Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 17
  • I'm a little confused with some of the wording in the release notes and on the Official Twitter. Have wild Shrouded Ghost spawns been temporarily disabled for the duration of this adventure, or is this in regards to receiving the new figurehead after succeeding in a chance encounter?

    Considering how rare the wild Shrouded Ghost is, it shouldn't be too big a deal, but I'm wondering whether I should halt my wild meg hunts until the adventure is over, so I don't waste my time.

  • For frequent sharp jumps in ping occur next to dishonest players, is there any plan to solve this problem? I haven’t seen information about the fight against cheaters in any update, but in the Steam community, cheats are freely available!

  • So based on the trailer we should be back to six ships.

    Does this patch return the servers to six ships?

  • @kisenzi9 said in Release Notes -

    For frequent sharp jumps in ping occur next to dishonest players, is there any plan to solve this problem?

    At least they acknowledge the issue.

    Reduced Server Performance

    Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.

  • @meroviel just looked into the achievements for XBox...100 finished Legend of the Veil voyages...NICE! Like it...BUT I will prophesy "Lower the requirement for this achievement"-threads incoming in the future...
    Just so I said it 😉

  • @meroviel esta muy buena la actualización pero por qué no mete un bolso o una bolsa para llevar más balas o poder mejoras las armas o objetos para nadar o avilidadades que se vallan subiendo como el de correr o de nadar como los pulmones más recistencia pero que uno lo valla subiendo a medida de va jugando por que aveces puede ser tediosos por lo que se ahoga muy rápido

    [Mod translation] The update is very good but why not put a bag or a bag to carry more bullets or to be able to improve the weapons or objects to swim or abilities that go up like running or swimming like the lungs more resistance but that one fence going up as you play because sometimes it can be tedious so it drowns very quickly

  • so no hitscan yet or anything


  • Too bad that when you server merge, your progress of defeated megs is wiped.

    We did the four megs, after the merge found a galleon and a brig who did it already but wanted to help out with playing the song, alas on the Killer Whale were only two effigies (including ours).

  • @treefittymonsta I meant a plan to reduce the number of cheaters

  • I had some serious issues with either frame rates or ping spikes while trying to do the new voyage. It was like clockwork, every few minutes my screen would freeze for at least 10 seconds. I'm assuming this is related to the reduced server stability? If so, I'm desperate for a fix lol

  • Is our progress saved if we quit mid adventure?

  • @unfadingshimmy said in Release Notes -

    Is our progress saved if we quit mid adventure?

    Any effigies you returned to the Killer Whale has a tick on your adventure checklist. But the progress of the Adventure on your server the next day (or after lunch &c) is not. It could be that you land on a server that has more or less of the effigies already there. There still need to be four before you can summon the Ghost.

  • Were ship fleets disabled because I have not found any yet?

  • @theemeraldyoshi said in Release Notes -

    Were ship fleets disabled because I have not found any yet?

    Haven't seen any and people I have talked to haven't either.

    It's unfortunate to have them disappear for weeks at a time, such a great event for servers.

  • Did y'all remove Skelly fleet events? Please bring them back if u did. I haven't seen one this patch

  • Noticed that the barrel tuck was removed from the black market. was this intentional or a mistake?

3 out of 17