4 Players on a Sloop

  • Today during the Reddit AMA, the devs said that they were thinking of allowing more than just 1-2 people to use the sloop. Personally I'm not a huge fan of this idea due to it being unbalanced. What do you guys think?

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  • I want to play with 4 people on a sloop but agree that its not a good idea.

  • Three should be the maximum in my opinion

  • @GetSchmitOn
    How is it unbalanced? There's only one cannon to use at a time!

  • 4 would be practically unsinkable. I think a 3 person sloop would still be rather balanced though

  • @toastywrath
    You honestly think a four person sloop would beat a four person galleon with similarly skilled crews?
    You have one cannon vs. 3 cannons.

  • Itll be stupid. The only reason I see them suggest it is for an easy work around on a drop in-drop out crew joining system. No one will pick galleon after a while seeing how op a 4 man sloop is

  • @griefer-tactics The Sloop is super nimble and are already just as good as a galleon. So with 3-4 people it would be SUPER hard to punch holes they cant just patch up or bucket the water out of. They could also play 2 guys on the ship and let 2 board. When the Sloop is already balanced to be used with 2 people

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    How is it unbalanced? There's only one cannon to use at a time!

    Not if there's a ship on each side of you!

    It would be near impossible to prevent them from repairing (until they ran out of boards).

    I'm not sure it's exactly unbalanced though. Seems like it'd be kind of boring though. But hey, to each their own. If people want to cram 4 people on a sloop, who am I to judge?

  • Yep, bad idea. The sloop is already really easy to repair with a two man team.

  • They could patch holes very fast but would run out of wood eventually. I dont think it would matter too much, you would just have to adjust your strategy a little.

  • Sloop will have 2ppl to board whatever they are attacking... making it possible to have cannon fire and 2barrels of gunpowder going towards the target. Even now a expert sloop can sink a (un)experienced galleon...

    So yeah not a fan. I'd run away from sloops even when in a galleon.

  • @griefer-tactics I know the name and I will fall for it anyway.

    1 to steer, one to repair/man the cannons, 2 to board an enemy ship. You can keep the pressure on their ship with maneuverability and the single gunner, while preventing them from repairing and opening fire on you with people on their ship.

    As a duo my friend and I took down plenty of Galleons who were inexperienced or did not know how to function their ship correctly. Running to the third floor makes it difficult for a team to keep everything running at the same time.

    So a 4 person sloop which is designed to be captained by a crew of at most 2 would have 4x the team to do the work of what many do solo.

  • @getschmiton Yeah I don't like it either.

    With 4 on sloop you can have 1 person on cannon, wheel, sails, and bailing patching at all times. Also, when cannon guy runs out, you can have any crew mate hop on cannon immediately to start shooting again while original cannon guy reloads and then changes jobs.

    With someone on the wheel and sails at all times, the ship is even more nimble. Should be quite easy to avoid galleon broadside and "kite" the galleon.

  • @griefer-tactics It's unbalanced cause the sloop is fairly easy to maintain and repair, it's nimble and it turns on a dime. The sloop is manageable during a fight with just 2 people but both crew members need to be doing a lot of things at once, like repairing, shooting, steering, raising and lowering the anchor, angle the sails, etc. If there were more on the ship then all of these things could be done more efficiently and easily. You could even keep 2 people on the ship, seeing as it's easy to repair and shoot with just 2, and send 2 people to the enemy ship to disrupt the enemy. A galleon is far more difficult to maintain and repair which balances these fights out.

    If it was a 4v4, galleon vs sloop, I almost guarantee that the sloop would win.

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    You honestly think a four person sloop would beat a four person galleon with similarly skilled crews?
    You have one cannon vs. 3 cannons.

    Yep 1 person can drive the whole ship one on cannon, one sniping and the other boarding the other ship. Everything can easily be covered. Definitely OP.

  • @jajaalex
    It's more maneuverable but slower. A galleon can outrun you then anchor turn and broadside you to oblivion. There isn't a front facing cannon on sloops so galleons get to dictate the terms of battle.
    An equally skilled crew is much more effective on a galleon because of the 300% higher DPM.

  • @griefer-tactics Galleon can only outrun you if you are heading less than 90 degrees into the win, the other 180 the sloops faster. Also if you get Close enough they cant even hit you with their cannons (Except if the Waves are superhigh and they are on the low part and your on the top of the wave.)
    Furthermore Just get behind or infront of the Galleon, Then your free to spray him down, Super easy.

  • @nightmare247365 Still not really fair to compare you two experienced and tactical against inexperienced. Should only compare experienced against experienced to determine wether its imbalanced.

    What prevents the galleon to have 1 to steer and 1 to repair/man the cannons while 2 boards the other ship? The Galleon is faster and has more gunpower and is tougher, I really dont see the issue.

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    It's more maneuverable but slower. A galleon can outrun you then anchor turn and broadside you to oblivion. There isn't a front facing cannon on sloops so galleons get to dictate the terms of battle.
    An equally skilled crew is much more effective on a galleon because of the 300% higher DPM.

    And the sloop would repair the damage, anchor turn, send 2 people on the galleon as well as have 1 to repair and 1 to shoot. The galleon would lose in less than a minute.

  • @getschmiton Yeah, It would be SUPER OP, However I would be fine with it if they allowed 6man on the galleon or Create "Ship of the line" or "man o war" with 6players

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    It's more maneuverable but slower. A galleon can outrun you then anchor turn and broadside you to oblivion. There isn't a front facing cannon on sloops so galleons get to dictate the terms of battle.
    An equally skilled crew is much more effective on a galleon because of the 300% higher DPM.

    Are you for real? the galleon wouldnt have cannonballs fired at it, itll have crew members fired at it over and over again

  • @nightmare247365
    You are crazy! One guy to fire AND repair??? Why on earth would you waste two guys on a boarding gameble when they could be repairmen?
    A 2 man sloop vs a 4 man galleon is NOT an equal fight. And if two guys manage to board they will be 2 vs 4, not exactly good odds.

  • @ohrstrom said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @nightmare247365 Still not really fair to compare you two experienced and tactical against inexperienced. Should only compare experienced against experienced to determine wether its imbalanced.

    What prevents the galleon to have 1 to steer and 1 to repair/man the cannons while 2 boards the other ship? The Galleon is faster and has more gunpower and is tougher, I really dont see the issue.

    It is a lot harder to repair and bale on a galleon, so it would be unwise to send 2 people to board a ship, I usually have 1 on cannons, 1 boarding, 1 repairing, and 1 to steer/repair.

  • @griefer-tactics Its Not an equal fight, Its a Balanced fight. Requireing different tactics. The Galleon is a bit easier for beginners but in the higher skill its a very balanced fight

  • @jajaalex
    As I said a galleon dictates the battle. They can run away with their superior speed and then turn and have three cannons tearing the sloop up. Only a potato galleon crew would lose to a 4 man sloop.

  • Totally umbalanced.

    A sloop is a very small vessel, with all critical parts very close to each other, nobody will sink a 4 men sloop if they don't run out of planks, period.

    More maneuverable, sail doesn't block pilot sight....I don't get what they are thinking.

  • @griefer-tactics yes i do

  • @lobofh
    The problem is that one cannon will not sink a four person galleon unless the galleon crew are special needs patients. The close proximity on a sloop is also a disadvantage, a salvo into the deck can wipe out half your crew or more. Particularly if it's from behind

  • @griefer-tactics So what you are basically saying is that gallon can escape sloops faster in the wind.

    Cannons dont sink ships, pirates do.
    I can currently sink galleons in a sloop. Now If I had two more men in the crew... we could blow it into smithereens.

    basically all you have to do is face the front or the back of the galleon and its decided... so if a sloop can turn tight its not an issue keeping it f*****g the back at all times.
    Two pirates can go and kill off anyone repairing the ship.. and bring gunpowder with them to do even more damage.

    More cannons dont matter when not angled.

  • M8! If 2 People Already WINS AS MUCH WITH sloops against galleon as the other way around! HOW Could It not be EVEN STRONGER With 4 Players? No Mather the amount of GUNS the sloop would Easily win this!

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    How is it unbalanced? There's only one cannon to use at a time!

    you can already never sink with every possible hole as one person

  • It appears that the promoters of the more than 2 on a sloop are hoping Rare will give them the chance to start completely dominating smaller crew ships as well as Galleons (with slightly less experienced crew) because it is very obvious that a sloop would be extremely dominating with more than 2 crew. You can easily stern camp almost any ship in game because of the precision that a person at every station can pump out.

    I hope Rare never implements this because what we know will see just about Every SINGLE PVPer with a group on Sloops of 3 or 4 and all the PvE players will hopelessly be trying out the Galleons only to fall easy prey over and over again to the unbalanced sloop crew and ultimately stop playing, and use their powers of word-of-mouth to keep lots of potential buyers away from the game.

    I know this because I am hardcore PvPer... and I think the PvE people should have a fighting chance against us and not allow more than 2 on a sloop. and Sloops will have a majority of the PvPers on them rather than Galleons anyways... so if those PvPers want to have larger groups than 2 than they should be forced to be on Galleons where things are more balance and stretched out with positioning.

    @Rare-Employee Trust me.... those wanting to have more that 2 on a Sloop are only looking to Dominate the game in a way that some many will only find toxic and not welcoming. Even if there are some Rare Developers who are not sure about the things I am saying... I would say "Why Risk It???" if there is any truth to what I am saying then it is not worth the risk to implement more than 2 on a sloop. No one will not play because they can't have more than 2 on a sloop... but you will find that there is indeed a higher chance people will stop playing if you allow more than 2 on sloop.... think about all the Solo Players that will be in this game... they also at least have a better fighting chance against a 2 man sloop than the over-whelming domination potential of a 3 to 4 person sloop.

    Thank you all for your time reading this. Remember the amazing Developers at Rare have been amazing with giving us a voice... and your vote does count. So if you believe me on what I am saying then please show with your up-vote support.

    *Tiphat *
    Captain Sanguin

  • Not a pro by any means, but even solo I am nigh unsinkable. Harassed multiple galleons with full crews and survived being boarded and various attempts to crash/sink my sloop.

    Duo, we have sunk galleons or forced them to scuttle due to harassment.

    With 4 it would be a joke, because it's not just the cannon fire that leads to a sunk ship, it's the inability to respond to it(positioning, repairing, bailing, fighting off boarders). Everything is slower on a galleon, it would be no contest.

  • @griefer-tactics said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    As I said a galleon dictates the battle. They can run away with their superior speed and then turn and have three cannons tearing the sloop up. Only a potato galleon crew would lose to a 4 man sloop.

    Let's look at it this way, I'll go over the optimal setup for a 4 man galleon and a 4 man sloop in a battle while they're anchored.

    1 on the cannons
    1 repairing
    1 on cannons/repair
    1 boarding enemy ship

    1 on the cannon
    1 repairing
    2 boarding enemy ship.

    Do you see why it's unbalanced? The sloop is very easy to repair with just 1 person while the galleon might need 2 at times. With 2 people to disrupt the person on cannons and the people repairing it would be hard to fight a 4 man sloop.

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