Captaincy update

  • how many people here have joined and open crew lobby while sailing your captained ship to see some fresh new faces?
    Sometimes you could have been playing for a long time built up quite alot of supplies and the people joining may not be what you wanted and the other crew member is someone who wants to see the world burn or maybe just your ship.
    The only options available to you is lock them in brig or other option is to just leave yourself and start again which is really unfortunate because now all the time put in has been wasted.
    I do feel like as you have been primarily sailing the ship and its your ship you should get a majority vote over locking someone in brig if theres only 2 of you like you and the troll. i know some people dont agree with this and it states in rules all pirates are equal but its not really off balance getting someone who just joined to troll to go back and search again. its just my opinion on open crew captaincy

    there are going to be some that reply use the sot discord to find pirates or other peoples discord e.t.c but that is not even what this suggestion is about. i would just like to see more options if being the main person left from a previous crew it doesnt even have to be captained ship

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  • @gaffaovgy

    That's why you don't play in open crew if you aren't willing to lose everything you have. Obviously people that trolls as in blowing up your ship, dropping loot off the ship, throws fire everywhere or something else that is against the rules you can simply report and they will most likely get some kind of punishment later on.

    The few times I personally get on in open crew is to see what others are up to or maybe if lucky find people to actually play with but don't expect to get much done unless you are on a Brig/Galleon where you can actually lock griefers in.

    Adding the ability for the captain to kick people at will, will make it way worse. What stops someone from kicking you right before you turn in all your loot?

  • You should not get majority vote as captain just because it is "your ship", this topic has been brought up numerous times, and you can see exactly what the main issues are with the idea if you search a bit in the community drop down. But to sum it up simply, people have shown in the past with groups they will brig people to try and make them quit for MANY reasons that are less than fair or savory.

  • @itz-majman said in Captaincy update:


    That's why you don't play in open crew if you aren't willing to lose everything you have.

    I can't understand this mentality, why not simply fix open crew?

    I'll say it again, go plagiarize Deep Rock Galactic. I want to be able to add my captained ship to a charter list, display which emissary I want to fly and what activity I want to do selected from a dropdown, maybe add a 30-40 character notes section for captains to write something (start the TTD countdown 🤣), and set sail. My theory is if it's faster and easier to find a crew that wants to do the same thing, it gives trolls less time and opportunity to join ships. Sure, there's always the "quick play" button when you get added to a random ship, but if your ship fills up faster with like minded pirates you're less likely to get that troll.

    Maybe even if you select an emissary, when you set sail it's already up...

  • @itz-majman what? open crew is about meeting new people to sail with its got nothing to do with lossing supplies due to trolls you cant lock up but you could if one more person was on none of what you said makes sense. even if a captain or non captain if you read my original post could lock you up if you have not been on for long what difference would it make to the person joining, none at all

  • @goldsmen thats a lie, you have more chance of two people joining a brigantine ship in open crew to lock away someone than a captain of a ship, dont make nonsence up

  • @gaffaovgy said in Captaincy update:

    @goldsmen thats a lie, you have more chance of two people joining a brigantine ship in open crew to lock away someone than a captain of a ship, dont make nonsence up

    Except the fact its not a lie and you can literally find stream archives of streamers literally finding near full galleon crews locking 1 person in a brig to try to force them to leave to get 1 more friend in because they have good treasure. Literal crews of friends ganging up on the open crew person who joined.

    Rather than just assuming some one is lying and making something up, you could ask exactly where the claim is coming from, and if you dont believe me, rather than assuming im lying still, next time hitbo goes live join his chat and ask him if he has ever seen crews of friends do that after an open crew player who joined put down a guilded voyage.

    Seeing as i have given my stance and a source you can ask and i dont care for the disrespect of claiming im out right lying and making things up, ill take my leave. Good day.

  • @goldsmen oh wow a streamer.. so what does that have to do with overall game play its a one time thing or very rare its not common. it is not how people actaully play the game they most likely did it to be friends with streamer wanting to lock them up

  • if open crew was up[ i could literally get any random guy from my friends list to join my crew and lock up someone..

  • @gaffaovgy said in Captaincy update:

    @goldsmen oh wow a streamer.. so what does that have to do with overall game play its a one time thing or very rare its not common. it is not how people actaully play the game they most likely did it to be friends with streamer wanting to lock them up

    That was one example i gave, i dont really have anything to prove or debate since you have made up your mind on the matter. Ask him the details if you want to know more. I dont try to prove my stance when people have already come to a conclusion before even asking questions.

  • i didnt make up my mind based on what you or hitbotc have said its based on experience on the game, you are more likely to get locked up by two random friends than anything some of them just lock you up when you join because they want their friend to join it changes nothing my suggestion also if theres like plenty of people suggesting this then why not do it, what because of a one time thing rather than a majority thing it make no sense. tell you what thouigh with a huge influx of new players possibly coming in two days time alot of them will be joining open crew and it will be better to have their experience my way than way it is

  • It’s all good until it happens to you.

  • I don't sail with Open Crew. I either sail closed crew (But friends can join) on a sloop, or I sail with my friends/guildmates.

    If you want to open your crew up for randos that is a risk you choose to take.

    Everything in old pirate crews was done by democracy, treasure was split evenly, crew voted who the captain was, etc.

    Only time the captain had true agency and the crew didn't get to vote was when they were at war.

  • @burnbacon which one let me guess the one that doesn't happen you guys are just here to be negative to every post i think but whatever
    @reverend-toast same as what i mainly sail as, but if you choose to open crew you should also be able to deal with such an outcome in game if you was either the captain of the ship or the one who has been there before the new guy joins and locking up a new player who just joined is far less annoying say if theres only 2 on a brigantine and a 3rd hasnt been found yet to deal with that player. it shouldnt be oh well unlucky. i dont understand that mentality

  • @gaffaovgy Think about it from another perspective then. Let's say that you decide to join another crew, cuz they have an open spot, so you pop up on a brig. You spend the next two hours with that crew, collecting a bunch of treasure and get an excellent haul. Suddenly that crew decides that their friend wants to join and because they have captaincy controls they just boot you from the game, earning you nothing for your work.

    While your suggestion does make sense in your specific circumstance, I guarantee it will create a lot of dissatisfaction for others because people will abuse the system just to troll people.

    Easiest method around it is sail on the ship size with the crew you have on hand, and if more show up, turn in, and start a bigger ship.

    Yes you will lose supplies and have to restart your emissary flag, but nobody needs the number of supplies we have been able to gain in short order.

  • well how about you read whats been posted not once does it say someone who has been playing for over 2 hours i put new player joins like a time limit where the captain or the last main person on the crew has the overall vote if there only them 2 on the ship also you can think about it
    theres 3 people you have been playing for 2 hours 2 people vote you into brig now. oh wait thats the same system used right now. not once have i said about kicking from the game either in this thread

  • Let’s go this way.

    Duo sloop.
    You are alone and open crew. Random joins, say 30min into your voyages you got a nice haul of loot.

    Now the new guy starts acting up. Throwing loot off the ship, setting things on fire. The works.
    You lock them in the brig because your “Captain”. Now what?

    People are stubborn. You sell loot they’d still get the profit, only down side is you have to do all the selling alone with a single person in your brig. They won’t leave. They will wait.

    So what now? Didn’t fix anything you brig a troll but they get rewards. If you dont sell, they win and you get nothing. (Trolls don’t care)
    Now what do we do? Oh dear captain of your own ship.

  • @burnbacon whats your point exactly its the way it is now you lock someone in brig and they can be stuborn too but pay them no attention and they leave like what are you even replying for you think im here saying its my ship no not at all try reading instead of just think oh heres another guy who wants to say im captain i can do what i want

  • @gaffaovgy not to be negative or stir the pot or anything but nine times out of ten if you make a suggestion here no matter how benign, someone will shoot it down claiming balance, equality, or some other issue that isn't relevant to the subject

  • @xxx-link-xxx-12 except in this case it's an equality issue here I have to agree with most of the people here in that you shouldn't open crew sail with friends, or make a looking for group post if you are on console like I am, randoms bring nothing but trouble

  • @xxx-link-xxx-12 i realise now this forum is full of people who like to comment on every topic and its the same 5-6 people who are not helpful at all in the suggestions raised they think they are superior and no the ins and outs of the game and how to run server for stability. really suggestions should be locked to replies only from people with knowledge like the developers so they can see peoples suggestions and then they can choose what to do after. i 100% am with you on the 1st comment

    as for second comment i am just saying it from a perspective of someone with 3k hours or more in game, that knows open crew very well and i dont really sail open crew no more unless I hasve nothing else to do. but you are wrong on randoms bring nothing but trouble, majority of time its not like that. you can join open crews and sometimes they will leave as soon as game starts for no reason because outpost isn't what they wanted i guess, other times you can join and find a completely organised crew. then there's times where you join and people don't know a lot and want to do voyages for goldhoarder burial or vaults e.t.c but hardly ever bad times. but you do get the one every so often that say your alone on a brig crew because the 2 people disconnected after selling then comes along little 6yr old Timmy and Timmy wants to cause issues. your option is ignore him till another joins or leave game. im just saying should be an option to say no its time out Timmy.

  • @gaffaovgy said in Captaincy update:

    @burnbacon which one let me guess the one that doesn't happen you guys are just here to be negative to every post i think but what

    this guy is a known griefer, he will come to every single post in the forum and try to rage bait, just ignore him

  • @lordqulex said in Captaincy update:

    I'll say it again, go plagiarize Deep Rock Galactic. I want to be able to add my captained ship to a charter list, display which emissary I want to fly and what activity I want to do selected from a dropdown, maybe add a 30-40 character notes section for captains to write something (start the TTD countdown 🤣), and set sail. My theory is if it's faster and easier to find a crew that wants to do the same thing, it gives trolls less time and opportunity to join ships. Sure, there's always the "quick play" button when you get added to a random ship, but if your ship fills up faster with like minded pirates you're less likely to get that troll.

    i gave this sugestion a few years ago but it seems its not what devs have in mind for the game, which is kind of sad if you think about how much better they could make open crew

  • @lordqulex

    How do you fix that though, the game offers so much freedom and freedom sadly brings people willing to ruin that. It's a reason open crew has a horrible reputation and most people that has played this game for 1+ year tells you the same. If it was just a "simple fix" then why hasn't Rare done so in all these years?

  • @gaffaovgy

    Open crew is NOT only about meeting people, not everyone has people to play with so they use open crew as their way of playing.

    Any version that grants the Captain or anyone for that matter to kick someone without the entire crew agreeing with it is a awful idea.

  • Just to add to the topic from the perspective of pirates, the captains didn't get more say in what happened on the ship if they tried to enforce that they would get mutinid against. Pirates tried to live in democracy and it was always majority vote rule, no one had more say then someone else, captain to bilge were equal when it came to deciding how things were done or what to do

  • @itz-majman said in Captaincy update:


    How do you fix that though, the game offers so much freedom and freedom sadly brings people willing to ruin that. It's a reason open crew has a horrible reputation and most people that has played this game for 1+ year tells you the same. If it was just a "simple fix" then why hasn't Rare done so in all these years?

    Because you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink?

    Or alternatively, it's not as simple to implement as we think... (may take a refactoring of a lot of base code.)

  • last time im even coming here to comment but nobody said kick and nobody said anything about captain should have more power, just that when someone joins your game after people have left there should be some time to decide on if to lock them up if needed if you are alone not kick i dont even know where you are reading this from and i said if you are captain or not like you could just be last person who was on ship, can this be abused yeah maybe but can you abuse other briga crew mate right now 100% i can get one other person and go around all day locking up open crew brig players..

    why rare hasnt done anything because its not that important and rare are out of touch with the game in general, i mean how long does it take to fix glitches that are gamebreaking(NOT SAYING THIS TOPIC...).

  • I agree. As a Captain I should have a Right to Vote Someone in the Brig by my only vote.

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