Where is Mr Ant-Heuser-Kush?

  • This is probably the wrong place to put it but that can be fixed with those who have the possibility…
    The Thing is where is Mr Ant-Heuser-Kush? Yesterday he did a very honest topic about himself wich was accepted with a lot of understanding...Today i can't find him anymore ? Did something happened ,is he banned or did he delete his account but very much more importantly ...Is he allright? Does anyone knows what is going on , because i have a bad feeling about this...

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  • @clumsy-george I do too mate

  • @Clumsy-George

    You are right Ant is gone. I was following Ant for a long time and Ant is no longer listed. Ant's posts are gone. My replies are gone going months back. Even upvotes to my posts from Ant seems to have disappeared changing reputation. Everything concerning Ant has vanished. I was hoping the outreach from the community was comfort and help. I am very worried as well.

  • He helped me get 3 Athenas yesterday.looks like he is playing SOT right now actually

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Yesterday , after his post , i tried to jump in his game but i couldn't join so i prosumed it was full and he had found understanding people...Today he's gone, i can't find his Topic so i don't know if somebody ridiculized him and he retaliated ...i don't know if he's banned or if he completely erased his account...He did that before ad started anew ...i did that too and you don't do that if you're feeling happy, that's something i can assure you...is there nobody that frequently played with him and can tell more...i'm not asking for details, i just want to know if he's allright or need a talk or something...We never played but that doesn't mean we have to sit idle and wait ...i just don't understand and i have a bit fear...

  • @clumsy-george For what it's worth, Google shows SoT screenshots captured by him that are dated today.

  • Hes on the seas now

  • @clumsy-george I just messaged him for asking for ya bud :)

  • @clumsy-george Maybe he decided to take a hiatus from the forum, he will always have a place for you though Georgeypoo, just drop him an Xbox message :D

  • @bran-the-ent and @KnifeLife , thanks Sirs, it may be a bit doomthinking but i didn't had a good feel after his post yesterday...Maybe it's nothing and he just want some peace around his head ...Sorry , i'm a bit too fast with thinking bad...

  • @clumsy-george said in Where is Mr Ant-Heuser-Kush?:

    @bran-the-ent and @KnifeLife , thanks Sirs, it may be a bit doomthinking but i didn't had a good feel after his post yesterday...Maybe it's nothing and he just want some peace around his head ...Sorry , i'm a bit too fast with thinking bad...

    It is still very sad. Ant had a strong voice here in the forums even though Ant had feelings to be shy about his true voice.

    We do not know exactly what all may go on in one’s life, but a video game and the use of a mic should never, ever make someone feel bad about themselves to the point of deleting that voice or worse. His presence will be missed. Let’s hope Ant will return one day.

    Shame on all those who do not understand or are just bullies in game and in life. Too bad we cannot sink them all!

  • Ant saved my day yesterday. Would of lost 3 athenas if he didnt join me.Was solo on last island with brig hunting pirates about. Caught a black screen after dug up athena chests.Was able to join back on him. Would of ruined my week lol

  • @clumsy-george He said he is fine mate. And he will talk to his friends over Xbox but he has deleted his forum account again.

  • @knifelife
    Okay, thanks for letting us know, Mr Knifelife...i hope he thinks more of himself one day...

  • @clumsy-george I’m sure he will be back. He’s done this before and had a little break from the forums :)

  • But...what happened? I didn't logged yesterday

  • He's around, trust.

  • @amancebacabras and @Clumsy-George pm to you both mateys

  • Oh? Did he delete his account because of too many friend requests and messages? Everyone was very positive and supportive in his thread. He could just take a break from the forums if it was too much :o

    By the way @PersonalC0ffee what happend to your account? I see you made a new one.

  • I'm sure he's lurking in the shadows, watching over us :)

    Hopefully he returns soon though, I quite enjoy his posts.

  • @clumsy-george said in Where is Mr Ant-Heuser-Kush?:

    This is probably the wrong place to put it but that can be fixed with those who have the possibility…

    Maybe we could just have it moved up a spot to the Shipmates Quarters board so more people see it. In case Ant ever checks back in, I'm sure he'll be glad to know how many people here think of, and miss him here.

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