Before i start i want to say: i'm a pvp based player and i speak for those that don't get to enjoy the game because of this!
As we all have noticed the AI threats on the seas are very active since the re-newed Karen (kraken) all the different megalodons and the new skeleton ships!
I was thinking, with the Arena coming up soon, is it not time to also give the PVE community a place to be?
I know a few people who are hyped to play sea of thieves but just dont stand a chance if it comes to PVP, some want to solely roleplay, others just want to explore or earn gold!
What if there would be a game mode where you can play without the threat of PVP, where you can not earn any XP but you can earn gold!
So to actually progress in commendations/titles or level up in the alliances you will have to play in the regular servers or the arena!
This way there is an option for youtubers like Neebs Gaming for example to come back to Sea of thieves as they can roleplay and just have fun with the world of sea of thieves, ffor me to casual play the game with my girlfriend, for my friend to be able to play with his son without getting sunk by competative players!
This opens up the game for alot of new types of players that just can't really get in the game as it is due to pvp as pvp isn't for everyone and i feel that especially Sea Of Thieves is a game you got to be able to enjoy without "getting good at pvp"
Also this offers new players to get a grip on the game and fully focus on how everything works, giving them a better chance for when they decide to try out the risk servers!
Alot of responses to this is: the game will die if you split the community.
I disagree as alot of people simply dont play because of the pvp!
I think that it will even make the player base grow!
And if this is done with more prioritization on server population, the game will shine more than it has ever done as it gave EVERY TYPE OF PLAYER a place to do their thing!
Keep your comments respectfull and please always backup your opinion with an argument!