Another crossplay discussion

  • @dlchief58 Im not expecting a massive influx of players from Xbox to return because of the CP Opt out Preference, imo its too little too late....a year too late from when it was announced. 2020 people are looking to the next generation, other titles on Game Pass to access and new games coming out.

    This is a gesture 2 years too late for many, peaking at 11 for a massive game update makes sense, months later and its in the mid 20s at best. It has a community which is definitely not growing. RARE have a lot of work to do away from implementing this feature to even get close of making the growth this game needs in the year to come.

    Hope SoT can benefit from everything RARE plan to bring to it in 2020, starting with this. They got work to grow it on both sides of the playerbase...that is definitely not in dispute.

  • @dlchief58 I'll even fire up my xbox if you want to make a brig of it.

    No quarter, no mercy, no let up.

  • With Microsoft's continued moves to consolidate their PC and console customers, hopefully the need for the opt out option won't be a problem for much longer.

    With any luck, advancements in keyboard and mouse support as well as the upgrades in Scarlet and future hardware will make bandaid solutions like opt out unnecessary. And I can once again sail the seas knowing that I have the chance to run across ALL of my pirate brothers and sisters.

    So whatever ship you choose to sail on; here's a 'fair winds and best of luck' from yer ol' swabbie Hombre. Here's to all of us being back together again someday.

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  • @cokney-charmer said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 20-25 isn't really top ten now is it for an Xbox Studio title that is free to play with Xbox Game Pass. But I take your point, not a sign of possible dwindling playerbase which is what I suggested but certainly isn't a sign that it is growing either.

    Wonder if the ratings will change when the preference comes in or perhaps another major update and expansion. Who knows what 2020 has in store....I doubt that chart placing is inspiring major investment going forward, not does the percentage of people completing achievements for say...doing the latest Tall Tale even once weeks after it launched.

    Appreciate the factual point you made, thank you kindly.

    Yeah, I think you're right about player numbers, not really growing, not really diminishing.

    I think what we've seen since launch is massive player churn. Anecdotally, very few of the people I added at launch still play regularly, but the people I've added in the last 6 months play all the time. I think the ones I added recently are the ones, like me, who have stuck around. We already know more people have given up on the game than play regularly from tge few statistics we can do the maths on.

    I think SoT has suffered from a lot of people picking it up and then dropping it fairly quick and far fewer sticking around.

    The Maiden voyage is clearly to address this, and I suspect so is the opt-out. Most people who stick around learn the ropes and learn how to play to the strengths of their platform/input device. A far higher number get turned off by being sunk by more skilled players, the level of grind and not knowing what to do.

    If opt out convinces some xbox people who would have left to stick around until they're competent that'll be better for everyone. Especially seeing as it's only a preference, so there's still a chance we'll meet on the waves.

    I think the PC population, more than the xbox one has stayed consistent. We're all used to playing with people who have different performance because that's how PC has always been. You learn fast on PC to never blame your tools. I think maybe, for some of us on PC, we didn't realise how much of a culture shock that would be to xbox people, who are used to being a closed ecosystem.

    Crossplay is the future though. Xbox people seem to have quit the console wars versus Playstation nonsense this generation, with a bit of time they'll drop the hostility towards PC too. But not forcing a choice on people who aren't used to the big bad world of PC gaming might well help ease that transition.

  • @boxcar-squidy Sounds fun, we can be the scourge of the Four Seas when this all comes about. Already added you to my Friends list.

    Heck, I may even bring home an SSD from work just for this in order to hear the cries that I am a PC player (yet do not own one being a hardcore Mac guy). But my external I have now does a very good job anyway (as you've never seen me complain abut absurd loading times, even though I am still using my Day 1 console) so really don't want to lose all that storage or get off my butt just to swap them for this game.

  • @dlchief58 I'll be that third for the Brig, external SSD is on order. Plus I got the SoT controller to beat them with :P

  • @Boxcar-Squidy @dlCHIEF58 @BadassFro @HeavyReaper102
    So the quiet servers will be the cross-play ones :) - who would have thought. This preference will proof to be a blessing for the PC players that are disturbed doing Tall tales &c. ;).

    Seriously though, there has been some talk about dividing the player pool when cross-play opt out would be in effect and I took that as the Xbox on one side and PC on the other (with those that don't opt-out), where Xbox are solo or playing in a group of like-minded people.

    I was wondering about those Xbox crews that have mixed preferences concerning opt-out. Will they still sail together? With one or more pirates on a server where they rather not be on?

  • @lem0n-curry Well I'll be playing both depending on my mood, though will likely stay on the REAL servers for the most part. I'll play on those as I always have, being more of a likeable scoundrel there - not seeking trouble but ready when it arises. On the Xbox ones though I will be much more aggressive, leaning towards a scourge of the seas (even going as far as to role-play the part I imagine)...something my semi-regular first mate has been wanting to do since he has started getting his sea legs and looks like now have more crew members wanting to join in on the fun. Looks like I might be graduating up to the galleon on a more regular basis when this hits in Jan or Feb.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @Boxcar-Squidy @dlCHIEF58 @BadassFro @HeavyReaper102
    So the quiet servers will be the cross-play ones :) - who would have thought. This preference will proof to be a blessing for the PC players that are disturbed doing Tall tales &c. ;).

    Seriously though, there has been some talk about dividing the player pool when cross-play opt out would be in effect and I took that as the Xbox on one side and PC on the other (with those that don't opt-out), where Xbox are solo or playing in a group of like-minded people.

    I was wondering about those Xbox crews that have mixed preferences concerning opt-out. Will they still sail together? With one or more pirates on a server where they rather not be on?

    I find it hard to think that a major of the player base (Xbox) wont transition to the preference to opt-out. But PC players have already been on the decline this year (would love to see numbers actually) and would end up being less and less if the servers are "dead". I mean some nights I don't see a ship for hours. I know they are somewhere just never see them lol.

    As for my friends that play on PC/Xbox alike. We all tend to stick together. We have equal number of PC players and Xbox so the whole reason why we all bought this game was to play the same game on the same servers. I am sure there are other instances of people in the same boat.

    My biggest grip with this is I bought a CP game and expect a CP game. So if the segregation starts, I was sold on something that they are refusing to supply to me. If I knew that coming in I might not have bought this game or I could have made a better informed decision on this. It's a bit of a let down really.

    But, its a business and they have to make decisions on what keeps them going. Their player base is much bigger on the Xbox side so they have to cater to that base. It is quite a slap in the face to PC players however and I think that will drive more away from the game and Rare than they think.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Too little too late, yet to be seen, but RARE want and need more Xbox players to play this game as really, its just buried in the Xbox Game Pass with people trying it and forgetting it, I mean...completing the Seabound Soul TT two weeks after it launched with friends and they popped the achievement with less than 1% of players having done it just once....ONCE!!.

    I don't think the tale completion rates can be used as a metric for player participation. I play 3-4 times a week and still haven't completed the Seabound Soul in the live build because I just haven't gotten around to it. This is also partially because I haven't completed TT9 either even though I've done #1-7 the full five times each.

  • @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @lem0n-curry Well I'll be playing both depending on my mood, though will likely stay on the REAL servers for the most part. I'll play on those as I always have, being more of a likeable scoundrel there - not seeking trouble but ready when it arises. On the Xbox ones though I will be much more aggressive, leaning towards a scourge of the seas (even going as far as to role-play the part I imagine)...something my semi-regular first mate has been wanting to do since he has started getting his sea legs and looks like now have more crew members wanting to join in on the fun. Looks like I might be graduating up to the galleon on a more regular basis when this hits in Jan or Feb.

    REAL servers?.

  • I don’t care for the cp side with the BS they bring. I know there’s a lot of cheaters it’s hard to catch all in the moment it happens . As for the dead servers a lot of it is because ppl didn’t know when they bought the game you could play for hours to loose it all in a sec , thx to bully’s who yell “ were friendly” then attack 4 on 2 . Yes I’m sure there’s a handful of exceptional skills who can do 2 on 1 or better . I can’t with this sword the way it is now.
    I don’t think it has to be pve/ pvp but the quest items should go into your stuff so it’s not taken .. I get the fun in it , but some ppl like just to fish , so a gallon robs and sinks him for fun, so challenging and should pat yourself on the back for 3 or 4 on 1 fisherman.. once again I see the same ppl posting to cry cause the game might change , you want to pvp so much go to arena heck if they did go pve/ pvp server you would have to fight like minded ppl .. I’m guessing you just want to jump ppl that are there having fun in there own way.. As I’ve stated before I’m a war veteran and sometimes I like the calm playing to relax ,but some punks would rather jump me like they would jump a single kid minding there own business.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @Boxcar-Squidy @dlCHIEF58 @BadassFro @HeavyReaper102
    So the quiet servers will be the cross-play ones :) - who would have thought. This preference will proof to be a blessing for the PC players that are disturbed doing Tall tales &c. ;).

    Seriously though, there has been some talk about dividing the player pool when cross-play opt out would be in effect and I took that as the Xbox on one side and PC on the other (with those that don't opt-out), where Xbox are solo or playing in a group of like-minded people.

    I was wondering about those Xbox crews that have mixed preferences concerning opt-out. Will they still sail together? With one or more pirates on a server where they rather not be on?

    Seeing those names up in lights like that. Forum allstars, plus me, sounds like a hell of a crew.

    I never thought an opt out was required for gameplay reasons but being more inclusive to xbox players who feel overwhelmed, or the silent masses who maybe thought about trying SoT on xbox but were put off by the crossplay drama, those are pretty good reasons by themselves, I hope that the PC playerbase will be largely unaffected. We'll see soon enough. I trust Rare and it's not being done by them out of malice.

    Will mixed crews stay together? They should. The Apex crew on SoT is a mix of controller and M+K players, to maximise all available strengths. Those crews should still rule the roost on the crossplay servers. Xbox controller only servers will miss out on that sort of glory, but I suppose that's kinda the point.

  • @dlchief58 Lets form an alliance. It sounds like a revolution is at hand. Count me in.

  • @staceyxsx Well I agree pc server opt out is going to be a good thing for xbox players, I play this game on all devices, PC, xbox, mobile. so yes out of experience it will be a good add on for the sot community

  • @ezgoingtiger85

    If you say so. For me it just means I have to live with the knowledge that there will now be pirates that I will have zero chance to ever meet.

    And that just makes me sad.

  • @staceyxsx you can play with keyboard and mouse too? i mean you act like PC players never get annoyed with xbox players :D so many times they lag around like crazy and makes fighting them almost impossible. i was terrible at pvp when i started, i took the time and got better at it and can easily sink a 3 man brig alone now. honestly not that hard. and "spawn killing" sounds so dumb to me, i do it too then. of course i wait on your ship till it sinks and don't let you fix it again? what's the point then? lol and some farm your supplies before they let it sink. also not a bad idea. again, you can add keyboard and mouse and it will be 1000% easier to fight but i guess some people rather complain.

  • @snoopiewoopie said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx you can play with keyboard and mouse too? i mean you act like PC players never get annoyed with xbox players :D so many times they lag around like crazy and makes fighting them almost impossible. i was terrible at pvp when i started, i took the time and got better at it and can easily sink a 3 man brig alone now. honestly not that hard. and "spawn killing" sounds so dumb to me, i do it too then. of course i wait on your ship till it sinks and don't let you fix it again? what's the point then? lol and some farm your supplies before they let it sink. also not a bad idea. again, you can add keyboard and mouse and it will be 1000% easier to fight but i guess some people rather complain.

    Shhh. Don't say this, it will go against all that is holy with the complainers. I'm playing! (sorta)

    But yes, to your point all most of the PvE fight is really about easy mode and the lack of any Risk is a game that was built of the foundation of Risk/Reward.

    Everything I see posted from most of the individuals can be easily countered, but hey their reality is there's and that's the hill they are going to die on.

    But the Opt-Out. I don't see it as being helpful one bit in this game, but Rare has to try something to keep its majority player base. Even then if the severs are lacking, the opt-out won't matter anyway as it will not give preferred controller servers to them anyway.

    I see this as a turning point for this game, and hopefully it will survive and maintain what is was advertised to be what we all bought into. If not. Oh well, it had a good run. (Keep an eye on your influencers, once this game disappears from you main streamers... you know whats next.)

    What I just don't get is how damn boring a pure PvE experience would end up. There is not enough content to keep that alive. But maybe they will work on changing that also.

  • Well this went on a fair bit😂 still least it's coming, can't wait

  • @staceyxsx

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  • @vca-hombre And here you still are as insightful as ever. FYI from reading your post above about pirates you'll never get a chance to meet, surely then you just don't opt out? Win Win for everyone 😁

  • @staceyxsx

    Well, no. Of course I won't opt out. But those who do, I won't be able to meet.

    Isn't.... isn't that what I said?

  • @vca-hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Well, no. Of course I won't opt out. But those who do, I won't be able to meet.

    Isn't.... isn't that what I said?

    Well sorry clearly read that wrong but you'll get to meet plenty of other like minded pirates soooo...

  • @snoopiewoopie said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx you can play with keyboard and mouse too? i mean you act like PC players never get annoyed with xbox players :D so many times they lag around like crazy and makes fighting them almost impossible. i was terrible at pvp when i started, i took the time and got better at it and can easily sink a 3 man brig alone now. honestly not that hard. and "spawn killing" sounds so dumb to me, i do it too then. of course i wait on your ship till it sinks and don't let you fix it again? what's the point then? lol and some farm your supplies before they let it sink. also not a bad idea. again, you can add keyboard and mouse and it will be 1000% easier to fight but i guess some people rather complain.

    So your counter is to not play at a disadvantage I should use a k/b and mouse? Again why should I? Alot of people saying I wouldn't have bought the game if crossplay was going to become optional but your saying its OK for us to buy the game and having to switch to k/b and mouse to keep up, surely you can see how one sided that is? I want to play my console the way I bought it, with my controller. There is no valid argument here.

  • @staceyxsx

    But it's not everyone, and that's still disappointing. It feels like we were all at the same party, but now we've hung a sheet on a clothesline down the center of the room.

    It's not a hard division and we can still slip back and forth and peek through at each other. But it's still a division and it still forces me to choose a side. And I find that sad.

  • @lepr3chaun420 if you think arena is mostly built around PVP you’re wrong. It’s mostly digging chests currently. Hopefully things are tweaked.

    Additionally, the organic pvp in adventure is 100 times more fun than arena

  • @aca-hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:


    But it's not everyone, and that's still disappointing. It feels like we were all at the same party, but now we've hung a sheet on a clothesline down the center of the room.

    It's not a hard division and we can still slip back and forth and peek through at each other. But it's still a division and it still forces me to choose a side. And I find that sad.

    Yeah it is but it's like we were all at the same party with one side given all the good rum and the other on water 😂

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    Alot of pc players don't even play anymore. You want console only play you'll still get wrecked. If you don't want to improve your fighting skills and would rather rant you'll never be satisfied. Especially suggesting the idea that lowering a playerbase will help you by any means. Be careful what you wish for.

  • @staceyxsx I'd wager that it took so long, because despite looking at data for over a year, rare still isnt 100% confident in how this is going to impact matchmaking.

    It's as simple as that, and quite possibly explains why so many questions on this matter haven't been addressed because committing to a answer could haunt them further down the line once it is live.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting "empty" servers here, but equally if servers on either side are not near or at full capacity the majority of the time, then it is clearly a issue.

    And if we are being honest the merging system this game implements isnt exactly optimal either in it's current state, let alone after adding a form of division to the mix.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Yeah it is but it's like we were all at the same party with one side given all the good rum and the other on water

    So the ideal solution would be to mix the drinks until everyone had the same thing. But perhaps that wasn't possible in this case.

    Rare has the data and expertise; if they have decided this move is called for, then I will bow to their superior experience. But I will never see it as a cause for celebration.

    Hopefully the Series X and Microsoft's moves toward uniting the console and PC sides of their games division will make bandaid solutions like opt out unnecessary in the future.

    Until then I will sail the crossplay seas, seeking treasure and adventure, and always looking towards the day when we're all back together.

  • @mc-leggers said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    Alot of pc players don't even play anymore. You want console only play you'll still get wrecked. If you don't want to improve your fighting skills and would rather rant you'll never be satisfied. Especially suggesting the idea that lowering a playerbase will help you by any means. Be careful what you wish for.

    Actually I will have no trouble at all with my fighting skills. It's done now drop the get good ranting. And as for your PC don't play anymore, mate the majority of my recent players are PC😂 PC is still very active.

  • @vca-hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Yeah it is but it's like we were all at the same party with one side given all the good rum and the other on water

    So the ideal solution would be to mix the drinks until everyone had the same thing. But perhaps that wasn't possible in this case.

    Rare has the data and expertise; if they have decided this move is called for, then I will bow to their superior experience. But I will never see it as a cause for celebration.

    Hopefully the Series X and Microsoft's moves toward uniting the console and PC sides of their games division will make bandaid solutions like opt out unnecessary in the future.

    Until then I will sail the crossplay seas, seeking treasure and adventure, and always looking towards the day when we're all back together.

    Unfortunately just wasn't to be though. I'm sure the devs would have tried if they could and I would have been all for it. But you gotta admit for people just starting out this can only be a good thing. Build up your skills against your own platform and if you want a challenge hop over and play in a PC server.

  • @staceyxsx No majority of people who play this game are console using gamepass. Fact.

    It isn't a get good rant, you're ranting, you are able to get a mouse and keyboard you don't

    If you walked into cod mw for example, your attitude would get you stomped out by even your own community. Apparently thinking out of the box and utilizing things like your environment and using common fighting knowledge against players who have this absurd advantage over you isn't something you are willing to do. I can name plenty of good controller players who aren't in here complaining and literally would tell you what you claim I am telling you, get good.

    Your perception is your problem, not pc players.

    Xbox players get 60fps, xbox player can have a keyboard and a mouse.

    Most pc player use 60hz monitors, you are capable of the same gameplay, no excuses. If you don't like that you get aim assist on your controller, look how op that is in other games with crossplay, so literally tell me what you're not getting that is everyone else's fault but your own?

    I enjoy these debates, because console is getting to the point of pc. Only high end gamers are using high end monitors, and high end gpus, because it cost a lot more. The advantage of pc is mobility, but you can have that same mobility on your console, just go spend 50 bucks. It's excuses after excuses, it's not sea of thieves fault you won't amp up the way you play.

    And if you feel like you shouldn't go out and get a mouse an keyboard because of this extreme disadvantage, then again, that is your choice, you are choosing to complain about things you could change, but you're not changing them, you're in here.

    Prove me wrong, I'll wait

  • @mc-leggers said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx No majority of people who play this game are console using gamepass. Fact.

    It isn't a get good rant, you're ranting, you are able to get a mouse and keyboard you don't

    If you walked into cod mw for example, your attitude would get you stomped out by even your own community. Apparently thinking out of the box and utilizing things like your environment and using common fighting knowledge against players who have this absurd advantage over you isn't something you are willing to do. I can name plenty of good controller players who aren't in here complaining and literally would tell you what you claim I am telling you, get good.

    Your perception is your problem, not pc players.

    Xbox players get 60fps, xbox player can have a keyboard and a mouse.

    Most pc player use 60hz monitors, you are capable of the same gameplay, no excuses. If you don't like that you get aim assist on your controller, look how op that is in other games with crossplay, so literally tell me what you're not getting that is everyone else's fault but your own?

    I enjoy these debates, because console is getting to the point of pc. Only high end gamers are using high end monitors, and high end gpus, because it cost a lot more. The advantage of pc is mobility, but you can have that same mobility on your console, just go spend 50 bucks. It's excuses after excuses, it's not sea of thieves fault you won't amp up the way you play.

    And if you feel like you shouldn't go out and get a mouse an keyboard because of this extreme disadvantage, then again, that is your choice, you are choosing to complain about things you could change, but you're not changing them, you're in here.

    Prove me wrong, I'll wait

    Again if you take the time to read I didn't say the majority are PC players what I actually said is the majority of my recent players list is PC, showing that the PC side is still very active. Most of the people on this post commenting, again are PC players, showing PC is still very active. Show me any form of proof regarding the dwindling PC numbers, I'll wait.

    Again I want to play my console comfortably using it the way I bought it with my controller. I shouldn't have to amp anything up, I've bought the game, pay for my live on my console but your saying I should be forced into crossplay with PC and If I don't like it I should be spending extra money to keep up? So the money spent on my console, game and live doesn't mean a thing?

    Your using aim assist as a basis for your argument. There is no aim assist in this game and we aren't talking about other titles, so we will disregard this full statement it means nothing.

    I complained about something that couldn't change and would you believe it, come next week it'll change. Funny that, the dev's literally supported our arguments about exploits and disadvantages and here you are like a child with your fingers in your ears.

    Denial is the first stage of grief. Your losing your easy kills and you'll realise pretty soon your not as good as you think you are. Let's hope you reach acceptance soon and we can all sail happy.

  • @staceyxsx

    No, like I said, I will never view it as a good thing; necessary or not.

    I hope it all works out for the best, but will also keep hoping that opt out will not be needed for much longer.

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