Anyone Still Fishing?

  • Just like the title says, is anyone still fishing?

    I hit level 21 in the Hunters Call after catching pretty much everything you can catch and turning in a few dozen mermaid gems. I’ve since pretty well given up on fishing.

    I’ve noticed that no one on the forums is talking about fishing or Hunters Call any more either. I’d assume the shine wore off that apple pretty quick?

    Personally I think the grind for Hunters Call is way to extreme and once you’ve caught a few hundred fish it stops being worth any doing in passing. I know not everyone feels that way or is going to agree, that’s totally cool, and I’m glad you still enjoy it. I’m just wondering, if there’s people feeling the same way is why fishing seems to have come and gone like Sloops passing in the night? I’m already PL so I was just doing for the fun and hope of getting the Ship Cosmetics, but until they can change up that grind I’m happy just leaving it be for now and work on the Tall Tales.

    If people are still fishing, hows everyone liking it? Anyone hit 50 yet and get the Killer Whale? Anyone have any suggestions for how to relight that spark everyone had a month ago?


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  • I gave up after I caught about 20 fish. I guess it's fine for f you want the extra stamina, but as far as leveling it up. I've no interest ATM.

  • Sure, I still fish all the time. Sometimes seriously and sometimes just for fun. If I've got a long stretch of open water, I'll toss out a line just as a way to pass time.

    I'm not grinding it so my rep is still way low. But even catching splashtails is fun just cause I find it amusing to eat full, raw fish as health items.

  • once I discovered fish, rare, trophy or otherwise, were located in barrels of sunken ships, I haven't bothered with the actual fishing process anymore. maybe once in a while but not so concerned, as you say it is a bit cumbersome to level up, but the fight even with small fish gets a bit annoyingly long

  • @norloc I’ve found a few rare fish in sunken ships. Now that gold and rep are pretty much irrelevant to me that’s been my main reason for checking sunken ships. I end up leaving the regular treasure and just search all the barrels.

  • I don’t fish and less bait more cannon balls!

  • My usual crew use it as more of a time kill. We'll dock around a sea post and fish if we're waiting for crew mates to join or if we're waiting for a world event to spawn. We'll grab stuff from barrels/islands and fish as we're in the open sea and drop stuff off if we pass a sea post. We'll drop off whatever mermaids gems we find there, but we don't really make it an effort to make it our primary focus. If you solo sloop a lot, I think it's probably a better option than the merchant alliance because you don't have to leave your ship exposed while running around the island trying to catch animals. I feel once you start grinding any of the factions it can turn repetitive pretty quick, got to mix it up with the other stuff. I do appreciate the added extra little time sink in addition to just playing those tasty shanty tunes.

  • I think I have caught about 20 fish and got L5 Hunters. But really it is the most boring activity in the game.

    Even while sailing I find it more enjoyable looking around than fishing.

    I am already Pirates Legend, but if I was new to the game I would never pick Hunters over Merchants, Hoarders or Souls.

  • @oroku

    Me to. I leave all the treasure in the wreck and just check the barrels.

    As soon as my last shipmate hits PL I am done with SOT anyway.

  • A) People begged and begged for fishing. Here it is.

    B) I can understand not being in the mood to grind out certain things in the game. When not in the mood, just play how you used to before fishing was added.

  • Im almost lvl 42 and i fish everyday. - Sure it's a slow process but im done with most of the fishes...just have like 3 fishtypes left to complete.

    It gives you a bad amount of XP but on the other hand, it's easy to get fishes and alot of them if you put in time.

    Don't worry, they will PROBABLY buff it once enough people are lvl 50 like they did with all other factions.

  • Like always dont work it off let it happen by the way.
    This game is not to rush progression. Progression only gives you cosmetics.

    Sandbox ask you to create your content by immersing, interacting and at best roleplaying.

    Fish when you like to fish, whoever cares for the progression that much has not understood what the games design is about and is just gaming the system, instead of playing the game.

    I think it's only a tiny fraction of players who play the game, because they have fun the way it is, the majority is working it off and upset about almost everything lack of content, no too grindy, no too much PvP, no too less ships to PvP....

    I bet a box of german beer that if they lower it or lowered it from start, people at level 50 will come to the forum complain about the lack of content, or complain over casualisatuon.
    Nothing can help you guys.
    You are hamster in a treadmill.

  • Great way to just kill some time on longer journeys. Much better than playing music or just standing on the deck... waiting.

    You catch three or four... and you already arrive at your goal.

  • Fishing by it's nature is a fairly peaceful affair.
    Yip.. still fishing now at 35... and still enjoying it.
    I think if the edge has worn off about it, it's only because... well... you can only maintain a state of excitement for a certain length of time after catching 100+ Ruby Splashtails, their initial "cuteness" turns to dread when you are targeting specific fish, and all that life throws you is a splashtail :)

    It's fishing folks... it's how Craggy Chills, just need a BBQ on the back of me sloop on the canopy, and a little chiller for grog, and I'm sorted :)

  • I fish when I feel like it to kill time if I have to sail far to the next island. Fishing itself is not fun enough to be my main focus, and it don't see why it should be. People have been asking for fishing for a year and now that it's here people are still complaining, can't please everybody.

    Here's my prediction: the people complaining about the "fish grind" now and asking for the requirements to be lowered will get what they ask for, and when they do they will complain about it because they already sat around for days to get level 50 before it was lowered.

  • @reapinglegion Congrats on getting into the 40s that’s good work! I want to hit 50 in all the factions one day, by then maybe they’ll have some cool stuff for people that do. Like naming your ship and all maybe?

    That’s impressive though, good luck to you hitting those last 7/8 levels!

  • Im lvl 39 Hunters call.
    Think from the beginning that it was boring as hell.
    Dont think it brings anything other than a distraktion you can do.

    If it had been in from the beginning, or the game was just launch in this state.
    then it would not feel so much of a grind.
    but when you are PL an fishing an arena is the things you can do for "progress"

  • So it looks like for most part people have checked it out and then gone after the more exciting companies. Or still do it just to kill some time between islands. That’s kinda what I had assumed happened.

    Now I know there’s a few of you saying “just play the game” or “don’t make it a grind” and “you can’t make everyone happy.” I hear you on that and agree, I’ve been a pirate legend about six months now and still play this game more than any other game just for the fun of sailing around and getting into trouble.

    I do think however, and this is just my opinion. That if the Hunters Call is suppose to be a new avenue to PL for newer players. It should be built upon and fleshed out more like the other companies. The other companies have Skull Forts and Skelly Ships and events that’s help you get that rep. For now at least, Hunters Call just has fish or look around in a sunken ship. Feels ALOT like the Merchant Alliance did when the game first came out.

    Rare will change it up one way or another, add some events or more new fish or something. It’s all still pretty new, but I think for now their bigger concern is Arena.

    Thanks for all the input though, to everyone. I’m honestly not trying to add to the discord that’s often a common feature of these forums. Just curious about how everyone’s doing on the fishing front.

  • 43 in Hunters call you qill finish all commendations before 50 by the way.

    I only need 6 shadow storm fish left and I have all grade 5s

  • @oroku thw Hunters call should have brought a few more sea beasties with it to fight like a leviathan

  • @oroku said in Anyone Still Fishing?:

    So it looks like for most part people have checked it out and then gone after the more exciting companies. Or still do it just to kill some time between islands. That’s kinda what I had assumed happened.

    Now I know there’s a few of you saying “just play the game” or “don’t make it a grind” and “you can’t make everyone happy.” I hear you on that and agree, I’ve been a pirate legend about six months now and still play this game more than any other game just for the fun of sailing around and getting into trouble.

    I do think however, and this is just my opinion. That if the Hunters Call is suppose to be a new avenue to PL for newer players. It should be built upon and fleshed out more like the other companies. The other companies have Skull Forts and Skelly Ships and events that’s help you get that rep. For now at least, Hunters Call just has fish or look around in a sunken ship. Feels ALOT like the Merchant Alliance did when the game first came out.

    Rare will change it up one way or another, add some events or more new fish or something. It’s all still pretty new, but I think for now their bigger concern is Arena.

    Thanks for all the input though, to everyone. I’m honestly not trying to add to the discord that’s often a common feature of these forums. Just curious about how everyone’s doing on the fishing front.

    I am not holding my breath with regards updates. We have had only one in six months! What did it bring... Fishing, harpoon and the story play through.

  • I hit level 50 in HC about a month ago and I still have some (3) commendations to get done so I'm still fishing.
    I usally do it solo slooping with a daily goal, get 1-2 of the rare fish I'm missing and drop the rest, explore shipwrecks and grab all the fish and meat I can find. When I feel like I'm done for the day I find other players in game and offer them all the fish and meat I have in the barrel, I'm a little hoarder when it comes to loot but I don't need it for the rep or money so giving it away feels better. Or offer my sloop (with loot) to people in the various discord channels.

    If I get bored of fishing I take a break and explore islands and go through 1-2 random quests and then go back to fishing. I don't see it as a grind and I never have with any of the factions and commendations, probably beacuse I do little things on the side while having my daily goal going.

  • @npwnguin sagte in Anyone Still Fishing?:

    I hit level 50 in HC about a month ago

    So it took you 2 Weeks to hit Level 50?

  • Its boring and takes too long.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Anyone Still Fishing?:

    @npwnguin sagte in Anyone Still Fishing?:

    I hit level 50 in HC about a month ago

    So it took you 2 Weeks to hit Level 50?

    Yea two weeks sounds abit....not true haha. - BUT he did it on the 21th of May, damn dude. :P

  • i fish mostly now for relaxation and for meat for pvp. rep will come as it may.

  • I find fishing not worth it Even doing for the cosmetics. If your looking for the replenish health just kill chickens pigs and snakes.

  • Leveling up is supposed to be a grind. That's what gives this game longevity. Rare want you to keep playing longer so they make the rewards take longer to earn.

  • Don't fish and already rank 20. Boring and pointless when you can steal and loot shipwrecks.

  • I enjoy fishing for the most part. Very rarely do I fish for the sake of getting rep with the hunters call. I mainly just fish while my crew and I are on the way to a skull fort or an island for a quest. I just wish it was a little more difficult to reel in fish. The rep gain needs a rework in my opinion. It doesn't make much sense to me that mermaid gems are pretty much the best item to turn into a group that prides themselves on fishing and hunting animals. The sparkly gems and coins should just be for the gold hoarders.

    Smacking a statue for a gem= huge rep gain

    Fishing and cooking 10+ fish= maybe a quarter of a level.

  • I echo some posts below in that fishing is more of fun activity on the way to an island or for some random fun. I won't grind it out because just fishing that many hours consecutively will ruin fishing. I always felt like this faction will need more than fishing to be successful. It needed land animals actually worth hunting. It needed birds actually worth hunting. It needed to focus on challenge of the hunt rather than on the amount of times you can hunt and then cook. Honestly, fishing is really awesome. Cooking was a terrible community idea. Makes no sense in this game.

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