
  • Why do so many play without a mic? I run as an open crew normally but the last 20 people have no mic or chat in a game that requires communication.

  • 7
  • Lots of reasons and here are some of them.

    Lots of people live with people and life is going on in the background. Personal life stuff.
    Some gamers that are female are uncomfortable being on the mic because they are mistreated or treated differently when talking on the mic.
    Some people get picked on when they use the mic and don't wanna deal with it.

    Some people just wanna chill in the game and not talk on a mic
    Some people don't wanna be bossed around by people that try to be a boss in open crew.

    Many of the best sessions I've shared with others didn't include mics. People from all around the world just adventuring around and enjoying the game without the commentary over it.

    I think people focus a lot on what they want and don't often consider the situation others are in. There are people that get locked in a brig or get left without a crew because of how others react to their voice. That's a wild and ridiculous thing to have to deal with. Completely understandable why some choose to not use a mic. Same goes for their privacy in a game that is recorded by so many and then broadcasted all over the socials.

  • @smithycus I get the frustration, but it's also just not that big of a deal... find a discord or search in the forums for other players with mics required. You can't play with randos and expect a mic all the time... WolfManbush's comment is solid.

  • @shorttoast62023

    You are going against forum rules matey:

    Making topics or posts to drive traffic or boost sales is strictly forbidden. Doing so will result in a permanent ban from the Forums.

    Source: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/149991/sea-of-thieves-forum-rules/1

  • @callmebackdraft oh wow, sorry

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