Guild activity tracking

  • Ahoy!

    I was just wondering how my fellow pirate guild leaders track player activity effectively.

    I started a guild 26 days ago and we are going pretty well - level 75 and counting, and we have a handful of Pirate legends already!

    I can account for the activity of a handful of members from playing with them, but wondered the best way to track the entire guild membership overall.

    I can hop on ships and read ledgers, but many people play on other peoples ships so this isn’t an accurate reflection. Also, this is pretty time consuming!

    My questions are:

    • Do you have any activity mandates for members?
    •How do you track activity effectively and which metrics do you use (e.g gold earned / guild emissary provided etc)?

    We are - and always will be - a guild all about fun on the seas rather than demanding you live on the game. However, my active members deserve support and I need to ensure that everyone is doing their bit for the guild. :)

    Many thanks in advance.


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  • @captainwilks well im mostly a guild of one so its easy to keep track of my contributions. im always kicking myself out of the guild for poor performance...

  • Haha well that sounds easy enough!!

    How come you’re not in a guild?!

  • I guess no one else has this issue :(

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