A three player ship

  • Fighting on a galleon with three players is difficult and having three players on a sloop would be op. It would be great if we got a two master with two or three cannons on each side that was somewhere in the middle difficulty wise.

  • 12
  • I even made concept for such Ship. I think it should be The Brig, that was 2 mast ship with mainly rectangular sails.

    Game is really missing 3 player ship, and post-launch poll shows, that most players want more ships.

  • @o3ozon A brig would be awesome. It's my favourite ship type from that era.

  • @o3ozon Damn it looks good.

  • @o3ozon said in A three player ship:

    I even made concept for such Ship. I think it should be The Brig, that was 2 mast ship with mainly rectangular sails.

    Game is really missing 3 player ship, and post-launch poll shows, that most players want more ships.

    I love it, but what about also more variety among same crew sizes. Like if we have a 4 que we can choose galleon 1, 2, or 3. Each with different strenghts and weaknesses. That way every ship doesn't feel the same.

  • I agree almost like a smaller galleon with only two floors and three cannons, maybe two sails? Still a captains quarters and an easier anchor to raise.

  • @o3ozon I think 2 cannons will be better , three is 2 much

  • @o3ozon Dang, that's really good

  • @frunchtost said in A three player ship:

    I love it, but what about also more variety among same crew sizes. Like if we have a 4 que we can choose galleon 1, 2, or 3. Each with different strenghts and weaknesses. That way every ship doesn't feel the same.

    Sure, but making a new ship can take some time. It all depends on how much time Rare want to spend on developing new ships. Right now the most needed is 3 player ship, then will be good to get 2 players ship.

    I described it more in other topic:

    Are 3 cannons too much? Not sure, i have also this concept with 2 cannons per side. I don't think it will change much. If all players will go to all 3 cannons, then nobody will take care of other things on the ship, and shooting more cannonballs usually is not giving too much advantage. If there will be 2 players dedicated ship, then we can try giving as many canons per side as players on that ship.

    Sloop - 1 player - 1 cannon
    Ketch - 2 player - 2 cannons
    Brig - 3 players - 3 cannons
    Galleon - 4 players - 4 cannons

  • Fast draft for the Ketch. 2 masts - 1 big and 1 small. Layout similar to sloop, but I changed it to require more team work. 2 cannons per side.

  • I think the best option, is to have 3 available ships, with overlapping crew sizes. This would provide for more options for different crew sizes. A crew of 3 has a choice between 3 different ships now. and crews of 2 and 4 also have 2 options for ships. Increasing the Galleon crew is a must. it feels short-staffed with only 4 players. Increasing the Sloop to max 3, and adding a middle ship(Brig), would stop the galleon from being too OP in comparison to other ships.

    Sloop: 1-3 players.

    Brig: 2-4 Players. 2 Broadside Cannons, 1 Chase cannon. 2 Masts.

    Galleon: 3-6 Players.

  • @o3ozon Only thing that may be better changed is 3 guns down to 2.

7 out of 12