Wood Crate Voyages are seemingly nonexistent

  • I have discovered roughly one thousand messages in bottles. I’ve been playing since launch, reached PL in April, reached A10 in June, completed many commendations associated with trading in 1,000 of items in each faction since then, yet have never discovered a message in a bottle for trading in a “crate of wood”. The only reason I know it’s labeled “crate of wood” is because I joined a server via a friend on my friends list yesterday and one of his messages in a bottle was for trading in a crate of wood. I realize that an update was released so that crate voyages are much more common than before, but I’ve seen cannonball crate and banana crate voyages available via messages in bottles since launch, but again, I have never come across a message in a bottle for trading in a crate of wood. Has this happened to anybody else who has played the game for a while? Is this a bug, glitch, etc?

  • 10
  • I have only come across a few but I know there are people here that have many more hours in the game then I do. If your a member of any discord groups or fleets you could also ask them.

  • @zombie-p1ague I’d rather shed light on this topic in the official forums. It would be interesting to know exactly how the message in a bottle is programmed. What is the probability that the MIB will be a crate? Is it a 5% chance for cannonball and banana crates and only a 0.5% chance for wood crates?

  • Since the developers have increased the chance of getting a supplies crate in a message in a bottle I have delivered a couple of cannonball and banana crate. From the release of the game until now a delivery for a wood crate has never crossed my path.

  • Naver seen that, from beta till today.

  • I've played almost daily since launch. I've come across a total of five crates of wood on beaches, but have never once found an actual mission for it. Have had both banana and cannonball crate missions, but those are also still extremely rare.

  • They are out there and this is since the commendation revamp since those three got reset to 0 when that update came out for me.

    It's just a very slow process in getting them done but here is where I am at in that regard as of this reply:.

  • @th3xr34p3r Yes, they are out there, and cashing in 50 of these rare crates is so much better than 1,000, but the seemingly greater rarity of wood crates is still troubling. It would be great if the devs could make the wood crate voyages a bit more common in MIBs...

  • @they-sank they need to put them into rotation of the main merch voyages is what they need to do.

  • @th3xr34p3r I wholeheartedly agree. Even if it was only a 5% chance for wood crates to appear on a merchant voyage it would make the Merchant Shipwright commendation far more realistic to achieve. It still blows me away that I’ve turned in over 1,000 chickens yet have turned in 0 wood crates. ZERO wood crates, oof...

2 out of 10