Any way to play without griefers?

  • Just started playing. Like the game. Absolutely hate losing everything every single time I bring loot back to cash in. Is there any way to play solo without people interfering and destroying everything I spend 1-2 hours doing? If not I'm done with this game. What's the point? There needs to be an option to play with players or just enjoy the game solo or with just friends.

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  • @spacemonkey907 there is a way, so nobody robs you, pay attention!
    Watch every 5 minutes with your spyglass if there's another ship somewhere around
    If you see one, look what they are up to, when they come at you, sail somewhere else

    But solo play isn't possible, there are always other can play the maiden voyage over and over, you are completely alone there...

  • Risk management is part of the game, so you've just got to think of these situations as learning experiences, so as you get better this will happen to you less often. I'll admit it is frustrating for all of us when this happens though.

  • SoT is a Shared World Adventure Game.
    This is not a single player game. You are not the center of the universe.
    There are no adjustable difficulty settings, so learn from your mistakes.

    That being said, bring a thick skin.
    Death is inconsequential.
    Live life to the fullest, die well.
    Rinse repeat.

    Welcome aboard.

  • @spacemonkey907 There is no way to do so. The game is boring so people find fun in suffering of others. It's also not supposed to be played solo. Ideally you want the 3-person ship Brigantine to have the best advantage in fights or escaping.

  • Those that sink your ship or steal your hard-earned loot are not so-called griefers, but are rather colloquially known as thieves - as in Sea of Thieves. Also, more popularly known upon the waves as pirates. You are 1 too, whether you like it or not, once you pass through the Shroud.

    So, pull out ye sword, load ye gun, fire te cannons, and show tem scoundrels who dat treasure really belong to! Only ten, will you ave truly earned someting truly rewarding - and mate, it ain't tat treasure ye be tinking of.

    #BeMorePirate ☠

  • Ok here we go again...
    The concept of the game is pretty clear and declared, that's how the game is ment to be.
    Take time to understand the game, his mechanics, understand the ships, the different type of combat, weapons, enemies, understand when to do something....
    Basically before complain about exactly nothing please take time to learn! Every game has a curve, be patient and dedicated and you'll like the title aswell as the gameplay.

    To me look like today gamers want to be pro from day one... Forgetting that like everything else in life, to be good at something you need dedication and passion

  • @one-eyed-curly wrong person

  • @archaell sorry but I don't agree with you...
    The game is not boring, the game can be approached in many different ways, chasing for stealing loot is just a technique...
    Is absolutely possibile to play alone and accomplish something... The pve scale with the ship and crew size... So very wrong what you said!
    Ideally a 3 men brig? Why? Ideally you can be the best out there in a 2 man sloop, 2 or 3 men brig, 4 man galleon...

  • They will never make pve servers. PVE servers will be the easiest way to gain any currency in-game, which is the only reward we have in-game. So in order to get best rewards, you would have to be on a pve server. And the game is just not about that. It's a pirate game, not a pve / dig up chests on islands game. Sorry it happened to you, it will get better though, as you learn more about the game. Also, join the official game discord, and go in the swabbie looking for crew channel, people there will help you and join your game, and teach you the ropes a bit :)

  • @spacemonkey907

    Nope. Sea of Greifers lol. Consider any sail an enemy and open fire or run before they bother you.

  • Its part of this game, if dont look againt on game title Sea Of THIEVES not Sea of grinders or sea of friends.
    Losing loot its a part of gameplay this time you lose it but next time you may have oportunity to steal it from another crew.
    Even Dev on theirs streams behave like pirates, but sometimes they like to talk with people too.
    You have to accept this part of game sorry.

  • @archaell Its not suffering of others its just part of game which is legal and should be rewarded becasue pve grinders on pve servers may destroy that game which become not pirate game.

  • @rubihroo Same in community which i exist people got 5 galeons on 1 server and got wiped by 1 galeon soo quality of their gameplay is pathetic.

  • @galactic-geek #BeMorePirate #NoPveServers

  • @spacemonkey907

    The point is to have fun. Be a good sport in both, winning or losing, situations. Share the grand success tales you have accomplishments and learn from the times you are destroyed.

    The game has a learning curve and solo is especially a challenge. Solo is meant for masters of the seas that seek an extra challenge and a crew is highly advised, even a single comrade helps a lot on the seas.

    This is a shared multiplayer online environment, where you sail with and fight against others. Nobody stated that being a pirate would be an easy time.

    First rule of the seas is to spot those sails, mermaids and pirates: Keep those eyes on the horizon.
    Then you are able to ask this simple question: how will I respond?

    Second rule of the seas is that it is not about the treasure but the Adventure, regardless of the outcome just enjoy playing.

    Third rule of the seas is to not sail with more than you are willing to lose.


  • @spacemonkey907
    No, this game is sea of thieves where everyone including you is a pirate. However, if you join the public discord channel. Then start asking around. You will discover groups called alliances.

    These alliances are groups of people who work together to get stuff done. So you just need to decide what you want to get done that day, go to the alliance discord, and get on one of their boats.

    While the game is full of people who just want to sink your boat...cause they can. It is also full of many of wonderful people, who boats you can sink, and people to adventure with.

    Please give the game a chance. As well as asking around in the discord server.

  • Would you say the same thing if you were playing fortnight? No, because it’s the nature of the game.
    I hear people moaning about this all the time and it baffles me. Crying for PvE servers. It’s bad enough you can have alliances.
    I’m PL10 for over a year and a half now, I open fire on every ship no questions asked. Other people’s loot is better loot.
    That said. Some you win and some you loose. I’m sure when your on the winning end you won’t be on the forums crying about it.

  • To clarify. I meant to say I sometime get sunk and loose loot too. Which is why I mentioned my rank. Even with experience you can loose a fight.

  • @spacemonkey907 said in Any way to play without griefers?:

    Just started playing. Like the game. Absolutely hate losing everything every single time I bring loot back to cash in. Is there any way to play solo without people interfering and destroying everything I spend 1-2 hours doing? If not I'm done with this game. What's the point? There needs to be an option to play with players or just enjoy the game solo or with just friends.

    The answer is in the first 3 words you said.
    Just Started Playing....

    Practice keeps the griefers at bay.
    For the record they arent griefers either, they’re pirates.

    Sea of thieves needs practice to survive.
    Learning is harder solo but very beneficial.
    It may be recommended though to group in. Avoid random matchmaker, use discord.

    There is no real “tips” you can read that will help you greatly other than practice. Repetition becomes comfort and that comfort will bring efficiiency, Efficiency will reward you more time, more precious seconds and moments which will ultimately see you sailing free and clear.

  • Use rowboats no sail to spot. Sure it will take you 10 hours to do a tall tale but nobody will bother you.

  • It maybe sounds harsh but when you dont wanna loose your loot or even Play singleplayer then you defenetly choosed the wrong game. When you start the game you should know that there is a possibility that People come and steal your stuff, and you have (normally) enough time to look for other ships and plan your next steps.
    Is there another ship at the outpost you are heading too, then decide if you wanna sink them or choose another outpost to cash in your loot.

    I started with this game a bit more then a week ago and honestly I dont see why People complain specially the ones that only played maybe a couple of hours. Why even getting the game when you cant handle that your loot COULD get lost?! I mean SoT is not a new Early Access Title that just came out a couple of days ago, there are plenty of informations out so People can 100% get an idea what this game is about.

    To those People who crying for PvE Servers, you all also should consider if this game is really the Thing for you or not. The game is brilliant as it is and it offers sooooo much fun the way it is!!! Sure it can be a pain in the butt when you loose your stuff but as I said as soon as you start your time in SoT you always Need to know that your loot is never yours until you cash it in.

    Also I cant understand that People say "SoT is not for Solo Players you need at least 2-3 People more to have fun." thats bull*****. I Play most of the time alone on my trusty Sloop and I have plenty of fun. So, in my opinion, this game is also for Solo Players. Sure it can make more fun when you have other Players in your Crew but for that you need People who fit to your way of playing and it is not always easy to find those.

    BUT if you really wanna Play SoT and minimize the risk of getting sunk by other Players, well then consider the Option to join an Alliance Group (there are plenty out there) were you can Play the game with the lowest risk of getting sunk. I joined such a Group too because sure from time to time you wanna have a "easy day" out on the Oceans and do some Tall Tales with your mates etc.

    One last thing, People should understand the difference between "Griefers" and People who Play the game as ist supposed to be!
    People who attack you for your loot= normal Players
    People who attack you just for the reason to ruin your fun (and try to sink you over and over again with some brainless comments over voice Chat)= Griefers

    So all in all the solution or answer to your question is simple, Play the game as it is and as it is supposed to be (wich includes risking your stuff to get stolen) or uninstall the game and choose something else like "Naval Action" "Atlas" etc.


  • @pithyrumble said in Any way to play without griefers?:


    Consider any sail an enemy and open fire or run before they bother you.

    While this is certainly the safe option, it's very limiting. A large portion of this game relies on its social aspects, so while talking to other crews and forming alliances is certainly a risk, the potential payout is tremendous for both parties.

  • @one-eyed-curly The argument of risk keeps being brought up in topics like this so maybe you can tell me what risk attackers take when attacking other players? From my time playing the game the crews attacking me never had any loot meaning that fighting them was just a waste of resources and that I was the only one taking any risk.

    Regardless of your willingness to admit it the balance of this game heavily favors the crews that only play to attack others and that is a problem. What direction will this game take when no one is doing any voyages and there is nothing to gain from combat. There are already topics complaining that no one has any loot to steal and asking for mechanics that would force crews to hold onto loot thus increasing the risk taken by crews actually doing voyages.

    If the game is truly about risk, how can anyone say it is balanced when only one play style is taking any risk?

  • @rogue-ninja-01 said in Any way to play without griefers?:

    If the game is truly about risk, how can anyone say it is balanced when only one play style is taking any risk?

    In an open seabox of a game, how can a player expect balance when the greatest difference is in each players brain?
    Balance in SoT is like fairness. It is a unicorn.

    There is only you, your crew, and your ship.
    Threats are threats, be they players or AI, a big part of SoT is mitigating negative outcomes.

  • @archaell been playing for a month now, I haven't been this consumed by an online game in a long time, boring is definitely not a word that can be applied to SoT.

  • @barnabas-seadog Everyone playing any game expects balance. It isn't an unreasonable request for games to have balance. If balance doesn't matter or is outright impossible pirate legends would be allowed to one shot everyone lower ranked with better gear. If balance isn't expected why do topics like this get made and why is it when pvp players get called out for being griefers their first response is "this is a game about risk". If the game is all about risk it should be balanced around that risk. The risk in attacking others doesn't need to be money or loot it could be a change to the spawn system so that you don't spawn near the crew that sinks you.

  • @Rogue-Ninja-01

    The balance is everyone has the same gear.

    Not every player has the same game acumen, however.

    In SoT, balance and fairness are subject to RNG.

    Act accordingly.

  • @barnabas-seadog That doesn't answer my question as to why pvp players always bring up risk when others complain about being attacked. If the only balance meant to be in the game is gear balance that's fine but people shouldn't be making arguments about risk vs reward when they want all reward and no risk.

  • @rogue-ninja-01

    Do pvp players always bring up risk when others complain about being attacked?

    I must not be listening to them.

    I'm probably just looking out for them.

  • @rogue-ninja-01 said in Any way to play without griefers?:

    @one-eyed-curly The argument of risk keeps being brought up in topics like this so maybe you can tell me what risk attackers take when attacking other players? From my time playing the game the crews attacking me never had any loot meaning that fighting them was just a waste of resources and that I was the only one taking any risk.

    Regardless of your willingness to admit it the balance of this game heavily favors the crews that only play to attack others and that is a problem. What direction will this game take when no one is doing any voyages and there is nothing to gain from combat. There are already topics complaining that no one has any loot to steal and asking for mechanics that would force crews to hold onto loot thus increasing the risk taken by crews actually doing voyages.

    If the game is truly about risk, how can anyone say it is balanced when only one play style is taking any risk?

    You clearly haven't been stealing loot if you think you risk nothing. Also, not everyone that sinks and steals is just out hunting other pirates.

    You act like the person voyaging is at a disadvantage, but they simply are not. They are the ones that hold the treasure, they are the ones that can respond and just flee if they want to not deal with PvP and still get spoils. The PvP crew has to manage to catch and defeat their targets and might still end up empty handed, while those doing PvE nearly always earn some coin.

    I am for the majority a PvE focused player and yet during my tall tales solo I sunk 3 brigantines, 1 sloop and fought with a duo sloop that took off mid battle twice... and fled from poor old me because they couldn't board me, were being pummeled with cannonballs and guess didn't think that they could win. I could see that beautiful ritual skull that was out of reach with my spyglass.

    I earned a decent haul from sinking others, never lost my ship and lost a total of one Ashen Chest from a guy that boarded me and apparently took off with it. At no point did I not have loot on my ship while I was still attacking those that were on my way. Also for a part of it was carrying Tall Tale items and was risking it all.

    Learn to protect your own and you can earn more than just that what you find, also supplies are gathered to be wasted... what use does it to have stocking 150 cannonballs if you aren't going to use them to have some fun.

    There are many occasions that attackers brought loot along for me to enjoy and I tend to be loaded even when I play aggressive. If you don't fear battle you can earn from it, but you are risking it all.

  • Another dissatisfied player because he didn't read about the game before playing. What will be next? Asking to take the other PUBG competitors out of the game to be able to explore and take weapons without being killed?

  • @cotu42 You're right I don't steal loot from other players. However saying I don't know the risk doesn't answer my question about what attacking players are risking. Anyone reading my posts know I don't know the risks attacking players are taking. That is why I'm asking.

  • @targasbr If this is directed at me you are misunderstanding my posts. As for pubg, that is a completely different game that is focused solely on pvp and is irrelevant in this discussion. All I'm asking is for people to be able to explain and defend their arguments.

  • @rogue-ninja-01

    They are risking their time, effort and anything on board. In my endeavors yesterday I attacked the others and risked:

    • 2 skeleton captain chests
    • 3 captains chests
    • 1 marauders chest
    • 1 castaway chest
    • 2 foul skulls
    • Box of tea
    • Box of silk
    • Brigsy's chest and key with the items for the compass in one battle and the skull at plunder when I was done as there was a ship there and I went to sink it instead of sitting it out.
    • 1 red ruby
    • 2 blue rubies
    • 1 green ruby
    • 1 ashen chest, which was stolen..
    • 150 cannonballs
    • 80 planks
    • food??? Do not know, but was eating megalon meat and such because regen!

    What people risk is what they are willing to sail around with, be it nothing or a ton of loot is really personal. The best advise is to not sail with more than you are willing to lose. I sunk people with loot and some without and each time I risked my ship and all it had.

    Keep in mind, this was all done while I was solo as well... while whining in the discord community that I am a part of that I finally get a PvP server and nobody wanted to join, making my life more difficult. 😎

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