Fortune is fine, but I do believe it lacks a bit of variety in things players would want to strive for. Obviously you got the ghost set as the main draw, but how about unique commendations that net you sweet unique cosmetics.

    1. Get a commendation level for every time you play in a crew with someone that isn't legend. Get a legendary loudspeaker once maxed out in that commendation levels.
    2. Commendation for defeating a sea monster multiple times. Unlock Krake/Meg cosmetic sets.
    3. Commendation for sinking ships. Unlock ghost unicorn flag at 100 defeated ships.
  • @urihamrayne said in What about a "Legendary" map?:

    "The status of "pirate legend" was supposed to be "only the beginning of the game" as told by Joe Neate"

    I would like to remind people that that statement actually implied that in the future, after many content updates, the legend status would look like a first step aka only the beggining. I have always been aware of that fact, ever since the beta.

    I apologize but it didn't come across like that to me. I guess I failed to read the fine print. :o)

    You've made some great suggestions there.
    Like I stated, non-fetch quests can coexist with the current Athena voyages.

    Would other players on the server be made aware of idea #1, as in a regular skull fort? Or would they just see a (legendary) ship moored at what appears to be a non-active fort?

    What of idea #3? Would that beacon be as visible as the skull cloud?

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    I am about 80% sure the quote went something like "we will be adding more content into the game, evolving each thing as we move foward, to the point that legendary status will seem like a first step"

    And yes the idea is for the beacon/blue skull to be visible to everyone. The power to trigger world events is something a legend should be able to to, imo, I see no harm in it. The goal is to have some form of attrition serverwise, players rising up to challenge legends, and legends testing their skill.

  • @urihamrayne Another thing I did post before was basically the idea of fighting legendary captains of the past and turning their unique skulls. Which would unlock more legendary cosmetics. Maybe even Ghost weapons or ship body kits.

  • @cheatingpirate the important part of the suggestion I placed was not fighting the skelletons or digging a chest, but having an unique activity different from regular voyages, something that made you want to be a legend or to have a legend on your crew, I mean who genuinely wants to play athena's fortune quest for the merchant part? Who is this madman and how do I kill him? I mean honestly if you are going to make players go kill skelletons, at least have them face an unique challenge in an unique setting.

  • @urihamrayne Well that is kinda what I meant. Memorable skeleton bosses that are unique to their selves.

  • @urihamrayne and @CheatingPirate
    I will include the option to enter either world in the main menu (after checking your profile status) and making the legendary world map only enabled for those who meet that requirement.

    What I was suggesting was not to have skeletons at all in the legendary world. Gawd knows that we have already had our fair share of them by level 30 of any faction.

    The new world would not only introduce new islands but also totally new threats. Be it mammals, animals, lost pirate AIs, pirate ghosts or tribes of natives.

    The second most important aspect that I was trying to suggest is that not all quests would require the all too familiar and quite boring, fetch and return.

    Defeat the island and all of it's inhabitants. Be it of human form, twisted nature (menacing plants), pirate ghosts or hideous creatures, rather than just it's skeletons, to instantly be rewarded with commendations and a points system similar to levels of rep that unlocks and entitles you to purchase exclusive cosmetics.

    Boobytraps could be a randomized inconvenience of any island making every encounter to the same island a different experience with different rewards.
    Tunnels could randomly change too, simply by closing one path with a boulder that slides across to open a new path. Riddles to find your way through the tunnel could be carved in the rock interior walls of the caves.

    Certain levels of legendary points, would unlock higher tier cosmetics in ship livery & sails, clothing, weapons or inventory items.
    Even at lower levels within the game, we have more gold than we know what to do with. I think I became a millionaire somewhere in the 30 rep.
    The answer should not be to decrease payment of loot but rather give us more options to buy.

    Some new weapons introduced exclusively to the legendary world could include...

    • The dagger we use to vote on voyages with. Make it a melee weapon with options to use it as a throwing knife.
    • A boarding axe made as a melee weapon with options to use it as a throwing weapon.
    • Double barrel flintlocks with an increased ammo amount of 10 shots.
    • Double barrel blunderbuss with an increased ammo amount of 10 shots.
    • (or optionally) the capability of holding (and alternatively shooting, left hand / right hand) two single flint locks with 5 rounds each.

    These would all be fair game as everybody in the legendary world would be able to earn the points to unlock and purchase them. Plus it's more incentive to venture beyond 50/50/50.

    If you lose a throwing weapon or are killed with any legendary weapon then it stays where it fell unless someone picks it up, making it theirs.

    Legendary weapons would be exclusive to the legendary world map and not transferable to the default world map.

  • I'd love more legends only content but I must say designing a whole new map for legends will cost a lot of time and seeing as people who arent legends yet also need more to do I'd say make a new map for everyone. And give legends some little extra things to do/ explore like doors that only open to legends leading to cavernous areas with special loot, or the actual athena's area in the map where legends can gather. etc.

  • There’s a lot more non legends than legends. And anyone just starting locked out of content because a small playerbase wants more to do. Let’s be real here. Unless they make it significantly easier to obtain legend I doubt they will lock out 90 percent of there playerbase out of a which I can assume would be a dlc.

  • While I don't disagree, and I think they will add things just for legends in the future, Rare has finite resources to create new content, and right now it makes more sense to build content for everyone to enjoy, and not just the less than 1% of players who are pirate legends.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Your forum post is to accurate. Its pure perfection.
    Thank you!

  • We need more ways to get to legend, Not everyone has the free time that some do to get legend. Or the patience lol. I hope the new dlcs help boost the grind so that more can reach it as legends are like 2-3% of the SoT pop right now.

  • What if after the initial event of foresaken shores.. the area is locked off to non-legends?

    Or.. maybe even the most unpopular idea... what if this new area.. like op suggests.. is the legendary map and the entire dlc pack is hidden behind pirate legend.

    Like.. maybe there will be some limited time event cosmetics that everyone can enjoy.. probably fun things around the rowboat.. but a good portion is legendary.

  • @urihamrayne said in What about a "Legendary" map?:

    I would like to remind people that that statement actually implied that in the future, after many content updates

    Pretty common theme in this game... everything is upcoming, coming soon, down the road, one day we're not sure when, probably/maybe...

    It's almost as if the game was never properly finished and they knew that.

    Sorry, I'll never fall into the camp that MS or Rare are offering free development simply because they're nice people. I mean, I'm sure they're nice people... but it's more about polishing an incomplete game than being nice peeps... let's face it.

  • @blooddoll22 The game came out one year too early.

  • @urihamrayne yup

  • @ant-heuser-kush Why not have a second map for SoT? Other games have multiple maps include those that take full advantage of the Unreal 4 engine's 4 sqr kilometer maps.

    I haven't been in the loop of new games lately but I do know "Squad" is a prime example of multiple fully detailed 4km maps.
    list of Unreal4 engine driven games

    @Hynieth Mapping for games does take time but not a lot, especially when we are talking about deserted islands.
    Remember, the water is already there and the rest are 3D models and pre-fabs that have already been made.
    I have made "user-made" content for game for the past 20 years, mostly maps.... full maps.
    An island is "just a drop in the ocean". pun intended lol

    Anyone who knows there way around a map editor could pump out at least one average size SoT island a day.... and still have a 3 hour lunch break.
    All of the trees, plants, barrels, anchors, bones, etc. are models and things such as rocks, docks and buildings are most probably pre-fabs. Basically select and drop whatever you want onto the island.
    Everything has already been made except for any new inclusions.

    With a staff of 200+ you've really gotta ask, what the hell have they been doing all this time? Were the original mappers wrapped in mothballs and put in the closet?

    Remember, these are supposedly professionals in their respective fields.
    Two hundred of them!!!
    How many programmers were required to write the megalodon attack loop?
    One. Possibly a day's work.

    How many 3D model artists to make a bullhorn, drum, figurehead, increase the shark model size and add an extra pair of eyes to it?
    One. Again, possibly a day's work.

    How many Art designers does it take to tint sail colours, draw some c****y tattoos and add a shark bite scar?
    One. Less than a day's work.

    How many did it take to make one highchair and place it in ten locations?
    About the same amount of time it took to think of such a lame idea. About 5 minutes.

    As amateur game modders, we do all of these things ourselves.... in far less time than these professionals.

    Asking for a second map as well as more content updates isn't a tall order to ask 200+ professionals. Just saying.

  • @ve111a said in What about a "Legendary" map?:

    We need more ways to get to legend, Not everyone has the free time that some do to get legend. Or the patience lol. I hope the new dlcs help boost the grind so that more can reach it as legends are like 2-3% of the SoT pop right now.

    Yep, exactly right. Although it could been seen as unfair to those who have already done the hard yards.
    Perhaps they could make it as anyone who has reached that status the current way are called "pirate legends" and a different title could be used for those who use a new alternative "shorcut" method to get to 50/50/50.
    I am not a legend, so it's not a case of just thinking about myself.

    It's not a matter of what percentage are currently legends, it's about all of us focused on the carrot ahead of us.
    By having a virtual new world as the reward for reaching such ridiculous rep levels would give us all something to strive for.

  • @ant-heuser-kush That was just a suggestion that started with the word "Perhaps". Spit balling. :o)

    Although to buy your rep, no matter how much, is different than grinding for it.
    I wouldn't be against it.

    As far as I'm concerned as the game currently stands reaching 50/50/50 is pretty much the end of this game for me so I don't care what title they give. lol

    Maybe more content in future will help me and many others return beyond "pirate legend". We'll see.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in What about a "Legendary" map?:

    @urihamrayne and @CheatingPirate
    I will include the option to enter either world in the main menu (after checking your profile status) and making the legendary world map only enabled for those who meet that requirement.

    What I was suggesting was not to have skeletons at all in the legendary world. Gawd knows that we have already had our fair share of them by level 30 of any faction.

    The new world would not only introduce new islands but also totally new threats. Be it mammals, animals, lost pirate AIs, pirate ghosts or tribes of natives.

    The second most important aspect that I was trying to suggest is that not all quests would require the all too familiar and quite boring, fetch and return.

    Defeat the island and all of it's inhabitants. Be it of human form, twisted nature (menacing plants), pirate ghosts or hideous creatures, rather than just it's skeletons, to instantly be rewarded with commendations and a points system similar to levels of rep that unlocks and entitles you to purchase exclusive cosmetics.

    Boobytraps could be a randomized inconvenience of any island making every encounter to the same island a different experience with different rewards.
    Tunnels could randomly change too, simply by closing one path with a boulder that slides across to open a new path. Riddles to find your way through the tunnel could be carved in the rock interior walls of the caves.

    Certain levels of legendary points, would unlock higher tier cosmetics in ship livery & sails, clothing, weapons or inventory items.
    Even at lower levels within the game, we have more gold than we know what to do with. I think I became a millionaire somewhere in the 30 rep.
    The answer should not be to decrease payment of loot but rather give us more options to buy.

    Some new weapons introduced exclusively to the legendary world could include...

    • The dagger we use to vote on voyages with. Make it a melee weapon with options to use it as a throwing knife.
    • A boarding axe made as a melee weapon with options to use it as a throwing weapon.
    • Double barrel flintlocks with an increased ammo amount of 10 shots.
    • Double barrel blunderbuss with an increased ammo amount of 10 shots.
    • (or optionally) the capability of holding (and alternatively shooting, left hand / right hand) two single flint locks with 5 rounds each.

    These would all be fair game as everybody in the legendary world would be able to earn the points to unlock and purchase them. Plus it's more incentive to venture beyond 50/50/50.

    If you lose a throwing weapon or are killed with any legendary weapon then it stays where it fell unless someone picks it up, making it theirs.

    Legendary weapons would be exclusive to the legendary world map and not transferable to the default world map.

    I think the only special things A legend should get is like the rest of us, Cosmetic. I personal would despise have legend only guns. It splits the player base and gives the legend trolls out there more fuel for the fire even if it is region locked. I dont think they would make a whole zone for legend only either unless its over a year down the road really. They are doing what they should and bringing content for all of us.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I think it's important to remember that "Pirate Legend only being the beginning" was Rare's vision before the game released. Captaincy was due to be the first major update, along with Pets (MT) three months after the game dropped. This was soon changed (put on the back burner) shortly after release after the community called for more pre-legend content.

    I'd desperately love to see more to do as a legend (my game time has literally dropped from playing daily, to now only logging on to try the latest update/small quest), and I'm sure it'll be coming in time. Rare's priorities simply changed after release due to the feedback they had.

    PS - I love your ideas.

  • im tired of seeing all the non legends doing nothing but Athena quest. it's something we worked for to get. I feel like they should too. people with their factions at 25 but Athena lvl 6 or 7. then the legends who are not completing the Athena but then having people do them then inviting them back when they cash in. the looking for groups is full of beggers and people trying to get Athena quest. I just want something that is specific for pirate legends

  • One "Legendary" map..... ;-)

    alt text

  • @ve111a Wouldn't you like to see at least a second map, the next phase of the game, something more to work towards, life beyond Athena?

    @LucianSanchez82 People were calling for more content during the open beta. Therefore calling for more content post launch should never have come as a surprise to them.

    PS. Thanks mate. :o)

    @BOUNTYHUNTER826 I totally understand and agree with you. Pirate legends need to know that there is life after Athena voyages. A feeling that you have accomplished something special and that you have moved onto the next level. What better way to show and feel that than to have a whole new world?

    I have never asked to do Athena voyages but I have been invited to participate in several.
    Now, in my mid to high 40s, I am reluctant to advance further. With the exception of last night, in the past week I have been helping a real life friend who is new to the game and doing his level 1 quests. lol

  • I want a map-editor in any case and the possibility to craft my own island and suggest it to the developers. :)

  • @admiral-rrrsole True. Just wanted to highlight that their plan changed from fleshing out pirate legend to adding pre-legend stuff. I really do wish there was more to do as a legend though - really have burnt out over the past month. My advice to anyone right now would be; don't rush to legend. Just enjoy the world that's already out there!

  • @luciansanchez82 said

    My advice to anyone right now would be; don't rush to legend. Just enjoy the world that's already out there!

    Yes, exactly. But only because there is nothing beyond what we've already been doing from day one. The same quests, more of the same skeletons, only made ridiculously hard to kill.

    The game needs a second level. A sense of achievement.
    Otherwise becoming a "pirate legend" is no different than your fist week of play, just more difficult and frustrating.

  • Can't find the stats for PC, but for Xbox achievements its reporting 1% of players have made it to pirate legend. Its hard to see Rare creating a whole new map for 1%, or even 5% of players (again didn't find the pc number, but I'll generously assume its more). The game needs more content for all players, and while I agree that Legends should get something other than a title and cosmetics, I would advise not to hold your breath on this new map idea.

  • @supriseautopsy The thing is it's not about the current percentage of pirate legends. It's the long term goal for every player.
    They could constantly build and introduce new maps like other games have "levels".
    The next chapter of play.

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