Xbox series X vs. Xbox One

  • With the launch of the Xbox series X and pirates getting optimized, I would like to suggest that people playing on the series X be in able to play in the same server as those without. That being said everyone should be able to play when the series X becomes more available. Those who have it will outplay those without every time. Just for like half a years time.

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  • @repleteassassin cross platform games have there ups and downs no doubt ❤️

  • in what possible world does the series x make you better than a normal xbox player. Im on an OG xbox one player and dont really think that im getting destroyed my people on the newer Xboxes. Also you think original xbox lobbies are dead??? Oh boy, having only series xboxes within a lobby will take 5 hours to get into an arena lobby and you will be solo in most times unless you want to be put into a lobby based off of a place that is 100's of miles away.

  • There are 3 distinct advantages Series X pirates have over OG X pirates:

    1. framerate
    2. load times
    3. resolution

    There can be no arguing against that because those are FACTS.

    Of those 3, only 1 can be mitigated. The load times can be fixed for an OG X pirate if they are willing to spend their coin on a SSD.

    As for the other 2, if you're an OG X pirate, then I hope you brought your paddle with you - the framerate gives the Series X pirates a timing advantage of milliseconds, and the resolution allows them to see things more clearly allowing for better awareness of their surroundings.

    I also forgot to mention that resolution can be mitigated with a 4K TV, but only if you're a One X pirate (which isn't really all of that relevant since we're discussing extremes here with the Series X and OG X platforms).

    As for myself, I land squarely in the middle, with an Xbox One X, 4K TV, a SSD, and a terrible Internet connnection.

  • @repleteassassin nope consoles w/ controllers play with consoles w/ controller sorry.

    @Galactic-Geek resolution didn't change. I upgraded from an Xbox One X to an Xbox Series X. It is still 4k.

    Framerates are a big difference. Im running at 4k60 in my living room over 4k30 before.

    And even running a sata usb 3.0 ssd on the X1X it's nothing compared to the optimization on the XSX.

    I keep wondering of the XSX will get better fps rating for running at 1080 or 2k.

    But for me the XSX is just the machine I use to hunt Xbox players down.

  • @Captain-Coel said:

    resolution didn't change. I upgraded from an Xbox One X to an Xbox Series X. It is still 4k.

    Did you not read the thread title? We're talking about the Xbox Series X and the OG Xbox One.

    Xbox One X =/= Xbox One

  • @galactic-geek he said xbox one, I just lumped all the models together the same way rare did.

  • @repleteassassin the new Xbox does have its ups but that does not in any way make them “Better” the new Xbox does have better loading times and FPS but that does not mean that they are better you might as well say that a brand new pc player is better than a experienced Xbox player just cause they have faster loading times. I’ve fought and beaten pc and new Xbox players when I played on my Xbox one and you can get into a server with a pc player on controllers only cause it’s “Controlers” only so not only can Xbox series players play on controller only servers so can pc.

  • @faos-ernie its xbox with controllers only. pc players can not join that lobby

  • I'm playing on the original Xbox rn and run into series x/s all the time. Skill is the difference not the console. If anything the people on those ships are worse.

    I also play with people on the new consoles it doesn't make a difference if your already good. It's not like pc vs Xbox where it's 120fps to 30 to 60 tops.

  • i dont get one sold out everywhere in germany ,been trying since two weeks getting a series x,topic: with a higher fps rate and faster loading times its an advantage.sure skill is the main factor and a lot people will sink me like before haha, anyway i felt also a difference playing between on xbox one x and xbox one

  • We have to stop this talk about splitt community’s i only agree on splitting pc and xbox (i play both) but have never ever encounterd so Manny cheaters like i do on Pc with aimbots and stuff, but splitt xbox and xbox because of a new console is not an option, you can alwaise buy a new consol.

  • should we also split PC players depending on which video card they have?
    3080-3090 servers
    2080-2070 servers
    1070-1080 servers
    1060 and lower servers
    how about also splitting PC players with and without SSD.

    you can't just start splitting servers because one machine has a slight advantage over another... PC has delt with that since PC exists...
    CS:GO players don't ask to be placed in lower-end/higher-end matchmaking.

  • @galactic-geek said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    There are 3 distinct advantages Series X pirates have over OG X pirates:

    1. framerate
    2. load times
    3. resolution

    There can be no arguing against that because those are FACTS.

    Of those 3, only 1 can be mitigated. The load times can be fixed for an OG X pirate if they are willing to spend their coin on a SSD.

    As for the other 2, if you're an OG X pirate, then I hope you brought your paddle with you - the framerate gives the Series X pirates a timing advantage of milliseconds, and the resolution allows them to see things more clearly allowing for better awareness of their surroundings.

    I also forgot to mention that resolution can be mitigated with a 4K TV, but only if you're a One X pirate (which isn't really all of that relevant since we're discussing extremes here with the Series X and OG X platforms).

    As for myself, I land squarely in the middle, with an Xbox One X, 4K TV, a SSD, and a terrible Internet connnection.

    Im curious. Would the differences be so different to give you a significant advantage? Im torn between ps5 and xbox X. This is my favourite game so im on the fence which to go for.

  • @daringclarky resolution and load time doesn't make any difference.

    Resolution for most won't matter between Xbox x and series x because both are 4k.
    The only way the series x would be better in resolution is if you have a super high end 4k tv or monitor.

    As far as load times. Loading into a server yes it's faster by about a 1 min and I have a ssd on the original Xbox .

    If we're talking about mermaids it's about the same on average if you ask me it's always varying.

    But to say Series x and series s have a advantage. No way shape or form do they. PC is still miles ahead as far as performance.
    140 fps vs 30/60fps. Is not even close.

    People on series s shouldn't be punished cuz technically if we're pulling hairs on resolution it's capped at 1080.

  • @daringclarky You're asking about the difference between PS5 and Series X?

    If so, the latter outperforms the former.

  • the only valid point that could be made about this is, why dont pc players on controller get put into xbox lobbies while xbox series xx players on controller get put into xbox lobbies.

  • @galactic-geek said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @daringclarky You're asking about the difference between PS5 and Series X?

    If so, the latter outperforms the former.

    Thanks mate.
    I was kinda torn mainly because i got PSVR but thrn again.. I still got a ps4 for VR lol. Well until i can afford a proper gaming pc at least lol.

    Man. What id give to have a decent pc. All i wanna do is play mount and blade bannerlord and elite dangerous in VR.

    And sea of thieves of course. Lol

  • @daringclarky If it's VR you're after, you'll need deep pockets. My own brother personally uses and highly recommends the Vive Pro, but that being said, the Occulus appears to be the more popular choice.

  • @ajm123 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @daringclarky resolution and load time doesn't make any difference.

    Resolution for most won't matter between Xbox x and series x because both are 4k.
    The only way the series x would be better in resolution is if you have a super high end 4k tv or monitor.

    As far as load times. Loading into a server yes it's faster by about a 1 min and I have a ssd on the original Xbox .

    If we're talking about mermaids it's about the same on average if you ask me it's always varying.

    But to say Series x and series s have a advantage. No way shape or form do they. PC is still miles ahead as far as performance.
    140 fps vs 30/60fps. Is not even close.

    People on series s shouldn't be punished cuz technically if we're pulling hairs on resolution it's capped at 1080.

    you speak as if every pc player plays at 144fps 4k...
    the PC standard is 1080p60fps (most players play with this)
    the higher end PC gaming is moving up to 1440p 120-144 fps... but for that, it would cost about double the price of your new XSX/PS5.
    and the difference between 144 and 60fps even though noticeable, wouldn't give any significant advantage. 30 to 144 sure, i get it.. but 60 to 144? nah... your elite controller vs regular controller would make more difference than 60fps vs 144 fps.

  • People acting like every single PC player gets 144fps on max settings constantly. We don't. PC players also have to put up with hardware differences, I just never see them complain about it. I have a friend who's saving up for a decent PC, so he has to play a a terrible laptop that runs at about 15fps at the lowest settings. Should he be put into a separate lobby than me, with my RTX 2070?

  • @repleteassassin said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    With the launch of the Xbox series X and pirates getting optimized, I would like to suggest that people playing on the series X be in able to play in the same server as those without. That being said everyone should be able to play when the series X becomes more available. Those who have it will outplay those without every time. Just for like half a years time.


    100% KNEW this would happen soon as the cry babies got their way and segregated the PC gamers out of our games.

    The problem was never the PC gamers, and its not the Xbox-X gamers, its you for not playing well.

    I am surprised that you guys are not yet crying about the Elite controller yet, if only you knew how powerful it actually is when utilized properly. Just a tip, the Standard controller and default button map are terrible.

    Just so you are are aware, the problem was never the PC gamer, it was many of us X-box gamers who refused to adapt by getting and SSD for load times, and an Xbox Elite Controller to make up for the dramatic shortcomings of the default controller that are nerfed by MS and cannot be better customized because MS wants you to buy the Elite Controller for the superior customization options. The lack of the paddles on the bottom are kinda crippling too, because those allow you to map your abilities to be used while moving like a PC player can. (eliminates the Dpad basically)

  • grog drinking intensifies

  • @captain-coel Explain why it’s not called “Xbox preferred servers”

  • @squaz05 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    you can't just start splitting servers because one machine has a slight advantage over another... PC has delt with that since PC exists...

    And that is exactly what the xbox only servers are, a seperation based on the hardware used. If you use a xbox with a mouse and keyboard you are excluded and if you are on PC, regardless of a controller or mouse and keyboard you are excluded.

  • Ive currently got the xbox one s. The one before one x.

    Would i notice a substantial upgrade playing this game on xbox series X?

    Like graphically, maybe even fps?
    I think the range we can see stuff remains the same right? Like bsrrels and loot etc? Or can they be renderes further too?

    Im on the fence about a console.

  • @ajm123 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    grog drinking intensifies

    Haha this made me chuckle.
    Thank you

  • @faos-ernie cause if you dont get the preferred xbox and controllers only, you get tossed in the everyone pool.

  • @repleteassassin so I can't play anymore with my friends?

  • @daringclarky said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    Ive currently got the xbox one s. The one before one x.

    Would i notice a substantial upgrade playing this game on xbox series X?

    Like graphically, maybe even fps?
    I think the range we can see stuff remains the same right? Like bsrrels and loot etc? Or can they be renderes further too?

    Im on the fence about a console.

    You would see a big difference in performance. Graphics improvements and about double the FPS and SSD loading speeds, the new generation console are pretty good. Whether that is worth the cash, is a personal choice.

    Draw distance is standard for everyone.

  • @schwammlgott said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @repleteassassin so I can't play anymore with my friends?

    You can always play on the open servers, just like anyone who wants to play with their PC friends.

  • @cotu42 Thank you mate :)
    Really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

    I think i will get one. When they are back in stock. They are sold out everywhere. Scalpers trying to charge £600! I think ill wait til they are in stock directly from microsoft.

  • @daringclarky I'll likely do the same. I'm just concerned that it won't be before I lose out on the Duke ship set in May.

  • @cotu42 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @squaz05 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    you can't just start splitting servers because one machine has a slight advantage over another... PC has delt with that since PC exists...

    And that is exactly what the xbox only servers are, a seperation based on the hardware used. If you use a xbox with a mouse and keyboard you are excluded and if you are on PC, regardless of a controller or mouse and keyboard you are excluded.

    well the same arguments apply between OG Xbox1 and Xbox Series X
    if PC players can play with such different hardware, you Xbox player can too.

  • @squaz05 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @cotu42 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    @squaz05 said in Xbox series X vs. Xbox One:

    you can't just start splitting servers because one machine has a slight advantage over another... PC has delt with that since PC exists...

    And that is exactly what the xbox only servers are, a seperation based on the hardware used. If you use a xbox with a mouse and keyboard you are excluded and if you are on PC, regardless of a controller or mouse and keyboard you are excluded.

    well the same arguments apply between OG Xbox1 and Xbox Series X
    if PC players can play with such different hardware, you Xbox player can too.

    Euhm... you xbox players? I play on a PC and have been very vocal of my disapproval of the controller only servers being limited to Xbox console users. If PC players can play with such different hardware and now Xbox consoles are showcasing the same type of variety and yet it is the PC players that are excluded.

    The arguments to exclude PC players using controllers was: "FPS, Hardware Advantages!". Yet now that the Xbox players are the ones buying the advantages... people complain, yet when it were the PC players that were excluded, that was fair... because the FPS makes PC players gods. The hypocritical standpoint is so clear.

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