PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?

  • @grumpyw01f said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    With 2,254 hours played and 2,523 ships sunk, I'm at 1.12 ships sunk per hour.

    I consider that pretty high, considering all the time I've spent grinding for fish, getting 75/50/20 in all companies, commendation hunting, grinding gold for Dark Adventurer cosmetics, etc. Most of my time in year 1 was solo, so I only did heavy PvP when my friends would play.

    Great idea!


    It's just a "fun" stat that somewhat determines if you're PvP/PvE/Hybrid type of player.

    From what I see this far the PvP players land at 2 ships per hour. Hybrids are around 1. And PvE below 1, maybe under .8 or something.

    But we are VEEEEEEERY far from having enough data to determine if this is true though. And besides that, there's also factors that could be distorting the value, like staying AFK in menus counting towards time played, or sinking ships in arena counting towards ships sunken.

    So yeah, like I said, we do this for fun.

  • Sinks 4641 divided by 6369 hours equals .72

    Points to consider.

    Arena players will have higher averages due to being cast into battle every time they set sail.

    For those of us who have played since launch we are missing stats.
    To give you an example of just how much difference there is all you need to do is look at the chest count on your profile on Xbox and compare it to chest turned in on this site. I've turned in 17,571 chest in total but this site only shows 4660. Thats a 73.5 % increase of chests not registered! So we should be able to assume that 73.5% of my sinks are not registered. Which would put my sinks above 18,000!
    18000 divided by 6369 equals about 2.82 sinks per hour with no arena play.

  • Zero, cause there's no one on Aus servers I swear...

  • Unfortunately ships sunk is a meaningless stat, since it only seems to include ships you hit with a cannonball. So all the ships sunk to sneak attacks with explosive barrels, or ships sunk by your crew when you were the helmsman dont count.

  • Just checked.
    Have 777 sinks, Jackpot😁.
    I think I,m on 94 days played.
    Never been much of an aggressive player, like I said, I just enjoy playing win or lose.

  • 1581.5 hours
    187 ships sunk (this must not count sinking player ships with gunpowder, ramming their ship into hazards, or sinking skeleton ships)
    0.1182 per hour or basically 1 ship for each 8.5 hours played.

    And yet people claim I must be a heavy PvP player when I don’t agree with their arguments for PvE only servers. I play solo a lot and I usually have a very low-key playstyle. Especially over the last 12+ months.

  • @dag-13ernit said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Sinks 4641 divided by 6369 hours equals .72

    Points to consider.

    Arena players will have higher averages due to being cast into battle every time they set sail.

    For those of us who have played since launch we are missing stats.
    To give you an example of just how much difference there is all you need to do is look at the chest count on your profile on Xbox and compare it to chest turned in on this site. I've turned in 17,571 chest in total but this site only shows 4660. Thats a 73.5 % increase of chests not registered! So we should be able to assume that 73.5% of my sinks are not registered. Which would put my sinks above 18,000!
    18000 divided by 6369 equals about 2.82 sinks per hour with no arena play.

    no way you anywhere near 18000

    the people that do literally nothing but server hop specifically to sink ships (and do so efficiently) and have a lot of arena sinks in there too are like 8k to 9k maybe 10ishk at the high end and that's all day every day intentional ship sinking.

    I have 5441 and I sink massive amounts of skelly ships and player ships as an adventurer with very little arena play and have always known the site to be quite accurate for my ships and meg encounters

  • Yer a killing machine Grimz lol..I had a ticket open for a long time because all my counters were static for at least 3 months but it's telling me:

    261 ships sunk in
    723h (fair amount of that solo)

    0.36 p/h

  • @wolfmanbush afaik skelly ships dont count towards that ticker ;-)

  • @callmebackdraft said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @wolfmanbush afaik skelly ships dont count towards that ticker ;-)

    on the site? they definitely count

  • @greengrimz That's the smaller of the two numbers!

  • @gallerine5582 said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Zero, cause there's no one on Aus servers I swear.

    I giggled!

    Come play on EU with us brother!

  • @william-flint said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Unfortunately ships sunk is a meaningless stat, since it only seems to include ships you hit with a cannonball. So all the ships sunk to sneak attacks with explosive barrels, or ships sunk by your crew when you were the helmsman dont count.

    It's not like being helmsman when a ship sinks hasn't happened to everybody. Hell it keeps happening to everybody all the time in my opinion. So whereas it's an individual loss to stats, it's still balanced out by the fact others are suffering from it as well. Just like hit-reg: works and doesn't work equally for both fighting parties.

    But we do this for lolz anyway, so it ain't worth throwing too much thought.

  • @dag-13ernit said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Sinks 4641 divided by 6369 hours equals .72

    Points to consider.

    Arena players will have higher averages due to being cast into battle every time they set sail.

    For those of us who have played since launch we are missing stats.
    To give you an example of just how much difference there is all you need to do is look at the chest count on your profile on Xbox and compare it to chest turned in on this site. I've turned in 17,571 chest in total but this site only shows 4660. Thats a 73.5 % increase of chests not registered! So we should be able to assume that 73.5% of my sinks are not registered. Which would put my sinks above 18,000!
    18000 divided by 6369 equals about 2.82 sinks per hour with no arena play.

    We don't know if arena sinks count towards this stat though. All the other stats are Adventure exclusive, so maybe, ships sank also functions with the same logic.

    An example to support my theory is one of my crew members. He's farmed the hell out of Arena, and is legendary sea dog, has all the weapons and commendations there. While me on the other hand, don't have more than 100 games. But still, we have the exact same ships sunk per hour average.

    And regarding missing recordings from the earlier days. We calculate an average, non-chronologic stat. So long as you have not drastically switched your playstyle from the earlier days till present ones, your ships sunk per hour average will remain respectively the same even if all the recordings were present.

  • @ghostpaw said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    1581.5 hours
    187 ships sunk (this must not count sinking player ships with gunpowder, ramming their ship into hazards, or sinking skeleton ships)
    0.1182 per hour or basically 1 ship for each 8.5 hours played.

    And yet people claim I must be a PvP player when I don’t agree with their arguments for PvE only servers. I play solo a lot and I usually have a very low-key playstyle. Especially over the last 12+ months.

    Irony, @redeyesith and @galactic-geek are thee same! :D

  • @butterybarnacls said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz That's the smaller of the two numbers!

    I'm sorry, the whatnow??

  • Ok, just wanted to say that I was shocked to see that random post of mine inspired an entire thread. Fascinating.

  • @greengrimz

    173 days (4152 hours)

    3299 ships sunk

    0.7945568401 ships sunk per hour!

  • @redeyesith said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Ok, just wanted to say that I was shocked to see that random post of mine inspired an entire thread. Fascinating.

    The power of COMMUNITY! :-)

  • By the way just tested. The counter most definitely does include arena sinks. Refresh is quite instant too.

    I'm actually fascinated, my crewmate has slept in arenas for months, yet, our average sinks per hour are still the exact same.

  • @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    By the way just tested. The counter most definitely does include arena sinks. Refresh is quite instant too.

    I'm actually fascinated, my crewmate has slept in arenas for months, yet, our average sinks per hour are still the exact same.

    Hardcore pve/pvp is going to bring in big numbers even though their style and preference isn't going to have the ease of access that arena and server hopping pvpers have

    I nonstop sink skellies during my sessions. In between that there is bound to be a few pvp attacks as well, sometimes a lot of attacks depending on the server. The consistency of a pve/pvper hunting a server for hours eventually overtakes or catches up to the other styles over time

  • Time played is not accurate, tells me 95 days. I have been here since Closed Beta lol and actually since Technical Alpha. Founder here! I played right on launch, was PL before Hungering Deep came out.

    I wonder if this data is only tracked from when Anniversary Edition launched.

    My sunk ships is 1,146.

  • @wolfmanbush Think back for a second. With the advantages we had coming out of Alpha and virtually no pve what do you think we did the first 6 months?
    We massacred everyone. We knew how to disect a server and hunt our victims. It was like taking candy from a baby....... still is. Now look at my chest and sink numbers. Very comparable right? So what makes you think that if I've turned in 17500 chests that I haven t sunk as many ships?

  • Time Played:
    138d 11h 30m

    Ships Sunk:

    Someone do the math for me; I don't want to math right now. 😅

  • @greengrimz It's the hours though. The hours and meters reflect true numbers since launch. The ships sunk do not.
    Use the chest comparison as an example. I've cashed in over 17500 chests according to my Xbox profile but my forum profile shows 4660 chests sold.
    4660 chests sold and 4645 ships sunk is damn near identical. The game has changed massively since launch. At the original launch it was nothing to sink 8 ships an hour! Go to a fort (only 3 could actually activate) and fight it out with 3 other ships on the server. There were no skellies ships, no megs, no tall tales, no Roar, no nadda!
    The game has changed and with it sink ratios have dropped. We used to chase enemy ships down with no pve interference! It was cake back then.

  • I don’t think the stats on the forums are completely accurate. The forums has me turning in over 1,000 fewer gold hoarder chests than it shows on my Xbox profile. I do think it is close enough for us to see that player ships are not being sunk at nearly the high rate some newer players claim. Less than one an hour is certainly not the bloodbath on the seas portrayed by some. It looks like a lot of us go several hours between each ship sunk.

  • 2366hours
    0.7882502113 ships per hour

    Seems higher than I expected maybe arena affects it?

  • 200 days played
    5816 ships sunk

    I don't know what it works out to but it's about 1 per hour

  • @wolfmanbush said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Why not use distance sailed? far more telling about what people have been up to rather than a stat that counts a lot of inactivity

    Personally I like seeing people ships sunk/meg encounters/ distance sailed to see what kind of an adventurer someone is

    Fair, and it intrigues me. So, here we go:

    Sailed: 2933051m (for me this is same on website and Xbox App)

    Sinks: 137

    SPM: 0.00004

  • @redeyesith said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @wolfmanbush said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Why not use distance sailed? far more telling about what people have been up to rather than a stat that counts a lot of inactivity

    Personally I like seeing people ships sunk/meg encounters/ distance sailed to see what kind of an adventurer someone is

    Fair, and it intrigues me. So, here we go:

    Sailed: 2933051m (for me this is same on website and Xbox App)

    Sinks: 137

    SPM: 0.00004

  • @ghostpaw said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    I don’t think the stats on the forums are completely accurate. The forums has me turning in over 1,000 fewer gold hoarder chests than it shows on my Xbox profile. I do think it is close enough for us to see that player ships are not being sunk at nearly the high rate some newer players claim. Less than one an hour is certainly not the bloodbath on the seas portrayed by some. It looks like a lot of us go several hours between each ship sunk.

    It's not spot-on of course, but you are right, the samples are sufficiently representative, even with the deviations.

  • @xzodeak said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    0.7882502113 ships per hour

    Seems higher than I expected maybe arena affects it?

    It does.

  • @dag-13ernit said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz It's the hours though. The hours and meters reflect true numbers since launch. The ships sunk do not.
    Use the chest comparison as an example. I've cashed in over 17500 chests according to my Xbox profile but my forum profile shows 4660 chests sold.
    4660 chests sold and 4645 ships sunk is damn near identical. The game has changed massively since launch. At the original launch it was nothing to sink 8 ships an hour! Go to a fort (only 3 could actually activate) and fight it out with 3 other ships on the server. There were no skellies ships, no megs, no tall tales, no Roar, no nadda!
    The game has changed and with it sink ratios have dropped. We used to chase enemy ships down with no pve interference! It was cake back then.

    Oh, I understand, one value is tracked properly throughout the whole period, while the other started being tracked at some point in time.

    Hmmm, maybe we can calculate an approximate then. When exactly did ships sunk started to be tracked, and do you play from day 1?

  • For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.
  • ships sunk?

    not counting npc ships (skeleton, ghost)

    in total.

    ships of mine ive had sunk by the PKing jerks, thunderstorms and or krackens dumped on my head:


    in other words way too many times.

61 out of 125