@ramb0zld No, I realize that BR came later.
But now when people discuss fortnite, at least in the company I keep... they are referring to BR... not the original game.
BR is IMO the only reason the game is relevant at all... if they would have never stole it from the mod that became PUBG Fortnite wouldn't even be the go-to in this topic.. we'd have me making something like a PUBG poster using SoT assets and making an argument in that light.
Sure, Rare could add a BR mode and I bet it could even be fun....
But that isn't the point. My point is I feel it will water down the spirit of the core game we do have. I would rather see Rare innovate ways to make the "No man's seas" and our lack of content become filled with innovative ideas that draw players. Instead of tacking on a BR mode to get focused interest and THEN add things that will be overlooked and ultimately become unimportant.
Following the leader in creative ideas is not IMO ever the way to go.. it shows a lack of integrity and imagination and makes me wonder why I should bother playing their games when all they seem interested in doing is what others are doing.
If I want a BR experience.. I'll play PUBG or Fortnite... I want an open world pirate game with exploration voyages and monsters. I would like it if it followed a few deeper offerings of RPG tropes it already has the mechanics for but simply lacks the form... I don't want AC: Black Sails 2.0.... I don't want a pure pirate PvP experience.. Ill go to to Skull and Bones for that.... I want a RPG Lite Pirate game with open world mechanics.
Flesh out the core offering before leaping to a whole 'nother game experience. Show some integrity and imagination, you know, the things Rare is supposed to be good at, then once we're all built up... sure experiment and add whatever random garbage ya want.. because sure it could be fun, it is how one celebrates and IP after all.. even the Avengers are on Lunchboxes so to speak.
Difference is.. the Avengers did what they needed to do to become, well the avengers first....
Then they sold themselves to whatever random meme of thought came their way. Perhaps that's a bad example... but it is an example of my point.