More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse

  • As someone who has almost reached level 100 in Reaper Hourglass, I wish that the cosmetics for skeletons were a little more varied. I understand the point of it being a completely unique curse that has its own cosmetic choices so I know being able to use it like any other curse detracts from its value, but it would be nice to still keep parts of my previous style, like the hat, boots, gloves, and dress/jacket, while still being a skeleton. Along with that I thought cosmetics that could be unlocked while doing normal reapers as a skeleton (or Athena’s for the guardians of fortune as a ghost) like cosmetics based on Flameheart or The Servant of Flame (like Flameheart’s hat or The Servant’s Mask) and for Athena’s, cosmetics based on the Pirate Lord. I hope you take my ideas into consideration in future content and thank you.

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  • @dersheriff55
    Apparently they originally tried to make the clothing compatible with skeleton curse, but because alot of the clothing was designed for fleshy pirates, it looked goofy and out of proportion, especially the clothing with gaps for skin to show through. It would literally take them redesigning each one to fit a skeleton piece by piece.
    Rare have stated that the current selection IS only the beginning and more are on the way. I'd imagine they've got a bunch of smelly and reaper designs coming, and skelly versions of the most popular cosmetics at first with more and more available in future updates.

  • Lack of individuality is one of the reasons I don't use the skelly curse often. If they added Flamehearts hat (I use this on my pirate), reaper PJ's, Servant of Flame pieces and some more pirate captain looking parts similar to say Barbosa in POTC I'd probably use it alot more. I don't think it's high up on the priority list though considering participation is low in HG.

  • @a10dr4651 said in More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse:

    Lack of individuality is one of the reasons I don't use the skelly curse often. If they added Flamehearts hat (I use this on my pirate), reaper PJ's, Servant of Flame pieces and some more pirate captain looking parts similar to say Barbosa in POTC I'd probably use it alot more. I don't think it's high up on the priority list though considering participation is low in HG.

    Honestly, I think the PVP stuff would be more attractive if we got more rewards for both Athena and Reapers. Would love Skeleton Curse that can be used with normal clothing, Shadow Skeleton Curse, and more colors for Ghost Curse.

  • Creating clothes for normal pirates is already a challenge, for the skeleton curse it is even worse. As already said, fitting normal clothes into the curse would leave a lot of visual bugs, for some clothes it might not be a problem, but for the majority it might be bad.

    The big problem with the skeleton curse is that they made it adapt to the player's original body. No NPC skeleton was like this before season 8, they were all standardized and in my opinion infinitely more intimidating.

    If the skeleton curse were standardized, in addition to being identical to the NPCs we would also have the possibility of having many more clothes being released, as it would be extremely easier to design them. And perhaps, it would be possible to adjust the original character's clothes to the curse.

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  • @lleorb said in More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse:

    Creating clothes for normal pirates is already a challenge, for the skeleton curse it is even worse. As already said, fitting normal clothes into the curse would leave a lot of visual bugs, for some clothes it might not be a problem, but for the majority it might be bad.

    The big problem with the skeleton curse is that they made it adapt to the player's original body. No NPC skeleton was like this before season 8, they were all standardized and in my opinion infinitely more intimidating.

    If the skeleton curse were standardized, in addition to being identical to the NPCs we would also have the possibility of having many more clothes being released, as it would be extremely easier to design them. And perhaps, it would be possible to adjust the original character's clothes to the curse.

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    Yeah, that appears to be the main problem with the Skeleton Curse. So we may need a version of the Skeleton Curse that's more standardized to allow normal clothing like you said. While the current Skeleton Curse could be it's own thing since it has it's own cosmetics too.

  • @arthur79474 I just wish they would at least make this option available, I think the NPC skeletons, especially the skull, are much cooler... all skeleton lord skulls are in the standardized format.

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  • They said there would be more skeleton pieces way back when, but then didnt release any for over a year so far. Pretty disappointing.

    I honestly feel like the fact HG in general never recieved any updates or tweaks or new rewards after its inaugural season has been a huge contributing factor in the game modes decline in popularity, which then degrades its ability to properly matchmake and results in longer queues and mismatched skill levels.

  • @soulstinger2k20 oh 100%. If theyd introduce 1 new set for athena that looks clean and a handful of new skelly cosmetics for servants, HG would be revitalized over night. It would be that easy.

  • @ictus-xxi said in More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse:

    @soulstinger2k20 oh 100%. If theyd introduce 1 new set for athena that looks clean and a handful of new skelly cosmetics for servants, HG would be revitalized over night. It would be that easy.

    We need more versions of the Ghost Curse also to match how there's more versions of the Skeleton Curse. Would love blue and red colors for Ghost Curse as some examples.

  • @dersheriff55 I just wish we could wear the briggsy mask we worked so hard to earn

  • Since it seems like we're never going to be able to equip whatever clothes we want I though it'd be cool to go in a different direction:

    If they added skeletal cosmetics for your regular pirate like skeleton arms, hands, chest, legs, and a head, that could take a lot of the effort of remaking jackets and belts out of the equation. Have bindings like bandages or shackles in between each piece so that the bones mix well with the flesh. This way if you want a skeletal pirate with a long coat you could equip the skull and the hands and the rest would be covered with regular cosmetics.

    Then again I've seen what people wear and it would probably be abused to look silly lol

  • maybe skelly cosmetics that are specifically for regular customization or clothing pieces that can only be worn by skellys

  • @captain-fob4141 said in More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse:

    @dersheriff55 I just wish we could wear the briggsy mask we worked so hard to earn

    Yeah, would like to wear it while wearing the Skelly curse too.

  • @seanethermore said in More skeleton cosmetics, or an option to wear normal clothes over skeleton curse:

    Since it seems like we're never going to be able to equip whatever clothes we want I though it'd be cool to go in a different direction:

    If they added skeletal cosmetics for your regular pirate like skeleton arms, hands, chest, legs, and a head, that could take a lot of the effort of remaking jackets and belts out of the equation. Have bindings like bandages or shackles in between each piece so that the bones mix well with the flesh. This way if you want a skeletal pirate with a long coat you could equip the skull and the hands and the rest would be covered with regular cosmetics.

    Then again I've seen what people wear and it would probably be abused to look silly lol

    Makes sense to me. I like the bandages part, could help keep the clothing in place while helping the programmers not have to worry about coloring the inside of the clothing as much. The Servant of the Flame wears all sorts of stuff to hide the skeleton he really is underneath anyway, why can't we do the same as him?

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