(PS5) / Grogswilling Seadogs / New Guild – Looking for mature members

  • Looking for a friendly casual guild to join

  • If you have room for one more member, I’d love to join. PSN ID: O_o-Papa_Bear

  • Still recruiting?

  • I’d be happy to join if you’re still looking for members. psn: Holman28

  • Hi everyone and thanks for the interest. We are currently full, though I will be moving some members around in a few days due to activity levels.

    I will post here when space arises.

  • Gamertag Nyegnav

  • Interested

  • Interested discord is Ole_Nipz

  • Me and my buddy are new to the game and looking to find people to play, we both have about a couple days on the game

  • This sound great what’s the discord?

  • I’m interested in joining if there’s some space
    Discord: knuckletickler
    PSN: Polanco0098

  • Tommycap666 interested

  • Any room for another PS5 captain? My PSN is DrDingleberry17 and would like to join!

  • Am also ps5 psn: Bucket XXX

  • Me and a mate are new PS5 players searching for a PS5 guild, we are UK based and play a lot of hourglass. We want the curses currently working on servants of the flame.

    Both have about 200hrs on the game, are Pirate Legend have 2 of each ship.

    Currently we are in 2 guilds but looking for one with some decent PvP/hourglass players that are online at similar times to ourselves in the UK, we are on every night both 30+ yrs old.

    If we would be suited to the guild and you have others that do hourglass then add me.

    Gamertag is: stevie89j

    Or if you have discord send me the link and I’ll join there.


  • I'm currently looking for a guild to join, I'm EST time zone (but am flexible with when I can be on), PSN: Schwiftylubdub

  • Hi am ps5 too and wana join psn: BucketheadSkull

  • @captainwilks is this still a thing? I’d be interested in checking it out

  • I’ll join, my PS5 id is TomKat252.

  • PSN TheKingofTrance Looking to join

  • Lebanese06 on ps5

  • Lebanese06 on ps5

  • Sorry all! I haven’t been active on the forums for quite some time as my guild was full!

    We currently have 4 slots available. Level 205 guild. Ideally we would like a ready mate crew of 2-4 individuals who can join and sail together straight away, but no problem with single individuals.

    We may have more space too at the end of this months ledgers if a small guild wishes to join us.

  • Now level 215.

  • Hello @CaptainWilks,
    Im Poppin2139 on XBox/PC

  • Hey @CaptainWilks

    Still got an opening for a few? We're on PC. All 1k hours plus. There's 4 of us.

  • Hey man, I'm currently looking for a new guild myself, my PS5 friends haven't been on the game for a while and it sucks playing the game alone. Hope you're willing to take on another player for your guild. If so, my PSN is Titania_Thorn, probably won't check this sire out for a while, so if you can leave a message on PSN, I would really appreciate it.

  • DM’d all.

    Gary - working on a other slot.

  • @captainwilks ok, sounds good, thanks for letting me know

  • @captainwilks are you still recruiting?

  • Sorry mate I haven’t been so active in the forum. I have space though. DM me bro.

  • Hey I’m new to the game and trying to work toward the platinum on PS5! My PSN name is: BennyAbrahams but my Microsoft gamer tag for SoT is: Salty Baz

    I’d love to join!

136 out of 137