Why you should add private worlds

  • @jjblackhat said in Why you should add private worlds:

    That's a good point, but without pvp that pve would be extremely dull because lets face it. there is not that much to do - the pvp takes center stage (it is the 'threat', the only 'threat' in the game imo (besides LIGHTNING hah))

    Except, this isn't true for everybody. Only for you and some other players (obviously). I find PvP itself to be dull and a complete waste of time usually due to how slow ship to ship combat is and due to the current gun meta when you do get someone on your ship (or if your invade another ship). If I want a true real PvP experience, I'll go play my main game Paladins and blow my enemy team up as an undead pirate with a squid-grenade launcher thing (he works for an Abyssal Kraken)...

    Most of my fun in Sea of Thieves is doing the "extremely dull" PvE stuff that you're talking about here because apparently, I'm not allow to relax and just have fun with no to little stress after dealing with terrible matchmaking in my main game and poor balance decisions...

    Sure, player interactions in general can be fun in SoT but the moment we start shooting each other... I get bored quickly. The only fun thing to do against another player is using cursed cannonballs (getting them drunk, asleep, etc)... Otherwise, I rather scuttle my own ship or just sail away if possible to not waste time, and if they chase. I'll finish my task at an outpost, scuttle, and get myself killed or I'll sail toward another player ship and get those two ships fighting each then scuttle and go back to my own thing...

    Either way, normal PvP in this game is just borderline BORING and a complete waste of time to me. Obviously not the same for you, which is fine. We all have our own opinions on how we enjoy this game.

  • Well tbh i personally think that 1 forts shouldnt take as long to complete ( they should have a Ui timer or something too soo there are defined limits on how long you can fight) 2 forts should probably be inscentivised a bit more, maybe ancient skelletons could have a greater spawnrate on active forts so people would want to travel to and or activate forts and lastly fort activaion rates should increase.

  • You literally just explained the purpose of the FotD in your complaint... The damn island creates a distinct cloud for all players to see so they come AND fight you for the delicious loot.

  • @luciansanchez82 LOOOOOL

  • @entspeak Turning on the high heat xD

  • @jjblackhat @jjblackhat a pve only world wouldn't be boring for those who are asking for it. That's the whole point of this friendly discussion. I think there is always something to do in this game, especially if you count commendations. Not every player wants the threat of other players. Personally I've learned to lve with it. And the lightning is funny. Pve players cant escape that. 🤣

  • @dr-mitch74 detto tra noi hai ovviamente ragione, ma neanche con un immagine ci arrivano

    Do it like me and just stop playing this game :) i've wasted already plenty of time both in game and in these boards to just come to that conclusion, let them plunder each other to boredom because "it's a pirate game" when themselves know that it is not

  • @qu1etone sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    Take out pvp there is still a game to be played.

    And what would be the reason to play in the pvp server then? Everybody would just go to pve server and grind stuff...
    Please people, realize that this game is PvEvP and it's not going to change

  • This game has no sense if you get only PvE. What is the point of just farming in a game which has no ending? I know is enjoyable and you have tons of things to do, but playing this game without any threat has no sense.

    The Forts are made to be visible to everyone and if you do them you know you are going to have a good loot, BUT, you have to be aware for other ships to come because it offers treasures and everyone wants them.

    Maybe you shouldn't blame the people who stole your loot, but your decisions. You are doing a high risk challenge and you are assuming that risk. Next time keep an eye on the horizon and once you finish be aware there could be people hiding somewhere nearby without you even noticing. If you want to be even safer, blow all the kegs so you can't get a surprise nuke.

    Take this failure as a way of learning ahead instead of blaming THIEVES (Because it's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Farming without enemies). If you learn from your mistakes that will make you a truly Pirate Legend, not just getting to level 50.

  • Another 1? Surely they must be trolling us by now! I mean come on, guys! It's another 1 and done post! Don't be baited by this farce!

  • @knut-skallagrim ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    @dr-mitch74 detto tra noi hai ovviamente ragione, ma neanche con un immagine ci arrivano

    Do it like me and just stop playing this game :) i've wasted already plenty of time both in game and in these boards to just come to that conclusion, let them plunder each other to boredom because "it's a pirate game" when themselves know that it is not

    oh yes .. unfortunately this game is killed by pvp players only. Absurd. and say that 99% are PVE targets.
    yet they break the boxes with THIEVES.
    absurd this game for those who are not able to do pvp and dead, sorry but RARE is throwing away this game. sad really sad.

  • @ninjalight0401 Before you try to do a fort of the damned you need to have two things ready:

    1. A good crew that you can count on to protect you.
    2. A very good sense and skill for PVP. Because people WILL try to steal it from you.

    If you don't want to deal with PVP then you are best sticking with quests, and the other less rewarding forms of getting treasure.

  • @ninjalight0401 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    lol, bruh... you're a pirate playing a pirate game. What did you think was going to happen at the FOTD. You also probably had people with rowboats tucked on the island that you didn't even know about. That goes for Adventure Mode in general brother, there are people out there like myself, that are strictly PVP players who are looking for boats to sink and steal loot from. You can't blame anyone but yourself and your crew for sinking and losing everything. Just remember, there is ALWAYS someone out there better than you so you learn from the experience and mistakes and try to make yourself better for next time. The best part about this game is the risk you take of doing forts or loot stacking because you NEVER know what could happen at any time. If you can't handle being sunk and losing Fort Loot, then you sure aren't ready for the rest of the Adventure World and maybe this is the wrong game for you. I hope to see you on the seas someday =) Happy Sailing!

  • I agree. As a new player, I'm still figuring things out, but then having a crew, two legends at that (I know because I got an achievement for legends killing me), attack me repeatedly and sink my ship when I try to redeem one or two things really makes me not want to play the game. It wasn't even in good sport, it was attacking me while I was talking to one of the NPCs, and then destroying everything else between killing me.

    Like, this game seems interesting, but not when I keep getting killed for no reason. If it was in good sport, I wouldn't mind so much, but wouldn't I just play in the area of the game reserved for that sort of thing?

    I would much prefer to be able to play with my friends without worrying that someone much more experienced at the game waits for me at an outpost and kills me. What's the point in having a Pirate Code that says to welcome new players if nobody follows it?

    This isn't the first time I've been killed by other players (always at outposts), but this time bothered me the most because of the way they went about it. Just doesn't feel like a game with a respectful or welcoming community.

    Different, private worlds would be welcome, especially for new players that are looking to figure things out and play with friends rather than fight with players that are at the point of Legends and just want to destroy you.

  • @kizzaster

    Different, private worlds would be welcome, especially for new players that are looking to figure things out and play with friends rather than fight with players that are at the point of Legends and just want to destroy you.

    With respect mate, you don't improve in pvp by removing yourself from pvp. When it comes to this game, it is quite simple, I'm not saying this to bash you. However, the mechanics aren't really complicated, gun shoots, sword swipes, block, and lunge. Even the ship combat basics itself aren't really complicated. Raise and lower sail for speed, angle them for top speed, partial sails for partial speed, and anchor for full stop.

    When it comes to the PvE environment, this game does a poor job improving sailing, you could essentially ram island to island and still complete voyages. Their is no incentive to learn outside of not wasting so many planks, but planks are easy to come by. It isn't until you start playing against people that the game starts to push you to learn better sailing. The game has no method to show you that when doing an opening bombardment on an enemy ship, partial sails is better to create a longer window of shots on target. Going to fast means your window is small and less effective. This is just one of the lessons you can't really learn by going in some isolated zone away from the main game.

    We all started where you are, what might help is joining the Discords and sailing with some crews. You can also try the Xbox LFG to find like minded crews.

  • @nabberwar so you're saying, when I'm handing things in, talking to one of the NPCs, I should improve myself? I really don't know how that's possible. I do play with a crew, and when we are starting out and have just finished something successfully, to have it all taken away last minute as we are handing it in by Legend players honestly makes none of us want to continue playing. When it's on an island and another crew comes up and we fight it out, no issue, but not at an outpost.

    Fighting skeleton crews on the sea is fun, I enjoy it, it's great. Even if I don't win, I have a lot of fun, but being killed from behind while I'm in a tent, then repeatedly killed for no reason, that's not fun for anyone.

    I'm not saying it's hard or complicated, I'm saying that when other players act like this on an outpost, they don't make it an interesting combat situation. It isn't fun.

  • @kizzaster
    I'd argue that you should be able to see them coming miles away. When it comes down to it, this game isn't a stealth game. It certainly has stealth like aspects, but that is rather shallow. A ship should not be able to roll up on you without you noticing when you are at an outpost. All it takes is a little situational awareness and a periodic 360 degree panning.

    Outposts are never intended to be safe zones, in some cases they make great ambush spots, but the game balances it out by providing obvious indicators like mermaids and parked ships. Their is very few unique dialogue options in this game to distract you for that long not to see that ship sailing over for 5 minutes.

  • @kizzaster sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    (I know because I got an achievement for legends killing me)

    There is no achievement for a legend killing you...

    Edit: the last achievement you earned today was, another crew sold your chest...you meant that one right?

  • @nabberwar I was distracted by the megladon I was escaping from, which is one of the things in this otherwise compelling game that provides a unique and interesting combat situation.

    I know Outposts are not safe zones, I have had to fight off more than one skeleton crew that followed me to an outpost, it happens. All I'm saying is it literally says in the Pirate Code and other things to be a welcoming community, to settle disputes "on the waves", for legends to be a guiding voice to new players to make it a fun game that makes people want to return. This clearly means nothing to many players, but as a new player, reading that when I first started playing made me think it was going to be an interesting and welcoming community, and now it feels like just something meaningless thrown on the walls of the taverns.

    I bumped into a kid the other day, and his voice was so stressed begging me not to attack him at the outpost. It shows how little people actually heed the initial messages the game tried to implement.

  • @schwammlgott I mean the achievement that says "Legends, it's unacceptable!"

  • @kizzaster sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    @schwammlgott I mean the achievement that says "Legends, it's unacceptable!"

    Yes, that one is for getting a chest stolen...

  • @schwammlgott ah, sorry, I just thought it was legends because of that, and they had those special sails, but I may have been mistaken, my apologies. They weren't legends, but clearly more experienced players.

  • @kizzaster said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @nabberwar I was distracted by the megladon I was escaping from, which is one of the things in this otherwise compelling game that provides a unique and interesting combat situation.

    I know Outposts are not safe zones, I have had to fight off more than one skeleton crew that followed me to an outpost, it happens. All I'm saying is it literally says in the Pirate Code and other things to be a welcoming community, to settle disputes "on the waves", for legends to be a guiding voice to new players to make it a fun game that makes people want to return. This clearly means nothing to many players, but as a new player, reading that when I first started playing made me think it was going to be an interesting and welcoming community, and now it feels like just something meaningless thrown on the walls of the taverns.

    I bumped into a kid the other day, and his voice was so stressed begging me not to attack him at the outpost. It shows how little people actually heed the initial messages the game tried to implement.

    First of all, you never really KNOW who is NEW to this game or not. There are several cases where people will wear sailor outfits and rock a rookie title so they APPEAR NEW. I have done this myself as a PL 10 to make people think I am new and them dumpstering on them. It's a pirate game where you techinally can't trust anybody but your own crew. As far as that pirate code goes, really it's open season on anything EXCEPT if you are absolutely being harassed either voice chat via name calling hate speech or xbox messages with proof. Overall, it's a pirate game and you need to be on your toes 10000% of the time. People will literally say anything to someone to not get sunk if you have loot. If I hear little kids literally with hot mics, then that's usually the only time I will let them be...

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @ninjalight0401 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    How do you start a FotD without PvP in a private server?

    OMG.... my brain exploded when you mentioned this! Complete shut down and debunk! Awsome call there mate!

  • @kizzaster I don't know why you are complaining here...you started the game on 22nd of december, and you got your first chest stolen on 23rd of january...seems like you had very chilled sessions everytime...

  • @mrbadabing I can understand that, I just don't see how adding this option would be a detriment to the game at all?

    I mean, you could take out things like FotD and Reaper Chests and anything that is compelling for PVP, and just let people deal with Skeleton Crews, Megladons, Krakens, and do voyages and things. PVP with all of those things included, as well as FotD and Reaper Chests would just make for a variety of ways to play the game, without losing players.

    Two ways to play outside of the Arena, I think it would be good for a lot of people, and have incentive to play PVP for lots of people too.

  • @kizzaster Sorry the seas haven't been kind to you but they much more quieter than they have ever been. We already have 2 ways to play outside of the arena due to the opt out of crossplay that has happened and now we do not need anymore at this time.

  • @inboundbomb said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @ninjalight0401 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    How do you start a FotD without PvP in a private server?

    OMG.... my brain exploded when you mentioned this! Complete shut down and debunk! Awsome call there mate!

    Well, you can, but I will not explain how.

  • @ninjalight0401 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    noun: pirate; plural noun: pirates

    • a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
    • rob or plunder (a ship).

    Why buy a PIRATE game and ask to remove PIRATES from a PIRATE game? WHY? WHY?

  • @marsmayflower It would depend on how the server is set up and all the variables that are included in such a server. I can come up with several ways myself but it would depend on those variables that I mentioned earlier.

  • @inboundbomb said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @marsmayflower It would depend on how the server is set up and all the variables that are included in such a server. I can come up with several ways myself but it would depend on those variables that I mentioned earlier.

    I'm talking about how you can get a pink light, right now, without dying to another crew.

    Fix your game, rare.

  • @marsmayflower

    'm talking about how you can get a pink light, right now, without dying to another crew.

    Teammate shooting a keg? That is just my guess, unless its something outlandish.

  • Having a private server to farm loot is a close to boosting as you can ask in this game. NEVER going to happen

  • @juan-823 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    This game has no sense if you get only PvE. What is the point of just farming in a game which has no ending? I know is enjoyable and you have tons of things to do, but playing this game without any threat has no sense.

    I mean... The game already has no threat with how rare player encounters are and the majority of player encounters are peaceful or accidental PvP (players being defensive). Out of around 20 or so direct player encounters I had so far... Only 2 of them truly were PvP purests while another 2 to 3 were either defensive or wanted to PvP but apologize after chasing once they figured out I had no interest and just wanted to do a Tall Tale. (This doesn't count indirect player encounters where I saw player ships but they moved away from me or didn't bother to chase).

    So, to answer the question. Do the same thing as currently? Like I don't understand this argument at all. The game basically has no threat already (which is why I don't really care about PvE servers that much. If they happen, neat for those people. If it don't, then whatever).

    Or I'm just extremely lucky... (I am part Irish).

  • @targasbr said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @ninjalight0401 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    noun: pirate; plural noun: pirates

    • a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
    • rob or plunder (a ship).

    This I can agree with. I don't mind if people are actively trying to steal from me, especially when it is obvious that I have loot on my ship (like a Reaper's or that I just left a cleared Fort. That sort of thing).

    The problem isn't the Pirate part of the game though. I think the big problem that most PvE only players has is getting sunk and killed when they have literally nothing... That's not being a pirate since there is no stealing to be involved. That's just wasting your time and the person you are attacking own time.

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