Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D

  • Holy c**p those up-votes! I didn't know there were more than 20 people on the forums lol Great work OP.

  • Looks incredible, this must have taken a ton of time to concept!

  • Great work, but i dont like the whole idea of Ice in Sea of Thieves as i think the whole Pirate thing is more about carribean flair.
    Ya i know there were Pirates in the northern seas like Stoertebecker and we have vikings as well, but just no as a Region for SoT.
    Still great work.

  • @kikiofzedead this is amazing! Hope we get an area like this keeping my fingers crossed!

  • @kikiofzedead I've already commented this on the reddit but I can't show enough appreciation for it. Amazing work!!

  • Holy Pirate Lord

    Your work looks amazing and i definetly could see all this stuff ingame fits perfectly, Damage from the Cold, and less Damage if you wear Protection Clothes etc.

    DAMN, Rare give this man a job o i want that stuff so badly now !

  • absolutely amazing job mate

  • Wow job well done! , I always hoped that they would do a frozen update like this in the future. Got really excited when I saw this but then I realized it was just fan art and got sad 😔 , hopefully the devs take note of this for a future update.

  • Expect a cease and desist letter from the Rare solicitors soon....real soon.

  • I love this idea, seeing what lands are hidden beyond the Shroud and what mysterious creatures and environmental hazards wait for you to tackle them. Do you command your ship or does your ship command you?, does your ship command the sea?, or does the sea command your ship?.

  • Saw your work earlier today, and it left me quite speechless, it's taken me a good few hours to calm down, and write something coherent that wouldn't just be joyful squeals.

    I love your work with Frozen Fangs, hands down. I love Vikings, so anything with that gets my stamp of approval.
    A few players noted that it might not fit Sea of Thieves overall theme, and I can kinda see that, but given the very fantastical world that Sea of Thieves is, I think it could work.

    Not too sure about your Pukai. I had to Google it, and it's very interesting and cool, but when I think of Vikings, and the frigid north sea, my mind turns more to sea serpents and krakens (one of which we obviously have).

    That's about the only thing I'd want to change, were this to be an actual expansion, which I dearly hope it will be.
    You made some incredible art, and gave us a very interesting and solid idea for a future expansion. I wish I had more upvotes to give. Really hope the developers see your work, and at least gets inspired by it.

  • @kikiofzedead I made a master list for all the creative idea's like your don't get lost in the forums. Can i add a link to this post there?

  • @kikiofzedead I fell in love with your works. Such an amazing artist!

  • The concept is impressive! I express great respect for the work done! But it would be strange, having sailed a few minutes to go from the hot tropics to the Arctic ocean.

  • @stundorn a dit dans Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D :

    Great work, but i dont like the whole idea of Ice in Sea of Thieves as i think the whole Pirate thing is more about carribean flair.
    Ya i know there were Pirates in the northern seas like Stoertebecker and we have vikings as well, but just no as a Region for SoT.
    Still great work.

    Hey man thanks for the feedbacks I get your point, to be fair it's just fantasy and more of a try in order to see if it "could" work rather than if it "should" work ^^ It just all started from my character looking straight like a Viking in game, then time after time... I got to Frozen Fangs, but hey, maybe if my character looked straight like a desert guy I would've made an oriental area, who knows :p But I get that, I hate snow levels in game actually ahahahah, that's why I only half-enjoyed Skyrim back in time :)

    @tundra-793 a dit dans Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D :

    Saw your work earlier today, and it left me quite speechless, it's taken me a good few hours to calm down, and write something coherent that wouldn't just be joyful squeals.

    I love your work with Frozen Fangs, hands down. I love Vikings, so anything with that gets my stamp of approval.
    A few players noted that it might not fit Sea of Thieves overall theme, and I can kinda see that, but given the very fantastical world that Sea of Thieves is, I think it could work.

    Not too sure about your Pukai. I had to Google it, and it's very interesting and cool, but when I think of Vikings, and the frigid north sea, my mind turns more to sea serpents and krakens (one of which we obviously have).

    That's about the only thing I'd want to change, were this to be an actual expansion, which I dearly hope it will be.
    You made some incredible art, and gave us a very interesting and solid idea for a future expansion. I wish I had more upvotes to give. Really hope the developers see your work, and at least gets inspired by it.

    Hey man thanks really, if my work gives you such a feeling it means you really like it, and that's my fuel to go on :)
    The Pukai is kind of a sensitive cord to me, It wasn't supposed to be in Frozen Fangs but I just love the idea of an AI threat that attacks both on lands and on sea and I just couldn't find a better idea... I started working on a big giant snake but I just felt it was no fun... Maybe in the future :D

    @nofears-fun a dit dans Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D :

    @kikiofzedead Wow, just.....Wow. You have a lot of talent. That is some really awesome work. Truthfully the art itself is very immersive. And you have done it in a way that fits with the art scheme already in place with the game itself so it is not hard to imagine this actually in game. Thank you very much for sharing this. Would be awesome to see this added to the official art book.

    Hey thanks for the compliment, but like Jacques Brel said, "Talent doesn't exists. Talent, it's the willing to do something", It's just all hardwork, perseverance and affinities ^^ I would gadly give my work to the artbook but I don't think it will happen anytime soon ahah ^^

    @skulliah a dit dans Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D :


    Those are amazing concepts!

    I think you've really succeeded to capture what make this biome special in outfits, cosmetics and threats. These elements would bring such a fresh air to the gameplay of the game and not just a simple variety in the world's encounters.

    I think this is what is really missing in Devil's Roar, having a new fauna, unique treasures to this biome and not reskins, specific skeletons that require another way to defeat them. I definitely dream of this Hunter faction and collecting Karen eyes or other rewards specifically designed for these creatures/animals.

    I would love so much that each regions have their own characteristics and gameplay. Anyway, you designed the perfect winter biome.

    Well done matey!

    Looking forward to the dargons :D

    Thanks matey! I think that the vision I had on this is shared with a lot of player, that's why I wanted to do it, I'm glad you feel it homie :) I appreciate

    @enf0rcer a dit dans Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D :

    Damn this looks good. I am currently attemping to try a put a list together of all the great community ideas so that it doesn't get lost in the forums. Could i add your post link to that list?

    Of course you can thanks for asking :)

  • Dang that is some awesome concept art. So good it makes me bummed it's not real lol. Good job and thanks for sharing!

  • No Dev responses here? What the heck

    I'd submit this to them as a resume lol

  • I have to state I've never been a fan of "frozen" SOT but this work has changed my mind completely. If I knew this was coming in game I would be incredibly excited. This could logically be placed in the upper NE section of the map or like the coming Arena, given a page of it's own, longhouses instead of taverns, sheep and goats instead of pigs and chickens, short swords and bronze knives.
    With this added no one could ever say again SOT lacked content. Rare Does need to hire you.
    Talent is the love of, and it is a gift... you certainly have that gift. What more can I say? Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  • @kikiofzedead
    I must say that all this was beautifully done and well thought out and I was glad to see that Captain Falcore done a piece on this in his channel and added a link to your site. Hopefully Rare is noticing your works and will implement some of your concepts. Plus The Devil Roar skeletons were awesome as well sir!

  • Amazing, love your art!
    But i don't like vikings on a pirate game. Maybe in another game about vikings.

  • How does this not have more likes?!
    This is the start of something amazing.
    Even if only 10% of this concept is used it will be amazing. I can just imagine RARE immortalising @KikiOfZeDead as a thank you.

  • Do you work with someone when creating these concepts?
    I'd love to bounce ideas off someone with your creative skill.

  • @kikiofzedead ha detto in Hey it's me again! I took some time to concept a full fan-update in Ice Region called "The Frozen Fangs" New outfits, mobs, Ai threat, weapons and art Stuff! :D:

    text alternatif

    Mobs, splashart, world boss, evil mobs, figurehead, pnj, clothes, weapons... I did a lot of different concepts for this fan-update, you can check em all on this beautiful link : www.artstation.com/artwork/GXaoo1

    You may also remember me from past concepts I did before, I posted em on reddit not so long ago, here is the link if you're curious, you'll see that some of the early concept were used for this big fan update

    www. artstation.com/artwork/RkO1X

    What's coming next for this fan personnal work are the 3D model of Pukai and the wolf I'm currently planning to do, as well as few other ideas I'll draw in the future like Yetis, bears and dragons, so stay tunned guys. :D

    Thanks for your time everybody, please feel free to discuss it and give me your feedbacks and ideas, I also posted it on the reddit but few guys told me to post it in there too so here I am :)

    And a big thanks to Rare, Sea of Thieves is such a beautiful game, I think I'll never grow used to it, props to you guys, this is just my appreciation of your excellent work :)

    A.W.E.S.O.M.E....did Rare contacted you about this ? they should definitely do that! + I too have some ideas i want to share with you...your design skills are far superior but my Italian creativity/madness forged by Pizza can compete ;)

  • @kikiofzedead I love your imagination Kiki, The Frozen Fangs concept looks amazing! I would really like to see you do more fictional creatures and landscapes, show us what you got! :)

  • @kikiofzedead Wow! Signed!

  • This has gotta make it in the game someday! We've got a fire region, it just makes sense to have an Ice region now too! Keep up the work it's absolutely EXTRAORDINARY!

  • Amazing professional calibre work. I would not be shocked if this was presented as a conceptualization workup ordered by Rare. So Amadeus, that if you dont have Solieri problems yet, you will.

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