Veil quest and fort can be despawned

  • @tenriak sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @d3adst1ck said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @tenriak said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    There are plenty of other ways around this. Throttle players spamming quests. Send you back to the same event you already spawned. Only keep the spawn if a ship has come within a certain distance of it. Its a program. Programs can do anything.

    Or just remove everything that was cancelled and then you don't have to worry about potential exploits. Problem solved.

    But then you have the problem of players deleting loot from the game when they lose, which is a worse problem.

    So what's red sea running then? That also kind of deleting loot...still a legit is voyage canceling

  • @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @pithyrumble you sound like the red sea kind

    Legit tactic...

  • @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @redeyesith so you are saying wait for them to finish get the loot and then chase them for an hour while the jump off at outposts to sell sounds like SEA OF WAITING to me.

    Just wait near that fort behind a rock, when they finished it you can go for them, plenty of time, as they have to load the stuff up first...they CAN'T delete/despawn the loot, just the voyage

  • i was solo slooping a Veil voyage and just after defeating the side garrisons i noticed a Reaper 5 headed right after me.. about 7 squares away, just outta sight.
    Instead of fighting over the event while its active.. i parked my sloop behind a rock, let them finish my Veil voyage and then i went in, sunk them and took my loot.
    It was just another sloop, But had it been a full galleon, against little ole me.. and they sank me during the event.
    Its nice to know i have the option to cancel the voyage and deny them the loot.
    They can start their own Veil voyage.. or get more sneaky.
    With the Veil voyages.. you have to wait for the voyage completion for best chances of a successful steal.
    You know they have the option to cancel the voyage, cus its just that.. a voyage.
    Get creative.. use a row boat, drop ur emissary, camp their outpost
    There are ways around it

  • @li-jratt-li thats fair enough but all im saying is its pretty scummy to do that. Similar to red seaing your loot its allowed but its also poor sport. If they sink you then I guess get better or go back and take it off them.

  • @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @schwammlgott said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @pithyrumble you sound like the red sea kind

    Legit tactic...

    Also makes you one of the worst players in SOT :)

    Because you assume I use that, I actually hate it...still legit

  • @captainmorgn566
    For me.. i fight when its a fair fight.
    If im out numbered 3 or 4 to 1.. im going to attempt to avoid a fight.
    If i have alot of loot and i know the enemy has none.. why fight? i have nothing to gain and alot to lose, im going to avoid the fight.

    If the odds are stacked against me.. and if i have alot of loot.. and the crew chasing me has been relentless in their toxicity..
    (toxic.. not just being a pirate)
    That is the only time i consider a Red Sea move..
    In that situation.. Id gladly donate my loot to the lord of the Seas than allow a victory to a toxic poohead.

    That being said.. Yeah, its a cheap move but hey.. its a pirate game.
    all bets are off

  • @li-jratt-li sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    i was solo slooping a Veil voyage and just after defeating the side garrisons i noticed a Reaper 5 headed right after me.. about 7 squares away, just outta sight.
    Instead of fighting over the event while its active.. i parked my sloop behind a rock, let them finish my Veil voyage and then i went in, sunk them and took my loot.
    It was just another sloop, But had it been a full galleon, against little ole me.. and they sank me during the event.
    Its nice to know i have the option to cancel the voyage and deny them the loot.
    They can start their own Veil voyage.. or get more sneaky.
    With the Veil voyages.. you have to wait for the voyage completion for best chances of a successful steal.
    You know they have the option to cancel the voyage, cus its just that.. a voyage.
    Get creative.. use a row boat, drop ur emissary, camp their outpost
    There are ways around it

    Actually if it would have been a galleon or brig, you can use the fort to beat them, as the ghost ships and fort cannon got almost sniper aim against the bigger ships

  • @schwammlgott didn't mean you specifically meant it in the more general sense ;)

  • @li-jratt-li first time i sent my loot to the red was was yesterday and that was because the guys chasing us did not miss sniper shots and we would swim all the way nearly to the bottom of the ocean and they still killed us aha. sent it all to the red sea which wasnt much but they left shortly after. I also get you point that you have a lot to lose so thats why you run. Im fine with running if you have a good reason but its just kinda annoying when you sink them and finish off the fort only to realise the loot wont spawn because they cancelled it :)

  • @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @schwammlgott didn't mean you specifically meant it in the more general sense ;)

    Seriously? You wrote: "Also makes you one of the worst players in SOT :)"
    Where didn't you mean specifically me...english isn't my native language, but this sounds like an offense, no matter how I try to translate it

  • @schwammlgott said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @captainmorgn566 sagte in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @schwammlgott didn't mean you specifically meant it in the more general sense ;)

    Seriously? You wrote: "Also makes you one of the worst players in SOT :)"
    Where didn't you mean specifically me...english isn't my native language, but this sounds like an offense, no matter how I try to translate it
    It was in response to "legit tactic" meaning if you red sea it also makes you one of the worst players in SOT.

  • Hi all!

    Please do not derail the topic of the thread with personal arguments. Remain polite and respectful towards each other.


  • I think this is a good thing, there's timing involved in the judgement of going for the steal. Do you tuck and just go for athena, do you park nearby and wait for them to finish the Fort to roll up.
    If they cancel then it means you should have played it differently

  • @captainmorgn566 I sail right in, help them out a little bit by acting friendly, then when it's completed, all their resources are spent, and when I have gained their trust - that's when they're vulnerable to attack, sink, and steal from. 😈

  • @galactic-geek most of the time they just dip and run or they fight you and when you sink them they cancel :(

  • @captainmorgn566

    Absolutely. You still didn't catch me. Loot isn't yours until you turn it in. I don't have to let you have anything. Which is the complaint of players like you, who think all loot should automatically be given to you because you like to pvp.

    Learn to be sneaky noob.

  • This was brought up many times and I will repeat the consensus.

    It's a voyage just like any other, cancelling removes the buried loot or not beaten NPCs. The loot of the voyage is in-line with loot from other factions' new voyages.

    If you want it to be treated like a world event in regards to not being able to be cancelled, it needs some buffs to the amount of loot for that extra bit of risk. Another chest of legends/more of the new type of athena trinkets needs to get added and the ghost loot removed. It needs to be an athena world event if that is how Rare wants it to be. Otherwise they should honestly remove the cloud and tornado from being visible server-wide.

    Likely neither of those scenarios will happen. it will remain as-is and frustrate parts of each side of the player base, so basically everyone needs to deal with it.

  • @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @redeyesith but they do have loot on them. To actually get up to the fort they already have athena loot on them. It also almost impossible to sneak up on them doing the fort as well because they can see you ship even if you park behind and island and row out. If i have to camp at an outpost and hope they come sell at it doesnt really feel like SOT to me.

    The way this sounds to me is that you're not excellent at:

    • Betrayal plays
    • Rowboat/Tuck plays

    Worst case scenario the crew you're trying to steal loot from might be smarter and more aware than usual. You can't catch every fish sadly, some will get away and there's nothing you can do about it. In the meantime, I'm sure you can garner some attention by fighting over a Skeleton Fort where players not as cunning might give you that intense action you're looking for, and maybe you can even wait to steal that instead.

  • @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @galactic-geek most of the time they just dip and run or they fight you and when you sink them they cancel :(

    Hasn't happened to me yet - and I've stolen at least 3 of them so far successfully.

  • If I recall correctly, I got my thief commendation from four old-school athena voyage steals (ashen and regular) and one FotD steal. Many steals since, but those were the five that counted.

    Want to know how hard stealing old-school Athena voyages were? There was no tornado. You had to luck into it, or sneak on board without getting caught and check their voyage table. Then tuck and/or shadow them without seeming suspicious OR getting caught, and without them canceling the voyage.

    And after all of that, you STILL had to sink them or get off their ship with the chest before they did a drive-by sell. And with all of that, plenty of pirates got their thief title legit and pulled it off more than once.

    And some of yall are complaining that veils shouldn't be able to be cancelled? That players "just run" and sneak plays are impossible?!? Veil voyages are EASY mode! One of my newer alternate-crew members got his thief title JUST on veil voyages. Some were sneak. Some were rowboat. One was a tuck when we found them on stage 1 of 3. And a couple were brute force-sail in as soon as the event was finished and sunk em while still loading their loot.

    So yes, plenty of tactical options. Play smarter.

  • Side-note:

    I am sure someone will say that this game has many playstyles and my "play smarter" comment is me just trying to force people to play my way.

    It isn't.

    Someone can run in circles in the tavern for 8 hours a day every day if that's, I guess.

    But if someone said that the game needed to give them gold for ever 25 laps they did around the tavern, I'd pointedly say that this game is a pirate game. If they want gold then they should expect to adjust their play style. Not have the game change to cater to them in a way that doesn't fit the rest of the game. Want to run, I still have a Nintendo NES mat and Olympics game to sell ya. Jog to your heart's content.

    If you want to steal a veil then yes, adjust your playstyles. Or..... Don't try to steal veil voyages. But don't expect to get a warm welcome when asking for the game to break a functional and balanced mechanic because you need a mode even easier than easy mode. Most experienced players will just point. And snicker. And whisper bad things about you. And your parrot. Because we can. Because... Pirate.

  • @galactic-geek said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @galactic-geek most of the time they just dip and run or they fight you and when you sink them they cancel :(

    Hasn't happened to me yet - and I've stolen at least 3 of them so far successfully.

    Im sure you will encounter it at some point. I have also stolen a fair few but because they are on the outside of the map it makes it hard to sneak. I have done it but sometimes by the time you rowboat there they have already finished and taken off.

  • @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:


    Absolutely. You still didn't catch me. Loot isn't yours until you turn it in. I don't have to let you have anything. Which is the complaint of players like you, who think all loot should automatically be given to you because you like to pvp.

    Learn to be sneaky noob.

    Im not saying i am entitled to your loot but what is the point of putting it in the red sea? Out of spite maybe but that is only if they are really toxic or cheating. If they sink you at least then you have a chance to go back and take your loot back. You can run i am fine with that, yes it can be annoying but if the other crew can catch you in the open sea its fair game. Simply put to red sea your loot doesn't benifit anyone and there is no way of getting you loot back.
    food for thought

  • @strangeness said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    If I recall correctly, I got my thief commendation from four old-school athena voyage steals (ashen and regular) and one FotD steal. Many steals since, but those were the five that counted.

    Want to know how hard stealing old-school Athena voyages were? There was no tornado. You had to luck into it, or sneak on board without getting caught and check their voyage table. Then tuck and/or shadow them without seeming suspicious OR getting caught, and without them canceling the voyage.

    And after all of that, you STILL had to sink them or get off their ship with the chest before they did a drive-by sell. And with all of that, plenty of pirates got their thief title legit and pulled it off more than once.

    And some of yall are complaining that veils shouldn't be able to be cancelled? That players "just run" and sneak plays are impossible?!? Veil voyages are EASY mode! One of my newer alternate-crew members got his thief title JUST on veil voyages. Some were sneak. Some were rowboat. One was a tuck when we found them on stage 1 of 3. And a couple were brute force-sail in as soon as the event was finished and sunk em while still loading their loot.

    So yes, plenty of tactical options. Play smarter.

    I also have already recieved my thief title but you have not taken into account the difference between the 2 quests. The veil spawns out on the edge of the map which definitely makes it more challenging to park behind and island and row over. With the OG quests you were able to find them in islands where it was much easier to sneak onto their ship and tuck. Also if you tuck on an outpost now you have to think about 2 places they can sell (the tavern and soveriegns).

  • @captainmorgn566

    Day one.
    I have plenty of food for thought. My actions are deliberate. You following me to the red?
    You weren't harassing a less calloused and clever player.
    I won on many levels.

    Buffet for your assumptions😁😋🧜🏽‍♀️

  • @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:


    Day one.
    I have plenty of food for thought. My actions are deliberate. You following me to the red?
    You weren't harassing a less calloused and clever player.
    I won on many levels.

    Buffet for your assumptions😁😋🧜🏽‍♀️

    Firstly 'day one' doesn't mean you are good. Second a red sea player doesn't win in fact they lose over and over because they don't fight and don't better themselves. Third its like running a race you see someone catching up to you and might cross the finish line first so you throw yourself in front of them so you both can't finish the race sounds really cool doesn't it. If someone is better just admit defeat and try again thats the only way to improve. If i ran from evey ship i came across I would never get better at pvp, sailing and many other aspects of SOT.

  • @captainmorgn566
    Day one means experience.

    I'm bad at combat and don't enjoy it.

    I'm good at sailing and enjoy it.

    I'm also good at avoiding pvp players like you. 👍

    Like I said- you following me to the red sea means some other peaceful minded player isn't being harassed by you. A win. You obviously have a very narrow definition of winning and that's sad.

  • @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:


    Day one.
    I have plenty of food for thought. My actions are deliberate. You following me to the red?
    You weren't harassing a less calloused and clever player.
    I won on many levels.

    Buffet for your assumptions😁😋🧜🏽‍♀️

    Firstly 'day one' doesn't mean you are good. Second a red sea player doesn't win in fact they lose over and over because they don't fight and don't better themselves. Third its like running a race you see someone catching up to you and might cross the finish line first so you throw yourself in front of them so you both can't finish the race sounds really cool doesn't it. If someone is better just admit defeat and try again thats the only way to improve. If i ran from evey ship i came across I would never get better at pvp, sailing and many other aspects of SOT.

    Why do people need to improve at PVP, sailing, or anything else in your eyes? I'm curious why you (and many others) are so concerned with others play styles. If people don't want to fight, or "improve", they don't have to.

  • @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    If someone is better just admit defeat and try again thats the only way to improve.

    This would be really good advice to take on using different methods to approach stealing other's Veil loot...You know, instead of trying to get the devs to change the whole game to suit your playstyle...

  • @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    Day one means experience.

    I'm bad at combat and don't enjoy it.

    I'm good at sailing and enjoy it.

    I'm also good at avoiding pvp players like you. 👍

    Like I said- you following me to the red sea means some other peaceful minded player isn't being harassed by you. A win. You obviously have a very narrow definition of winning and that's sad.

    Red Sea running is the most petty thing a player can do. That is a sore loser move. “Wah I can’t have my loot so you can’t either”

    Just scuttle. Or portal hop so at least you keep your supplies

  • @captainmorgn566 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:


    Day one.
    I have plenty of food for thought. My actions are deliberate. You following me to the red?
    You weren't harassing a less calloused and clever player.
    I won on many levels.

    Buffet for your assumptions😁😋🧜🏽‍♀️

    Firstly 'day one' doesn't mean you are good. Second a red sea player doesn't win in fact they lose over and over because they don't fight and don't better themselves. Third its like running a race you see someone catching up to you and might cross the finish line first so you throw yourself in front of them so you both can't finish the race sounds really cool doesn't it. If someone is better just admit defeat and try again thats the only way to improve. If i ran from evey ship i came across I would never get better at pvp, sailing and many other aspects of SOT.

    Seems to me if the goal of the person red seaing is to deny you their loot and your goal is to prevent them, then a successful red sea means they won. ;)

  • @robby0316 said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    @pithyrumble said in Veil quest and fort can be despawned:

    Day one means experience.

    I'm bad at combat and don't enjoy it.

    I'm good at sailing and enjoy it.

    I'm also good at avoiding pvp players like you. 👍

    Like I said- you following me to the red sea means some other peaceful minded player isn't being harassed by you. A win. You obviously have a very narrow definition of winning and that's sad.

    Red Sea running is the most petty thing a player can do. That is a sore loser move. “Wah I can’t have my loot so you can’t either”

    Just scuttle. Or portal hop so at least you keep your supplies

    Overall I agree, it's petty. But in the case of toxic players or even just very mouthy brats, red sea is a great option.

  • @robby0316

    No more petty than continuing to chase someone who clearly has no intention of interacting with you, Mr. Pot?

62 out of 98