Why every time limited item must be reskined...

  • I dont get it. Why rare is trying to make newbies happy with reskined and sometimes even re released time limited cosmetics? Instead of adding completly new items they are adding same cosmetic just with diffrent colors. Its wasting of time and for me its taking away that aura, usually there isnt big difrence in color betwen oryginal time limited and reskined version so there is no point in wearing it because everyone looks same...
    If you missed chance of getting some item than its your fault. Rare show some respect to old players who stayed with you all this years, not to Please new players, who will stop playing after a week..

    btw im still suprised that there is not a reskined version of kraken figurehead.. or maybe i should stay quiet not to pitch any idea :D

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  • @fgfoot said in Why every time limited item must be reskined...:

    I dont get it. Why rare is trying to make newbies happy with reskined and sometimes even re released time limited cosmetics? Instead of adding completly new items they are adding same cosmetic just with diffrent colors. Its wasting of time and for me its taking away that aura, usually there isnt big difrence in color betwen oryginal time limited and reskined version so there is no point in wearing it because everyone looks same...
    If you missed chance of getting some item than its your fault. Rare show some respect to old players who stayed with you all this years, not to Please new players, who will stop playing after a week..

    btw im still suprised that there is not a reskined version of kraken figurehead.. or maybe i should stay quiet not to pitch any idea :D

    nah you should give them ideas because that is the only thing I don't have that I actually want

  • @wolfmanbush dont worry, this is so unique item, and im sure they will add it for everyone to get... sooner or later

  • I started this game in season 1. I am happy with being able to get older items. Why not let all players acquire content that already exists? Does it affect your gameplay in any way? No it doesn’t. Ive never seen a single player with my exact outfit, and lets be real, theres only 5-20 people on a server and you might see about half of them up close if you go for PvP. I rarely even see more than 2 close enough to tell what clothes they have on.

    The content exists. Its easy for Rare to put it back in the game. It doesn’t affect anyone’s gameplay.

    Newer players will pay MONEY for it, which keeps Rare interested in continuing to develop the game. I got my game for free, but have spent 50$ in the last month on content. If they release something like a ship set thats no longer available and 10% of players buy it at 15$ thats 30 million dollars for something they have sitting in a file on a computer.

    Your only argument is that you don’t want other people to have what you have, which is a selfish one.

  • @cornelius-ix clearly you dont understand that some of the old cosmetics have stories attached to the time we played or the event that unlocked them. You have never had an encounter with another player changed based on a reaction to an old cosmetic. This is why older players fight to keep old cosmetics locked and only want to see reskins. Its the stories

  • @captain-coel I truly do not understand how your epic stories will be ruined if we have the same hat.

  • @cornelius-ix because if everyone has access to it, no one asks about it, and those stories dont get told...

  • @cornelius-ix

    It's not enough that they have it, it's the knowledge that others don't.

    I've never really got it myself, but folks can be weird about stuff.

  • @captain-coel I've been playing since hungering deep and have plenty of old cosmetics that cant be obtained anymore. I still would be fine with them coming back for new players to obtain. It doesn't affect me or the stories behind getting them. The stories come up all the time and I don't where the cosmetics often. When I do no one usually notices anyway so why not bring them back. People will talk about the original way to get them more if they re surface. The only one I wouldn't want back is the golden athena ship.

  • Why do new players not deserve older cosmetics? I’ve been playing since the alpha. Personally, I could care less

    People claim it devalues “OG” players

    It does not. Your experiences are what makes you. Your time and skill. Not a cosmetic.

  • @grilledcheese10 totally agree. It doesn't make me feel like I've been devalued in any way if new players get the old cosmetics I have. I just feel like the year one anniversary stuff is the only stuff that should stay exclusive.

  • a game that is all about cosmetics SHOULD have as many as possible. With that being said, any reskins like this should be drastically different in appearance. This should make everyone happy. you might even hear things like "how did you get that had red? i can only get it in blue!", and from there can tell your stories.

    Then again, I'm relatively new here why would RARE want my money? ;)

  • I’m with you on that. Sea of thieves is slowly becoming Sea of cosmetics... No more limited items and events since the tall tales introduction.

  • @fgfoot said in Why every time limited item must be reskined...:

    I dont get it. Why rare is trying to make newbies happy with reskined and sometimes even re released time limited cosmetics? Instead of adding completly new items they are adding same cosmetic just with diffrent colors. Its wasting of time and for me its taking away that aura, usually there isnt big difrence in color betwen oryginal time limited and reskined version so there is no point in wearing it because everyone looks same...
    If you missed chance of getting some item than its your fault. Rare show some respect to old players who stayed with you all this years, not to Please new players, who will stop playing after a week..

    btw im still suprised that there is not a reskined version of kraken figurehead.. or maybe i should stay quiet not to pitch any idea :D

    Ahhhh yes the entitled, "I need someway to feel special because I don't in any sense of the word" comments.

    I want to ask you why it matters if the skins are limited or not. Did you do something special to earn them?? Did you actually have to accomplish anything of difficulty or did you just get a participation award and are now have it tucked away in the back of your closet telling everyone stories of how you did absolutely nothing but got something out of it??

    The reason I'm being so rude to you is because of this comment right here

    If you missed chance of getting some item than its your fault. Rare show some respect to old players who stayed with you all this years, not to Please new players, who will stop playing after a week..

    Tell that to the players who got hit by Tornado's, snow storm city wide black outs (if you didn't know Towers work off electricity so no power means no LTE), tell that to the player who has family in the hospital for whatever reason, or maybe to our soldiers who are deployed.

    There are a lot of things out of a persons hands and telling them "hey tough, you don't deserve" is petty.

    Time limited or exclusive items are a stupid mechanic, before you ask yes I have all the cosmetics from day 1 (not the alpha stuff, or the controller stuff).

    If this was about reskinning or re-releasing a skin that was given out as a first place win for a tournament or something then I'd agree but its not.

    No one did anything special or even difficult to earn these cosmetics, hell, almost 100% of players who earn these cosmetics never wear them or even use them. Its basically hoarding and completion mentality, you just GOT to have it only because you didn't have it before.

    It doesn't diminish whatever story you made to get it, it doesn't diminish your accomplishments.

    The game has only screwed players like that ONCE and that was when they lowered the commendation count for the overachiever sails from 1000 to 300, but even then they tried to make it time limited which was stupid. Again they didn't do anything special all they did was turn in loot which everyone will do EVENTUALLY.

    I'm perfectly fine with any and all exclusive cosmetics being released behind a commendation wall of some kind. Let players take their time and earn it, or even put it in the Pirate Emporium and make some more money off of it.

    As long as they don't give it out for free then I don't care how they do it.

    Seriously broski,

    If you missed chance of getting some item than its your fault.

    I wonder how you would feel if someone told you this after having your house destroyed by natural disaster or after a family member passes away or after being deployed or whatever responsibility that you had to take care of. I hope you never have to experience something like that because me thinks you would get angry and completely forget that you are basically doing the same thing.

  • @cornelius-ix said in Why every time limited item must be reskined...:

    @captain-coel I truly do not understand how your epic stories will be ruined if we have the same hat.

    I'm with this mate.

  • @fgfoot

    Sea of Thieves should do what Rust does and have a community workshop that people can use to create skins for all sorts of equipment, weapons, clothing, and ship cosmetics. Then the community votes on the skins that they like the most over the course of a week, and if the developers also like the skins that are voted the most popular, they get put into the game every week. It's a good way to let the community do the work for you, all you have to do is approve the skins and put them in the game. Rust does it and gets around 8 new skins every Thursday for people to buy without the developers having to spend their time making new skins every week.

  • @fgfoot Imagine having your ego hurt over how long someone has played a game lol

  • @xultanis-dragon
    Stories argument sucks for me, im not supporting it at all
    You know... time limited means time limited... if you havent played you dont have items.
    If rare decided to remove limited event, thats okay, but its just not fair to say first that this items will be time limited, only to relase them year after,
    You can stop doing time limited events but show some respect to people who got it when it was time limited and do not bring old stuff back, im sure they have 1000 ideas for new stuff so why relase old content ?

    I wish i could have more time to Answer you, plus language barrier is not helping at all

  • @fgfoot said in Why every time limited item must be reskined...:

    Stories argument sucks for me, im not supporting it at all
    You know... time limited means time limited... if you havent played you dont have items.
    If rare decided to remove limited event, thats okay, but its just not fair to say first that this items will be time limited, only to relase them year after,
    You can stop doing time limited events but show some respect to people who got it when it was time limited and do not bring old stuff back, im sure they have 1000 ideas for new stuff so why relase old content ?

    I wish i could have more time to Answer you, plus language barrier is not helping at all

    I'm okay with stuff being time limited for a set amount. Players want to feel special for 6months?? So be it.

    However, there is an issue with time limited or exclusive items. Players never see them after the first few weeks of the item being released.

    Think of all the cosmetics you have right now that you never use or wear. If Rare said they were re-releasing it you would be angry. Why?? You never wear them.

    Its like a kid that doesn't want to play with a toy because hes bored of it but then suddenly gets angry when he sees another kid playing with it.

    Its the sandbox mentality. You don't care about it at all until you see someone else having fun with it.

    What if Rare put it up for sale in the Emporium made players have to pay for it?? Wouldn't that be fair?? You got to earn it for free, they had to pay a price for it.

    Again, it really sucks when there are awesome cosmetics in the game that players will never get to see again because players who are hoarding them never want to use them because they got bored with it.

    I have the full year 1 pirate legend set that I rarely ever use because of how glitchy the game is when the boat has full skins on, especially the cannons.

    If Rare decided to release it for other players I wouldn't care because I'm already bored with it, let someone else have fun with it for a while, it would be nice to see it out in the world. Lord knows majority of PvP players don't ever put on any skins ANYWAYS lol and PvE players are already in PvE server alliances.

    So why does it matter??

    How about instead of getting angry at Rare for letting other players who came later in the game enjoy something you are already bored with, you instead figure out under what criteria it would be acceptable for them to release it.

    Like the hungering deep time limited cosmetic. How about re-releasing it to players who killed 200 or 500 megs?? Its just an empty commendation, with a skin you already have. Which means you don't have to do it, you already have it.

    Would you rather they put it on the emporium for sale?? The whole ship and clothing set for $40 and $50??

    Rare can make more money to release other products and won't actually have to waste everyones time releasing the cosmetic for some idiotic weekly event they make just to force everyone to grind.

    So again, why does it matter that players are getting access to something you don't play with or use anymore?? Let other players have a chance to play with it.

    Time limited or exclusivity, who cares about the titles. You got it, how many of the cosmetics did you get for "time limited" and have never worn??

    In honestly I have YET to wear like 90% of all the cosmetics I have and I have almost all the cosmetics you can get in the game from launch.

  • @xultanis-dragon are you saying you don't run around on deck looking like this:

    joey tribbiani

  • @murkrage

    LOLOLOLOLOL, if I could I so would lolololololol. Take the upvote, shame I can't upvote you like million times for that post lololol.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    Thanks for constructive answers

    We cant change each other opinion on this topic.

    I can see your point of view, i respect it, i would say that we both are right to some degree and its up to rare to decide what to do.

    And lets be Honest i can complain about many things but i still love this game.

    And every player have diffrent priorities, we love this game for diffrent reasons, and if for me cosmetics are main attracion then i will like to keep stuff i got limited. But you know.. there are as many opionions as pirates on seas :)

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