EAC - Unknown File Version (SoTGame.exe)

  • @realstyli the least they could do was address the issue in discord or somewhere else. They are mentioning literally everything else like in-game currency bugs and ps beta stuff in there and not this which is clearly affecting a much bigger spectrum of players. If you ask in the support channel of discord the best reply you get is "Ye the game is bugged so you can't play it rn" and if you open a support ticket rn bout this issue they are redirecting you to the easy anti cheat general fixes page and when that doesn't work they simply mark the support ticket as "(solved)" and end it with a "we can't further assist you about this issue".
    Idk what argument you talking bout cuz from my perspective I'm a new player who bought the steam version of SoT and haven't been able to play it a SINGLE day yet due to this which is frustrating enough and the support acts like it's not their liability to fix their damn game.

  • @astra7313045

    I can completely agree that they could be more transparent with what they are working on fixing right now.

    As a day one player, I remember the days of Joe Neate and Craig Duncan in front of a whiteboard giving updates on the state of the game.

    I get the feeling that Rare are currently super stretched on resources, so maybe that's not practical right now, unfortunately. A Trello Board-style approach would be a great idea, but that would take time to set up.

    if you open a support ticket rn bout this issue they are redirecting you to the easy anti cheat general fixes page and when that doesn't work they simply mark the support ticket as "(solved)" and end it with a "we can't further assist you about this issue".

    Yep, I've put in dozens of reports over the years (I'm sure Support is sick of seeing my name! LOL ).

    Pointing players to a frequent solution is for productivity reasons, it will filter out the reports that can be easily solved by an existing solution. This is how customer care has always worked in any industry. If you want to bypass that step, your report should always included tried fixes. Good customer care will factor that into a response.

    You're not going to get a specific reply to your situation until it's escalated, which doesn't happen when an issue is so prevalent. Again, the copy-paste replies are just more efficient, they don't have time to write out responses to every single report they get - and, at times like this, they are getting even more than normal.

    The ticket is marked as "solved" on your side but they have a separate internal tracker for issues and the information gets added to that. So they working on solving the problem for everyone, not the individual reporter.

    Just view the "solved" on your side as housekeeping. In this regard, the terminology should probably be changed from "solved" to something like "logged and closed" or "tracking and closed".

  • I am also experiencing the same issue on Steam Proton setup.
    Tried reinstalling, changing product id, reinstalling EAC, moving EAC's exe around, verifying files countless times both from steam and in-game, and some other small things.

    I get the "EAC detected local file integrity violation: Unknown file version" error every time.
    When I add "0" to productID, I get Hazelnutbeard error like others mentioned.
    It is really strange that they couldn't fix this issue in 4 whole weeks.

  • I just hope that there will be some kind of compensation. I haven't been able to play for a month now and it's quite annoying

  • @realstyli issue is, I've provided support with links to fixes and described how I've attempted to fix it myself and continually they just don't seem to read what I've done, even as far at one point to not seem to understand what my problem is DESPITE putting it in the freaking subject title.

    I imagine automated responses are more frequent now with this error, but I reported this issue early on, back when EAC came out originally (before the second round of installs) and the issue had one reddit post and one forum post about it which not many people were engaged with.

  • For three weeks I diligently sent log files to the support team on request, only to get another email a few days ago with a cookie cut response which I received at the beginning of the inquiry. The mind boggles. I've moved on to another game. Adios!

  • @andrewai2022 they acting irresponsible now... oh wait I'm sorry they aren't even acting xd

  • everyone, i have actually found a solution and turns out this entire issue isn't Rare's fault and is entirely the fault of the Xbox app, turns out if you uninstall the game and then install it on your main drive (the driver where your windows is installed) the game launches right up, i've always heard the xbox is absolutely garbo and it turns out it's 100% true, i hope this also helps on the people who have this issue on steam, uninstall it and install it on the main drive, cheers.

  • And again an event starts and you can't play it. How long will this last, Rare?

  • @ch3ck3r75 maybe, maybe just maybe look at the quote above you, this isn't Rare's fault, but microsoft.

  • It still doesn't work, uninstalled and reinstalled on hard drive c

  • 5 WEEKS, NO FIX.




  • I'm a new player, fresh on the sea's. Installed both xbox app and SoT edition 2024 last week (with gamepass).
    I'm running W11 (work laptop) for the time being untill thursday when the game is released on PS5.

    (the above is just a reference so you know not everybody has issues)

    I work in IT and have extensive knowledge about errors, certificates and such.
    If there is anything I can do to provide the correct files, codes or cert's please let me know.

  • @babayaga3353 do you know how to resolve this problem with the Game Pass version, thank you in advance

  • @ch3ck3r75 is it steam or xbox app?

  • @zahenixgd xbox App

  • @komlern This worked for me. Strange that this problem seems to be present since EAC. This should be an immediate fix but it looks like Rare didn't even acknoledge it

  • Chat is this real?

  • @astra7313045 https://imgur.com/a/TwKlL87

  • New update, 57Go.
    Bah we will see if it works after more than 1 month of problem not solved.

  • So even after update, same [mod edit] happening.
    Rare was fast (1 day) to react to the fact that changing ID in EAC let you come to game : I played one evening and the day after I got the start of this Hazelnutbeard spam.

    I regret to have bought skin before all this mess...

    Will continue on other games.
    Bye 😡

  • @francky5213 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Circumventing the Forum Profanity Filter

    A profanity filter is in place to support our commitment to our community to create the world’s friendliest multiplayer game. Topics and posts which attempt to circumvent the filter will be edited or deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • The problem was fixed after I reinstalled my operating system but it reappeared when I updated the game for Season 12.
    Rare not being able to fix or even acknowledge this issue in 1.5 months is staggering.

  • Same issue here with the steam verion. Got the PS5 version my GF and I can play together but now I cant play on pc, what is Rare doing???

  • so I noticed that the unknown version error list a file, I erased that file and so far so good. I dont know whats going on honestly

  • @nanixgarm91 Wich file exactly?

  • @terminandor3188 Core_0aa77131-e25d-46bd-b8b2-dec811ef6109-WindowsClient_P4.pak This one was the one I erased and got it to run for about 3 hours before an error forced a file validation bringing it back, which then set off the EAC error again.

  • Tuve este problema y esto es lo que funcionó para mí.

    Encontré el archivo Easyanticheat explorando los archivos a través de la aplicación Xbox.

    Abrí el archivo settings.json y encontré este ID de producto 0367a3a8ea344f08851d76facf6f66d3 o lo que sea.

    Agregué un 0 al final para que "0367a3a8ea344f08851d76facf6f66d30" ahora esté en la carpeta de configuración y eso solucionó el mío.

  • @agocu2005 I tried that but it lead to a hazelbeard issue last time.

  • It can't be that after more than a month the game still doesn't work.

  • @ch3ck3r75 sadly it seems that way so far, been a month and a half for some.

  • not sure if this helps anything but after weeks of the error from playing SOT on xbox game pass, i finally bit the bullet and bought the game on steam. low and behold, game works perfectly, either because steam is just less broken or because it forced the install of the correct version idk, good luck others

  • Nice try @Rare. Really nice try with the update. But this just validates how good you guys are to IGNORE that WE ARE STILL GETTING HAZELNUTBEARD ERRORS!!!

    Rare, i already stopped paying for my gamepass, and i will NOT PURCHASE THE GAME ON STEAM!

    GOOD BYE!!

  • Really cool to log in and see that Rare hasn't helped anyone here for over a month and a half. I now find myself in with you all.

    I deleted my old game version and downloaded it fresh from the Xbox store today. I opened the game and got the EAC error right away. So, I tried the usual fix, adding a 0, and got the usual Hazelnut Beard.

    So, I guess we wait now? I wonder when Rare will care enough about us to fix this? Perhaps Emporium cosmetics are the priority at the moment.

  • Email from Rare 5 minutes after my ticket was opened:

    *If the issue persists, please be aware that we are investigating possible solutions internally. As such, we will mark this ticket as "Solved", and will aim to address this issue in a future update.

    Please let us know if you need further assistance!

    Fair winds and followin’ seas!*

    GG Rare! Thanks for all the help! Just mark my ticket as Solved if you'd rather not deal with it.

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