There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life)

  • @galactic-geek said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Arrogance and ignorance - a terrible combination, indeed.

    Don't pretend like you now something more than others. You don't work at Rare so it's obvious your "server performance" talk is just a guess game. You don't even know if adding more marine life will have a huge effect on servers or not. All you're doing here is basically saying "Server stability issues, bad, you can't have fun because server performance issues, I know what I'm talking about" and I really don't see a point in that? Like, this is a feedback and suggestion forum and clearly these suggestions are not made for you. Maybe devs already saw this thread and thought "Hm, that's a great idea and that's something we can add without affecting server performance" yet here you are shutting everyone down for some reason.

  • @galactic-geek said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    @bluerexdino said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    @bupzy Yes all we need is something to look at or do while we are sailing so much time is wasted sailing and it can be quite boring. The only thing to do is play music and look at the empty horizon there just needs to be a little bit more life in the game.

    There's plenty to look at and do while sailing. You can watch for other ships, man the sails, go fishing, cook something, try out a new look, play with a pet, have a conversation with the crew, gather supplies from nearby islands, etc. Life is what you make of it, and the same applies to the Pirate Life.

    And setting of fireworks, everybody forgets about the fireworks 😁.

  • I'm all for more fauna, generally speaking.

    Regarding a couple of things mentioned:

    @bupzy said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    • Make them friendly, unkillable creatures. Maybe add a gargantuan-sized whale that no cannons or bullets can pierce its skin. Maybe it has barnacled chests stuck to it that you can help remove and keep. You get loot and also help a sea creature. This helps spread a positive message about helping marine life while also having a reward incentive.
    • Sea birds. Actual birds that sit on the water or try to catch fish, land on your ship, and actual mobs that fly around islands. Seagulls, Pelicans, Parrots, etc.

    Whales could insta-kill you with one tail strike if you mess with them, as a lesson to those trying to kill them, kind of like chickens in the Zelda games.

    As for the birds, I think you run the risk of interfering with gameplay there, since birds already exist in the game and serve as markers for floating debris and loot. They'd need to be designed in a way that doesn't lead to confusion.

    As for this:

    @bupzy said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Rare is a multi-million dollar company, and if they were able to implement new enemy spawns such as phantoms, sirens, and ocean crawlers, there is no reason why they cannot add more to the sea life spawn pool instead of just primarily sharks.

    There is probably, most definitely a reason. And devoting time and resources to implement those things instead of decorative animals could be a pretty good one, actually. We can't just come here and assume they don't know how to do their job while having zero context of why things happen the way they happen. All we can do is suggest.

  • @rustyaldrich said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    @galactic-geek said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Arrogance and ignorance - a terrible combination, indeed.

    Don't pretend like you now something more than others.

    I'm not. I'm using reasonable evidence and inferences.

    You don't work at Rare so it's obvious your "server performance" talk is just a guess game.

    If that's your criteria for leaving feedback, there wouldn't even be a feedback forum, because most of us don't work for Rare.

    You don't even know if adding more marine life will have a huge effect on servers or not.

    It depends on how it's implemented. Most of what has been suggested brings up issues, which are being brought to the forefront of the discussion for quality assurance.

    All you're doing here is basically saying "Server stability issues, bad, you can't have fun because server performance issues, I know what I'm talking about" and I really don't see a point in that?

    You can't make an argument by making assumptions about what I say and attempting to change the narrative.

    Like, this is a feedback and suggestion forum and clearly these suggestions are not made for you.

    It's a public forum. If you don't like the feedback to your suggestions, you're welcome to message Rare directly - though I doubt they'll give you the same amount of attention as we do - and likely for the very same reasons many of us mention.

    Maybe devs already saw this thread and thought "Hm, that's a great idea and that's something we can add without affecting server performance" yet here you are shutting everyone down for some reason.

    Because you're not the 1st to post this idea. Many others have, and they have gotten very little response if any from Rare - because they already have plans months, potentially even years in the making. At release, they had a 2 year lead time! They have cosmetics planned prior to release that we still don't have yet!

  • @liberance said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Whales could insta-kill you with one tail strike if you mess with them, as a lesson to those trying to kill them, kind of like chickens in the Zelda games.

    As for the birds, I think you run the risk of interfering with gameplay there, since birds already exist in the game and serve as markers for floating debris and loot. They'd need to be designed in a way that doesn't lead to confusion.

    Really great points, I agree. Regarding the birds, it could be entirely different, possibly even fantasy bird species so that there is no confusion. I'm sure there will be a way for players to tell between an actual bird mob vs. a flock that is marking a shipwreck or cargo.

    As for this:

    @bupzy said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Rare is a multi-million dollar company, and if they were able to implement new enemy spawns such as phantoms, sirens, and ocean crawlers, there is no reason why they cannot add more to the sea life spawn pool instead of just primarily sharks.

    There is probably, most definitely a reason. And devoting time and resources to implement those things instead of decorative animals could be a pretty good one, actually. We can't just come here and assume they don't know how to do their job while having zero context of why things happen the way they happen. All we can do is suggest.

    Absolutely, I wasn't implying that Rare doesn't know how to do their job. Rather, I was more so referring to the people that act as if any degree of implementation of these changes will instantly break the server's back. Some of these changes could literally be as simple as adding new mobs to the spawn pool. So rather than getting some sharks or sirens, you find whales, manta rays, or something else. Crabs could share the island animal spawn pool as well.

    In this way, it's not piling additive stress on the server, but rather just adding more variety to the spawns, as they've been doing with phantoms, ocean crawlers, etc.

    As for greater marine life changes, I definitely understand that it may not be that simple, and that these things take time. Once again, it wasn't an all-in-one immediate demand, more so just speculation for future content (once they have it figured out).

  • I would love more sea and land animals, but honestly, after 4 years I don't think it's a good change, it should be something done already in the game planning with bigger islands with life on them, just to increase the immersion.

  • We on the sea of thieves seem to have everything we want or need, a variety of missions, a variety of world events, and even a variety of customizations for our ship that have expanded over the course of the last four years. The only two things missing I would say, are secondly and larger land expansion with more land-based exploration opportunity, but even more so, an update to the existing wildlife and island systems.

    Islands are currently filled with skeletons, ocean crawlers, pigs, chickens, and snakes, with the shallows update, this is overhauled. Adding new animals, and ocean life to the reefs around the islands would brighten the game and allow for more time to be spent on islands playing with wildlife and having fun with friends!

    Ground Based Animals: Currently Pigs, Chicken, Snakes. These animals albeit interesting for lower-level players who need to use them for missions or who just simply playing with their favorite pig, are not game mechanics that are used for much else other than to see running around while digging for your treasure. This could change, adding new animals is something many people would enjoy, and I would hope is an addition that could come in this update.

    Wild Boars- We see constant reference to wild boars on rock paintings everywhere. They seem to have just disappeared, until now! Wild boars will drop a larger "Trophy Pork Chop" and can charge and knock back a player if that player gets too close to it. Their meat can be sold to hunters call and can be eaten as well for new food types! I would say triple the current pig health would be reasonable and would allow for hunting with a bit more challenge, as they run away from players who are shooting at them.

    Monkeys- Pets are not the only place monkeys should exist, I realize how difficult it would be to implement which is why I don't know how realistic they are, but if possible, having monkeys that you can interact with via feeding and will swing from tree to tree would be amazing. These monkeys would be in different mood sets, angry meaning they will throw bananas at you and attempt to get you to leave the island, meaning you will have to scare them away with a gunshot, friendly meaning they will approach you and allow you to feed them, also potentially showing players where ground loot may be on the surface of islands, this would be an awesome addition to the game.

    Jaguars- These are aggressive animals that will attempt to kill you, I would love to hear about these potential features that they could have. I think if you are alone, they could attempt to target you more than if you are in a group and would be less common than all other animal types meaning that their fur, when killed that will drop will be a specialty to sell to Merrick.

    An update to the shorelines around islands would be included as well, adding reefs that are explorable and home to a plethora of new aquatic life. These reefs can vary in size between islands and allow players to level up hunters call via exploration instead of fishing and gemstones. They can be used to house new mission types and allow players to stay and interact with islands more often.

    Sea Based Animals

    Manta rays- These would be incredibly awesome! Rays are an addition that could potentially allow for a whole new shoreline lifeform. Rays come in different colors similar to fish and can be hunted and ridden to traverse the shoreline as fast as possible. Riding a ray means you climb on its back and can control in for a limited amount of time of 10 seconds before it flails around and kicks you off. These lifeforms also will eat fish and keep close to islands. In addition to this their meat is sellable to hunter's call.

    Electric Eells- Eells are huntable and also can be used as food the same as manta rays. Electric Eells are killable albeit difficult and come in different colors as well, they can electrocute you when a sword is used and if close enough with a gun. Eells have a passive nature but become aggressive if you attempt to get close or fight it. Eells however, do also stay in their own island areas.

    Sharks- In the current form there is only one variation, however, with these sharks' surrounding shorelines and are different colors and rarities it will enhance the experience with them in the seas.

    Fish- Currently fish swimming around and being eaten by Rays, Eells, and Sharks would be awesome. Players can carry a jar with them and trap a fish in it, after this selling it to Merrick will result in a reputation and gold boost higher than that of cooked fish, this would be a way to integrate missions with Hunters Call, meaning you will claim a mission in order to gain the jars and then sell fish in the jars to Merrick to complete the mission the same as the merchant alliance animal deliveries.


  • @bupzy Could call this update "The Shallows"?

  • @bluerexdino I believe the emissary should be locked to level 50 and above, as hunters call should be a grind for everyone.

  • @itz-majman Well, I am sorry, but that shouldn't force them to sacrifice content.

  • @michael-b4418

    That's just how it goes till the day they decide to ditch last gen. A strap on a gun was too much, so I think it's safe to say that OG xbox in the issue currently.

  • Moby-Duck, when?

    It'd be fantastic to have this whale just swallow ships and blow out loot (maybe with a multiplier) with no way for players to respond but just watch in dismay.

    Oh, and get a 'From the belly of the whale' commendation.

  • @bupzy

    They've got the perfect excuse.

    It's my game. I don't want to...

  • Maybe because of performance issues possibly due to people still playing on older gen systems.

  • @jaythefennec120 If we were talking in the context of the Playstation 2 restricting a game being updated in the 2020+s, I'd agree.
    We're not though, I think that it's just a convenient excuse to justify not optimizing a great game.
    Even letting people turn off stuff like Bloom, Glow mapping, Godrays/Volumetric light, and Specular lighting would help with client-side performance.

    They have creative optimizers over there, as demonstrated by how they solved the problem of skeleton crews on moving ships; more solutions like that would help ease the stress on the server, if indeed it is so delicate.

    Back to the OP's point; I'd love to see Whales in the game.
    "I grin at thee, thou grinning whale; Thus I give up the spear!"

  • I just be happy with just visual things no interaction that it just disappears when you get too far away from it and it always stays a good distance away so you never get too close but it's still there to see one thing I would like is new shark models tiger shark or Hammerhead instead of the normal two models have the different type of sharks spawn in that is my two cents love y'all

  • @galactic-geek said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    @bluerexdino said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    @bupzy Yes all we need is something to look at or do while we are sailing so much time is wasted sailing and it can be quite boring. The only thing to do is play music and look at the empty horizon there just needs to be a little bit more life in the game.

    There's plenty to look at and do while sailing. You can watch for other ships, man the sails, go fishing, cook something, try out a new look, play with a pet, have a conversation with the crew, gather supplies from nearby islands, etc. Life is what you make of it, and the same applies to the Pirate Life.

    While true, I think the game could use just slightly more endemic life. Not a lot, just a little. The ocean does seem semi-lifeless at times. It would just give it that extra polish ontop of the polish.

    That said though, I do semi-agree that "life" should be something that adds to the game. New mechanical benefit, ways to play, or ways to progress. I figured this was going to be the update upcoming in my theorycrafting because of the meg event, but as it turns out, it's Captaincy - which, HOORAY! FINALLY! Very excited for it. But the Hunter's Call does need a bit of an upgrade, I think. Seaposts should serve more purpose if they're taking up map space on the Sea of Thieves. (However little that may actually be) We need more things to hunt, and it shouldn't just be limited to fishing. Hunting various different kinds of large sea creatures/monsters would be pretty cool.

  • @thelostsentinel Thanks for your post. Completely agree with you that the Hunter's Call has a lot more potential, and the ability to track down and hunt a variety of sea monsters would be such a cool feature imo.

  • I don't even need to read your post, there's a very simple answer:
    There are 10000 features that would make sense in the game that Rare could add, they just can't add them all. If whales aren't in the game ut is probably because they think other stuff has priority over it, that's it.

  • @pellahh said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    I don't even need to read your post, there's a very simple answer:
    There are 10000 features that would make sense in the game that Rare could add, they just can't add them all. If whales aren't in the game ut is probably because they think other stuff has priority over it, that's it.

    That’s a pretty arrogant thing to say and doesn’t contribute much of anything. It’s common knowledge that there are endless ideas for new features and not all of them can be added.

    Remember that this is in the Feedback/Suggestions section of the forums, so your post could literally be applied to any post by saying “well there’s a reason why it’s not in the game.”

    The whole point of having this section is to advocate for new things to be added…

    And also, you should have read it because the very same point you’re making has already been addressed.

  • @pellahh based

  • @bupzy Nah they have a point

    As cool as it would be to have sea life, I think there are things much cooler that could be added instead of having you sit underwater for a minute or looking at a whale in the distance instead of sailing out and finding treasure.

    That's really the flaw of the idea, extra environment where not even Rare has thought the seas have needed. Chances are these ideas were already passed around and turned down because of reasons like we've mentioned above. A content update, which is what Seasons have done pretty exact so far, should NOT be sea life, they try not to bundle a bunch of hard-to-implement features into an update. I'm not sitting there for 3 months waiting for something neat to do just because you want a sea bed and unkillable whales. No.

  • @nex-stargaze think of all the grey space that could not be grey

  • @michael-b4418 said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    Ground Based Animals: Currently Pigs, Chicken, Snakes. These animals albeit interesting for lower-level players who need to use them for missions or who just simply playing with their favorite pig, are not game mechanics that are used for much else other than to see running around while digging for your treasure.

    This sentence I bolded just invalidated your entire suggestion within a suggestion for one reason:

    You don't fully understand the uses of island animals past their environmental effect.

    How are you going to diss the current state of island animals without mentioning the one reason people actually like animals on islands?


    Meat that when eaten, restore 50% of your health when fully cooked, and has 25% extra health restoration to boot. If I'm sailing around doing voyages that don't involve keeping the animals safe from harm, they are being slaughtered and put on my stove for cooking so that when I get into a tough fight, I can eat a fully cooked chicken and stay in the fight longer than depending on some weak little bananas that won't out-heal 2 sword combos.

  • @bupzy

    One thing it's suggesting something, another is saying there's no reason not to add something or explain why something could be added (and I don't get the point of doing this tbh). So no, it's not arrogant to not read a post that claims "There's no excuse why Rare can't add x" as my point is a reason that goes beyond whatever someone could say, which was proven as you give the "can't add everything" for granted, the fact that it's obvious doesn't mean it shouldn't be part of the discussion.

    I've read the post and yeah, you mention priority in literally one sentence so you actually gave yourself a reason why they probably won't add whales, at least in the near future. You also stated that it's obvious that Rare can't add everything while answering to my comment.

  • @itz-majman said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):


    That's just how it goes till the day they decide to ditch last gen. A strap on a gun was too much, so I think it's safe to say that OG xbox in the issue currently.

    Rare has been adamant that this is not the case.

  • I'm in favor of more Sea life, but I still don't think whales will, or should happen. The distance idea doesn't necessarily work, because there are still other ships on the server - what's far away for you might be close to them, and if you put them in places like the edge of the map, then what's really the point of adding them to begin with?

    I would, however, like to see a storyline featuring some mad captain, like Ahab. 🙂

  • @nex-stargaze Okay and? That’s all, there is no substantive use for them other than that.

  • @pellahh said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):


    One thing it's suggesting something, another is saying there's no reason not to add something or explain why something could be added (and I don't get the point of doing this tbh). So no, it's not arrogant to not read a post that claims "There's no excuse why Rare can't add x" as my point is a reason that goes beyond whatever someone could say, which was proven as you give the "can't add everything" for granted, the fact that it's obvious doesn't mean it shouldn't be part of the discussion.

    I've read the post and yeah, you mention priority in literally one sentence so you actually gave yourself a reason why they probably won't add whales, at least in the near future. You also stated that it's obvious that Rare can't add everything while answering to my comment.

    I get where you're coming from, and I stated that this post was not an all-in-one immediate demand. We both literally said the exact same thing being that Rare doesn't see whales and other marine life as a priority, so clearly I was already fully aware of this. I'm simply arguing as to why a lack of content in playable empty space is a bigger priority than most people think (Note: not the biggest, just bigger).

    To clarify, the reasoning behind the title was not "there's no reason why they can't add x now" but rather that there's no excuse as to why we can never see whales and/or other marine life added to any degree, as some people act like it's a near impossible suggestion. Some of these suggestions are more minor changes (using mechanics that Rare has already utilized before) that could be done in the near future, while others would take a lot longer to implement.

    I also never said your statement shouldn't be part of the discussion, but instead it's something that has already been acknowledged before in this thread that you rehashed by not bothering to read first.

  • In my opinion, next time they should add wingsuits and planes to game and the next to next time they should add lions and tigers and the next to next to next time they should very much add THE ----------
    pirate emporium stuff free!

  • @herrdave3849 I'm just saying it's not really important right now they should fix what they have before moving on the game in it's current state is as bad as battlefield 2042

    1. Whales I would consider they are already in the game (Kinda) Megs...
    2. ''There is no excuse why X/Y/Z is not in the game yet'' Your talking about a pretty big resource heavy addition.
      May I mind you that the game servers is still limited to 5 ships/16 players instead of the standard 6 ship (24 players) for a good reason, and it's been month.
      Please I don't want to go down to 4 ships and 12 players just because you want to add resource intense Marine life...

    I still like the idea of having visuals such as crabs on beaches in some regions and jelly fish here and there like you stated. but adding MORE PvE marine life is annoying, Sirens are annoying to deal with and just feels painful to deal with at time trying to focus on a task and having 4 of them swim up to you and cause havoc...

  • @ix-indi-xi said in There's No Excuse Why Rare Can't Add Whales (and other marine life):

    1. Whales I would consider they are already in the game (Kinda) Megs... Theres already variations of it. I don't see the need of whales and what cause will they have?
      Same goes for Dolphins, ok it would be AMAZING to have dolphins pop up and even give your ship a speed boost based off RNG Imagine, but again, those take up precious server resources... I don't want to play on a already laggy/buggy game...
    1. ''There is no excuse why X/Y/Z is not in the game yet'' Your talking about a potential pretty big resource heavy addition that can impact the servers negatively.
      May I mind you that the game servers is still limited to 5 ships/16 players instead of the standard 6 ship (24 players) for a good reason, and it's been months that it has been toned down...

    Please I don't want to go down to 4 ships and 12 players just because you want to add resource intense Marine life...

    I still like the idea of having visuals such as crabs on beaches in some regions and jelly fish here and there like you stated. but adding MORE PvE marine life is annoying, Sirens are annoying to deal with and just feels painful to deal with at time trying to focus on a task and having 4 of them swim up to you and cause havoc...

  • @bupzy ...if you can kill people in game, why the issue over whales and dolphins, etc.? They obviously also go to the ferry and respawn.

    Let the player base determine how they want to treat them, as with everything else.

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