@mike-da-knife said in How To: Guide on the Merchant Alliance Voyages (It's not broken/doesn't need fixed):
I think it would make more sense if selling at the destination was a "big gold/reputation bonus", instead of an actual requirement of the voyage.
Now that is an idea, especially when considering how to manage the extras you have.
Selling them at the specific location, and only the ones requested, should give you that gold/reputation bonus. Selling anything else above that there or selling them at another Outpost would still give gold but not the same amount. A lesser amount. I agree that would be a good balance and ideal way to do it.
I also second the idea that it would be better if these voyages were passive quests (like the MIABs), instead of voted on and taking up an active voyage.
I still disagree with making them side things. Pirates attacking Merchant ships is basically why people do it. What being a Pirate was about. Without Merchants we don't have Pirates.
I think they should stay as a major faction/trading company.
These scavenger hunts would be less cumbersome if they could be filled BETWEEN other voyages, instead of requiring this tedious animal-hoarding tactic :)
Being able to buy the cages and coops without having a voyage active would be okay so like you said you could kinda carry them on ship and passively fill them while out doing other voyages in between finding the chests or going to kill a skeleton.
I think that's what RARE was attempting with being able to find the coops on islands but you didn't ever see them or at least I only found one in my two days of play in the Final Beta.
I think that would be a good way to slowly build up a small stock of supplies without focusing on it as your active voyage. Once you have a few animals or few filled crates built up you can then choose to start and do a Merchant Alliance voyage when you're ready.
I can agree that would be a natural way of doing it.
So yeah I guess let us buy the cages from them NPC's even if we don't have one of their quests active. You simply don't find enough randomly in the world otherwise I would say that's what RARE was trying to do with them being placed randomly on islands. They could also just increase the amount they have out there and even throw a bunch at Outposts that you can pick up for free that respawn every so often so if another player takes them they come back.
Also, just a bone to pick, but I would have thought the merchant alliance would be something to the effect of "take this box of supplies from Outpost A to Outpost B", an actual MERCHANT delivery. This is more like the "Scavenger Hunter Alliance", if you ask me. Nothing wrong with the idea, of course, but it is a bit bizarre to attach the word "merchant" to something that is clearly not mercantile in nature. Obviously I realize its the merchants that are selling the chickens, and you're just the chicken scavenger, like our favorite Valkyre from Thor:Ragnarok :)
Well said.
I think like @lizardheart said and I agreed with having two forms of quests for this Trading Company would be ideal way of improving them.
Just like they have two forms of quests for the Gold Hoarders.
Adding in a delivery type of quest to the Merchant Alliance where you take these goods and cargo supplies given to you from the NPC at the Outpost A to a specific Outpost B. A delivery more than a scavenger hunt for wild animals.
That being the case, they should change the negative parts of the current quests. These scavenger hunt ones. The negatives being you have to take them to a specific location rather than turn them into any Merchant Alliance member at any Outpost. They should change it so you can turn those type of quests into any Outpost bringing them the specific color/breed of animal they're requesting. And even could include your first point of a gold/reputation bonus for bringing them back to the Outpost you got the quest from or some specific one that really needs them. But if you don't want to you can still turn them in to a Alliance member and they'll get them there (by giving the quest to another pirate to make the delivery of course... which only gives them an excuse as far as narrative goes to add the other quest type. It's perfect!)
That to me would make the Merchant Alliance feel closer to what I expected them to be, like you said "i would've thought they were something to that effect" in the first place. I agree.
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