Playing againts alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.

  • If this is supposed to be a balaced match why is it possible to we need to play a 6v3 match?

    Just had a fight againts 2 reaper brigs who were allainced and waiting for anyone to invade. That was not fun.

    Once the fight start the zone should be a red sea to those not in the match making.

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  • @i-jusa-i

    Exactly how many times has this actually happened vs how many times you've dove?

  • @pithyrumble

    Does not matter how many times it has happened, matters is its possible to cheat on the system. A system designed to give players a balanced match not giving players a balanced match is a flawed system.

  • It does matter. Once or twice out of a hundred isn't an issue. Every single fight perhaps.

    You must not have been around for the mega/kraken/skelly attacks...

  • Not really an issue. You need to be prepared for uneven fights when you invade.

    They could lace the waters with kegs and rowboats. Attackers are at a disadvantage

  • @i-jusa-i said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:

    Once the fight start the zone should be a red sea to those not in the match making.

    Minding my own business. Doing a Tall Tale, vault, or whatever, working my way through a cave; hunting some ghost ships from a OoS voyage, fighting a meg, doing the fleet world event, some thing or another.

    Suddenly, my ship starts taking a bunch of damage because, apparently, I have sailed out of bounds while parked next to an island in the center of the map.

    Yea, no, the arena should not become red sea to anyone.
    And rare was very clear they want the fights to contain all the potential of adventure, including other players joining it.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:

    If this is supposed to be a balaced match why is it possible to we need to play a 6v3 match?

    Just had a fight againts 2 reaper brigs who were allainced and waiting for anyone to invade. That was not fun.

    Once the fight start the zone should be a red sea to those not in the match making.

    If you choose to invade others you have to be prepared for the risk involved.

    The defenders get more rewards for successfully defending their loot, of course they're gonna pull out all the stops, cheap or otherwise, to do so.

    And i'm saying this as an Athena Invader (I.E i'm on Athena's side and invade others.)

  • @pithyrumble said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:


    Exactly how many times has this actually happened vs how many times you've dove?

    10 fights, 7 alliances. (majority sloops) 1 galleon and solo sloop.
    It a slow bleed but it getting slightly worse and Ive noticed Looking for groups offering this very setup.

    In become a new alliance issue.

  • @pithyrumble I’ve had it at least 15% of the time. I’m ok’ish with it, however it needs to force the alliance into the circle and expand mine. It’s incredibly hard to reset against multiple ships in a tiny circle. I had it happen as a solo slipper and got wrecked by a sloop and brig alliance. It’s definitely not enjoyable to be out matched without knowing. It’s supposed to be skill based against like sized crews. Not a dice roll.

  • @jj-h816 you just don't invade and you can guarantee a fair fight

  • First off, I love the new PvP system, but I have only ever had 1v1 encounters.

    Second, I can't stand spawn camping of any sort. It's a cheap way to play. Plenty of players are winning and losing with good old fashioned naval and boarding tactics so there is no reason to spawn camp, other than to be a(an) (enter your own word here).

    On the other hand, this is a War going on, and winning the war is important for both sides.

    If Rare allows spawn camping, which they historically have allowed over and over (unfortunately), then they should at least turn off the Red Sea Circle and open this up to all of the adventure server to give the underdog some room to move. Or at least double the circle radius.

    An alternative is to allow fleets of ships to invade the same server, to combat the fleets they know are waiting for them. (let's pretend server caps don't matter for this option). A fleet might be limited to 2 ships, but three would be awesome.

    I actually like the potential this has to encourage server fleets.

    Remember, you volunteered for this fight pirate. In the end, take the loss on the chin and que up the next fight. It's not like you are losing 2 hours of loot grinding in these fights, so remember to have fun, even when losing.

  • alt text

    How is this a fair and balanced skill based match making system when behavior like this is rewarded?

    Everyone in that alliance gets allegiance and +1 streak from ganging up on one ship, whos DID NOT OPT IN TO FIGHT AN ALLIANCE.

  • example image

  • The solution to this is simple.

    Increase the rewards for losing when it is more than 2 opposing faction ships in the encounter and decrease the reward for winning when there's 2 same-faction ships in the encounter and you're one of them.

    Let's say you normally get 20xp for losing...increase it to 50xp for the outnumbered crew.

    Let's say you normally get 100xp for winning...decrease it to 50xp for the teamed up crew (100xp split between the two).

    Conversely, if the outnumbered crew wins, they should get 150xp and the losing teams should get 10xp each.

    It wouldn't prevent this type of encounter from happening, but it would appropriately reward the encounter and sort of discourage the cheese.

  • @sweetsandman

    Yeah they have to discourage cheesing the system like this somehow. I find it incredibly stupid that the best way to gain the rewards from the "balanced match making system" is to be toxic and cheese it to make it as "unbalanced as possible".

    Why do people who play like this get the same amount of reward as players who play it fair?

  • @pithyrumble
    problem is alliance servers can do this and easily progress, imagine 5 ships just waiting and progressin when they really shouldnt.

  • Alliance server need to be dealt with. For the longest time I did not care since they did not affect the rest of the game, but now that they are these need to be fixed.

    Here is a post on reddit of some poor guy running into the same issue:

    These are not alliances made on the seas, but premade alliances with members communicating together on a discord server.

    Rare this is now a problem that is especially unfun to run into when on a high streak.

  • This is not a "Alliance server" problem. As alliance servers all prohibit voting for a faction.
    As soon as one alliance ship sinks, that entire server is lost. And it can take a while to set up a server.

    This is a "Player groups cheesing" problem. Where a group of players get 2 or 3 ships in and make an alliance to get more progress.

    Don't confuse one with the other.

  • I think the easiest thing to do is just get rid of alliances all together. The idea sounds good for a newbie who needs a helping hand, but for the rest it just seems to be a point of exploitation.

  • @rikjaxx said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:

    I think the easiest thing to do is just get rid of alliances all together. The idea sounds good for a newbie who needs a helping hand, but for the rest it just seems to be a point of exploitation.

    If you use the hourglass the alliance is broken, and you are transported elsewhere onto a neutral server, even if you are defending.

    Problem solved.

  • @nitroxien It's crazy that nobody predicted scenarios like this ahead of time.

    It's also notable that players have gotten banned for using discord to infiltrate alliance servers...

    Wonder if Rare will start banning people that are using discord to infiltrate the rest of their community 🤔

  • @sweetsandman said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:

    @nitroxien It's crazy that nobody predicted scenarios like this ahead of time.

    It's also notable that players have gotten banned for using discord to infiltrate alliance servers...

    Wonder if Rare will start banning people that are using discord to infiltrate the rest of their community 🤔

    But it's PVP REEEEEEE*

  • @mathpie yeah I fail to see the difference... people trying to spike lobbies to play together with multiple ships same trash.

  • @sweetsandman honestly at this point just ban anyone with pre meditated alliance servers. If teaming was banned in arena ban it here as well.

  • @i-jusa-i
    I'm sorry to hear that! I hope your future battles are more fairly matched.

    Something similar happened to me as well. I got into a battle with another Solo Slooper and he had his sloop parked along the dock of Reaper's Hideout. He was in an alliance with two other Brigitine Reapers with their sails raised. Once I surfaced from the water, the two Brigtines lowered their sails and started pursuing me while my opponent sat back comfortably and watched. They started their attack and all I could do was delay the inevitable; I think the best Solo Slooper in the game would have trouble combatting a maximum of six other players across two ships.

  • Got into my first alliance battle in a galleon vs a galleon and a brig... and oh man it was an absolute blast!!

    The galleon made the mistake of starting aboard the brig ally and it made it very easy to alpha strike their ship with all 4 cannons. We then retreated and reattacked the brig as soon as the galleon crew despawned.

    Overall, it really wasn't a big deal and made it a lot more fun.

  • @imperatormorsus or we could have a small circle on a map in a dead server or dedicated server just like the pirates life tall tales. Force both ships to dive. I like where your heads at man.

  • @captain-fob4141 why is it that people try to defend an utterly broken system. Chances are all of you doing the alliance games would get DESTROYED in a straight up fight. If you couldn’t alliance I bet you wouldn’t even look at that hourglass. So again the people wanted pvpers to have a place to go to leave the pve people alone. Well Rare listened and now the PVE people wanna get involved and use garbage tactics. Let us dive with an alliance. I’m down for 3 galleys vs 3 galleys….. I bet if they made that a possibility you’d all lose your minds

  • Really is sad to see so many people trying to justify this behavior, and other similar cringe actions, lately.

    The entire premise, and selling point of the season's feature set, is a crew versus crew battle, where players are match made together, based on similar ELO. Not 2,3,4, or even 5 ships versus one. People that are saying "pirate game" or "you should be prepared for an unfair fight, etc etc" are being very disingenuous to a much larger issue.

    The expectation that Rare has set with this season, is to either defend loot and basically play as normal, or dive to verse another similarly skilled crew/player, with the POSSIBILITY of another emergent crew rolling up, and wreaking havoc. Key there being the possibility for emergent player threat, NOT spawn into predetermined/premeditated server alliances looking to cheese wins. All that needs to be done to fix this, is remove the ability to join/be in an alliance if the hourglass is active.

    As OP said, it's not fun, it's obnoxious, and it's becoming more and more of a problem every single day. I've seen multiple LFG groups specifically partaking in this activity. Something needs to be done.

  • @jj-h816 Absolutely, 100%. Zero chance people are doing this with good intentions. Quite clear they're doing it to get an unfair advantage, and to cheese wins/get faster curses. They're fine with the current system, because it benefits them, but if they could be invaded against with multiple ships, I guarantee you'd see a plethora of angry posts saying how unfair it is for them.

    An official 2v2, or even 3v3 mode would be incredibly fun, I think. But the current cheese method needs to be patched out.

  • @rikjaxx Nah, alliances themselves don't need to be gone. Just remove the ability to join an alliance, if the hourglass is active, and remove a crew from any alliance they're in, if they opt in. Easy.

  • @valor-omega said in Playinga agaitns alliances in the new PvP mode is not really fun.:

    The expectation that Rare has set with this season, is to either defend loot and basically play as normal, or dive to verse another similarly skilled crew/player, with the POSSIBILITY of another emergent crew rolling up, and wreaking havoc. Key there being the possibility for emergent player threat, NOT spawn into predetermined/premeditated server alliances looking to cheese wins. All that needs to be done to fix this, is remove the ability to join/be in an alliance if the hourglass is active.

    I don't think you need to actually be allied to get allegiance from 3rd partying, so preventing them from being officially allianced will not impact the ability to do this at all.

  • So make it that BOTH ships dive. 1v1 done problem solved. Make it a separate spot on the map that the ships fight, put it out by the shores of gold surrounded by the Red sea. Problem Solved.

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