Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate

  • @jerichocross666 said in Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate:

    @wolfmanbush it’s all about statistic analysis
    Life span of game session you’ve been playing
    What activities are you engaged in

    I got 3 last year from practicing those fundamentals

    The issue I have with this is that meg hunting changes organically just about every season. An example is season 13 is the worst SoT has ever had for organic wait timers. It's leaving a lot of people with less spawns overall because spawns are taking over 8 in game days regularly for people.

    Different bugs have existed in that time which changes hunting.

    You said you had a method to increase meg encounters. Meg encounters haven't been consistent (organically) for years so either it's some form of an exploit or (more likely) a non-organic meg killing situation.

    Locations only matter if there is a bug preventing spawns (which has happened in the past) or if outside of a qualifying area (too close to land as an example)

    Session length does matter but it's become so inconsistent that it could be anywhere from 15 minutes for a spawn to 3+ hours for a spawn.

    The activity part is so vague I would need more specifics on that.

    Why be so vague about it and why not be transparent about your hunts?

    It would be one thing if your were off doing your own thing but you are on the forums suggesting you know how to spawn more megs than others (and that you will make a video about it someday). Should be some transparency in that, imo.

  • @wolfmanbush it takes a minimum of 80 minutes on server for megaladon to appear

  • @ixxxoloff
    Not to forget, since they added in diving that also resets timers. Because it’s based off of a server timer.

  • @jerichocross666 I'm really pleased for you that you've managed the ghost 4 times but I think the maths behind the chance is an absolute load of Hokum and too many of us from day 1 are still waiting and I play every day. There are thousands like me.
    I don't understand the mentality of these developers that making something almost impossible or repeat the same things 1,000 times to apparently bring variety and excitement to a game beggars belief 🤨

    I think it should be a little more available than they make it. At least one or two lucky people per day get to smile and punch the air.

36 out of 39