Missing Email

  • Hi! I just signed up with my email and xbox account yesterday morning and it said that I need to confirm my email and that a confirmation email was sent me, however when I checked my inbox and spam, I didn't recieve an email. Is there a way to have it sent again; I didn't see a re-send button?

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  • To get this to work for myself i had to follow an old workaround.

    Fix #1
    1-Head to www.seaofthieves.com/account
    2-Change your contact email to something else (this can be anything)
    3-Change it back once more to your preferred email
    4-Request a new verification email

    If this does not work after following the steps above then follow this instead fellow Pirate.

    Fix #2

    1-Wait 24 hours for it to arrive, do not resend the verification email and do not change the email through your account page.
    2-Check your junk and spam folders as it may have been sent there.
    3-Please raise a support ticket and we can check you status.

  • @ixxolos Sounds good. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks!

  • @ixxolos Just an update... Changing the email and changing it back to my preferred email worked. Thanks for the help! Cheers!

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