How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?

  • I'm really curious to see how the meta game around abusing game mechanics is going to evolve.

    Mermaids: free teleport back to ship, anytime, any ocean.
    Ships: disposable, free, infinite replacements, restocked with supplies
    Respawning: no penalty other than time spent on ghost ship

    I enjoy the forgiving, light-hearted fun the game offers, but I'm curious if there should there be a little more risk/reward to decisions?

    Examples of mechanic abuse/cheesing:

    -- While being pursued, 3 people from the lead ship jump into the water and try to grab onto the pursuing ship's ladders as they chase. If they miss, it doesn't matter, just mermaid back.

    -- Lead your pursuers astray by sailing past an island while you jump off, letting you ship sail off into the sunset. When out of sight, scuttle ship to respawn it, take mermaid back.

    -- If you're ship gets stolen, no worries, just take the mermaid teleport to it. If the enemy crew kills your crew, no worries, just keep respawning on your ship. Or just scuttle it.

    -- Ran out of planks and cannon balls? Just scuttle and respawn a new ship.

    Shouldn't there be at least some small cost to each action? Not as a huge penalty, but at least weigh on the decision making to create a little more depth to the gameplay.

    Simply charging gold to respawn ship or use a mermaid probably isn't the answer.
    You can charge people time, like on the ghost ship, but waiting for a ship to be built or a mermaid to transport you might not be right either.
    Kinda imagine that a new resource or mechanic would need to be introduced to balance these things.

    I have an idea...

    A Team-based Life Counter: The Soul Lantern

    • Each ship hold a Soul Lantern, holding X number of lives
    • Every time your team mates respawn, it consumes a life from the ship's Lantern
    • Souls can be collected like any inv item, acquired from PVP or PVE (?)
    • Souls can be stored in the ship's Lantern, similar to items in barrels
    • When the Lantern is empty, your team can't repsawn on the ship until it's refilled
    • The Ferry of the Damned gets 2 exits now, one for your ship's Soul Lantern, and the other for an outpost. (so you can choose to wait on the ferry for your team to refill souls or just go to an outpost)
    • A Mermaid will charge you a fee of 1 soul (from your personal inventory)
    • A ship will cost X gold to rebuild (fee maybe equivalent to rewards of a half-day voyage quest?)

    I think this would create a system that still allows you to have fun taking risks while choosing HOW MUCH risk (souls) you want to take. It allows to weigh decisions (in souls) and make judgement calls on can you afford to spend lives doing reckless actions. It also provides an in-world lore explanation for dry game mechanics.

    Suddenly the examples I gave first become more interesting. The 3 players trying to swim onto the perusing ship might get stuck in the ocean (and die, taking up time) if they don't have a handy soul to pay the Mermaid. The guy ditching his ship into the sunset will lose his lantern full of souls, but he can collect some more from island PVE. If your ship is being boarded, you'll get plenty of chances to respawn and defend yourself (fun) but not infinitely.

    By having a soul resource that goes up and down, collectible and spendable, suddenly you now value your own life a little more. And your team-mates life!

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  • @drbullhammer
    You don't think disposable ships or teleporting across the map with mermaids is an issue? You don't think infinitely respawning is an issue?

  • @jackwestburg2 I think that this could become a great addition towards possibly a survival game mode. But for people who want to play this a casual game, taking away the forgiveness of playing poorly would not help that side of the community.

  • There has to be SOME risk though. Otherwise the ability to grief will be way to high and people will not want to play.

  • @nosriracha4u

    I think if it were implemented generously, you wouldn't even notice the soul resource until it was missing. Similar to how you don't really notice or care about how many cannon balls you have until your ship is out. But when your out of cannon balls, that's when it gets interesting. Then you have decisions to make. If you had infinite cannon balls, that would be boring.

  • @drbullhammer said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    @jackwestburg2 it's a shared world game with open PvP. Being out of the action for a short time and then respawning, infinitely as you put it, is normal. The penalty is having to wait while your ship is potentially sinking and being looted. You die on the enemy ship? Now you have to reboard an enemy who will be expecting you.

    Respawning infinitely is normal for an arena shooter maybe. What about for a shared world game with open pvp? A game where the interface disappears and you're supposed to be immersed in the world instead of looking at mechanics? This topic of should a team be allowed to respawn on their ship forever if another team has captured the ship has been brought up before. One idea was to claim the spawn point by running your team's flag up the mast. Another idea is having limited lives shared by the team.

    If I end up with a system that makes me wait at an Outpost for my ship to pick me up unless I gathered enough souls to get a merm back to the boat, I'm going to get frustrated and just stop playing.

    I agree.
    The only reason you'd go choose to go to the outpost would be to buy a new ship if the old one was overtaken.

  • I think if you mermaid or die, you should lose your player inventory, and if your ship sinks, you should lose your ship inventory. This would at least help with the problem of people jumping off a ship(or being shot off) for various reasons and then mermaiding back. It would also disincentivize intentional scuttling(granted not much).

  • @jackwestburg2 it's just ok as it is. Kill the enemy, steal loot and go back to your ship ASAP. Did you saw any pirate movie where pirates are taking enemy ship? They all just sink them and sail away.

    mermaid mechanic is ok. 30 seconds at ferry of the damned is enough to take loot and runaway. Also camping/spawn killing behaviour can be tricked by ESC-My Crew-scuttle ship.

  • @drbullhammer
    To clarify again:
    Respawning consumes your ship's souls, not souls you carry on your person.
    If you collected souls from kills, you'd have to store them on your ship for them to have any respawn use.

    Respawning becomes a shared resource, like cannonballs is a shared resource.
    Resource management of bananas, cannon balls, planks, etc is what the game revolves around.

  • I'd say no, unless the souls only count for PvP combat. Being able to screw around and get killed and play with boat mechanics is pretty fun. Would be a pain if that was punished.

    edit: I'd vote no on a gold cost for ships as well.

  • I like the idea. It kind of gives players two different ways to approach PVP, having the ability to deplete crew or sink a ship, it even kind of allows for potential ship captures, if ownership of a ship could transfer to a crew by putting "souls" in the lantern. that would be a really cool mechanic if it were possible to use ships themselves as commodities.

    either way with a little consideration, it would add a little more critical thinking and excitement to every engagement.

    I do think there should be some guarantee of a penalty for abandoning ship.

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  • IMHO, none of the "abusive/cheesing" behaviors you're describing are abusive. It's called being creative and outsmarting your opponents with the tools you're provided.

    I think the direction they are going for this game is the ability, as a brand new player, to jump in with more experienced players and still have a great time.

    Your mechanic punishes new/inexperienced players as nobody would want to play with less skilled people who "waste" souls.

  • I'm okay with infinite respawn, but I do agree that during a battle maybe a system to capture the spawn point of opposing ships, or hey even better , everytime you die the ghost ship visit is extended by 10 seconds, to give the victorious pirates some time to comfortably loot (Mod Edit) your captains desk without feeling too rushed.

  • I agree with the good Dr Bull

  • @jackwestburg2 said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    I'm really curious to see how the meta game around abusing game mechanics is going to evolve.

    Mermaids: free teleport back to ship, anytime, any ocean.
    Ships: disposable, free, infinite replacements, restocked with supplies
    Respawning: no penalty other than time spent on ghost ship

    I enjoy the forgiving, light-hearted fun the game offers, but I'm curious if there should there be a little more risk/reward to decisions?

    Examples of mechanic abuse/cheesing:

    -- While being pursued, 3 people from the lead ship jump into the water and try to grab onto the pursuing ship's ladders as they chase. If they miss, it doesn't matter, just mermaid back.

    -- Lead your pursuers astray by sailing past an island while you jump off, letting you ship sail off into the sunset. When out of sight, scuttle ship to respawn it, take mermaid back.

    -- If you're ship gets stolen, no worries, just take the mermaid teleport to it. If the enemy crew kills your crew, no worries, just keep respawning on your ship. Or just scuttle it.

    -- Ran out of planks and cannon balls? Just scuttle and respawn a new ship.

    Shouldn't there be at least some small cost to each action? Not as a huge penalty, but at least weigh on the decision making to create a little more depth to the gameplay.

    Simply charging gold to respawn ship or use a mermaid probably isn't the answer.
    You can charge people time, like on the ghost ship, but waiting for a ship to be built or a mermaid to transport you might not be right either.
    Kinda imagine that a new resource or mechanic would need to be introduced to balance these things.

    I have an idea...

    A Team-based Life Counter: The Soul Lantern

    • Each ship hold a Soul Lantern, holding X number of lives
    • Every time your team mates respawn, it consumes a life from the ship's Lantern
    • Souls can be collected like any inv item, acquired from PVP or PVE (?)
    • Souls can be stored in the ship's Lantern, similar to items in barrels
    • When the Lantern is empty, your team can't repsawn on the ship until it's refilled
    • The Ferry of the Damned gets 2 exits now, one for your ship's Soul Lantern, and the other for an outpost. (so you can choose to wait on the ferry for your team to refill souls or just go to an outpost)
    • A Mermaid will charge you a fee of 1 soul (from your personal inventory)
    • A ship will cost X gold to rebuild (fee maybe equivalent to rewards of a half-day voyage quest?)

    I think this would create a system that still allows you to have fun taking risks while choosing HOW MUCH risk (souls) you want to take. It allows to weigh decisions (in souls) and make judgement calls on can you afford to spend lives doing reckless actions. It also provides an in-world lore explanation for dry game mechanics.

    Suddenly the examples I gave first become more interesting. The 3 players trying to swim onto the perusing ship might get stuck in the ocean (and die, taking up time) if they don't have a handy soul to pay the Mermaid. The guy ditching his ship into the sunset will lose his lantern full of souls, but he can collect some more from island PVE. If your ship is being boarded, you'll get plenty of chances to respawn and defend yourself (fun) but not infinitely.

    By having a soul resource that goes up and down, collectible and spendable, suddenly you now value your own life a little more. And your team-mates life!

    I think this is a cool idea, but I see the logic that some of the other people have posted too. Good to see both sides of this argument. Who knows though, Rare may implement a version of this at some point. They're constantly picking through the forums for fresh ideas. Personally, I'm close to happy with how it is at the moment. I don't like that if me and a crew mate wipe out an attacking galleon, they just respawn quickly and try again. That dislike extends to when I'm in solo mode and try to sneak on to a galleon to ninja their loot... the gamertag visibility makes me easy to spot. I kill a couple of them, they come back and hit me in the back. I do, however, appreciate that my play style is a little different to what's probably the more common style.

    It did make me laugh a lot when I heard one of their guys say "errrrrrr guys... we may or may not have someone in our crows nest".

  • I feel like there would still be infinite respawn. just not always to your ship. which is basically already the case because if your enemy can kill your crew efficiently they will probably also sink your ship

    I enjoyed stealing (or trying to steal) ships occasionally during my playtime, but it was generally a wasted endeavor because the ship itself would disappear if the players that owned it logged off or voted to scuttle (not to mention infinite mermaid/ferry rides).

    admittedly if the game didn't change at all i would still play, but the mechanics that I've experienced so far could be balanced so that there wasn't so much risk for players trying to complete voyages, against people who are just looking for the next engagement.

  • i think the way it should be is just simply if the entire enemy crew is eliminated, a countdown starts, 30 sec-1 minute.. this will give you enough time to loot the ship, after that, the ship automatically sinks. the crew you killed can still respawn, but they will not respawn on the ship. either a new ship or at an outpost.

    also, when I say eliminated I mean all 4. (or 2, depending on crew size) this means that if you storm a ship and kill 3 people, but the 4th one is hiding on an island somewhere, he can maybe give his friends an idea of where you're heading, so they can come back and get revenge.

  • I definitely feel the system is off right now. You defeat another boat and they keep respawning endlessly. When does the fight finally end? And you can't steal another team's boat because they keep respawning on it forever. I think this needs some work.

  • Personally I think we're at a good place and I certainly don't consider any of the systems in place would be considered 'abusing'. What's the alternative to the mermaid when you're stranded at sea, get eaten by sharks? Leaving your ship while sailing for any reason would be a death sentence if you didn't have someone waiting by to drop anchor and let you back on, if you're pursuing another ship you can forget about that happening.

    As for 'infinite lives' have you ever been in pvp for an extended period of time? You die A LOT especially when you can be one-shot by a multitude of weapons. If there was more of a penalty for dying idk you'd feel cheated in a way, it's punishing enough when you can't do anything about those who killed you who are now sinking your ship and/or stealing all of your valuables as well as killing the remainder of your crew.

    If it wasn't free to spawn in a new ship what if you don't have any gold? Sure, you could hop in matchmaking and have someone else pay for it but how many people would be willing to spend for the same cut of the treasure as everyone else? Aside from that there have been a few instances where I've just spawned a ship and was buying items at the outpost and my ship has spontaneously sunk, if I had to pay to replace it, it would have certainly annoyed me each time it happened. I personally wouldn't bother stealing anyone's ship either, not even because the crew can teleport onto it for as long as it's afloat but because you can't access it's ammo, missions table etc because it's not yours.

    The game has been designed around all of its features and if you change one thing -that imo doesn't need changing- you'd need to change a bunch of things to balance it out.

  • The current system is pretty much the absolute worst set of mechanics to ever grace a game, period. I really cannot think of anything worse. And I think I remember that Rare has acknowledged in the past that they are unhappy with it and that it will be changing. How anyone can think the completely penalty-free system we have now is even remotely acceptable just makes me lose faith in humanity.

  • I've seen people doing all of what you described. It's already being abused and will continue being abused unless something is changed about it. Maybe increased amounts of wait time each time you die and lose a ship. I know going to islands for treasure was a never ending battle for me pretty often because I would destroy a ship that was headed for the same place, he'd respawn and sail right back to it and hey what do you know, repeat this 6 times over again..

    So many people say there should be no progression that skill should be the only reward and then you see those same people saying the game should be kept easy to play-----what?

  • @sealitre said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:
    What's the alternative to the mermaid when you're stranded at sea, get eaten by sharks? Leaving your ship while sailing for any reason would be a death sentence if you didn't have someone waiting by to drop anchor and let you back on, if you're pursuing another ship you can forget about that happening.

    As for 'infinite lives' have you ever been in pvp for an extended period of time? You die A LOT especially when you can be one-shot by a multitude of weapons. If there was more of a penalty for dying idk you'd feel cheated in a way, it's punishing enough when you can't do anything about those who killed you who are now sinking your ship and/or stealing all of your valuables as well as killing the remainder of your crew.

    Both of these are LITERALLY what you would work with/around. Don't want to lose all your lives? DONT DIE. WIN THE FIGHT. Don't want to be stranded and eaten by sharks? DONT JUMP OFF THE SHIP, AND IF YOU DO....TEAMWORK!

  • @the-warcrombie It's easy enough to say 'don't die' but it happens, especially when you're outnumbered. Sometimes you'll find yourself in the sea whether you like it or not, maybe you are holding a dunk chest or have had a little too much to drink and take a tumble, or maybe a well aimed cannonball has blasted you overboard.

    All the things here, they don't particularly seem problematic to me... Everything works smoothly as is and you get penalized fairly.

  • @drbullhammer You spawn infinitely with his system as well. You just don't spawn back right where you died. Just like you don't with most of the games you mentioned.

  • @sealitre and when it happens, you die. Why do you expect more or less no penalties? I'm fine with upping the penalty of me dying no matter the cause. It would push me to make less risky decisions.

  • @the-warcrombie Losing your loot and ship seems like a fine penalty to me.

  • @JackWestburg2 It seems to me like your gripe stems from encountering crews that have no interest in engaging you in combat, but instead use every method they currently have available to escape - first two examples you give specifically.

    Maybe, if they're giving you that much trouble and clearly have no intention or desire of engaging you in a fight, you stop chasing after them and find a more willing target?

    As for the third and fourth examples; don't steal ships then, sink them when you have the chance! And stop trying to camp the respawn of crews, get the booty / sink the ship and get out of there. The main problem in relation to that is the current system of crews respawning where their ship sank, that does need fixing.

    And the final example; well, that doesn't affect anyone in the slightest so doesn't even need addressing.

  • @scheefinator said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    How about instead of trying to make the game easier for everyone. You just focus on better developing your own skills?

    How about we try that for a change.

    Meh... Everything isn't about skill. It's not only about balance, it's also about what is good for the game itself, at the moment the respawn mechanic is broken and not fun at all. Not for the ones killing everyone and stealing the chests (because enemies are respawning even though they got defeated) and not fun for the guy who just wants to come back and play but gets farmed because people aren't done with his boat.

    So yeah, we try to improve the game. But not because we are not good enough (stop projecting yourself in people's posts btw) but because it can be improved for everyone.

    @JackWestburg2 That's the first time I see someone suggest an idea for a respawn system, that is really different from my own yet I still like and would be happy to play with. I would add... "You gain a free soul each X minutes without being killed/dieing".

    Though I'd like a bit of background to the soul mechanic (with mermaids not with the ferry of the deads). Perhaps it could be a golden currency? Like we need to pay the fee to cross the river when we die (the golden coins on the eyes in some mythologies).


  • @jackwestburg2

    If you are looking for a hardcore pirate experience I can tell you this is not the game for you. I do think that spawning close to a ship that just destroyed you is unbalanced and should be fixed, however this game will not be the dark souls of pirate games some of you are trying to make it out to be. Other then losing supply and chests and current position there will likely never be a further punishment for dying.

  • In my opinion, in the short term, this isn't a complicated issue. If you sink an enemy ship, that enemy should no longer be able to infinitely respawn on the mermaid. I don't know how you could be more definitively defeated than having your ship destroyed. It's gone. Why are you still respawning in the water? That makes no sense. Let the victor loot your treasure. In the closed beta, contesting with enemies that could infinitely respawn on the mermaid even after their ship was destroyed made it almost impossible to loot the enemy's treasure chests before those chests despawned. Not only that, but the presence of sharks also contributed to this nonsensical filibuster. What do you have to do in this game to win a battle decisively if sinking the ship isn't enough?

    In the long term, however, I believe there should be two paths to PVP victory: sinking a ship and dominating an enemy crew by repeatedly killing them. I agree there needs to be some kind of death counting mechanic. Not saying it's a bad idea, but I'm not sure if I agree with a soul counter as a lootable item, though. Have to think about it more.

    Just to comment on a couple of your scenarios:

    "-- While being pursued, 3 people from the lead ship jump into the water and try to grab onto the pursuing ship's ladders as they chase. If they miss, it doesn't matter, just mermaid back."

    Definitely should be punished. I'm not sure I agree with PVE deaths counting toward the soul count. Perhaps Rare could implement a proximity check for nearby ships to engage a pvp timer. If you die within this window, it counts toward the soul limit.

    "-- Lead your pursuers astray by sailing past an island while you jump off, letting you ship sail off into the sunset. When out of sight, scuttle ship to respawn it, take mermaid back."

    If a player scuttles his ship in this scenario, then that tells me that he didn't have any valuables on his ship to lose in the first place. Doesn't the player also lose his current voyage if he scuttles the ship? That could be incentive enough to put up a fight or try to out run his enemy, especially in later reputation levels where voyages cost hundreds of gold per. Or you could have a gold penalty for scuttling that could scale the more you scuttle. As it stands right now, however, if I were that player, it might be easier simply to log out and find a less active instance. In the closed beta, your ship would also respawn at a fairly close outpost. It wouldn't be all that difficult for an aggressive crew to find you again, and I'm talking from personal experience here. Perhaps a solution here would be to spawn ships further away and put you back on the same instance if you had logged out 15-30 minutes prior, but I wouldn't be surprised if people would wait just to escape an aggressive crew.

    "-- If you're ship gets stolen, no worries, just take the mermaid teleport to it. If the enemy crew kills your crew, no worries, just keep respawning on your ship. Or just scuttle it."

    "-- Ran out of planks and cannon balls? Just scuttle and respawn a new ship."

    Shouldn't there be at least some small cost to each action? Not as a huge penalty, but at least weigh on the decision making to create a little more depth to the gameplay."

    Agreed on the rest.

  • Those three guys that failed to get on the enemy boat just left one guy alone on a gallon being pursued.
    Scuttle your boat all you want, it's the only way to stop spawnkilling, but your chest, skulls, and animals won't teleport with you.

  • @oldmansutii said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    @JackWestburg2 It seems to me like your gripe stems from encountering crews that have no interest in engaging you in combat, but instead use every method they currently have available to escape - first two examples you give specifically.

    Maybe, if they're giving you that much trouble and clearly have no intention or desire of engaging you in a fight, you stop chasing after them and find a more willing target?

    As for the third and fourth examples; don't steal ships then, sink them when you have the chance! And stop trying to camp the respawn of crews, get the booty / sink the ship and get out of there. The main problem in relation to that is the current system of crews respawning where their ship sank, that does need fixing.

    And the final example; well, that doesn't affect anyone in the slightest so doesn't even need addressing.

    Lol what? Those were things I did. I cheesed the game mechanics to escape. I cheesed the game mechanics to scuttle my own boat just to get fresh supplies when my ship ran out. I cheesed the game mechanics to take zero risks jumping off the boat. Then I've seen many similar cheesy things watching streams of people playing. You proposing someone change their play style is laughable, if there's a crack in the game design people will abuse it. Mermaids and scuttling ship are meant as last resort to fix things when you get stuck, not a regular button to press that gets worked into the meta game.

    @th3ghost23 said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:


    If you are looking for a hardcore pirate experience I can tell you this is not the game for you. I do think that spawning close to a ship that just destroyed you is unbalanced and should be fixed, however this game will not be the dark souls of pirate games some of you are trying to make it out to be. Other then losing supply and chests and current position there will likely never be a further punishment for dying.

    Nothing about this is hardcore! Hardcore is removing the mermaid. Hardcore is black and white win/fail systems.
    Shared lives as a ship resource is system that exists on a gradient.
    In this system Respawning becomes a shared resource, like cannonballs are a shared resource.
    It's fun to be careless with cannonballs when you have a large stock.
    It's also fun to experience the tension of running low, and having to make every last shot count in battle.

    The same would apply to having lives as a shared resource.

    I didn't title this thread with my solution. I titled with a question, and I'd like to hear some answers.

    Please consider the following scenarios and tell me your reaction? Don't they raise an eyebrow?

    -- My mate accidentally fell off the boat. He says "nah don't stop, i'll just take a mermaid back." Isn't that odd? Zero fear of the ocean? Zero care for his own life? A life system wouldn't punish him in a hardcore fashion, it just deducts a team life and everything continues. It merely added a little weight to his action. They can go kill a skeleton for a soul if they're really running low.

    -- My crew ran out of supplies and instead of collect more the crew decides to sit on the beach and scuttle the ship through the options interface. Isn't that odd? A new ship pops out of thin air with fresh supplies. We didn't lose anything, and we don't have any attachment to the ship, who cares. It's an interface option meant to be used as /unstuck

    -- Sailing solo I see a sloop anchored at a beach. I sneak up and no one is on board! I raise the anchor and see 2 people run out firing guns towards me as I sail away. Ship stolen! A clean get away! Then the owners suddenly teleport to the ship. Isn't that odd? If I want to get somewhere on the map, you have to physically move there. There is real weight to the distance traveled in this game. Devs have emphasized this in interviews "No fast travel." But a scenario like this seems to break the rules the game was setting up.

    These kinds of scenarios are head scratchers.
    Anyone have a better idea as to how to address them?

  • @jackwestburg2 they definitely need a new mechanic like or unlike your suggestion, but i havnt seen one good point from the people who disagree except that in their opinion its fine because they like it and are afraid this will make the gameplay much different. No it would just make it more interesting and meaningful. Instead of all the reasons people win or attempt actions being attached a “magic” teleport with no cost or ship scuttling with no cost. If a ship is taken they can make it so the ones who took the ship feel like they won by maybe having a timer to bring the ship to salvage for some gold, while getting the losing players a new ship across the map. It literally is an only positive change. If players think that they should always spawn on their ship even if they all died they are being willfully ignorant of how a game should work.

    For this same reason i would prefer a grappling hook over shooting out of cannons. People never watch ladders and you can just shoot in front of their ship during a chase from way to far away, too reliably. Probably wont see that unfortunately.

  • @clarkalii
    Thanks for the constructive criticism and reading the post! I'm glad someone else is seeing some of the issues. I'm sure there's many ways to address them, this is just one idea.

    And definitely if the souls were a lootable item, the source of the loot becomes a huge variable to balance. (is it from PVP or PVE or both? Can they be found in containers on island? Can you buy more from the order of souls at an outpost? How many can you carry personally vs store on the ship?) It's huge balance point to tweak.

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