This could get controversial but what Arena players don’t like a little discussion.
With Arena loading times taking longer than ever due to a lack of popularity, grinding to 50 Sea Dogs (75 potentially in the future) sometimes it can feel like Arena is slowly fading away. If it wasn’t for Sea of Champions and NAL then I’m sure this would’ve happened long ago. Also with the release of private servers in the future it would only make sense to remove Arena in order to make space for private servers.
With this in mind what better way to introduce the Sea Dog faction into the game by giving you a small amount of reputation for each kill on another player. This does not only encourage PVP amongst the community but gives newer players the ability to improve their game and also rise up in another faction. This would not take away from those who completed LSD and TSD commendations (like myself) but instead encourage PVP and give those who can’t always be asked to wait half an hour for an arena game, just to get put up against a crew like mine, to be given the chance to increase their Sea Dog Reputation
I can already here the PVE players screaming about being spawn camped. Well, remember you can always scuttle. But if you can’t beat PVP players maybe this will encourage you to join in
- Love Witty