suggestion: AI that could help you with your ship.

  • I think it would be nice to have some AI skeletons or humans or whatever to help around the ship on safer seas or high seas, on safe seas they could help repair, raise/lower anchor when needed or lowering and raising sails. While high seas they could do all that but help you fight also, yes it wouldnt be the easiest to code into the game and stuff i think it'd be alot more fun for people like me, i love sea of thieves and all that it has to offer but i hate how i have to be limited to the sloop all the time i wanna play, mainly cause im antisocial and alot of my friends are busy which makes it alot harder to enjoy the ships in sea of thieves. while yea i like the sloop i don't like how i have to use it all the time I'd really like to use a galleon or a brigantine which yes it would be possible to solo those two but it aint easy to, mainly because of the anchor and sail stuff which yes i understand the bigger the ship the bigger the anchor and the more time it takes to raise it but thats where the ai could help. I do hope one day they will add 3 AI's to help around the ship and what not.

  • 7
  • I would be a pirate out of work because AI npcs took my job. Serously, there would be nothing to do if npcs were doing some chores.

    Twiddle my thumbs while sailing.

  • AI NPCs staying on the ship to give noobs hints about nearby islands, shipwrecks, or quests in safe seas could be a nice addition. However, having them actively help with tasks might take away from the core experience of the game. As for high seas, I don’t see AI helpers being added there anytime soon.

    If you don’t want to stick to a sloop, you can always try open crew for a galleon or brigantine. It might take a few servers to find players who are actually doing something rather than standing at an outpost staring into the abyss, but you’ll eventually find a crew to team up with.

    Hint: Once you’ve raised the anchor, there’s usually no reason to put it back down. Don’t be one of those players dropping the anchor non-stop—just raise the sails to slow down and stop. You can also use both harpoons to grab the ground underwater if you need to stop quickly.

  • @uluckyhitreg well ik that i could do the join a crew thing or whatever but itd be nice to not have to do that everytime i wanna play high seas and what not, plus the anchor could be very helpful with alot of stuff i do, since i like to do the ship combat (excluding the sweaty people) i do the anchor turn to help with the mobility and cannon stuff, and while yea ik it would take some stuff away from the game itd be somewhat cool to have one or 2 npcs to help with steering or just raising the anchor, they wouldn't have to shoot at players or anything, itd just be a way for antisocial people like myself (yes ik sea of thieves is a social game but still) it would be a nice touch to the gameplay, especially on safe seas where i can collect loot and stuff

  • @captdirtyoar yea i understand where your getting at but im just saying itd be nice to not have to rely on people all the time to help repair or steer or something cause alot of people i meet arnt the greatest to listen to stuff but im not saying the npcs would have to be perfect enough to take your chores away, they could help you repair a hole or something everynow and again. since i do the ghost armada and stuff i get shot alot by the cannons and when i wanna repair a hole or something ill get shot again and then ill get knocked away from it then i have to worry about the mast getting knocked down or steering and shooting while there are holes leaking water in while also getting riddled with cannons. all im saying is itd be nice to have a little helper lol

  • itd be nice to not have to rely on people all the time to help repair or steer or something cause alot of people i meet arnt the greatest to listen to stuff

    That is a pirates life for you. Even a captain has troubles besides that, why should they listen to “you”

    That is kind of how the game is built, unlikely crew either working or not working together and making an adventure.

    With npc or AI crew. You can’t have these adventures.

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