Boats sunk career stat

  • Is the boats sunk stat based off of individual performance, or do you get credit if your crew gets the sink?

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  • @x2gu4rdianx2 I'm not sure. I also have heard that it may count ships sunk in arena, bit no confirmation on that. What I can say with high confidence is that it doesn't count ships you sink by using only explosive barrels.

  • I'm part of guardian's crew And it's a shared Curiosity of ours. Our crew plays together almost exclusively but our sink counts Are all a little different. Those of us who helm often don't have as many ships sunk as our main boarder. Does the helmsman have to get a cannon shot in for the stat to register? Do ghosts and skeletons affect the count?

  • @i2abid-squirrel ghosts and skeletons definitely don't count. And based on your observation your helmsman seems to always have fewer ships sunk, combined with mine that ships tou sink with kegs don't count, it seems like a safe conclusion that you have to personally hit a ship with a cannonball for it to count.

  • @william-flint that's what I think as well.

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