New game mode: PVE

  • I thoroughly enjoy Sea of Thieves and have spent several hour nights in plundering, sailing, etc.. My friends and I love the game mechanics in general most of the time but hate the players Who play for the sole purpose of grieving and running over any player they come up to. Which is understandable in a pirate’s game; however, for those players who prefer to take it easy and just enjoy the game and find the in-game hostiles enough of a challenge a PVE mode where players cannot interact with players other than crew anyway other than chat basis. The addition of the arena mode helped somewhat with some of the players who just want to fight. So a PVE mode would be beneficial to those players who just wanna enjoy a casual game. New game mode could be called Adventure + or Casual Adventure. Does not really matter the title I just believe the PVE mode could go over very well.


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  • @puppywitapncake Most of us would be fine with a PVE mode if there was absolutely no reputation or monetary gains possible. If this is what you want, a mode where no players can attack you, but you can't earn ranks or currency, then I'm not against it, though I wouldn't want Rare to stop developing new content just to put a PVE mode in and test it 🤷‍♂️

  • @puppywitapncake
    Please use the search function. Also, pve servers would have real briefing as you wouldn't be able to kill people who take your treasure or grab your wheel.

  • Aye, we all see where yer coming from but we must remember this is a ![PIRATE](image url) game, it wouldnt make sense to go out and look for gold without the danger of enemy players! Personally I love the rush of looking for other players and brutally murdering them stealing their sweet booty!
    It wouldn’t make sense to add PVE because of how many players who would go into PVE do 10 skeleton forts in a row B2B then sell. If a feature like this was added it would have to be balanced out, like you couldn’t gain Reputation or gold from it.
    I think most people out there who want this feature is players who play solo or with a very uncoordinated crew, I’m a solo Pirate myself and most of my days I spend tuccing on people boats and killling them before they sell.
    Let’s remember Rare wants a high risk for a high reward they don’t want kids getting pirate legend on 20 accounts each day. They want people to die so they learn from their mistakes and protect from it again.

    With all that aside, I would like to see something like this but similar to a creative mode where people can spawn things in to test how things work, or maybe even having a good ol’ pvp duel with their own crew!

      ~~Captain Nobody, who no one knows
  • PvPvE is what makes this game unique. Take that away and all you have is a sandbox adventure game. A pure pve mode would kill the game. Piracy is brutal, will you be predator or prey?

    Besides think of it this way, if we both play then I have a chance at actually being a pirate and stealing from you. However, if you "escape" to a pve server, how do I have the chance to rob you?

    Now at this point someone will say: "Well that'll be fine, you'll have the perfect chance to PvP with others who want to do the same. People who don't want to PvP won't have to deal with it."

    This mindset will ruin the dynamic interplay between those who PvP and pve. These two concepts must harmonise, and when they do they create a game as wonderful as this one.

    Having a pure pve server, thus making pure PvP servers, will break the current balance.

  • Hey guys look, yet another 1 day account complaining about pirates pirating in a pirate game. Wow, who could've seen this coming.
    I'm starting to really like this idea:

  • People asking for stupid changes, every day... Forever.

  • A PvE mode would not kill the game or cause boredom. There are plenty of AI challenges with Krakens, Megalodons, Skeleton ships, forts, exploring. Adding griefing PvP players on top while trying to accomplish story missions is extremely frustrating and the number one reason why i put this game down for months at a time.

    Getting to the last step of a Tall tale and having to restart completely because another player stole your quest item can drive you over the edge. They cannot do anything with the shroudbreaker stone, so they just hold on to it so you cannot finish. There needs to be a way to counter this without PvP and without restarting this tale again for the 20th time.

  • @blazedrake100 if there are that many posts asking for a PvE mode then it seems to be a popular feature that players want. To your point about players grabbing the wheel make ships only steerable by crew members. There are plenty of AI challenges in the game now to support a PvE mode.

  • @os2-frisk

    It's very possible to avoid combat with Tall Tale items. If you're overly toxic to them for taking it, they're less likely to give it back - many PvP crews are quite happy to give back a Tall Tale item to a polite player. I outsailed another ship while grinding Art of a Trickster, and got the stone sold during a chase by leading them around islands to get in the right direction, then fought them with less risk, as I had my most valuable resources and didn't care about what little treasure was left. And the PvE does get quite boring if you figure out the strategies to it, it's the players who keep you alert once you're experienced. If you can't defeat others in a fight, get a crew. If your crew can't either, then outsail them instead. I never had to restart a Tall Tale for PvP, only a couple of times from running out of time (and a server crash), and once from a skeleton managing to detonate the Trapmaker's Key. You can complete them all, too. Use your LFG and find-a-crew options, of which there are thousands, as numbers help immensely in sailing, completing puzzles, and fighting.

  • @ultmateragnarok i enjoy playing this game solo or with my group of friends. That group of friends won't play anymore because of toxic PvP and cheaters on pc using hacks. As for being polite, i am, always. I state i am just trying to do a tale and please leave me be, only to be sunk and killed. Without. Fail. This is unacceptable. There needs to be a method to opt out of PvP.

  • @os2-frisk sagte in New game mode: PVE:

    There needs to be a way to counter this without PvP and without restarting this tale again for the 20th time.

    The counter is to win the battle. Maybe crew up, a Galleone of 4 viable Pirates is hard to sink. And most of the time the aggressors are duo Sloops and Brigantines.
    Another way is to accept your loss, scuttle, switch server, try again!
    If you get caught 20 times in a row on 20 different servers i say it's exageration or you are not willing to learn and adapt aka crew up!

    It would not destroy the game, but it would split the playerbase even more and it would need extra time and money to develop and maintain.
    It's would for sure harm the game.
    We all know how frustrating it can be or how jerkish some crews are, but we all did it, so can you!

  • Stop mention Arena, as if it was a solution to pvp, it's a gamemode in it self, an can not be compared to adventure.
    an a bad attempt of competitive gamemode if I may say so.

    Im not a fan of pve server, but private servers without progress, I could see that being a thing in the far future, even though content creators could use it now, I personally think there is bigger fish to fry.

    Much love

  • @bugaboo-bill sure i can do it, but it is not enjoyable to me. I enjoy everything about this game except being ganked because someone wants to screw with others. Obviously with all the requests for this feature, Lots of others also enjoy the game until they get ganked.

  • If its PVE you want it should be offline only.
    Online would mean players would hunt chests with relative ease and safety. There would be no incentive to grind in the main game which would ultimately kill what the game is.

    Why would you risk your loot to players if u can simply play in PVE?

    Personally i dont think its needed because its easy to avoid players even solo.

    If its PVE u want play Atlas.
    It has sailable ships and similar mechanics.

  • @os2-frisk said in New game mode: PVE:

    @bugaboo-bill sure i can do it, but it is not enjoyable to me. I enjoy everything about this game except being ganked because someone wants to screw with others. Obviously with all the requests for this feature, Lots of others also enjoy the game until they get ganked.

    You mean you don't like losing. You don't know what their intentions are, maybe they need that island, maybe they wanna see what you have.

    Maybe they don't like you incinuating that all PC players cheat.

    You lost, you don't like lossing thats all coming across

  • @bugaboo-bill said in New game mode: PVE:

    @os2-frisk sagte in New game mode: PVE:

    There needs to be a way to counter this without PvP and without restarting this tale again for the 20th time.

    The counter is to win the battle. Maybe crew up, a Galleone of 4 viable Pirates is hard to sink. And most of the time the aggressors are duo Sloops and Brigantines.
    Another way is to accept your loss, scuttle, switch server, try again!
    If you get caught 20 times in a row on 20 different servers i say it's exageration or you are not willing to learn and adapt aka crew up!

    It would not destroy the game, but it would split the playerbase even more and it would need extra time and money to develop and maintain.
    It's would for sure harm the game.
    We all know how frustrating it can be or how jerkish some crews are, but we all did it, so can you!

    20 times they encounter PVP! 20 switches 20 encounters. Im jealous.
    I’d love to sail in such dangerous seas! 😂😂

  • Full PvE servers are unlikely because the "real pirates" need the bad pve players who can never win in pvp to steal easily treasure or enjoyment from.

    It would be better to ask specifically for Tall Tales servers without any other treasure in them. Players who do Tall Tales carry worthless loot so most of the pvpers would not mind to get them out of the adventure mode. There are of course sadistic pirates who kill and sink for ego, but those are hopefully in minority.

  • @os2-frisk sagte in New game mode: PVE:

    @bugaboo-bill sure i can do it, but it is not enjoyable to me. I enjoy everything about this game except being ganked because someone wants to screw with others. Obviously with all the requests for this feature, Lots of others also enjoy the game until they get ganked.

    I understand that i liked many games before until i realized what they really were, instead to try to change the game i tried to change my aproach sometimes.
    To be honest it always failed and i left the game.
    Im not a super PC player, i never hacked my entire life, oh wait i used iddqd in Doom sometimes and i know how to manipulate hex code in MicroProse Harrier Jump Jet savegames to get infinite ammo, but that was in the 90ies 😁

    The want to have a game changed to your own preference is often recognized as an attack at thise who like it like it is and therefore all the threads in the end get locked because discussions derail and become personal.
    I dont want you to quit, but if you cannot get over it it is maybe the best things do.
    I really know how bad that feels, it happened to me in several other games i really liked until i recognized some flaws and mechanics thst spoiled me the game completely.
    I dont have a recommendation for you only to adapt or die :-/

  • It is obvious that i need to change my point of view, but curious why? Why don't the pvpers need to change their point of view? Don't answer that. I will continue to play until i get enough grief then quit for months again. Apparently that is the sort of community that Rare wants here.

  • @os2-frisk

    The game caters to neither PvP or PvE players. It is meant for a mix of both, as a PvEvP game. Everyone who succeeds against both PvE and PvP threats alike started where you did, with little to no knowledge of where they would go or how they would get there. You can do the same, but attacking the core pillars of the game is not the way to do that.

  • PvE mode sounds great to new players, because the NPC's are still a challenge to them...

    More experienced players feel the PvE is just a slight annoyance, because we know the techniques to defeat them easily.....

    The real threats, the real challenges in this game come from other players (the pirates, the THIEVES)

    Without the THIEVES, this game would become empty and stale for the new players as soon as they figurd out the AI.

    Older players know this.....listen to them!

    My suggestion: Embrace the PvP. You will improve. We all took our losses along the makes the wins so much sweeter!

    I've been playing since launch, and I can tell you, it's not the thrill of fighting the Kraken that keeps me coming back - it's the other pirates!

    So,......don't worry about loot or rep - it will come.....the REAL progress in this game is YOU , becoming a better player, a smarter player, a more dangerous player!

    Keep at it, and you will one day become the pirate you once feared!

  • @poslio Today I was challenged by another pirate.

    After I collected all of my gifts for a voyage, I decided to pursue a Reaper's Chest to make it easier for others to spot gifts at the Reaper's Hideout. Sadly, shortly after picking up the RC, another sloop appeared and gave chase. Of its 2 crew members, the PL was able to fire ahead with a cannon, board me, and drop my anchor, while his less experienced companion blew holes in my ship. I fought off and killed the PL, and though I was near death, I was grateful that his companion was a lousy shot. I got the anchor up, and sailed away. Still they were persistent and continued the chase. I attempted to board them 3x, failing each time - the PL knew how to watch ladders and protect his anchor. I tried many strategies to evade them, including sailing against the wind and anchor-turning, but could not lose them. I even dropped villainous skulls into the water - they were not persuaded to stop.

    I eventually made it to the RH and began unloading my gifts via rowboat while fending off the PL. I had 3 generous gifts, the RC, and numerous humble gifts. I fought the PL to a standstill, he with his sword and EoR and I with my cutlass and flintlock - we both exhausted our ammo and our food supply, but were still unable to kill 1 another. He decided to withdrawal while I attempted to grab my final gift from the rowboat. It was stuck. I think he noticed too, because he charged and finally defeated me. When I spawned back on my renewed vessel, I noticed that all of my gifts had been turned in. A message notification then popped open saying that I fought well and honorably. In my mind, we both won. PvE can't get you that feeling.

  • @galactic-geek

    I agree 100%.

    ...and you gained an awesome story to tell as well!

    I don't solo sloop as often as I used to, but when I do.....I still get that same adrenaline rush when I have to leave my ship unattended....

    No other game has ever given me that surge of excitement and paranoia, and it's what I fell in love with....

    Without the shared world experience, with real PIRATES, this game wouldn't be the same.

    And the truth is, RARE knows this...

    Any PvE only mode would NOT include gold or rep.

    I just wish there was a better way to inform new players what this game is really about, because otherwise these types of posts will continue forever.....

  • @os2-frisk sagte in New game mode: PVE:

    It is obvious that i need to change my point of view, but curious why? Why don't the pvpers need to change their point of view? Don't answer that. I will continue to play until i get enough grief then quit for months again. Apparently that is the sort of community that Rare wants here.

    Well the game was always a PvEvP game.
    I'd say many players dont get that.
    The PvP tryhards who want hardcore PvP, headshots and such and the players who want PvE Servers or MMO mechanics, be it vertical progression or itemization, a non sessionbased game, but saved supplies, loot, journey progress, claim Land, build something, have survival mechanics like eating and drinking to maintain your character and whatnot.
    They all want to change the game, instead to accept what the game is and adapt to it.
    Many say they love the game, but dont understand it's design and spirit.
    SoT is special for sure, i dont know any other game like SoT.
    Horizontal progression, completely seconded and only about cosmetics, also progression not mandatory, but completely optional. Not a single achievement that gives you more than a title or cosmetic. No hat +3, no Pistol +5 or Boots +4.
    Sessionbased character like a matchmaking Arena game, a moba or a shooter, but in an open world, very much like a sandbox.
    4 Factions, Story Missions.
    Open ffa full loot PvP, no restrictions, no safezones, no bounty system, no artificial rules where many sandbox PvP games completely fail or cater to exagerating and addicted gamers.
    PvP and PvE heavily knit together.
    Reapers and contested PvE like Forts as the best example and evidence for that.
    A shared world, well balanced regarding the amount of ships/ crews per Server, crewsize and three shiptypes with their advantages and disadvantages.
    You can do all and very well as a casual like myself.
    I play roughly 10-20 hours a week, i have participated in all events until, have all exclusives or refused to buy them, because they are ugly or for female characters, never felt behind, never missed anything until.
    I can leave the game for days, weeks, months and i'd only have missed some cosmetics and need not to catch up anything or else aren't competetive anymore or cannot partake in pve like raids, because i miss the equip or whatever.

    The sort of community Rare wants is imho people who aproach it playful, want fun, be nice to others, socialize, immerse, roleplay maybe and be good sports in winning and loosing.
    They dont want griefers, toxic trashtalking jerks and tryhards or bullies, although they partner with some to raise the game on Twitch.
    I dont know why that is, maybe it's Microsoft and greed for money or the fear to loose money and so they accept that hate sells.
    I really, really hope they stop catering to these people and their idols who game the system, use exploits to own others, bully them, insult others, rage, whine and are just jerks and tryhards what dont socialize and dont contribute to the true spirit of Sea of Thieves.
    In the end it's all about money, that is what harms the community the most. People not playing, but exagerating, bragging, be jerkish, toxic and not playfull or empathic with their fellow players.

    So, all who get the game right and contribute in a playful, empathic and funny way are the players we want.
    Compete and cooperate, be a dread nasty pirate, but a caretaking player and a nice person.
    Dont exploit, dont trashtalk, respect each other and care for everyones dignity.
    I know that this sound utopic and that there are other players what are not empathic, but toxic, exagerating, addicted, exploiting, bragging, trashtalking and this is true for PvE and PvP players.
    People grind and tap chests, speedrun, game the system, exploit also for PvE only, get sour over loosing loot, insult you because you attack them in a PvPvE seabox although you dont spawnkill, dont trashtalk, but keep it all fair and civil.

    All who dont get the game right need to adapt or leave, because there are also players like me who like it like it is except for some glitches that allow these exploits and except for some trashtalking jerks, no matter if PvP hardcore DGE'rs or PvE only people who hate PvP, but play a seabox game containing PvP with full loot and designed to have PvP for sure!

  • @os2-frisk said in New game mode: PVE:

    A PvE mode would not kill the game or cause boredom. There are plenty of AI challenges with Krakens, Megalodons, Skeleton ships, forts, exploring. Adding griefing PvP players on top while trying to accomplish story missions is extremely frustrating and the number one reason why i put this game down for months at a time.

    Getting to the last step of a Tall tale and having to restart completely because another player stole your quest item can drive you over the edge. They cannot do anything with the shroudbreaker stone, so they just hold on to it so you cannot finish. There needs to be a way to counter this without PvP and without restarting this tale again for the 20th time.

    You have sailed the seas enjoying them, spent several hour nights. And state that the game will not become boring without the risk of PvP?

    I am a veteran player that has been playing since launch. I hit Legend Athena 10 before the Shrouded update came out, had done all the events till that point. Sailed the seas solo, done cloud events, dozens of Athena's alone on top of the crews I joined. The PvE in this game is not extremely difficult if you learn and master the art of piracy. Even if you do not master them, the main and only thing you have to be capable of is not sinking, cause you can just keep trying till you are done. The one risk that is in the game that threatens that are pirates. You can sit anchored at an island doing PvE if no pirates are around to sink you there is no threat, which is boring.

    If you have no interest in friendly interactions, you can even just mute all other crews and view them as hardcore AI. Without this risk, for players like myself and for you in the long run the PvE threats are not going to cut it.

    PvE would become boring, so at that point you pick to go to the Adventure mode, now also known as the PvP world. Because now you are up for stealing stuff from other pirates. Woow.. now you became the PvP crew that you are complaining about instead of doing it when the opportunity arises.

    Think about it why would you or anyone that is just out to do a PvE content be it a voyage, Athena's, Fortress, Tale risk their chances of achieving their goal by a different crew if they can simply pick a mode that doesn't have that risk? I have defeated skeleton fleets on my own, all but the shrouded megan, skull forts, athena voyages. There is nothing the PvE has in the world that threatens the one thing that is important to me, my Ship! Yet I am also not interested of being out on the seas with more people just out for their PvP fix, because they are done collecting their gold in PvE and I never get the chance to steal it from them, now they're here to steal from me. Next move, I play on the PvE server and PvP on the Adventure mode and the spirit of the PvEvP shared world is gone. That is how people will respond, PvE people leave, increasing PvP making more people that PvE go to the safe area unless they want to PvP... repeat till it is just PvP.

    We have 6 ships on the server including yourown, so all of us have a big influence on the world. During our session yesterday of 5h we encountered 3/5 other ships in battle (of which one multiple times) and one was us being the enemy, we had spotted the other 2 a galleon and a sloop. Swapping either of those to also attack and especially like the galleon we had to beat, we would have ended in endless cycles of battle. Those can be fun, thinking back of the fort hoppers days... but also very time consuming and not rewarding in the rep and gold department.

    Many complaints of PvP crews start off with 1, 2 or even 3+ hours of PvE only play. Yet some how they never went to sell in between or something, which tells me they are comfortable with losing it. One of the key rules of the seas is never sail around with more than you are willing to lose.

    Losing in a multiplayer game is to be expected after all. You cannot assume you will always win. If you win that means they lose! An average player should assume around the 50/50 rule and that is not taking into account whether you are just a solo vs a galleon or not. Therefore based on your match up might also really make it drop or spike. The better you are the better percentage of winning you will have, yet a loss it to be expected at some point.

    This is the PvE experience session which is common for the way I play turns out, if you don't feel like reading the story skip the lined section:

    My style is to follow my crew (brig), since my community that I play with has quite a bit of non-legends they actually want to do Athena's. I do state that I just also want to see what pops up along the way, not pure focus on the voyages as I am a bit fed up with them myself we can always see whether we reach the end or get distracted.

    On the way around 3 voyages in a brig chased us, which we dispatched with a mega keg that we found on the way and we didn't see them back. They allowed us to allign our ship in front of them for him to jump off don't ask me why. A bit further down the line we are nearly done with the Athena's pre-quests we see a sloop being in battle with a skeleton sloop out on the waters, it was straight on our path to the next island and so we decided to have a look.

    Now, we weren't yet out whether we would sink them or help them at this point. While we arrive the skeleton ship sinks, my buddy goes for recon and once he sees the rowboat that is in the middle of the water where the ship sank, yet the sloop was further out. He lost his marbles, so much loot was packed on that tiny rowboat with a harpoon. He killed the pirate and it was on.

    They put up a decent fight and were cleary just trying to get that rowboat back on their sloop to run. They had no choice but to stick around, so we battled over the rowboat a pretty unique fight. We won, it doubled our treasure that we had on board at that point. We decided to go sell.

    Since we had a fort right between us and the Athena's Chest map. Since we had no loot on board and tons of supplies we decided to go there. While there a galleon just came over and over again, sunk them like 5 times. They were insisting on the ram them and kill them all tactic, but I don't know we had supplies so cursed cannonballs are so sweet.

    We had some battle, yet at no point did we not stand a chance to win. We fought from advantageous positions and my crew even commented on my snippy behavior while in battle as we collaborate, I didn't allow for any distractions like loot to be of concern.

    I enjoy doing the PvE, if you want to be safe pay attention, be good at the PvE and do it quickly so you can always move when needed. Either learn to spot them so you can decide to flee or learn to fight in ways that benefit you and be prepared. Pirates do not appear out of thin air, even though in the shroud it can seem that way.

    I focus my fights around anything that benefits us 1 not sinking, 2 their ship sinking. We have endless amount of lives, we use our supplies and items we find and do our bests to be the last standing. Pirate fights are not about fair play, one on one duels... while people fight for the death of the other, I focus on survival. The riches go the victor not the best warrior. Sometimes that means I just take off with what I have! No shame in that...

  • @bactatankbill I believe the game could use a pve mode for people who don't have xbox live or a good internet conection, I also think that maybe having a private lobby option could be fun as well, being able to set an entire game to just have players your freinds with could be fun but I doubt they'll ever consider this an idea, because if they make a pve mode or private lobby option it would take away fun from the toxic players who only find fun in attacking players who arnt attacking them, they only enjoy the game for the fun of making another person suffer,
    Also in your summery you said that sea of thieves doesent cater twords PvP, sure it does have some pve enimes but it primarily caters twords PvP, especially for pc players

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