Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it

  • @duke-of-spire said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals And there you go folks! Not one response was relative to the questions. Merely deflection! The way you see it if people attack anyone doing Tall Tales it's griefing but it's not griefing if someone doing Tall Tales attacks you. Got it. Your posts are no longer relative in my eyes due to your tunnel vision and inability to answer simple questions. Also your penchant for hiding behind your "developers work" claim will never hold water. The developers could have easily changed the design of Tall Tales to simply work as the " ships logs" do where there are no objects to steal. They didn't! They chose to put chalices, spy glasses, skulls & such in the game knowing they could get stolen. Good day to you.

    Man, this isn't as hard as you're making it. If someone knowingly attacks people and disrupts or prevents them from doing a tall tale I'd call that griefing, its not hard to tell and the odds of there being loot to take are minimal. If a crew doing a Tall Tall attacks someone, thats no part of any tall tale and they are not doing a tall tale when they attack, thats just pvp and all bets are off.

    Actually I answered every question that you didn't answer for yourself. I understand that you don't like the answers but they are what they are. Am I supposed to care that you don't find my posts relevant? Its just your opinion after all. And speaking about answering questions you failed to answer mine, like how bad would it be if you didn't attack them first but had the balls to take the risk of them attacking first, then you'd never be griefing.

    Also its ok with me if having a brain when pvp'ing and respecting the devs doesn't hold water with you, I didn't expect it to, if you have to have this kind of stuff explained to you.

    Lastly, I love how you use the fact that the devs wanted the puzzles in the Tales to be interactive and feature items that they can use in the world as "obviously meaning" that they were meant to be stolen, while ignoring that they purposely ensured that someone stealing them would stand to gain nothing by doing so... Its like they tried to discourage people from being griefers with those items and some people just aren't bright enough to take the hint. So yea please feel free to ignore every single thing I ever post from now on, I'd greatly appreciate it even.

    Good day.

  • @natiredgals If announcing your intentions to a moored ship isn't fair then nothing is. You assume way too much. See you on the seas.

  • @duke-of-spire said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals If announcing your intentions to a moored ship isn't fair then nothing is. You assume way too much. See you on the seas.

    Good day, and nah, you wont.

  • Tall Tales are amazing and a great new addition to the adventure mode.

  • @duke-of-spire To be honest, I don't think it's toxic either, but many view it as that, and I'm just trying to show why it's bad no matter how you look at it. The only "toxic"thing is I have found myself spawn killing ships endlessly so that ships that actually acquire loot will join my server once the tall tale ship quits.

  • @natiredgals I PVEd my way to Athena 10, now I sail the seas as a notorious pirate, opting only to do pirate things. You do know real pirates STOLE loot, they didn't work for it, right? That's kind of the whole point of being a pirate, my [Mod edit] friend.

  • @ii-jumper-i You really think that would be good for the game, Jumper? My guess is you don't learn from your mistakes and constantly get sunk by more skilled pirates and would take ANY type of relief. You just don't realize the relief you seek would slowly drain the fun away from you aswell. A pirate game without PVP, lol, so rewarding. /s

  • @dreadpirate9200 false

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals I PVEd my way to Athena 10, now I sail the seas as a notorious pirate, opting only to do pirate things. You do know real pirates STOLE loot, they didn't work for it, right? That's kind of the whole point of being a pirate, my snowflake friend.

    Oh look a new spin on the PIRATES IN CAPS argument. I'm no snowflake, I love pvp, I just try to have a brain about it and ensure I'm doing it for gain instead of just taking a dump on other peoples experience.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @tart-tee Saying that 'Tall Tales' is terrible or 'dangerous' is hyperbole at best.

    Giving the people that play Sea of Thieves varying ways to play is the exact opposite of terrible in my mind.

    I have seen nothing but praise (apart from the usual few odd ducks) for the way that Sea of Thieves is progressing, with Tall Tales being a frequent given reason.

    If you want loot, get it....if you can't find someone else's to steal...do a voyage and find it!

    If you just want the thrill of the fight, hit The Arena!

    There is always loot out there and available to you....just need to find and get it!

    You just seem to want someone else to do the work first...

    Gonna reply to this again... How is it hyperbole if I've seen similar moves destroy games in the past? (cited in post) Don't just say it's hyperbole without explaining why. I laid out as best I could a good case as to why it would ruin the enjoyment for PVPers and PVErs and this problem would increase in the long run if not addressed. Additionaly, I proposed a solution that was sympathetic to your cause and solves the straw man that I'm not even arguing. Instead of ignoring all of this, it would be more helpful to articulate why you feel the other way.

    Part of me thinks you didn't read the post. I didn't put a TLDR for a reason. Read it or don't reply.

    Also, yes, I do want someone else to do the work first, I'm a pirate. You think Blackbeard was an honest hard working man? That's a big oversight by you, my dude.

  • @tart-tee I love these nonsense "real pirate" arguments, real pirates took risk. 99.9 percent of time the phony scourges of the sea of thieves take no risk when attacking other players.

  • @natiredgals "Real pirates took risk 99.9 percent of the time"

    Think about that nice and slow and get back to me when it hits you. If it doesn't, not much I can do for you.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals "Real pirates took risk 99.9 percent of the time"

    Think about that nice and slow and get back to me when it hits you. If it doesn't, not much I can do for you.

    Take your own advice, mr rude. See if you cant spot the period you missed, lol. What I said was real pirates took risk. Phony SoT pirate wannabees risk nothing when they attack players who actually create the loot in the world.

  • @natiredgals I'm afraid it's terminal.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals I'm afraid it's terminal.

    Shrug, i'm afraid your time here wont be long, and you wont be missed.

  • @natiredgals But I'm supposed to believe you're not a [Mod edit], right?

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals But I'm supposed to believe you're not a [Mod edit], right?

    Believe what you want man. You're gonna anyway it seems, and you're kinda rude, and so I've kinda written off caring what you believe. We're done. Good day :)

  • @natiredgals Correction: You're done.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales is Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals Correction: You're done.

    lol yes, with you. Good luck.

  • @japollo-93 "Lazy Pirate" that took the time to actually get good at PVP, learn from my mistakes and improve constantly over a long period of time. Meanwhile, you get sunk constantly and never put the time or effort to improve. You get what you deserve.

  • @wajuwanmekill said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    Tall Tales are amazing and a great new addition to the adventure mode.

    I'd bet an Ashen Athena this man didn't read one word of my post.

  • @tart-tee Ahoy matey!

    Please be careful with the language you use when replying to posts here. Calling people a name to bait or provoke them is something we do not allow on the forums, and, as such, I have edited your previous post.

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  • @musicmee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @tart-tee Ahoy matey!

    Please be careful with the language you use when replying to posts here. Calling people a name to bait or provoke them is something we do not allow on the forums, and, as such, I have edited your previous post.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
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    [mod edited]

  • Constantly attacking people is nonsense. Go to the Arena for that. The game is about actually finishing voyages, what commendation do you get for attacking someone Fishing? Go on voyages and earn your own loot.

  • @misfitpunk138 lol

  • @misfitpunk138 Yoy get fish 🐟 for attacking a fisherman's ship. We pulled 18 cooked fish two nights ago. It was worth it

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @musicmee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @tart-tee Ahoy matey!

    Please be careful with the language you use when replying to posts here. Calling people a name to bait or provoke them is something we do not allow on the forums, and, as such, I have edited your previous post.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    • Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
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      Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    "Sn*wflake"? Seriously? That's.... ironic... + Literally breaks none of the rules listed.

    Actually it does violate rules. Derogatory Language for one, bullying as well. Tho I'm sure you'll call me one again for pointing it out.

  • @duke-of-spire said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @misfitpunk138 Yoy get fish 🐟 for attacking a fisherman's ship. We pulled 18 cooked fish two nights ago. It was worth it

    Yea but your version of worth it is satisfied when the ship sinks, regardless of what's on it.

  • @natiredgals Are you still trolling me? Jeesh.

  • @duke-of-spire
    Nah just funny to hear you say "worth it" when you've argued its worth it for supplies.

  • @natiredgals Depends on the amount of supplies but yeah. Now go back to the Hermit's Cave on Smugglers Bay from whence you came.😊

  • @duke-of-spire

    lol @ spending supplies to get supplies when they are available everywhere without expenditure, lol even harder at you thinking you can tell me where to go.

  • @natiredgals What am I supposed to call a pirate afraid to pirate? Brave? It's just an accurate adjective, is all. I could have said something actually derogatory, but I didn't.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, and Here's how to Fix it:

    @natiredgals What am I supposed to call a pirate afraid to pirate? Brave? It's just an accurate adjective, is all. I could have said something actually derogatory, but I didn't.

    lol dont hold back for my account, Its not like I've not sunk enough ships and killed enough players to laugh off your continuing need to insult me over a video game, and playing it smarter than most.

  • @natiredgals You're the one who ran to a moderator, though. No mercy from me.

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