Duke plus Lagoon of Whispers Developments

  • Ahoy Mates!
    You may have heard about Duke's recent disappearance from the taverns, weither it was his failure to see Stitcher Jim's treachery, his old age, or maybe he just got tired of loosing to me in our friendly shovel skills competitions.
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    Either way, he's flown the coop! He's not in any of the taverns anywhere!
    I decided to go looking for him.

    And you'll never guess where I found him!
    The Lagoon of Whispers!

    He seems to be in okay health and all.
    checking up on duke

    Umbra told me he's helping her fix up the place, they've already got a new dock set up!
    I hope the island life works out for him, he seemed pretty depressed to me.

    Anyways mates, you think this new construction on The Lagoon of Whispers means it'll be built up over time, just like what happened with the Reaper's Hideout before it became well... the Reaper's Hideout?
    And if so, what do you think The Lagoon of Whispers will be built into? (I haven't the foggiest myself.)

    Let me know, until then see ya on the seas!

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  • With a dock built. Who knows, all I know is...Skeletons still spawn there and its very weird to be talking to Duke and a skelly blows up.

  • I suppose the capitancy update is cloose, there will be an alliance Between Athena and liranna 🍀

  • I hope for a Bilge Rat faction, cosmetics and kind of outpost with no jounreys or levels to climb, because bilge rats are not working torwards wealth, titles or reputation.
    Be a bilge rat, set sail for adventure without any specific goal or agenda!!!
    All a Bilge Rat wants is having an adventure to tell in the tavern!
    All a Bilge Rat needs is the Wind, Waves and whatever the Sea will throw at him or her or not throw at him or her.
    The Bilge Rats are the only right people, all others are just striving, when they already have all they need,
    the freedom to do what they want in the Sea of Thieves.

  • @bugaboo-bill we already have bildgerat faction and cosmetics

  • @captain-fob4141

    i would apreciate to have more ;D

    I'd like the title: Bilge Rat, although i have Hunter of the Shrouded and even Brave Vanguard.
    I'd like a more fancy ship livery, although i appreciate they have completed the 3 BR Ship Sets.
    A costume maybe?! Although Bilge Rats are more individualistic.
    Whatever it is i mostly sympathize with the Bilge Rats than with everyone else!

  • @bugaboo-bill bilgerats dont care about titles xD
    Or gold *why their outfits cost the most
    But yeah 🤷🏼‍♂️ they're one of the few launch cosmetics sets that are complete

  • @captain-fob4141 the title need to be for free of course to reflect its meaningless and unworthy status XD

    i dont wear bilge rat cloth, i have other stuff that fits my pirate better, but if there would be some more cool cloth related to the bilge rats, i apreciate it and give it a try.

    a Rat Pet would be cool tbh.

  • @bugaboo-bill the sailor title;)

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