Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • @mouse-n-keybord Those flags are worth Guardian/Servant rep. Im wondering what the break point is.

  • I definitely gotta agree about the sail-out types though. Before anyone has any right to whine about people getting meager exp for losing they should look at people spawnkilling and sailing ships out of bounds to keep them from getting exp period, regardless if they're playing or doing some grind. That's not playing the game, its actively keeping people FROM playing the game by killing them before they even load back in proper, and its wasting the queue time they had to sit through to give those players that win.

    I'm fine if they have a countdown timer to when its alright to be sailed out of bounds and get exp, so that people can't just totally afk sail away at the start and explode. And the sail-out is a valid way to pull a win if you're in a long fight and low on supplies, but the sweat farmers doing this and keeping people from getting no exp period for their time are gonna drive people from the mode and kill it entirely.

    With lose-grinding at least both sides benefit, and the opponent gets higher winstreaks, but sail-out trolls are actively predatorial.

  • Remember that primetime reality show years ago called "The Biggest Loser?" This is the literal Gaming Equivalent.

  • @captain-coel Might be able to get a turn in and check how much XP you get per. Does it move the bar very much? A quick loss is 560 without having to do much or sail back to turn in.

    @kaihuna said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    Remember that primetime reality show years ago called "The Biggest Loser?" This is the literal Gaming Equivalent.

    Never seen it, don't watch reality tv very much. Sorry. If you bring up sci fi or we talking and I can talk about that for days. Have you seen any of The Walking Dead?

  • @magus104 If I get a free win and/or flag I usually turn it in. Outposts are closeby and you get more XP per minute than discarding it and lose again. Also free 10K gold

  • @mouse-n-keybord I haven't seen it either, I just remember advertisements about it ... I just looked it up and apparently it has 17 seasons lol. I dont really watch TV, I'm more of a Twitch guy ... but the TV I do watch is limited to Netflix series and the like ... we've binged on GOT, House of Dragons, Vikings, Last Kingdom, etc ... haven't seen the walking dead yet but have heard good things about it.

  • @mouse-n-keybord I guess you could answer my assumption about this system. Though not sure with the watching shows while farming is potentially making you miss notifications. I believe the notice displayed on the bottom right of my screen last time it happened but I have seen "Your skill level has increased" or something along those lines 1 time out of my 20 wins. In my 50ish loses I have never seen it say my skill level has decreased. Have you seen the increased message and if so have you even seen it say decreased? My speculation is that the skill based portion of the match making system can only go up. Or it's as bad as other games where it's far easier to go up in rank than down like 10 wins to go up but 100 losses to go down.

  • @mouse-n-keybord last night I logged in and there was a grade 5 flag floating.

    I raised Athena, raised guardian, and handed it in. it's important you don't touch it before you have guardian up. At 30 it gave about 25% of a level though.

  • @magus104 said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord I guess you could answer my assumption about this system. Though not sure with the watching shows while farming is potentially making you miss notifications. I believe the notice displayed on the bottom right of my screen last time it happened but I have seen "Your skill level has increased" or something along those lines 1 time out of my 20 wins. In my 50ish loses I have never seen it say my skill level has decreased. Have you seen the increased message and if so have you even seen it say decreased? My speculation is that the skill based portion of the match making system can only go up. Or it's as bad as other games where it's far easier to go up in rank than down like 10 wins to go up but 100 losses to go down.

    Per the Discord a rare employee stated that it's never been SBMM. It's just based off your win streaks and wins. I believe this is true because the entire time I was matched with people who were either super new to the system or the region took priority in just getting me a match.

    I still was getting wins the entire time I was doing this process and leveling up. No matter what I was fighting end game try hard PLs every time, even with losing so many games. It did not matter.

    @captain-coel said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord last night I logged in and there was a grade 5 flag floating.

    I raised Athena, raised guardian, and handed it in. it's important you don't touch it before you have guardian up. At 30 it gave about 25% of a level though.

    I need to start doing that but sometimes I never see the flag float up. So buggy.

  • @mouse-n-keybord dude the reaper 5 flag was sitting next to the dock at the outpost. it was super free

  • @mouse-n-keybord Yea though shes the community manager not one of the programmers if I am not mistaken. Asked cause I saw the thread on reddit seems to be a lot of talk because people are linking youtube videos where actual developers are claiming there is a skill based system in place but then her post saying they never claimed it was skill based match making. So conflicting statements between someone basically in charge of their social media and programmers who actually designed the systems.

    To give them some credit the youtube videos talking about new systems like this are probably very pre-recorded so its possible they are talking about a previous build and they decided to redesign or cut the actual skill based system before it went live because it wasn't working as intended.

  • @magus104 I think in the Deep Dive video it was stated it would SBMM by the Senior Designer Ian Bolton as well. But you are right they are so wishy washy with the answers.

    I belive its based off region first, some of your personal rep in a way, then wins. With region being the big factor in it all in just trying to match you in a stable match. Thats why you face the same teams multiple times ...lacking people in the region at the same win rate.

  • @captain-coel Yeh, that's how I've gotten two grade 5 gold hoarder flags so far ^^'...I never have luck as a reaper chasing emms since they'll sail to an outpost and lower them. I hope that with the pvp focus going on, players will be more able to get to grade 5 and more likely to end game without lowering so people can snag em when they log in at the outposts x3

  • drumroll ............ Level 100! We are Servants of the Flame!
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  • I know this might seem crazy... But I actually like losing fights more than winning. The rep gain from winning is great but you don't get a cool victory screen. I am in love with this sunken ship loading screen. Have also been obsessed with shipwrecks since the game came out. This battle lost screen is the closest I will ever get to having my little 1 man pedal powered wooden submarine in Sea of Thieves.

  • @magus104 I do enjoy the reactions I get from most the players. "Wait ..hold on... why are you doing this?" or "You're just going to let me win?" as I watch them sail by going 50 knots clear past my boat.

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    drumroll ............ Level 100! We are Servants of the Flame!


    So...what are the stats. How many hours? How many losses?

  • @sweetsandman said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    drumroll ............ Level 100! We are Servants of the Flame!


    So...what are the stats. How many hours? How many losses?

    Never counted the hours but if I had to guess about 80 hours give or take. Over 500+ lossess. 138 boats sunk. 18 highest streak. 342,000 highest value + 600,000ish bonus with a grade 5 during turn in.

  • @mouse-n-keybord had 138 wins mixed in there?

  • @sweetsandman said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord had 138 wins mixed in there?

    I'd say I've won about 10 solo brig vs brig fights, 20 free wins, 5 empty ships at an outpost, about 15 open crew wins brig/gally, 20 solo sloops quick wins and the rest with my crew for a couple hours at night on a galleon, some duos as well.

    Gally is the worst boat ever for this event.

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Should totally screenshot your Allegiance rep and a picture of your character in the Hideout.

    For science lol...and pvp tears 😭

  • @pithyrumble said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:


    Should totally screenshot your Allegiance rep and a picture of your character in the Hideout.

    For science lol...and pvp tears 😭

    I feel bad that it upsets some of the PvPers. Don't understand why they would be upset. Most of them said at the start of this that it was "cringe" or a waste of time. But I leisurely got the curse while chillin in the down time and hooking up the community.

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  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Congratulations!!! May the Flame forever burn!!!

  • @dabomb139 said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:


    Congratulations!!! May the Flame forever burn!!!

    Thank you! I've already had a great interaction with it!

    "Wait what the heck!? You're already .. 100?!!"
    "Theres only like 75 so far!"

  • Your relative global position to other players could effect mm. I notice beyond 10pm GMT it is not worth the wait. The rate of rep is too slow, and spend my time doing other things not requiring the playerbase. Rep 12+ and haven't been on last couple days.

  • Now to earn that Athena curse ...
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  • @mouse-n-keybord
    see you in 3 weeks with these queue times lol

  • @dabomb139 said in Solo brig tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    see you in 3 weeks with these queue times lol

    I tell my crew all the time when at "Estimated Matchmaking 4-6 minutes" ... Don't Trust the Queue! as we dive down and get an insta queue. Plus once other brig teams find out that I'm in queue they jump on it and queue faster in hopes of getting me more.

  • Purposely have not been resetting my queues and Guardians side is the worst. One point it would be instant but has really dragged on the last couple hours. Went from 1 level per hour to half a level due to queues.

    I might start switching ship sizes for faster queues.

  • Still grinding athena first myself e.e...level 39 and a half, mostly since over half my matches are sail outs i get no exp for T,T did have one guy with skele curse who apparently forgot about the no exp and apologized to let me sink at least, which was generous. x3

  • @j0kex said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    Still grinding athena first myself e.e...level 39 and a half, mostly since over half my matches are sail outs i get no exp for T,T did have one guy with skele curse who apparently forgot about the no exp and apologized to let me sink at least, which was generous. x3

    That's so crazy that people are doing that. It's faster to just sink and move on. One crew was purposely doing that and I just switch over to another boat size. You could swap rep but queues might be wonky.

    I'm wonking on 36 but it's slow going when queues bug or what ever makes it take so long.

  • @mouse-n-keybord
    To be honest, rather than just continuing to lose, I think I'm constantly playing games looking for an opponent who can easily win. I think I don't spend time in the game that I will lose anyway, but I take a small amount of exp and perform it efficiently.

  • @fretfulelk45403 for sure. This was just to see if it could be done. Some are going to go the full amount of losses though and still get some wins. It's those wins the really bump you up. I only had somewhere 500-600 losses. At a rate of 7.5 times for it to equal a win it's slow going.

    Never was a test for speed but just a endurance test for those that may not win or want a easier method while trying to chill. Most enjoy a freebie.

    Others are doing the kamikaze method and if they don't win in a few minutes they give up.

  • Yea poor game design kind of demands the give up after a few minutes strategy. With no timer and the mode having lost matches split into 2 categories, quitter and proper loser having a long fought 1 hour battle award the same rep as a 5 minute battle. And after the 1 hour battle if the match is one via sailing the other crew out of the map not only did you both waste an hour of your time but now the losing side which was actually putting in effort doesn't get a loss but a quitter penalty by not getting any progress at all. Not really sure how they can fix a lot of the issues with the system. But sailing off the map and spawn camping is a legit strategy that shouldn't be punishing the losers. In the very least they should change that. It takes longer to sail out of bounds than it does to just let the other ship wreck you with canons. Considering how they advertised this system and talked about it in the deep dive its kind of crazy to me that they designed out of bounds to be considering quitter status no loser consolation prize for you!

  • @magus104 said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    Yea poor game design kind of demands the give up after a few minutes strategy. With no timer and the mode having lost matches split into 2 categories, quitter and proper loser having a long fought 1 hour battle award the same rep as a 5 minute battle. And after the 1 hour battle if the match is one via sailing the other crew out of the map not only did you both waste an hour of your time but now the losing side which was actually putting in effort doesn't get a loss but a quitter penalty by not getting any progress at all. Not really sure how they can fix a lot of the issues with the system. But sailing off the map and spawn camping is a legit strategy that shouldn't be punishing the losers. In the very least they should change that. It takes longer to sail out of bounds than it does to just let the other ship wreck you with canons. Considering how they advertised this system and talked about it in the deep dive its kind of crazy to me that they designed out of bounds to be considering quitter status no loser consolation prize for you!

    I didn't think how bad that method was for the loser till I was doing it so much in my solo sloops. 1 board from far away and you sail them out while camping them. Free win but the loser gets nothing.

    Currently at 55 and a quarter. Still giving away some wins in the down time but playing more to win now.

138 out of 159