Turtle Quest (or quests involving sailing)

  • Ahoy!
    I really like sailing in Sea of Thieves, it feels great. Something very rewarding to me when sailing with other friendly ships is to manage to sail close together at the same speed. That’s why I thought recently that it could be interesting to make quests involving this.

    I came up with an idea :
    Sometimes in calm water, would breach to the surface a giant turtle (it could be a different creature, but it has at least to be moving).
    This turtle, most of the time, swim very deep under water and because of all the ships getting sinked above, a lot of things would drop on its back (chests, skulls, wooden planks, cannonballs, artefacts, etc). That wouldn’t actually happen physically in the game, it’s just for the lore.
    When the turtle would breach to the surface, you can sail along to it, but you have to be really careful because if you touch it with your ship it would go straight down into the deep. When close enough and matching speed, you can jump on it and loot its back. There will be a limited time before the turtle goes back into the deep.
    There could be more complexity with the turtle going under water and breaching further away, a complex path, etc.
    Here’s a rough drawing for a better understandind of my idea:

    What do you think of it?
    And also I would like to know what are your ideas of quests involving sailing?

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  • @jetorchidee97 It's definitely an interesting idea. To add to the idea, the turtle could run away if you crash into it. This plus the things you mentioned would make it a team effort to to get any loot stashed on its back. Only a well organized crew could make the most of it.

    As for other sailing quests, there could be one where you have to sail an npc provided ship from one outpost to another. This could come with a few different challenges such as a cursed ship, something like the chest of sorrows where it would keep filling with water. Or you could have to deliver the ship with 0 damage.

  • Even the idea of a giant turtle is awesome. Would be quite the sight to see when sailing and something like that surfaces.

  • i think that would be awesome! to further grow your idea, i think it would be cool if the turtles treasure actually reflected player lost treasure. For example, if i had 2 chests on my ship, got in to a fight, my ship sank, and no one retrieved the 2 chests, after they despawned, they would be added to the turtles back. I think incorporating something like this would really catch Rare's eye because they seem to love the idea of a player driven world. I hope something like this gets added later on.

  • Fantastic idea and great drawing. Should be very rare to make it extra special when your captain skills get the job done.

    I could see shooting your buddies out the cannon in hopes of landing on it's back as well.

    This or something similar that serves that same purpose would be a lot of fun and a great challenge.

  • @LONEGOATKNIFER @Psych0-KnIghTrO @mistavanvleck @UnderatedNoobOG Thank you for you answers and your ideas!
    I was thinking that the turtles could also stop completely sometimes for a little time, so you'll have to be really quick on the anchor. While stopping, it would flap its fins, which would fill the ship of water for extra challenge!

5 out of 6