Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

  • The hunt continues...
    for adventure!

    I have not enjoyed every moment of the journey
    nor the hunt
    but I have cherished every opportunity that the sea has created

    one day this hunt will end
    and life will go on
    until then,
    this experience has been and will continue to be worth the time
    the effort, the frustration

    there is beauty in every day
    sadness and challenge too
    appreciation leads to kindness
    it gets us through

    keep haulin'
    keep huntin'
    keep seeking
    keep adventuring

    I'm thankful that you are here.

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  • Adventurers, new to the sea
    happy beginnings

    may your adventures add life and love to your stories
    and your stories connect you to others
    adventure is not gauged by skill or status
    it is an expression of your freedom as those that explore

    it's easier to replace a ship than a good friend
    losing is nothing compared to loss

    have fun, be silly, embrace thoughtfulness
    try out new ways to be kind and creative
    your most valuable resource here is your imagination
    build castles, chase dreams, or just sail

    good luck
    your pirate life will be extraordinary

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  • hunters, fishers, adventurers, sailors, pirates
    may tomorrow bring joy and adventure
    appreciation for the beauty of the night
    I wish you well, I wish you good luck
    I'm thankful that you are here.

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  • I hope this season leads you to friendship
    good times and beautiful experiences to appreciate
    bountiful hunting and inspiration to adventure
    the great fortune of togetherness

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  • Adventurers of the high seas,

    thank you for the battles
    the thrill, the risk,
    the memorable random encounters
    I remain fortunate in adventure

    I return to the hunt
    but I ask that you wander and ponder with this in mind

    belief and consistency
    belief in consistency

    your potential is stronger than the challenges that you face
    outcome does not determine your worth
    adventure does not require result
    genuine effort is enough,
    you are worth your effort

    good luck and fair winds

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  • I spotted a sloop by the name of Always Lost
    I'd like to think of it as, always adventuring
    a journey between stories
    not always clear, but not meaningless

    time has not diminished my eagerness to adventure
    nor my appreciation for the shared opportunity
    I hope it's the same for you

    this season has been a joy
    adventurers! pirates! thieves! scurvy dogs!
    wonderful encounters and battle
    thank you

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  • Quite a solo grind on the high seas
    lot of time, lot of effort
    many battles

    I am thankful in luck
    so much of this has been luck
    especially encounters with adventurers

    moto with the music sails
    a gentleman and a joy to encounter
    adventure is stronger with you sailing
    you share your stories, and they are wonderful

    sphin the pirate
    new to the seas and hungry for gold and glory
    from the fleet to the ashen winds
    fort keys and volcanoes
    megs and krakens
    I enjoyed our adventure

    to those trying to find their way
    you have so much to share
    the wind will change
    the sun will rise
    purpose is not an obligation, it is a discovery
    -just sailing- is a part of the adventure too
    I'm always rooting for your peace
    thank you for being around
    thank you for inspiring me

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  • community

    I've loved adventure since I was young, carrying a stick in the sticks
    somewhere along the way I made a habit out of getting in my own way

    everything good in my adventuring is because of others
    people that inspire me to reflect and evolve
    to be kinder, more thoughtful
    more accountable and forgiving
    wild adventurers with hearts of gold
    I miss those that are gone
    I'm thankful for those that are around

    good luck during your community adventures
    I hope they are wonderful
    I'm glad you're here

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  • it's peaceful
    so I sail

    I avoid the storms
    spent too much time in those
    now, I just sail around them

    never been bored
    life is too precious for that

    we don't choose everything
    but we get to choose sometimes

    I hope we choose to make the best out of it
    while it's still here

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  • a new season on the horizon
    a good time to appreciate the good times

    seeing so many new sailors has been something special
    hopefully they hold on to their passion for adventure

    the seas were mighty active this season
    wonderful to see
    hopefully it continues on

    I'm thankful for the encounters
    for the hunt
    the opportunity
    the privilege of participation

    I hope you all find joy during the next season
    rewarding experiences
    it's still a beautiful environment

    good luck
    wishing you extraordinary adventures

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  • All you need is lava.

    I sailed to the east to find shiny bottles of adventure
    I ended up finding a very kind solo adventurer

    they offered me gifts at ashen reaches
    their guild emissary flag
    a storage crate of supplies
    a few pieces of treasure

    and most valuable of all,
    a kind encounter with a thoughtful adventurer

    I've been allowing adventure to happen for a long time
    whatever happens, happens
    I am thankful for what has happened throughout the years on the sea

    I hope you let adventure happen
    it'll work alright
    you're worth the effort it takes

    good luck adventurers

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  • thank you to those that maintain the sea
    thank you to my opponents
    thank you to the adventurers, I enjoy this because of you

    I have returned with the finest chests of fortune
    the shiniest kingly loot that sunken ships could offer
    the treasure to me will always be,
    the sound of a banjo in the breeze

    take care of one another
    adventure thrives in shared experience

    take care of yourselves
    people care about you

    oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly
    what a beautiful day

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  • to,


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  • How does one get fourty thousand in Rogue ship milestones as a solo slooper? Quick naps on long journeys?

    This has to be the most well documented (organic non streamer) journey in SoT, has Rare ever done a community highlight on you?

  • @hefty-henri said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    How does one get fourty thousand in Rogue ship milestones as a solo slooper? Quick naps on long journeys?

    A lot of play time a lot of dedication and a lot of banjo

    This has to be the most well documented (organic non streamer) journey in SoT, has Rare ever done a community highlight on you?

    Nah but that was never what this was about.

    This was never about content or recognition it was just about seeing what happens and seeing how far I could take it while appreciating the opportunity and the encounters along the way.

    I wanted to show a different way of doing things and to try to create a resource that some can use on their own adventures. Hopefully something inspiring for someone.

    I wanted people to see this as an example of carrying on through the different struggles and obstacles of showing up every day.

    I've encountered a lot of people and shared a lot of experiences in completely random scenarios. This was designed to be something that maybe someone would randomly find throughout the years and think "I sank that pirate" "I adventured with that pirate" " I saw this" or "I saw that". "I remember...".

    I just wanted to make the best out of it and encourage other adventurers to try to do the same.

  • This entire topic and the screenshot collection is awesome and totally amazing.
    Your screenshots are perfectly showing your adventures and the things you enjoy within this beautiful game.

    I think I must have spent 2 hours just looking at your collection and I am in awe and enjoyed every minute of it.
    It somehow feels like I am now part of your adventure, even though I think we have so far never met out at sea.

    Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Amazing screenshots!
    Have fun out there and best of luck for your future encounters. ;-)

    I hope that we will meet out at sea some day!

  • This one goes out to a couple of kids that set a strong example for adventure and community.

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  • the sea darkens in the moonlight
    tentacles emerge from the abyss
    an ancient fin circles
    the undead sail

    trifecta of terror
    a hunter's paradise
    october brings the haunted harvest

    a lone wolf is the lost wolf
    the sailor shares the sea
    encounters add life to survival
    thank you

    be well, or just be
    beware the moon

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  • leaves fall
    sun sets on the season
    hunter's moon rises

    sailor's solitude
    adventuring with the wind
    telling ghost stories to phantoms

    trick the doubts
    treat life kindly

    a cold heart turns to coal
    something to lose is a gift
    feed the campfire
    don't let the laughter burn out

    happy haunting


    Angus from the roar
    thank you for being gracious
    I enjoyed the adventure and appreciate your thoughtfulness

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  • Every night is a good night for a ghost hunt.
    Be safe and be well, adventurers

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  • sometimes things don't work out as planned
    sometimes they do
    either way, adventure is there waiting
    waiting for you

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  • I am thankful for the time I didn't earn
    the fortunate outcomes I didn't deserve
    the people that have taught me how to be

    thankful for beauty
    adventure, the sea
    kindness, mountains, life

    thankful for inspiration
    caregivers, guardians
    volunteers and protectors
    selfless in service

    thankful for strength
    within those going through it
    forgiveness and recovery
    help, healing, and hope

    thankful for this sea of thieves
    encounters and laughs
    development, maintenance, and effort

    thankful for any peace we find and share
    happy hunting and happy holidays

    Wonderful encounters with a couple duos recently

    Doom and Spooky, the gold hoarders from Twin Grove

    Bwah and Goat, the merchants from the Reaper's Hideout

    We worked on some common goals together.

    Both sloops were considerate enough to stop to harvest a couple of megalodons. A shadowmaw and a hungering one.

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  • This is beautiful

    I haven't loved every moment
    but I have loved in every moment
    adventure, the hunt, the challenge

    I hope your holidays are filled with warmth
    I hope you find time to enjoy the opportunity within a day
    solo or with your crew

    if times are harsh
    the days are lonely
    and the nights are cold
    I'm rooting for you, every day

    merry adventures
    safe travels to all
    and to all a good night

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  • may the new year bring you adventure
    love, friendship
    an abundance of inspiration and curiosity

    I'm thankful for the experiences
    and the encounters

    good luck & happy hunting

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  • I hope this finds you safe and well, adventurers
    been a fine few weeks of hunting and encounters

    I hope you find some fun, make a friend or two,
    and go on an adventure

    I'm thankful for years of hunting and random encounters.

    I hope y'all stay safe, and make the best out of it

    happy hunting

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  • @wolfmanbush
    I swear you are one of the most goated pirates I’ve ever seen!

  • @xdragonman15558 said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    I swear you are one of the most goated pirates I’ve ever seen!

    I appreciate that but I just see myself as an adventurer. I wanted to create something I wanted to see more of and show appreciation for this environment and people I encounter.

    Dedicated for sure but I mainly just wanted to encourage other players
    to embrace adventure outside of metas and show that nobody has to follow in adventure, they can go their own way, and that's alright.

  • Fishin Impossible

    I glass a sloop,
    not far from mermaid's hideaway
    "Fishin Impossible"

    -thinking to myself
    "what a lovely name for a fishing vessel"
    I like them already

    I give them their space
    they sail on by to Port Merrick

    I see a fin
    -hurry on over to harvest the meg that lurks behind their fishing vessel

    I bring them the loot from the meg
    and accept their alliance offer

    they go their way and I go mine

    for a few hours I'm given the joy of watching their fishing expedition on the map,
    selling a fish here or there
    and then they move along to their next fishing hole

    such a treat and a privilege to see a crew embracing the organic experience that I have loved so much, for so long

    I hope they enjoy -fishin impossible- next season, and many more after

    I've been more fortunate than I've earned and luckier than I've deserved on this unusual but wonderful adventure

    I'm grateful for it, and hope you all find your own unique adventures

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  • meg voyages, out on the horizon
    end of an era for me
    dawn of a new journey for many

    I enjoy adventuring and hunting with instinct and observation
    I find comfort in sharing silence during exploration
    I don't want to control the outcome
    I just want emergent adventure

    after years of solo
    I once again opted in to open crew on my sloop
    a few times in the last month
    there is a part of me that truly loves that experience
    when it's random and organic
    I'm so thankful for the experiences
    and for the people that made them possible

    this season is going to be special for some
    it's going to be when they fall in love with the organic experience
    like I did, years ago
    I could not be happier about that
    or more excited to hear about, and read the tales

    it would not be possible without those that maintain the experience
    those that offer their time and effort to assist in maintaining the experience
    thank you all, and happy hunting

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  • Open Crew

    Peek: A couple of megs and hunter raid voyages. I very much enjoyed the adventure and appreciate your go-with-the-flow approach to open crew.

    Titan: A couple of megs, a pvp battle, hunter raid voyage. We sank and we got our revenge on the fire meg. I appreciate your passion for adventure.

    Shrouded Ghost...the pig
    I've always loved pigs.
    in a kind environment they are playful, fun, funny, friendly
    I enjoy my adventures more,
    with this little adorable lil' goofball, oinkin' around

    Feared Redmaws and Barnacled Dreads:

    Beautiful designs, fun encounters.

    Season 15 Part 1:

    Fun. Good vibes. Lots of activity and encounters.
    Well done to all involved in its release.

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screenshotjust for fun
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