Im officially crewless now

  • @excitedcaius said in Im officially crewless now:

    @realstyli said in Im officially crewless now:


    Maybe someone should tell the devs that they're playing their own game wrong then? I suggest you tune into one of their streams sometime.


    That's how the Devs choose to play their game. But that doesn't make it the only way to play.

    So... ;) right back at ya.

    No, it's not the only way to play. And not how I personally play... but I still accept that it is part of the design of the game. Rare have repeatedly added, and will continue to add, content that drives (Joe Neate voice) "player engagement in new and interesting ways" - and that includes attacking other ships on sight.

    Myself, I don't attack other ships unless they attack me first, but I'm not going to say they are griefing for doing it... because that is how the game is meant to be played. Trust no-one, pirates gonna pirate, and all those memes about it "not being Sea of Friends" (blah blah).

    I get chased by gallies and brigs all the time when I'm solo, I've learned to deal with them... and I openly call them "cowards" in chat and put on silly roleplay voices (like when I was Santa over the holidays). I try to see how many of them I kill before they can kill me - more often than not I do very well. I rarely sink but, if I do, I blame myself not others for attacking me. Without the threat of PvP, the PvE is extremely easy, boring and repetitive.

    It's all fun and games at the end of the day, nothing matters in Sea of Thieves... loot is more plentiful than ever, and the only rewards are cosmetics and commendations. PvP try hards will always be part of the game, if they want to somehow believe this is a competitive game, let them waste their time.

  • When I read these type of posts on the forums, and then the replies with support to move a portion to the game to PvE only.... I really feel some type of way about it. The game was built by a team of developers that decided that this game should be PvP all throughout it. It's not a PvE only game. If your wish is to horde things until the end of time go play a game that is designed for that. This one isn't. You can run for hours, I'll probably chase you for about 30 minutes to an hour depending on how I feel at the time, but the crew I play with. We're in the game to wander around until we see another player to sink. There isn't much else to do, and that's typically after we've spent some time in Arena, which is also just as boring. I think it's sad how many people just jump on this train of getting PvE content it's own place rather than really working at becoming good at what the game is already designed to do. I haven't done any of the voyages in the game since the realease, they aren't of interest to me. I'd rather find you and steal your loot to level up my progression. Sorry, but it's way better than running around trying to gather it myself.

  • @excitedcaius said in Im officially crewless now:

    So I'll repeat it: the crews which prefer and choose to engage in PvE activity are not there for your entertainment. Combat crews can play with other combat players, leaving those who would rather avoid those scenarios to enjoy the game their way, at their speed, and in their time.

    The choice to engage in PvE activity doesn't mean you are no longer in a shared world. Being a pirate means freedom, the ability to be the type of pirate that suits you. Each pirate can play as they wish, if you disagree or do not like their influence on the world you can choose to either avoid or engage, if you enjoy how they play you can even join them. When you spot the sails on the horizon, the question is not who are they... but How will you respond? #BeMorePirate Your choice of PvE doesn't mean you become a merchant!

    You might want to read some of the responses, many are also of people that engage in PvE mainly and/or face the seas on their own and do not have an issue with the shared PvEvP world.

  • @realstyli said in Im officially crewless now:

    @excitedcaius said in Im officially crewless now:

    @realstyli said in Im officially crewless now:


    Maybe someone should tell the devs that they're playing their own game wrong then? I suggest you tune into one of their streams sometime.


    That's how the Devs choose to play their game. But that doesn't make it the only way to play.

    So... ;) right back at ya.

    No, it's not the only way to play. And not how I personally play... but I still accept that it is part of the design of the game. Rare have repeatedly added, and will continue to add, content that drives (Joe Neate voice) "player engagement in new and interesting ways" - and that includes attacking other ships on sight.

    Myself, I don't attack other ships unless they attack me first, but I'm not going to say they are griefing for doing it... because that is how the game is meant to be played. Trust no-one, pirates gonna pirate, and all those memes about it "not being Sea of Friends" (blah blah).

    I get chased by gallies and brigs all the time when I'm solo, I've learned to deal with them... and I openly call them "cowards" in chat and put on silly roleplay voices (like when I was Santa over the holidays). I try to see how many of them I kill before they can kill me - more often than not I do very well. I rarely sink but, if I do, I blame myself not others for attacking me. Without the threat of PvP, the PvE is extremely easy, boring and repetitive.

    It's all fun and games at the end of the day, nothing matters in Sea of Thieves... loot is more plentiful than ever, and the only rewards are cosmetics and commendations. PvP try hards will always be part of the game, if they want to somehow believe this is a competitive game, let them waste their time.

    It sounds like our playstyles are similar, but I do want to point out that I've not used the word "griefer," nor have I made any value judgements about combat crews or Tall Tales crews; both playstyles are valid and players can find enjoyment that suits them.

    My issue is that the game currently does not present a fair proposition for PvE players against PvP players (refer back to my first post in this thread). So unless or until there's equity of experience, the modes should be separate.

  • @excitedcaius I dont see how there is inequality in experience. All pirates have the tools to play on their own terms. Nobody said being a pirate would be easy.

  • @excitedcaius

    It doesn't present a fair proposition because that's not the design of the game. The game is designed to be PvPvE, but players like us choose to play PvE because of our personalities - it doesn't mean that's how the game was intended to be played.

    It's all about player choice. And I really do think the game would be incredibly boring without the threat of PvP. I don't think they need to be separated but I do long for more events that incentivise co-operation, rather than force it.

  • @excitedcaius

    Well, neither side is really being catered to. While pure PvE is impossible due to the open world nature of the game; pure PvP is difficult and not very profitable due to the limited server population and randomness of loot.

    SoT seeks to straddle the line between the two extremes. Which, admittedly, is not an easy thing to do.

    Now I, personally, have chosen to play in a purely PvE manner. I don't attack others and if someone gets close enough to attack me, I abandon my ship and run, or simply let them kill me.

    Now this choice does present drawbacks and frustrations, but I figure that's the price I pay for using a playstyle outside of the game's design.

    And besides, I like the knowledge that I could run into anyone at anytime. I'm willing to take a black-eye here and there for the chance to meet some cool people.

  • You didnt try the whole...Pass and drop?
    Sail pass a outpost, jump off ship with one or two items and make a line for the faction?

    Works as long your ahead of them.

  • Griefing = When a player sinks you and take all your stuff.

    That's how the game is, go and play something else mate...because this game isen't for that you stuck around so long anyway! :)

  • We started with 4, this quickly turned to 3
    It stayed at 3 for a while but we finally lost our 3rd a couple months back. He was sick to death of the item switch out bug mainly, in a game where the only reward is cosmetics to customise your game, having the game dictate what items he had ticked him off. His final straw was spending a long time at a fort beating wave after wave, boss after boss for another ship to turn up sink us, kill us, finish the fort whilst we spawned on the other side of the map and take everything, whilst we were trying our best to get back to the fort asap a kraken grabs us, he turned the game off and hasn't turned it back on ever since.

    Just me and my sloop buddy left.

  • There doesnt ALWAYS have to be a solution to every problem. If you get surrounded 4 to 1, you dont have good odds of winning. Oh well.

    Try harder next time!

  • @excitedcaius said in Im officially crewless now:

    It's not for you to decide my reason or motivation for playing. Nor is "If you just played my way, you'd enjoy it more" a reasonable or acceptable answer.

    If you read my post as I am instructing you to play a certain way, I am sorry.
    It was meant to be advice as in if you stop caring about the loot then it changes the game.

    What I found to be the great lie in this game is that the loot and rep are important. They sadly do nothing.
    Gold purchases nothing really. Rep gets you to pirate legend which turns out to be nothing but a title. It appears that after achieving pirate legend it is up to us to find a reason to play as the in game incentives no longer achieve anything.

    My advice is don't worry about the loot.
    Enjoy the seas!

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Im officially crewless now:

    @octopus-lime Who's the biggest griefer, the griefer? Or the griefer that griefs the griefer?

    U wot m8?

  • @muphraidercdxx said in Im officially crewless now:

    Tonight was it.

    Don't you wish you knew that you were in the good old days when you were in them?

    Happens to every game.
    Sometimes you find new friends and can add a new chapter, try what others have suggested to find quality crewmates.

  • Newsflash, buddy. Every video game ever created wastes your time. Just because you can't or won't fight back doesn't mean that those people are griefing you. I can't understand how this is such a hard concept to grasp for people.

  • @muphraidercdxx Lol all I hear is woe is me. Sometimes your luck is just bad. That is how it goes. Also, this is a pirate game called Sea of Thieves. One of the objectives in literally in the title. Just because there are quests in the game it doesn't make those the sole objective. In general, the objective is to amass treasure. The means to the end is variable and based on play style. Just because your play style is PvE doesn't mean that invalidates those of others. It is quite a ridiculous notion that only you somehow know how to play the game correctly. Also, here's a tip. Fight them if you don't want to waste time. If you sink at least you faced up to the challenge. If you want to run just know they will chase. If you want to troll them (like I sometimes do) run to the Devil's Roar outpost, both jump off and vote for the Shroudbreaker mission, then sail up North towards the Shores of Gold and into the Red Sea. You will be protected and they won't. Trying thinking up some strategy sometime and it will take you far.

  • It's a shared world.

    The game is not about fighting, or getting loot or any of that.

    The game is about you and your crew in a world full of other crews and how you get along (or otherwise) with the people that you are sharing a world with.

    It's as much a social experiment and metaphor for the real world as it is a game. It explores the nature of human behaviour in a consequence free environment.

    There are some dark truths to uncover about the nature of people. Some people are mean, some people are dishonest, some people just want to watch the world burn. There's beauty there too though. Some people are kind, caring and compassionate even when it costs them, some people are intrinsically good.

    The contrast between those who only want to cause suffering versus those who want to spread joy really amplifies the efforts of both.

    How can you recognise goodness if there's no badness to compare it to?

  • Ask yourself; "what's the name of the game"?

    People yelling racist, sexist or aggressive insults at you are "Griefers".

    Crew members contstantly dropping anchor, wasting supplies, tossing loot overload ...etc. are "Griefers".

    Other crews stealing your stuff are not "Griefers", they are "Thieves". It isn't called Sea of Thieves for nothing.

  • @muphraidercdxx said in Im officially crewless now:

    Thirdly, game mechanics is the issue.
    Tonight was a perfect example. Stalked up at starting outpost, dropped sail and headed to the quest island. En route we were attacked by pirate ghost fleet. Cannons and boards being used, down to the last 2 pirate galleons and a kraken pops up. Now we have a kraken holding us, and 2 galleons circling firing weary balls and sail raisers. We fight our way through that sinking 1 galleon and a couple tentacles, in a sloop remember, just to have a meg turn up at the edge of the kraken. This all happened on the way to our objective.

    First, you were not set upon by a ghost fleet out of nowhere. The ship battle experience is opt in - so, don’t claim to have been set upon by a ghost fleet on the way to an objective. Second, what you describe is impossible because the Kraken doesn’t spawn when forts or ship battles are active. Basically, this entire scenario didn't happen.

    Repectfully, this story just isn't true. And it is a wonder that someone would ask for advice - perhaps sarcastically - on how to overcome it.

  • @muphraidercdxx

    For me, fighting other ships is the most enjoyable part of the game. It’s a shame you didn’t have fun trying to best the brigantine.

    You could have gone to a skeleton fort and had your friend get an explosive barrel, then circle back around the fort. If they followed then your friend could have ambushed them.

    Did you try dropping one bit of loot at a time, sailing past the outposts?

    I know these options aren’t always available, given the sloops relatively slow speed when not sailing directly against the wind. One mistake and you get caught.

    I am curious, did you have much loot on board? In a game where four players can turn up on a superior ship, it is unwise to stack loot on a two man sloop.

    Finally I know it has already been suggested but do try looking for group posts and discord channels ect. This game is great when you have a good crew. If all else fails, message me, i’ll help you and your friend crew a brigantine.

  • Ahoy @entspeak ,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @marrl Okay. Feels a bit over moderated as there was no personal attack in what was edited. Being respectful doesn’t mean don’t challenge someone’s statements, but you da mod.

  • My favorite argument in these threads:

    "You're seeing things all wrong, guy.. don't think about getting smashed by another ship and losing all your treasure as "losing" per-se. Think of it more as "winning through entertainment". No one loses progress in this game, we just gain great opportunities to be "entertained even further". There are no losers here, just people who need more time to complete objectives than others. Teach your kids that participation is all that matters, sports, games, grades.. all an illusion, man.


  • @viperishemu2992 said in Im officially crewless now:

    Ask yourself; "what's the name of the game"?

    People yelling racist, sexist or aggressive insults at you are "Griefers".

    Crew members contstantly dropping anchor, wasting supplies, tossing loot overload ...etc. are "Griefers".

    Other crews stealing your stuff are not "Griefers", they are "Thieves". It isn't called Sea of Thieves for nothing.

    no the ones who throw loot overboard are troll

  • I mean you could find something more fun to do than grinding.

    If we have to be off by a certain time then we do other things. We fish, usually get between 10-30k an hour depending how many people are fishing and which area we're in. Or we just sail between islands and scrounge shore loot, grabbing the occasional ship treasure in between. Deliberately messing with / engaging other players.

    They keep adding tools into the game to make things more entertaining.

  • @cotu42 have you ever swam far enough away from the raft, caught the mermaid and spawned back on said raft?

  • @betrayme84 that set raft is an idea, a suggestion by a content creator Captain Falcor, it is not in the current state of the game. What are you on about? It could work like that to resolve your concerns?

  • I can't find anyone to fight ever. It's annoying so I log out. There doesn't seem to be near as much pvp as there used to be. I rather throw fire bombs at my own team.

  • If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.

  • @navillicious

    Yes but one has nothing to lose, the others have hours of work and tons of loot to lose. So, most of the time people turn and sail to escape combat. It's not about hurrrr durrrrr git guddd, it's about being smart and not being forced into combat because Sea of Trolls makes it super ez for griefers but nightmarishly annoying to voyagers on maps full of aggressive players.

    The best way to play Sea of Time-swallowing, is to cash in your loot often, so that when frequent stuff like this happens people don't lose a lot if they must fight.

  • Yesterday me and my friend did a skull fort on a sloop, we finished it and then another sloop manning 1 player came up after us (PC player) completely destroyed us and took it all. My friend quit on the spot, and is not planning on coming back. So yea I get it - but with the new update I am really excited to not have to play with PC players (one was cheating so bad the other night (couldn't hit him for nothing, and he was standing still laughing!). But is a pirate game so find some players who are thicker skinned and get out there and get your treasure back.

  • OP been playing this game for almost 2 years and still needs to run for an hour to avoid PvP. Cmon are telling me in 60 minutes you couldn’t anchor them one time? There are so many ways to stop that I don’t care if it’s a galleon vs a sloop. You could also just jump off with loot as you pass outposts and turn in, take a merm back. Drive to fog, drive against wind etc... this game has given ppl so many options to get away from people chasing them.

  • @ssssuckbrickkid I agree. it is impossible to chase a ship. harpoons are bad and can not shoot straight ahead. people, just need to get good.

  • The game doesn't reward people for griefing. It rewards players for dedicating time to becoming skilled at combat. It takes time, effort, and lots of frustration to become even moderately skilled at ship combat. For a crew to work together and pull off a victory is an indicator of the crew members putting in the effort and having it pay off. If you have been having issues with players killing you frequently while you go about your business, then the only thing you can do is learn to fight back. If you and your crew have been content with being prey since launch, you may have wanted to consider the title of the game much earlier. It isn't called Sea of Friendly Merchants, and for good reason.

  • @nuklrghandi said in Im officially crewless now:

    The game doesn't reward people for griefing. It rewards players for dedicating time to becoming skilled at combat. It takes time, effort, and lots of frustration to become even moderately skilled at ship combat. For a crew to work together and pull off a victory is an indicator of the crew members putting in the effort and having it pay off. If you have been having issues with players killing you frequently while you go about your business, then the only thing you can do is learn to fight back. If you and your crew have been content with being prey since launch, you may have wanted to consider the title of the game much earlier. It isn't called Sea of Friendly Merchants, and for good reason.


    We were in a galley last night (hate them but had 4 players active) we had a ton of loot on board and were being chased by a brig. Three of us jumped off near an outpost with the most expensive loot while the 4th just led the brig on a wild goose chase.
    We'd catch a merm, turn around, and rinse and repeat the process until everything was sold. We even sunk them and cashed in their stuff in the process.

    Griefing is DEFINITELY a thing in SOT, but this ain't isn't it (OP). This is the game. Develop better tactics and adapt to stuff to not get smoked every time.

    Seems like the OP might be the type to sail straight to the outpost and anchor sails down 100M from the shore.... Got to learn better tactics. We've all lost big loot at times.

    Another note: The game is a social game. Play with people to help you get better. Solo slooping at first is a lot to master, but you can manage if you work at it.

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