Favourite Sounds in Sea of Thieves - what's yours?

  • Stolen unashamedly from Twitter and @CannonMunkii

    My favourite 4 are in no particular order -

    1. The sound of the skull fort vault opening
    2. That strange caterwauling sound you hear in the wilds sometimes
    3. The fuse on a gunpowder barrel
    4. Full Billow!
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  • Mine are:

    • A Cursed Cannonball whizzing by my head. (The CCs whisper btw)
    • Cannonballs hitting a Skeleton ship
    • Getting the wind in the Sails
    • And Digging up a chest

    Love all those sounds.

  • Like these threads!

    1. Waves breaking on the sand
    2. Walking and running barefoot
    3. Seagulls (and wildlife in general)
    4. Wind in the sail (and all the wooden noises the ship makes)

    Most disliked :
    The sound of a gunpowder skelly in your back.

  • For me, it has to be...

    1. The "barp" sound at the end of the sound for handing in a Chest of a Thousand Grogs.
    2. The sounds you hear in the fog.
    3. The new Sea Post sound.
    4. The music you hear when the captain appears at a skull fort (yeah I know this is music, not a sound, so sue me!)
  • 1.the sound after defeating the captain on skull fort( i miss that sound since the last update)// like also the final wave music

    2.after defeating a megalodon.

    1. skelliship spawn

    2. burping pirates

  • Cannon fire rolling in the distance

    The clink from a shovel hitting a chest.

    These are a few of my favorite things

    1. The sound in the fog.
    2. The ghastly screams from another crew as you light the stronghold keg on their lower deck.
    3. The skellies captain wave sound.
    4. The music in the beginning of the developer update vid.
  • The melody of turning in a chest! When we only had the gold hoarder voyages to complete, it was such a relief to get chests to an outpost and turned in. So many hours spent trying to hear that melody as often as possible so I could buy another item for my pirate before the test period ended.

    1. The sound that comes from the Chest of a Thousand Grogs when you jump up and down.
      Sounds almost like a bunch of people in a tavern laughing at someone making a fool of themselves.
    2. The sound of a beacon being lit
    3. The eerie sound of a Mermaid Statue nearby
    4. The sound of a shovel hitting wood... clunk.
  • @katttruewalker
    1.fighting the fort captain music
    2. The song it makes when you hit another ship with a cannon
    4. Gunpowder explosions
    5. Drunk music

  • Mine would have to be...

    1. The Cursed Mermaid Horn.
    2. When you approach a Sea post. (Reminds me of Banjo Kazooie for some reason)
    3. The creaking sound of the ship in
      a storm.
    4. The thud of your shovel hitting
      a chest.
    5. The commendation unlocked 'thud'
  • In no ranking order

    • The clunk of a peg leg on a surface
    • The sound of an empty Firearm
    • The laughter from Skelliwags upon your demise
    • The whispers while holding any Skull
    Fair Winds to all.

    • The clunk of striking a chest
    • The crack of a flintlock
    • Sails snapping full of wind
    • Cannonfire off in the distance.
    • The bell tolling after I sink a skelly ship
    • The music queue of killing an enemy player
  • I like all the sounds that relates to navigations: the noise of the helm turning, the wood of your ship, the sails, the waves...and, by the way, if you hear them with headphones, they become...somehow "solid" (i don't know how to better explain it). All the sounds in SoT deserves an Oscar prize for the way they help to create such a marvellous illusion.

  • @silvercob

    Have to agree with this, the sounds of sailing are just amazing. Also love sailing through storms. The storm sounds along with the creaking of the ship and strained sound the wheel makes when turning really brings it all together.

    EDIT: Also wanted to add the sound of the rowboats. Maybe it's just cause I've spent so much time in them, but when I get into a good rowing groove, the noise of the oars in the water is rather comforting to me.

  • @katttruewalker cannon fire and the whoosh of the cannon ball and the 3 am kraken

  • Ships battling in the distance, love the sounds of distant cannon fire. And of course the waves breaking along the shore.

  • Ahhhahahha a very interesting topic! Let's see...

    1. The sound a chest makes when you strike it with your shovel (especially when digging on "Cannon Cove...I really, really, really dislike looking for chests on Cannon Cove)

    2. Skull fort vault door opening (in true pirate fashion I'm stealing that one from you Katt)

    3. The incredibly faint sound a meg makes RIGHT before it bursts through the water (I think I'm the only one that hears it on my crew so I get to impress everyone when I "randomly predict" a meg is about to burst through the surface of the sea)

    4. The little random creaks our ships make when we're punching through waves.

    There are tons of awesome sounds in Sea of Thieves. The attention to detail is pretty amazing.

  • @erinom3 's list is just about perfect for me too:

    • The sound that comes from the Chest of a Thousand Grogs when you jump up and down.
    • The sound of a beacon being lit
    • The eerie sound of a Mermaid Statue nearby
    • The sound of a shovel hitting wood... clunk.

    My first thought was the sound of a shovel on wood. Have you also noticed, if you look down when you do that, tiny splinters of wood fly off?

  • All my favorites have been covered here. The sound design is so fantastic in this game, it's really hard to pick only a few favorites. The same goes for the wonderful music by Mr. Beanland. Excellent work all around.

  • My favourites are...... Oh wait..... 😕 Haha

  • 1 when people play instrument with mic playing there own song during sailing like guitar etc.
    2 full blow in the sails
    3 a white chicken on the bow calling out we are friendly
    4 hipping when you continue drink groc in small zips like a real drunk sailor :D

  • When out at Sea... all alone..
    The occasional sound of Seagulls... and 'Am finally at home :)

  • My favorite sounds in SoT:

    The pause between booms of cannon fire from two ships battling at a distance #realistic #speedofsound
    The ambience of the fog #creepy
    The warning sound when skeleton ships are ready to emerge from the water #ohs****
    The sound of a skeleton ship emerging! #flyingdutchman
    The creaking of the ship when slow sailing #anxiety
    The flurring sound when a cannon ball nearly misses your face #kissedbyacannonball
    The sound of a mermaid statue #eerie

    • 4 Skeleton bones crumbling
    • 3 Fort Captain dying
    • 2 An enemy green lighting
    • 1 The many desparate comments of my mates as barrel skellies chase them!😀
  • The sound of the cannon balls whizzing past your head
    The Ocean
    Athenas hand in
    Overall sounds of the ship


  • The satisfying 'thud' as you drop a skull in the sand.
    The eerie quiet in the middle of the fog.
    The rumble just before Meg appears.
    The clunk as your cannonball strikes and dispatches a gold skeleton.

    I marvel at the attention to detail, not only with sound but with the game as well.
    Nothing is unfinished, everything is complete down to the smallest detail, even on the back of things you wouldn't normally look at.
    A true masterpiece :D

  • Posting it here because I'm bad at forums.

  • @cpt-parr0t-head I read this and for some reason it reminded of the 12 days of Christmas song lol.

    • The festive music in the taverns last month.
    • The times you hear the intro music for the dev videos.
    • Sword dash sound when you jump and splash into the water.
    • Banjo being played in the legend hideout (waiting for it to be a PL reward)

    To make a list of no particular order, use "Unordered List" aka ul by doing * space text

    • The musical notes building as each successive cannot shot hits
    • The thud of a skull hitting the floor
    • The wood creaking on the ship
    • The crescendo of the song that plays as your defeating the Forts (I tihnk its part of Maiden Voyage)

    Honorable mention to the vomit sound ! :P

  • The sound that's made when you pick up a gold or silver chalice. Absolutely hate the sound of the pigs. Anyone notice the same pig sounds in RDR2?

    1. Selling a Chest of 1000 Grogs
    2. Hearing multiple volcanoes at once
    3. near miss for a cannonball
    4. eye of reach/cannon reload
    5. kraken roar (when it first appears) fills my heart with dread every time

    TBH reading this thread i like a lot of sounds these were just the first that came to mind!

  • The Ocean
    Discovering a Clue on a RiddleQuest
    Distant Cannonfire
    inside Fog

  • Banana burps 😂

14 out of 64